Carson Accuses Cruz Camp of Foul Play – Told Voters Carson Was Dropping Out

Political Establishment CHEATED - Stole Iowa Caucus From Donald Trump! (BOMBSHELL)

Cruz LIED and spread rumors that Carson was dropping out and endorsing Cruz
Caucuses were CHANGED from years past as can be read in the picture shown on the link I posted

No surprise really. I also find HIGHLY suspicious is that SEVERAL people claimed they were Trump supporters but voted for you were a supporter of the most ANTI Illegal candidate yet you voted for one of the most PRO Illegal candidates? Makes absolutely no sense.

I think Republicans are finally searching for a candidate that can actually win the White House, and that's why Marco Rubio got the boost--and may have taken votes away from Cruz & Trump. On the questions asked of caucus goer's in Iowa, who could win the White House, Rubio came in at the top spot. Cruz won on social issues, which is very typical of an Iowa voter, and Trump came in as being the one "who tells it like it is."

I think Rubio is going to surge past Cruz & Trump in the polls, and next Tuesday is the vote in New Hampshire. If Rubio wins there, he'll probably run the table and be the nominee of the party.

As far as the Establishment "stealing anything"--LOL The overwhelming majority of registered Republicans in this country are what you would consider the Establishment and they are allowed to vote for their choice in candidates--LOL It's actually you, the Tea Party member that is the minority, representing less that 20% of the Republican party.

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Political Establishment CHEATED - Stole Iowa Caucus From Donald Trump! (BOMBSHELL)

Cruz LIED and spread rumors that Carson was dropping out and endorsing Cruz
Caucuses were CHANGED from years past as can be read in the picture shown on the link I posted

No surprise really. I also find HIGHLY suspicious is that SEVERAL people claimed they were Trump supporters but voted for you were a supporter of the most ANTI Illegal candidate yet you voted for one of the most PRO Illegal candidates? Makes absolutely no sense.

Does the baby need a tissue?
Ah a Cruz tard...yeah we shouldn't worry about CHEATING as long as your candidate wins eh? We will see whose tears are flowing come November if Cruz is the candidate because MILLIONS will not vote for an extremist prick that wants a theocracy. I sure in the fuck won't.

A bit off topic aren't you. Isn't your thread about the establishment and Trump? Ugh oh, I better be careful, avbiker will say I had a melt down.
If only our media gave Obama or Clinton this kind of examination, like the do with Ted Cruz:
What is a colonoscopy?

A colonoscopy is a test where an operator - a doctor or nurse - looks into your colon. The colon is sometimes called the large intestine or large bowel. The colon is the part of the gut which comes after the small intestine. The last part of the colon leads into the rectum where stools (faeces) are stored before being passed out from the back passage (anus).
A colonoscope is a thin, flexible telescope. It is about as thick as a little finger. It is passed through the anus and into the colon. It can be pushed all the way round the colon as far as the caecum (where the small and large intestine meet). Another test called sigmoidoscopy looks at the rectum and the lower part of the colon. See separate leaflet called Sigmoidoscopy for more details.

The colonoscope contains fibre-optic channels which allow light to shine down so the operator can see inside your colon.
The colonoscope also has a side channel down which devices can pass. These can be manipulated by the operator. For example, the operator may take a small sample (biopsy) from the inside lining of the colon by using a thin 'grabbing' instrument which is passed down a side channel.

Colonoscopy | Colonoscopy Preparation | Health | Patient
Political Establishment CHEATED - Stole Iowa Caucus From Donald Trump! (BOMBSHELL)

Cruz LIED and spread rumors that Carson was dropping out and endorsing Cruz
Caucuses were CHANGED from years past as can be read in the picture shown on the link I posted

No surprise really. I also find HIGHLY suspicious is that SEVERAL people claimed they were Trump supporters but voted for you were a supporter of the most ANTI Illegal candidate yet you voted for one of the most PRO Illegal candidates? Makes absolutely no sense.

I think Republicans are finally searching for a candidate that can actually win the White House, and that's why Marco Rubio got the boost--and may have taken votes away from Cruz & Trump. On the questions asked of caucus goer's in Iowa, who could win the White House, Rubio came in at the top spot. Cruz won on social issues, which is very typical of an Iowa voter, and Trump came in as being the one "who tells it like it is."

I think Rubio is going to surge past Cruz & Trump in the polls, and next Tuesday is the vote in New Hampshire. If Rubio wins there, he'll probably run the table and be the nominee of the party.

As far as the Establishment "stealing anything"--LOL The overwhelming majority of registered Republicans in this country are what you would consider the Establishment and they are allowed to vote for their choice in candidates--LOL It's actually you, the Tea Party member that is the minority, representing less that 20% of the Republican party.

Rubio is another RINO. Just like Dole,McCain and Romney. I bet you know what else they all have in common. Abandon Conservatism they conservatives abandon you.
Political Establishment CHEATED - Stole Iowa Caucus From Donald Trump! (BOMBSHELL)

Cruz LIED and spread rumors that Carson was dropping out and endorsing Cruz
Caucuses were CHANGED from years past as can be read in the picture shown on the link I posted

No surprise really. I also find HIGHLY suspicious is that SEVERAL people claimed they were Trump supporters but voted for you were a supporter of the most ANTI Illegal candidate yet you voted for one of the most PRO Illegal candidates? Makes absolutely no sense.

Does the baby need a tissue?
Ah a Cruz tard...yeah we shouldn't worry about CHEATING as long as your candidate wins eh? We will see whose tears are flowing come November if Cruz is the candidate because MILLIONS will not vote for an extremist prick that wants a theocracy. I sure in the fuck won't.

A bit off topic aren't you. Isn't your thread about the establishment and Trump? Ugh oh, I better be careful, avbiker will say I had a melt down.
Yeah I see you got put in your place and now realize your Theocracy is in danger of never happening.
Political Establishment CHEATED - Stole Iowa Caucus From Donald Trump! (BOMBSHELL)

Cruz LIED and spread rumors that Carson was dropping out and endorsing Cruz
Caucuses were CHANGED from years past as can be read in the picture shown on the link I posted

No surprise really. I also find HIGHLY suspicious is that SEVERAL people claimed they were Trump supporters but voted for you were a supporter of the most ANTI Illegal candidate yet you voted for one of the most PRO Illegal candidates? Makes absolutely no sense.

Does the baby need a tissue?
Ah a Cruz tard...yeah we shouldn't worry about CHEATING as long as your candidate wins eh? We will see whose tears are flowing come November if Cruz is the candidate because MILLIONS will not vote for an extremist prick that wants a theocracy. I sure in the fuck won't.

A bit off topic aren't you. Isn't your thread about the establishment and Trump? Ugh oh, I better be careful, avbiker will say I had a melt down.
Yeah I see you got put in your place and now realize your Theocracy is in danger of never happening.

I'm really sorry you fall amongst some of the most ignorant posters on this board. Just mentioning the possibility of a theocracy is absolute proof of that fact. But hey, feel free to keep it up, I find ignorant people seriously entertaining.
Political Establishment CHEATED - Stole Iowa Caucus From Donald Trump! (BOMBSHELL)

Cruz LIED and spread rumors that Carson was dropping out and endorsing Cruz
Caucuses were CHANGED from years past as can be read in the picture shown on the link I posted

No surprise really. I also find HIGHLY suspicious is that SEVERAL people claimed they were Trump supporters but voted for you were a supporter of the most ANTI Illegal candidate yet you voted for one of the most PRO Illegal candidates? Makes absolutely no sense.

Does the baby need a tissue?
Ah a Cruz tard...yeah we shouldn't worry about CHEATING as long as your candidate wins eh? We will see whose tears are flowing come November if Cruz is the candidate because MILLIONS will not vote for an extremist prick that wants a theocracy. I sure in the fuck won't.

A bit off topic aren't you. Isn't your thread about the establishment and Trump? Ugh oh, I better be careful, avbiker will say I had a melt down.
Yeah I see you got put in your place and now realize your Theocracy is in danger of never happening.

I'm really sorry you fall amongst some of the most ignorant posters on this board. Just mentioning the possibility of a theocracy is absolute proof of that fact. But hey, feel free to keep it up, I find ignorant people seriously entertaining.
You are obviously not paying enough attention to his rhetoric or his fathers. Oh and when you claim to be a CHRISTIAN FIRST and an AMERICAN SECOND people tend to worry.
The thing with Trump is that if you look at the statistics, his core demographic historically doesn't have high voter turnout. That doesn't mean they won't, but there's definitely a gap between people who *say* they'll vote for him vs. people who actually *will*. Time will tell...
As far as the establishment, yeah, the RNC is going to do everything they can to make sure neither Trump or Cruz get the nomination.
f only our media gave Obama or Clinton this kind of examination, like the do with Ted Cruz:
What is a colonoscopy?
Yeah, play the PERPETUAL VICTIM card.
The Right wouldn't be the Right if they didn't play the victim.
Does the baby need a tissue?
Ah a Cruz tard...yeah we shouldn't worry about CHEATING as long as your candidate wins eh? We will see whose tears are flowing come November if Cruz is the candidate because MILLIONS will not vote for an extremist prick that wants a theocracy. I sure in the fuck won't.

A bit off topic aren't you. Isn't your thread about the establishment and Trump? Ugh oh, I better be careful, avbiker will say I had a melt down.
Yeah I see you got put in your place and now realize your Theocracy is in danger of never happening.

I'm really sorry you fall amongst some of the most ignorant posters on this board. Just mentioning the possibility of a theocracy is absolute proof of that fact. But hey, feel free to keep it up, I find ignorant people seriously entertaining.
You are obviously not paying enough attention to his rhetoric or his fathers. Oh and when you claim to be a CHRISTIAN FIRST and an AMERICAN SECOND people tend to worry.

Sane people aren't worried.
My question is...Why is the Cruz campaign even commenting on Carson in the first place?

It was a dirty trick, just like his horrible guilt trip mailers Cruz sent out teetering on illegal..

We know it, it is not anyone's fault but the Crooks in the Cruz gang.

This guy is real dangerous along with his gangster


Why does Ben Carson suffer from slurred speech? I think he's either drunk or has had a series of minor strokes of which no one is aware, but gradually and cumulatively over time has led to his current demeanor and speech difficulties.
Seems to me they are working it out. It also seems Carson is also to blame for the thus stupidity. At least Cruz has the backbone to apologize.
How exactly is Carson to blame for Cruz lying?
And Cruz first tried to blame CNN, but only when that lie too was exposed did he sort of apologize to Carson but said what he did was "fair game." What the pathological liar left out of his "fair game" rationalization was that the follow up CNN tweet that Cruz left out was tweeted in the SAME MINUTE as the first!!!

Chris MoodyVerified account@moody
Carson won't go to NH/SC, but instead will head home to Florida for some R&R. He'll be in DC Thursday for the National Prayer Breakfast.

    • 4:43 PM - 1 Feb 2016
      Chris MoodyVerified account@moody

      Ben Carson's campaign tells me he plans to stay in the race beyond Iowa no matter what the results are tonight.
      4:43 PM - 1 Feb 2016

First on CNN: Ted Cruz apologizes to Ben Carson -

One day after winning the Iowa caucuses, Cruz issued an apology to Carson after his staff falsely told Iowa caucusgoers that Carson planned to quit the race, calling it a "mistake."
Cruz said in a statement Tuesday that his campaign staff saw a CNN report that Carson was dropping out, although CNN had not characterized Carson's actions that way.
"Last night when our political team saw the CNN post saying that Dr. Carson was not carrying on to New Hampshire and South Carolina, our campaign updated grassroots leaders just as we would with any breaking news story," Cruz said in a statement first shared with CNN. "That's fair game. What the team then should have done was send around the follow-up statement from the Carson campaign clarifying that he was indeed staying in the race when that came out."
Carson said Tuesday he accepted the apology, but questioned whether there was a deeper "cultural issue" with Cruz's campaign.
"As a Christian I will accept the apology but it doesn't correct the problem," Carson told CNN. "This is a cultural issue when people in your campaign feel that it's ok to distort the issues to their political advantage and to tell absolute lies. And the question really is will there be any consequences for that."
Because CNN never misleads right?

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Yeah but here's the hiccup. Carson's camp told Cruz's camp directly that Carson was still in the race.

And the dirty part? No one recanted or rescinded any of the false information out there. Not a one on Cruz's team; who by the way I have admired for years so I've not been anti Cruz.
Don't worry trump will use this like the good liberal he is.

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CNN's role in this from a tweet was misinterpreted. Okey dokey fine and dandy.

But when Dr. Carson himself tells Cruz's campaign that it isn't true that he's leaving the race and they still keep it out there with no correction?

Kiss my ass. I've liked Cruz for a long time but if you are going to run your campaign based on being different than other Washington insiders and a born again evangelical, you better bitch slap the hell out of every campaign worker who pulled this dirty.

"Carson spokeswoman Deana Bass told that 'the fact that the Cruz campaign received Dr. Carson's statement and chose not correct their false statements says it all.'

That's all I need to know about this situation. They got the statement and didn't jack shit about it. And it taints his win big time.

Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting

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