Carson Accuses Cruz Camp of Foul Play – Told Voters Carson Was Dropping Out

Interesting...............the only dirty tricks being done in the elections are being done by Republicans.

What's even funnier, is they are being done by Republicans TO Republicans.
Cruz just proved he's no better than Bush or Kasich. Fuck him, I hope he falls to last place.
Interesting...............the only dirty tricks being done in the elections are being done by Republicans.

What's even funnier, is they are being done by Republicans TO Republicans.
Not hardly. There were some shenanigans on the Democrat's side as well.

I'm starting to get steamed up here. Why? Check this out. Calling it a "mistake" ? Really?

They found out it wasn't true and they never corrected their statements.


'What the team didn't do is, subsequently the Carson campaign put out a statement clarifying that he was not suspending his campaign. And the team did not forward that statement to the supporters as well.'

'That was a mistake,' he said. 'It was a mistake for us not to have forwarded the second statement as well, and I apologize to Ben for our not forwarding that second statement.'

Read more: Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting
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The "rumors" were started by CNN based on Carson's claim that he was going back to Fla rather than to New Hampshire. It's a non issue except for the fact that the liberal media would rather talk about Carson than the Hillary campaign which is slowly imploding.
The "rumors" were started by CNN based on Carson's claim that he was going back to Fla rather than to New Hampshire. It's a non issue except for the fact that the liberal media would rather talk about Carson than the Hillary campaign which is slowly imploding.

With all due respect the Cruz camp found out the truth and never corrected jack shit. That's the part that's dirty. They did not correct what they'd put out there.

But the Cruz camp never called off the dogs.

'Last night, shameless tactics and dirty political plays defined the Iowa caucuses,' Carson said Tuesday afternoon in an email to supporters. 'There is no place for this kind of unethical behavior in our American political culture, and it only intensifies my desire to work extremely hard to break down the ugliness in this system.'

Carson spokeswoman Deana Bass told that 'the fact that the Cruz campaign received Dr. Carson's statement and chose not correct their false statements says it all.'

Read more: Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting
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Political Establishment CHEATED - Stole Iowa Caucus From Donald Trump! (BOMBSHELL)

Cruz LIED and spread rumors that Carson was dropping out and endorsing Cruz
Caucuses were CHANGED from years past as can be read in the picture shown on the link I posted

No surprise really. I also find HIGHLY suspicious is that SEVERAL people claimed they were Trump supporters but voted for you were a supporter of the most ANTI Illegal candidate yet you voted for one of the most PRO Illegal candidates? Makes absolutely no sense.
The "rumors" were started by CNN based on Carson's claim that he was going back to Fla rather than to New Hampshire. It's a non issue except for the fact that the liberal media would rather talk about Carson than the Hillary campaign which is slowly imploding.
That's Cruz's bullshit.
Here are the tweets from the CNN reporter that the lying POS Cruz is using to spread his lie. Be sure to look at the time, and then look at the time lying Cruz shill Steve King lies about Carson dropping out of the race.

Chris MoodyVerified account@moody
Carson won't go to NH/SC, but instead will head home to Florida for some R&R. He'll be in DC Thursday for the National Prayer Breakfast.

    • RETWEETS152
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4:43 PM - 1 Feb 2016
Chris MoodyVerified account@moody
Ben Carson's campaign tells me he plans to stay in the race beyond Iowa no matter what the results are tonight.

    • RETWEETS65
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4:43 PM - 1 Feb 2016

Steve King@SteveKingIA

Carson looks like he is out. Iowans need to know before they vote. Most will go to Cruz, I hope. …
8:20 PM - 1 Feb 2016
It doesn't really matter Trump lost and he will lost as we move along. There are no excuses. There are thousands and thousands attend his rally.... because his personality that doesn't mean people believe in him. Fair and and square he lost. Sorry about that. I saw Trump in 2014 by accident in Miami and he attract a lot of attention. Lots of people stop what they are doing watching him walk. Saw couple of people asking tor his autographs.
The Establishment hates Cruz almost as much as they hate Trump...
It doesn't really matter Trump lost and he will lost as we move along. There are no excuses. There are thousands and thousands attend his rally.... because his personality that doesn't mean people believe in him. Fair and and square he lost. Sorry about that. I saw Trump in 2014 by accident in Miami and he attract a lot of attention. Lots of people stop what they are doing watching him walk. Saw couple of people asking tor his autographs.
Hopefully with actual primaries coming up there won't be any fudging the numbers via fraud since its all electronic.
Trump's old tweet: 'No one remembers who comes in second':crybaby:

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