Carrie's Cassette: Demon Democrat (The Who)


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Sep 22, 2013
This is a media-omen tale inspired by The Electric Horseman (Robert Redford).

I wonder if I'll look back on the media-tech of my generation (when I'm a senior citizen!) and meditate on tech-related poetics/rhetorics! Was the Age of Stereo a vanity (e.g., Napster) or a verse (e.g., MTV)?



Carrie was a demonic phantom-woman of great virtue who was condemned to wander around Purgatory and fantasize about someday returning to Earth and driving her demon-car Christine around various suburban communities in America without feeling in any way harassed by the police. Carrie was an eccentric 'idol-sorceress' of new age traffic-congestion poetry, a real 'Cassandra' but one who didn't really offer any prescriptions for avoid doom or self-ruin! Carrie's every passion surrounded her red car Christine, which made this phantom-woman a true 'sales representative' of modern mercantilism Machiavellianism (e.g.,


Unfortunately, at the computer science laboratories of Caltech, a super-virus was accidentally conceived on the Internet, and its algorithm sheet (for decoding and categorization) was nothing less than a cryptic dense 'packet' of functional hieroglyphs, so the super-virus (which was really a form of 'A.I.') decided to don an identity (an Internet chat room avatar/alias!) named Colossus (a tin-man of pure ruthless program disintegration). Virus Colossus was a sign of the apocalypse and Carrie had no offered solution to this very modern problem of highway-traffic schizophrenia. Virus Colossus was going to re-program Christine (Carrie's red dream car).


Whenever there is a great war, there is a demon or warlock of anarchy to preside as the proverbial 'Devil's Advocate.' This 'nemesis' was Nightcrawler, a reptilian giant from another parallel universe who traversed into our universe when he detected the A.I. 'interference signals' being transmitted by Colossus (the Internet super-virus conceived at CalTech in a computer science lab experiment accident!). Nightcrawler wanted to help Colossus destroy Christine, and Carrie's best defense had to be some kind of 'organics-fertility argument' (so she came up with this --- "Electricity is music, not muscle." Carrie challenged the Nightcrawler/Colossus Axis.


Was this a battle of wolfish imagination or simply virtues-driven evangelism? Comic book fans in America leaned towards wolfen-folklore, while Christian ministers broadcasted primalism/naturalism values as a way to approach Carrie's 'maternal defense' of her demon-red dream car Christine. Was Carrie the new age Joan of Arc, and if so, was the Nightcrawler/Colossus Axis the real sign of the Apocalypse? Most American youngsters yearned to rebel for Carrie (since she was simply valiant about Facebook-consciousness --- very patriotic indeed!).


If Carrie defeated Nightcrawler and Colossus in the proverbial 'Court of Public Opinion,' Americans and people from around the world would re-imagine the boundaries of modernism aesthetics debate! What once was considered 'metaphysically dead' after Microsoft titanic anti-monopoly lawsuit by the U.S. government, Carrie resurrected as a Gen-X apologetics oriented new age 'tech-peace crusade' What would be the new cinema of censorship?



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