Carson Accuses Cruz Camp of Foul Play – Told Voters Carson Was Dropping Out

Carson said on FOX that the rumor came from CNN.
No, the liar Cruz said the "rumor" came from CNN, but that was shown to be not true!

And Cruz first tried to blame CNN, but only when that lie too was exposed did he sort of apologize to Carson but said what he did was "fair game." What the pathological liar left out of his "fair game" rationalization was that the follow up CNN tweet that Cruz left out was tweeted in the SAME MINUTE as the first!!!
Look at the time of the 2 CNN tweets and then look at the time of the lying Cruz shill Steve King's tweet. Cruz and King knew well before they spread their lie that they were lying!!!


Chris MoodyVerified account@moody

Carson won't go to NH/SC, but instead will head home to Florida for some R&R. He'll be in DC Thursday for the National Prayer Breakfast.

Carson himself said it came from CNN first. Stop spinning.

No one is arguing that it started with a tweet from a CNN person. Check the time lines on the tweets. AND Dr. Carson informed Cruz's campaign immediately that he was still in the race.

But the dogs didn't back off and they did not correct what they were still putting out there.

That's freaking dirty. I expect better of Cruz's people. I'm pissed off. The Senator needs to bitch slap everyone who was involved in this.

And by the way, Carson only accepted Cruz's apology and taking Cruz at his word that he was unaware on what his staff and volunteers were doing. But he is righteously angry at the campaign.

"Carson has accepted the apology, his spokeswoman Deana Bass told

He told Fox News Channel host Bill O'Reilly on Tuesday that he 'talked to Ted Cruz earlier today and he says that he didn’t know anything about what the campaign did in terms of contacting precincts, telling people that I was dropping out, that a vote for me was a wasted vote.'

'I have to accept his word that he didn’t know,' Carson said, 'cause he said if he had known he would have not agreed with such a thing.'

But the retired doctor insisted that Cruz needs to clean up his campaign, and compared it to the Obama White House.

'A culture exists within the Cruz camp that would allow people to take advantage of a situation like this in a very dishonest way,' he said.

Read more: Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Doesn't matter to me. His staff ran with a fraudulent CNN story. He knew nothing about it at the time. When he found out he immediately apologized publicly via the mainstream media.

Trump would not have done the same in the same situation.

BTW I should point out that this was never a CNN story. It was just a tweet. And Chris Moody immediately clarified that Carson was still in the race when informed by Carson's staff.

A tweet.

That confirms that Cruz and Steve King knew it was untrue. They knew it was not true but they said it anyway. Only a Republican would call that something other than blatantly lying. Canadian Criminal Ted has a lot of splainin to do.


Trump is just getting warmed up on Raphael Cruz.

Why does Ben Carson suffer from slurred speech? I think he's either drunk or has had a series of minor strokes of which no one is aware, but gradually and cumulatively over time has led to his current demeanor and speech difficulties.

No, the liar Cruz said the "rumor" came from CNN, but that was shown to be not true!

And Cruz first tried to blame CNN, but only when that lie too was exposed did he sort of apologize to Carson but said what he did was "fair game." What the pathological liar left out of his "fair game" rationalization was that the follow up CNN tweet that Cruz left out was tweeted in the SAME MINUTE as the first!!!
Look at the time of the 2 CNN tweets and then look at the time of the lying Cruz shill Steve King's tweet. Cruz and King knew well before they spread their lie that they were lying!!!


Chris MoodyVerified account@moody

Carson won't go to NH/SC, but instead will head home to Florida for some R&R. He'll be in DC Thursday for the National Prayer Breakfast.

Carson himself said it came from CNN first. Stop spinning.

No one is arguing that it started with a tweet from a CNN person. Check the time lines on the tweets. AND Dr. Carson informed Cruz's campaign immediately that he was still in the race.

But the dogs didn't back off and they did not correct what they were still putting out there.

That's freaking dirty. I expect better of Cruz's people. I'm pissed off. The Senator needs to bitch slap everyone who was involved in this.

And by the way, Carson only accepted Cruz's apology and taking Cruz at his word that he was unaware on what his staff and volunteers were doing. But he is righteously angry at the campaign.

"Carson has accepted the apology, his spokeswoman Deana Bass told

He told Fox News Channel host Bill O'Reilly on Tuesday that he 'talked to Ted Cruz earlier today and he says that he didn’t know anything about what the campaign did in terms of contacting precincts, telling people that I was dropping out, that a vote for me was a wasted vote.'

'I have to accept his word that he didn’t know,' Carson said, 'cause he said if he had known he would have not agreed with such a thing.'

But the retired doctor insisted that Cruz needs to clean up his campaign, and compared it to the Obama White House.

'A culture exists within the Cruz camp that would allow people to take advantage of a situation like this in a very dishonest way,' he said.

Read more: Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Either Cruz can't control his jackyls or he ordered them to do it.

Cruz got caught red handed. He's a modern day Tricky Dick Nixon.

But at least he prays before he screws someone over....
"Carson Accuses Cruz Camp of Foul Play – Told Voters Carson Was Dropping Out"

If true it's just further confirmation that Cruz is devoid of integrity.

If not true it's further confirmation that Carson is a liar and likewise devoid of integrity.

In the end it really makes no difference – neither will end up being the nominee.
No, the liar Cruz said the "rumor" came from CNN, but that was shown to be not true!

And Cruz first tried to blame CNN, but only when that lie too was exposed did he sort of apologize to Carson but said what he did was "fair game." What the pathological liar left out of his "fair game" rationalization was that the follow up CNN tweet that Cruz left out was tweeted in the SAME MINUTE as the first!!!
Look at the time of the 2 CNN tweets and then look at the time of the lying Cruz shill Steve King's tweet. Cruz and King knew well before they spread their lie that they were lying!!!


Chris MoodyVerified account@moody

Carson won't go to NH/SC, but instead will head home to Florida for some R&R. He'll be in DC Thursday for the National Prayer Breakfast.

Carson himself said it came from CNN first. Stop spinning.

No one is arguing that it started with a tweet from a CNN person. Check the time lines on the tweets. AND Dr. Carson informed Cruz's campaign immediately that he was still in the race.

But the dogs didn't back off and they did not correct what they were still putting out there.

That's freaking dirty. I expect better of Cruz's people. I'm pissed off. The Senator needs to bitch slap everyone who was involved in this.

And by the way, Carson only accepted Cruz's apology and taking Cruz at his word that he was unaware on what his staff and volunteers were doing. But he is righteously angry at the campaign.

"Carson has accepted the apology, his spokeswoman Deana Bass told

He told Fox News Channel host Bill O'Reilly on Tuesday that he 'talked to Ted Cruz earlier today and he says that he didn’t know anything about what the campaign did in terms of contacting precincts, telling people that I was dropping out, that a vote for me was a wasted vote.'

'I have to accept his word that he didn’t know,' Carson said, 'cause he said if he had known he would have not agreed with such a thing.'

But the retired doctor insisted that Cruz needs to clean up his campaign, and compared it to the Obama White House.

'A culture exists within the Cruz camp that would allow people to take advantage of a situation like this in a very dishonest way,' he said.

Read more: Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Doesn't matter to me. His staff ran with a fraudulent CNN story. He knew nothing about it at the time. When he found out he immediately apologized publicly via the mainstream media.

Trump would not have done the same in the same situation.
Look at the TIME of this message FROM CRUZ to his caucus supporters.

Carson said on FOX that the rumor came from CNN.
No, the liar Cruz said the "rumor" came from CNN, but that was shown to be not true!

And Cruz first tried to blame CNN, but only when that lie too was exposed did he sort of apologize to Carson but said what he did was "fair game." What the pathological liar left out of his "fair game" rationalization was that the follow up CNN tweet that Cruz left out was tweeted in the SAME MINUTE as the first!!!
Look at the time of the 2 CNN tweets and then look at the time of the lying Cruz shill Steve King's tweet. Cruz and King knew well before they spread their lie that they were lying!!!


Chris MoodyVerified account@moody

Carson won't go to NH/SC, but instead will head home to Florida for some R&R. He'll be in DC Thursday for the National Prayer Breakfast.

Carson himself said it came from CNN first. Stop spinning.

No one is arguing that it started with a tweet from a CNN person. Check the time lines on the tweets. AND Dr. Carson informed Cruz's campaign immediately that he was still in the race.

But the dogs didn't back off and they did not correct what they were still putting out there.

That's freaking dirty. I expect better of Cruz's people. I'm pissed off. The Senator needs to bitch slap everyone who was involved in this.

And by the way, Carson only accepted Cruz's apology and taking Cruz at his word that he was unaware on what his staff and volunteers were doing. But he is righteously angry at the campaign.

"Carson has accepted the apology, his spokeswoman Deana Bass told

He told Fox News Channel host Bill O'Reilly on Tuesday that he 'talked to Ted Cruz earlier today and he says that he didn’t know anything about what the campaign did in terms of contacting precincts, telling people that I was dropping out, that a vote for me was a wasted vote.'

'I have to accept his word that he didn’t know,' Carson said, 'cause he said if he had known he would have not agreed with such a thing.'

But the retired doctor insisted that Cruz needs to clean up his campaign, and compared it to the Obama White House.

'A culture exists within the Cruz camp that would allow people to take advantage of a situation like this in a very dishonest way,' he said.

Read more: Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Doesn't matter to me. His staff ran with a fraudulent CNN story. He knew nothing about it at the time. When he found out he immediately apologized publicly via the mainstream media.

Trump would not have done the same in the same situation.

BlueGin with all due respect you are thinking like a Cruz voter. Not like a Carson delegate.

At one point during the next few weeks Carson was bound to leave the primary campaign. The logical alternative for Carson delegates would have been Ted Cruz. Ditto his volunteers.

Not now. They are seething. Their man was betrayed by Cruz's campaign. Big time. Think of the money, the time and the effort aka blood, sweat and tears that Carson's people have put into his campaign. They are not happy campers.

Odds are they'll split to Rubio and Trump now.
Interesting that no one is questioning why CNN issued a fraudulent story in the first place.

If they split to Trump they are dumbasses. But ...let the chips fall where they may. It's all part of the process.

Still don't think Cruz knew about it at all. And that his apology was sincere.
No, the liar Cruz said the "rumor" came from CNN, but that was shown to be not true!

And Cruz first tried to blame CNN, but only when that lie too was exposed did he sort of apologize to Carson but said what he did was "fair game." What the pathological liar left out of his "fair game" rationalization was that the follow up CNN tweet that Cruz left out was tweeted in the SAME MINUTE as the first!!!
Look at the time of the 2 CNN tweets and then look at the time of the lying Cruz shill Steve King's tweet. Cruz and King knew well before they spread their lie that they were lying!!!


Chris MoodyVerified account@moody

Carson won't go to NH/SC, but instead will head home to Florida for some R&R. He'll be in DC Thursday for the National Prayer Breakfast.

Carson himself said it came from CNN first. Stop spinning.

No one is arguing that it started with a tweet from a CNN person. Check the time lines on the tweets. AND Dr. Carson informed Cruz's campaign immediately that he was still in the race.

But the dogs didn't back off and they did not correct what they were still putting out there.

That's freaking dirty. I expect better of Cruz's people. I'm pissed off. The Senator needs to bitch slap everyone who was involved in this.

And by the way, Carson only accepted Cruz's apology and taking Cruz at his word that he was unaware on what his staff and volunteers were doing. But he is righteously angry at the campaign.

"Carson has accepted the apology, his spokeswoman Deana Bass told

He told Fox News Channel host Bill O'Reilly on Tuesday that he 'talked to Ted Cruz earlier today and he says that he didn’t know anything about what the campaign did in terms of contacting precincts, telling people that I was dropping out, that a vote for me was a wasted vote.'

'I have to accept his word that he didn’t know,' Carson said, 'cause he said if he had known he would have not agreed with such a thing.'

But the retired doctor insisted that Cruz needs to clean up his campaign, and compared it to the Obama White House.

'A culture exists within the Cruz camp that would allow people to take advantage of a situation like this in a very dishonest way,' he said.

Read more: Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Doesn't matter to me. His staff ran with a fraudulent CNN story. He knew nothing about it at the time. When he found out he immediately apologized publicly via the mainstream media.

Trump would not have done the same in the same situation.

BlueGin with all due respect you are thinking like a Cruz voter. Not like a Carson delegate.

At one point during the next few weeks Carson was bound to leave the primary campaign. The logical alternative for Carson delegates would have been Ted Cruz. Ditto his volunteers.

Not now. They are seething. Their man was betrayed by Cruz's campaign. Big time. Think of the money, the time and the effort aka blood, sweat and tears that Carson's people have put into his campaign. They are not happy campers.

Odds are they'll split to Rubio and Trump now.
Interesting that no one is questioning why CNN issued a fraudulent story in the first place.

If they split to Trump they are dumbasses. But ...let the chips fall where they may. It's all part of the process.

Still don't think Cruz knew about it at all. And that his apology was sincere.


after all he is mixed up with that dirty Mitch McConnell
I'm just looking at this very simply. If you are going to run a campaign on a "holier than thou and not politics as usual" premise you bloody well beat it into your volunteers and your campaign staff that shit like this is not allowed. Off the top ropes. Chair slam. Read the riot act.

I can see where people got excited in the beginning when they misinterpreted the tweet. But ruh roh when Dr. Carson and his people say he's still in the race and you don't correct what you've put out there well to put it as nicely as possible, you're a political scumbucket.

There's no other way to look at it.
Heat of the moment action. They went with a fraudulent CNN narrative without verifying and shouldn't have. Not a planned "let's shaft the Carson campaign". Action IMO.
I'm just looking at this very simply. If you are going to run a campaign on a "holier than thou and not politics as usual" premise you bloody well beat it into your volunteers and your campaign staff that shit like this is not allowed. Off the top ropes. Chair slam. Read the riot act.

I can see where people got excited in the beginning when they misinterpreted the tweet. But ruh roh when Dr. Carson and his people say he's still in the race and you don't correct what you've put out there well to put it as nicely as possible, you're a political scumbucket.

There's no other way to look at it.
Heat of the moment action. They went with a fraudulent CNN narrative without verifying and shouldn't have. Not a planned "let's shaft the Carson campaign". Action IMO.

shaft carson

however the target was the trump
Carson said on FOX that the rumor came from CNN.
No, the liar Cruz said the "rumor" came from CNN, but that was shown to be not true!

And Cruz first tried to blame CNN, but only when that lie too was exposed did he sort of apologize to Carson but said what he did was "fair game." What the pathological liar left out of his "fair game" rationalization was that the follow up CNN tweet that Cruz left out was tweeted in the SAME MINUTE as the first!!!
Look at the time of the 2 CNN tweets and then look at the time of the lying Cruz shill Steve King's tweet. Cruz and King knew well before they spread their lie that they were lying!!!


Chris MoodyVerified account@moody

Carson won't go to NH/SC, but instead will head home to Florida for some R&R. He'll be in DC Thursday for the National Prayer Breakfast.

Carson himself said it came from CNN first. Stop spinning.

No one is arguing that it started with a tweet from a CNN person. Check the time lines on the tweets. AND Dr. Carson informed Cruz's campaign immediately that he was still in the race.

But the dogs didn't back off and they did not correct what they were still putting out there.

That's freaking dirty. I expect better of Cruz's people. I'm pissed off. The Senator needs to bitch slap everyone who was involved in this.

And by the way, Carson only accepted Cruz's apology and taking Cruz at his word that he was unaware on what his staff and volunteers were doing. But he is righteously angry at the campaign.

"Carson has accepted the apology, his spokeswoman Deana Bass told

He told Fox News Channel host Bill O'Reilly on Tuesday that he 'talked to Ted Cruz earlier today and he says that he didn’t know anything about what the campaign did in terms of contacting precincts, telling people that I was dropping out, that a vote for me was a wasted vote.'

'I have to accept his word that he didn’t know,' Carson said, 'cause he said if he had known he would have not agreed with such a thing.'

But the retired doctor insisted that Cruz needs to clean up his campaign, and compared it to the Obama White House.

'A culture exists within the Cruz camp that would allow people to take advantage of a situation like this in a very dishonest way,' he said.

Read more: Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Either Cruz can't control his jackyls or he ordered them to do it.

Cruz got caught red handed. He's a modern day Tricky Dick Nixon.

But at least he prays before he screws someone over....
Wonder if Hillary or Trump do?

Politics is dirty. They should learn to Suck it up and put their big girl panties on.
I'm just looking at this very simply. If you are going to run a campaign on a "holier than thou and not politics as usual" premise you bloody well beat it into your volunteers and your campaign staff that shit like this is not allowed. Off the top ropes. Chair slam. Read the riot act.

I can see where people got excited in the beginning when they misinterpreted the tweet. But ruh roh when Dr. Carson and his people say he's still in the race and you don't correct what you've put out there well to put it as nicely as possible, you're a political scumbucket.

There's no other way to look at it.
Heat of the moment action. They went with a fraudulent CNN narrative without verifying and shouldn't have. Not a planned "let's shaft the Carson campaign". Action IMO.

shaft carson

however the target was the trump
Poor widdle Donald. :(
I'm just looking at this very simply. If you are going to run a campaign on a "holier than thou and not politics as usual" premise you bloody well beat it into your volunteers and your campaign staff that shit like this is not allowed. Off the top ropes. Chair slam. Read the riot act.

I can see where people got excited in the beginning when they misinterpreted the tweet. But ruh roh when Dr. Carson and his people say he's still in the race and you don't correct what you've put out there well to put it as nicely as possible, you're a political scumbucket.

There's no other way to look at it.
Heat of the moment action. They went with a fraudulent CNN narrative without verifying and shouldn't have. Not a planned "let's shaft the Carson campaign". Action IMO.

shaft carson

however the target was the trump
Poor widdle Donald. :(

"Carson Accuses Cruz Camp of Foul Play – Told Voters Carson Was Dropping Out"

If true it's just further confirmation that Cruz is devoid of integrity.

If not true it's further confirmation that Carson is a liar and likewise devoid of integrity.

In the end it really makes no difference – neither will end up being the nominee.
Like Libs care about integrity as they run a candidate that should be in prison.
"Carson Accuses Cruz Camp of Foul Play – Told Voters Carson Was Dropping Out"

If true it's just further confirmation that Cruz is devoid of integrity.

If not true it's further confirmation that Carson is a liar and likewise devoid of integrity.

In the end it really makes no difference – neither will end up being the nominee.
Like Libs care about integrity as they run a candidate that should be in prison.

You really don't want to go there...

I wonder when he will start campaigning for his brother?
Come back when you have more then gossip.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

The tweets are there and it is being reported by multiple news outlets, included the beloved FOX channel.
And yet it is still gossip. Why? Because all we really have is hearsay. Not saying it is false because let's face it people in campaigns do stupid shit but I perfer to wait till the facts come out

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

A tweet from a campaign falsely accusing an opponent of resigning, in order to grab some of his caucus votes, is not a fact? Did a ghost type it? That is almost as ridiculous as Trump re-tweeting racist and offensive sh*t and he says, 'but it didn't come from me...'

Okay, you wait for your facts while everyone else figures out that Teddy is not above sleeze.
Is the tweet really from the campaign or was it authorized or was it hacked or was it any number of things... but you go right ahead and feed at the rumor trough

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

If it had been a hack, Cruz would have defended himself. He's not saying a peep, now is he? The direct mailer Cruz sent out was also total slime and a complete lie to the recipients.

Come back when you have more then gossip.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

The tweets are there and it is being reported by multiple news outlets, included the beloved FOX channel.
And yet it is still gossip. Why? Because all we really have is hearsay. Not saying it is false because let's face it people in campaigns do stupid shit but I perfer to wait till the facts come out

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

A tweet from a campaign falsely accusing an opponent of resigning, in order to grab some of his caucus votes, is not a fact? Did a ghost type it? That is almost as ridiculous as Trump re-tweeting racist and offensive sh*t and he says, 'but it didn't come from me...'

Okay, you wait for your facts while everyone else figures out that Teddy is not above sleeze.
Is the tweet really from the campaign or was it authorized or was it hacked or was it any number of things... but you go right ahead and feed at the rumor trough

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

If it had been a hack, Cruz would have defended himself. He's not saying a peep, now is he? The direct mailer Cruz sent out was also total slime and a complete lie to the recipients.

Give it to Donald. He called him out on it. Teddy has won his one caucus. He will win no more.
BREAKING=> Carson Accuses Cruz Camp of Foul Play – Told Voters Carson Was Dropping Out

The Carson camp claimed Cruz’s team spread false rumors at caucus sites that Carson had dropped out.

Ben Carson was incensed as the results of Monday night’s Iowa caucuses rolled in, accusing the winner of spreading falsehoods about him at caucus sites.

Carson’s team claimed that Cruz’s campaign deliberately sent emails to supporters to spread false rumors at caucus sites that Carson had dropped out, so his supporters would caucus for other candidates.

“That is really quite a dirty trick,” Carson said speaking to reporters at the end of the evening. “That’s the very kind of thing that irritated me enough to get into this quagmire.”

“To have campaigns come out and send emails to their caucus speakers suggesting that Dr. Carson was doing anything but moving forward after tonight is the lowest of low in American politics,”said Carson campaign manager Ed Brookover.

BREAKING=> Carson Accuses Cruz Camp of Foul Play - Told Voters Carson Was Dropping Out - The Gateway Pundit

This is the second "trick" that I have heard of about Cruz.

I wouldn't put it past Cruz although Carson is also a slime. If this is true Carson and Cruz would have split the funny gelical vote and Trump would be the winner.
Trump wasn't that close to Cruz

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Carson said on FOX that the rumor came from CNN.
No, the liar Cruz said the "rumor" came from CNN, but that was shown to be not true!

And Cruz first tried to blame CNN, but only when that lie too was exposed did he sort of apologize to Carson but said what he did was "fair game." What the pathological liar left out of his "fair game" rationalization was that the follow up CNN tweet that Cruz left out was tweeted in the SAME MINUTE as the first!!!
Look at the time of the 2 CNN tweets and then look at the time of the lying Cruz shill Steve King's tweet. Cruz and King knew well before they spread their lie that they were lying!!!


Chris MoodyVerified account@moody

Carson won't go to NH/SC, but instead will head home to Florida for some R&R. He'll be in DC Thursday for the National Prayer Breakfast.

Carson himself said it came from CNN first. Stop spinning.

No one is arguing that it started with a tweet from a CNN person. Check the time lines on the tweets. AND Dr. Carson informed Cruz's campaign immediately that he was still in the race.

But the dogs didn't back off and they did not correct what they were still putting out there.

That's freaking dirty. I expect better of Cruz's people. I'm pissed off. The Senator needs to bitch slap everyone who was involved in this.

And by the way, Carson only accepted Cruz's apology and taking Cruz at his word that he was unaware on what his staff and volunteers were doing. But he is righteously angry at the campaign.

"Carson has accepted the apology, his spokeswoman Deana Bass told

He told Fox News Channel host Bill O'Reilly on Tuesday that he 'talked to Ted Cruz earlier today and he says that he didn’t know anything about what the campaign did in terms of contacting precincts, telling people that I was dropping out, that a vote for me was a wasted vote.'

'I have to accept his word that he didn’t know,' Carson said, 'cause he said if he had known he would have not agreed with such a thing.'

But the retired doctor insisted that Cruz needs to clean up his campaign, and compared it to the Obama White House.

'A culture exists within the Cruz camp that would allow people to take advantage of a situation like this in a very dishonest way,' he said.

Read more: Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Doesn't matter to me. His staff ran with a fraudulent CNN story. He knew nothing about it at the time. When he found out he immediately apologized publicly via the mainstream media.

Trump would not have done the same in the same situation.

Trump would have FIRED the person who did it. Cruz was most likely behind this slimy move. Trump's campaign is too well run to have something as deplorable and Nixonesque happen. Unless Canadian Ted fire some people like his criminal hit man Steve King anyone with a 3 digit IQ would know Cruz ordered the hit job.
Bullshit. He would have given him a raise because that's what scumbag regressives do

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
I'm just looking at this very simply. If you are going to run a campaign on a "holier than thou and not politics as usual" premise you bloody well beat it into your volunteers and your campaign staff that shit like this is not allowed. Off the top ropes. Chair slam. Read the riot act.

I can see where people got excited in the beginning when they misinterpreted the tweet. But ruh roh when Dr. Carson and his people say he's still in the race and you don't correct what you've put out there well to put it as nicely as possible, you're a political scumbucket.

There's no other way to look at it.
And how is Cruz to be blamed fornthe slow action of a volenteer? guess Cruz could have them beaten up like trump would have done

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

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