Carson Accuses Cruz Camp of Foul Play – Told Voters Carson Was Dropping Out

No, the liar Cruz said the "rumor" came from CNN, but that was shown to be not true!

And Cruz first tried to blame CNN, but only when that lie too was exposed did he sort of apologize to Carson but said what he did was "fair game." What the pathological liar left out of his "fair game" rationalization was that the follow up CNN tweet that Cruz left out was tweeted in the SAME MINUTE as the first!!!
Look at the time of the 2 CNN tweets and then look at the time of the lying Cruz shill Steve King's tweet. Cruz and King knew well before they spread their lie that they were lying!!!


Chris MoodyVerified account@moody

Carson won't go to NH/SC, but instead will head home to Florida for some R&R. He'll be in DC Thursday for the National Prayer Breakfast.

No, the liar Cruz said the "rumor" came from CNN, but that was shown to be not true!

And Cruz first tried to blame CNN, but only when that lie too was exposed did he sort of apologize to Carson but said what he did was "fair game." What the pathological liar left out of his "fair game" rationalization was that the follow up CNN tweet that Cruz left out was tweeted in the SAME MINUTE as the first!!!
Look at the time of the 2 CNN tweets and then look at the time of the lying Cruz shill Steve King's tweet. Cruz and King knew well before they spread their lie that they were lying!!!


Chris MoodyVerified account@moody

Carson won't go to NH/SC, but instead will head home to Florida for some R&R. He'll be in DC Thursday for the National Prayer Breakfast.

Carson himself said it came from CNN first. Stop spinning.

Why does Ben Carson suffer from slurred speech? I think he's either drunk or has had a series of minor strokes of which no one is aware, but gradually and cumulatively over time has led to his current demeanor and speech difficulties.
Tongue tied maybe?
Seems to me they are working it out. It also seems Carson is also to blame for the thus stupidity. At least Cruz has the backbone to apologize.
How exactly is Carson to blame for Cruz lying?
And Cruz first tried to blame CNN, but only when that lie too was exposed did he sort of apologize to Carson but said what he did was "fair game." What the pathological liar left out of his "fair game" rationalization was that the follow up CNN tweet that Cruz left out was tweeted in the SAME MINUTE as the first!!!

Chris MoodyVerified account@moody
Carson won't go to NH/SC, but instead will head home to Florida for some R&R. He'll be in DC Thursday for the National Prayer Breakfast.

    • 4:43 PM - 1 Feb 2016
      Chris MoodyVerified account@moody

      Ben Carson's campaign tells me he plans to stay in the race beyond Iowa no matter what the results are tonight.
      4:43 PM - 1 Feb 2016

First on CNN: Ted Cruz apologizes to Ben Carson -

One day after winning the Iowa caucuses, Cruz issued an apology to Carson after his staff falsely told Iowa caucusgoers that Carson planned to quit the race, calling it a "mistake."
Cruz said in a statement Tuesday that his campaign staff saw a CNN report that Carson was dropping out, although CNN had not characterized Carson's actions that way.
"Last night when our political team saw the CNN post saying that Dr. Carson was not carrying on to New Hampshire and South Carolina, our campaign updated grassroots leaders just as we would with any breaking news story," Cruz said in a statement first shared with CNN. "That's fair game. What the team then should have done was send around the follow-up statement from the Carson campaign clarifying that he was indeed staying in the race when that came out."
Carson said Tuesday he accepted the apology, but questioned whether there was a deeper "cultural issue" with Cruz's campaign.
"As a Christian I will accept the apology but it doesn't correct the problem," Carson told CNN. "This is a cultural issue when people in your campaign feel that it's ok to distort the issues to their political advantage and to tell absolute lies. And the question really is will there be any consequences for that."
Because CNN never misleads right?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Well... That is their claim to fame.

Yeah but here's the hiccup. Carson's camp told Cruz's camp directly that Carson was still in the race.

And the dirty part? No one recanted or rescinded any of the false information out there. Not a one on Cruz's team; who by the way I have admired for years so I've not been anti Cruz.
Don't worry trump will use this like the good liberal he is.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
No, the liar Cruz said the "rumor" came from CNN, but that was shown to be not true!

And Cruz first tried to blame CNN, but only when that lie too was exposed did he sort of apologize to Carson but said what he did was "fair game." What the pathological liar left out of his "fair game" rationalization was that the follow up CNN tweet that Cruz left out was tweeted in the SAME MINUTE as the first!!!
Look at the time of the 2 CNN tweets and then look at the time of the lying Cruz shill Steve King's tweet. Cruz and King knew well before they spread their lie that they were lying!!!


Chris MoodyVerified account@moody

Carson won't go to NH/SC, but instead will head home to Florida for some R&R. He'll be in DC Thursday for the National Prayer Breakfast.

Carson himself said it came from CNN first. Stop spinning.

First on CNN: Ted Cruz apologizes to Ben Carson -

CNN reported that the retired neurosurgeon planned to go home to Florida after the Iowa caucuses, rather than flying straight to New Hampshire or South Carolina, where the next primary contests are held. His aides have emphasized that he is not suspending his campaign -- rather, just briefly going home to "get a fresh set of clothes."
But the Cruz campaign reacted to the news by incorrectly telling precinct captains -- while the caucuses were still taking place -- that the move signaled Carson would be dropping out of the race.
Twenty minutes after the caucuses began in Iowa, Rep. Steve King, the Cruz campaign's national co-chair, retweeted CNN's Chris Moody about Carson's break from the campaign trail before New Hampshire's primary.
"Carson looks like he is out. Iowans need to know before they vote. Most will go to Cruz, I hope," King tweeted. In another tweet, the congressman said Carson's next steps were "equivalent of suspending."

Carson looks like he is out. Iowans need to know before they vote. Most will go to Cruz, I hope. …
8:20 PM - 1 Feb 2016

Cruz Iowa staffer Spence Rogers also suggested in an email to precinct captains that Carson may be announcing the end of his campaign next week.
"Breaking News. The press is reporting that Dr. Ben Carson is taking time off from the campaign trail after Iowa and making a big announcement next week," the email read. "Please inform any Carson caucus goers of this news and urge them to caucus for Ted Cruz."
Last edited:
BREAKING=> Carson Accuses Cruz Camp of Foul Play – Told Voters Carson Was Dropping Out

The Carson camp claimed Cruz’s team spread false rumors at caucus sites that Carson had dropped out.

Ben Carson was incensed as the results of Monday night’s Iowa caucuses rolled in, accusing the winner of spreading falsehoods about him at caucus sites.

Carson’s team claimed that Cruz’s campaign deliberately sent emails to supporters to spread false rumors at caucus sites that Carson had dropped out, so his supporters would caucus for other candidates.

“That is really quite a dirty trick,” Carson said speaking to reporters at the end of the evening. “That’s the very kind of thing that irritated me enough to get into this quagmire.”

“To have campaigns come out and send emails to their caucus speakers suggesting that Dr. Carson was doing anything but moving forward after tonight is the lowest of low in American politics,”said Carson campaign manager Ed Brookover.

BREAKING=> Carson Accuses Cruz Camp of Foul Play - Told Voters Carson Was Dropping Out - The Gateway Pundit

This is the second "trick" that I have heard of about Cruz.

I wouldn't put it past Cruz although Carson is also a slime. If this is true Carson and Cruz would have split the funny gelical vote and Trump would be the winner.
No, the liar Cruz said the "rumor" came from CNN, but that was shown to be not true!

And Cruz first tried to blame CNN, but only when that lie too was exposed did he sort of apologize to Carson but said what he did was "fair game." What the pathological liar left out of his "fair game" rationalization was that the follow up CNN tweet that Cruz left out was tweeted in the SAME MINUTE as the first!!!
Look at the time of the 2 CNN tweets and then look at the time of the lying Cruz shill Steve King's tweet. Cruz and King knew well before they spread their lie that they were lying!!!


Chris MoodyVerified account@moody

Carson won't go to NH/SC, but instead will head home to Florida for some R&R. He'll be in DC Thursday for the National Prayer Breakfast.

Carson himself said it came from CNN first. Stop spinning.

First on CNN: Ted Cruz apologizes to Ben Carson -

CNN reported that the retired neurosurgeon planned to go home to Florida after the Iowa caucuses, rather than flying straight to New Hampshire or South Carolina, where the next primary contests are held. His aides have emphasized that he is not suspending his campaign -- rather, just briefly going home to "get a fresh set of clothes."
But the Cruz campaign reacted to the news by incorrectly telling precinct captains -- while the caucuses were still taking place -- that the move signaled Carson would be dropping out of the race.
Twenty minutes after the caucuses began in Iowa, Rep. Steve King, the Cruz campaign's national co-chair, retweeted CNN's Chris Moody about Carson's break from the campaign trail before New Hampshire's primary.
"Carson looks like he is out. Iowans need to know before they vote. Most will go to Cruz, I hope," King tweeted. In another tweet, the congressman said Carson's next steps were "equivalent of suspending."

Carson looks like he is out. Iowans need to know before they vote. Most will go to Cruz, I hope. …
8:20 PM - 1 Feb 2016

Cruz Iowa staffer Spence Rogers also suggested in an email to precinct captains that Carson may be announcing the end of his campaign next week.
"Breaking News. The press is reporting that Dr. Ben Carson is taking time off from the campaign trail after Iowa and making a big announcement next week," the email read. "Please inform any Carson caucus goers of this news and urge them to caucus for Ted Cruz."

Cruz did it! I hope both Carson and Trump sue him.

No, the liar Cruz said the "rumor" came from CNN, but that was shown to be not true!

And Cruz first tried to blame CNN, but only when that lie too was exposed did he sort of apologize to Carson but said what he did was "fair game." What the pathological liar left out of his "fair game" rationalization was that the follow up CNN tweet that Cruz left out was tweeted in the SAME MINUTE as the first!!!
Look at the time of the 2 CNN tweets and then look at the time of the lying Cruz shill Steve King's tweet. Cruz and King knew well before they spread their lie that they were lying!!!


Chris MoodyVerified account@moody

Carson won't go to NH/SC, but instead will head home to Florida for some R&R. He'll be in DC Thursday for the National Prayer Breakfast.

Carson himself said it came from CNN first. Stop spinning.

First on CNN: Ted Cruz apologizes to Ben Carson -

CNN reported that the retired neurosurgeon planned to go home to Florida after the Iowa caucuses, rather than flying straight to New Hampshire or South Carolina, where the next primary contests are held. His aides have emphasized that he is not suspending his campaign -- rather, just briefly going home to "get a fresh set of clothes."
But the Cruz campaign reacted to the news by incorrectly telling precinct captains -- while the caucuses were still taking place -- that the move signaled Carson would be dropping out of the race.
Twenty minutes after the caucuses began in Iowa, Rep. Steve King, the Cruz campaign's national co-chair, retweeted CNN's Chris Moody about Carson's break from the campaign trail before New Hampshire's primary.
"Carson looks like he is out. Iowans need to know before they vote. Most will go to Cruz, I hope," King tweeted. In another tweet, the congressman said Carson's next steps were "equivalent of suspending."

Carson looks like he is out. Iowans need to know before they vote. Most will go to Cruz, I hope. …
8:20 PM - 1 Feb 2016

Cruz Iowa staffer Spence Rogers also suggested in an email to precinct captains that Carson may be announcing the end of his campaign next week.
"Breaking News. The press is reporting that Dr. Ben Carson is taking time off from the campaign trail after Iowa and making a big announcement next week," the email read. "Please inform any Carson caucus goers of this news and urge them to caucus for Ted Cruz."
Really? a CNN article? LMAO
No, the liar Cruz said the "rumor" came from CNN, but that was shown to be not true!

And Cruz first tried to blame CNN, but only when that lie too was exposed did he sort of apologize to Carson but said what he did was "fair game." What the pathological liar left out of his "fair game" rationalization was that the follow up CNN tweet that Cruz left out was tweeted in the SAME MINUTE as the first!!!
Look at the time of the 2 CNN tweets and then look at the time of the lying Cruz shill Steve King's tweet. Cruz and King knew well before they spread their lie that they were lying!!!


Chris MoodyVerified account@moody

Carson won't go to NH/SC, but instead will head home to Florida for some R&R. He'll be in DC Thursday for the National Prayer Breakfast.

Carson himself said it came from CNN first. Stop spinning.

No one is arguing that it started with a tweet from a CNN person. Check the time lines on the tweets. AND Dr. Carson informed Cruz's campaign immediately that he was still in the race.

But the dogs didn't back off and they did not correct what they were still putting out there.

That's freaking dirty. I expect better of Cruz's people. I'm pissed off. The Senator needs to bitch slap everyone who was involved in this.

And by the way, Carson only accepted Cruz's apology and taking Cruz at his word that he was unaware on what his staff and volunteers were doing. But he is righteously angry at the campaign.

"Carson has accepted the apology, his spokeswoman Deana Bass told

He told Fox News Channel host Bill O'Reilly on Tuesday that he 'talked to Ted Cruz earlier today and he says that he didn’t know anything about what the campaign did in terms of contacting precincts, telling people that I was dropping out, that a vote for me was a wasted vote.'

'I have to accept his word that he didn’t know,' Carson said, 'cause he said if he had known he would have not agreed with such a thing.'

But the retired doctor insisted that Cruz needs to clean up his campaign, and compared it to the Obama White House.

'A culture exists within the Cruz camp that would allow people to take advantage of a situation like this in a very dishonest way,' he said.

Read more: Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
No, the liar Cruz said the "rumor" came from CNN, but that was shown to be not true!

And Cruz first tried to blame CNN, but only when that lie too was exposed did he sort of apologize to Carson but said what he did was "fair game." What the pathological liar left out of his "fair game" rationalization was that the follow up CNN tweet that Cruz left out was tweeted in the SAME MINUTE as the first!!!
Look at the time of the 2 CNN tweets and then look at the time of the lying Cruz shill Steve King's tweet. Cruz and King knew well before they spread their lie that they were lying!!!


Chris MoodyVerified account@moody

Carson won't go to NH/SC, but instead will head home to Florida for some R&R. He'll be in DC Thursday for the National Prayer Breakfast.

Carson himself said it came from CNN first. Stop spinning.

No one is arguing that it started with a tweet from a CNN person. Check the time lines on the tweets. AND Dr. Carson informed Cruz's campaign immediately that he was still in the race.

But the dogs didn't back off and they did not correct what they were still putting out there.

That's freaking dirty. I expect better of Cruz's people. I'm pissed off. The Senator needs to bitch slap everyone who was involved in this.

And by the way, Carson only accepted Cruz's apology and taking Cruz at his word that he was unaware on what his staff and volunteers were doing. But he is righteously angry at the campaign.

"Carson has accepted the apology, his spokeswoman Deana Bass told

He told Fox News Channel host Bill O'Reilly on Tuesday that he 'talked to Ted Cruz earlier today and he says that he didn’t know anything about what the campaign did in terms of contacting precincts, telling people that I was dropping out, that a vote for me was a wasted vote.'

'I have to accept his word that he didn’t know,' Carson said, 'cause he said if he had known he would have not agreed with such a thing.'

But the retired doctor insisted that Cruz needs to clean up his campaign, and compared it to the Obama White House.

'A culture exists within the Cruz camp that would allow people to take advantage of a situation like this in a very dishonest way,' he said.

Read more: Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Doesn't matter to me. His staff ran with a fraudulent CNN story. He knew nothing about it at the time. When he found out he immediately apologized publicly via the mainstream media.

Trump would not have done the same in the same situation.
No, the liar Cruz said the "rumor" came from CNN, but that was shown to be not true!

And Cruz first tried to blame CNN, but only when that lie too was exposed did he sort of apologize to Carson but said what he did was "fair game." What the pathological liar left out of his "fair game" rationalization was that the follow up CNN tweet that Cruz left out was tweeted in the SAME MINUTE as the first!!!
Look at the time of the 2 CNN tweets and then look at the time of the lying Cruz shill Steve King's tweet. Cruz and King knew well before they spread their lie that they were lying!!!


Chris MoodyVerified account@moody

Carson won't go to NH/SC, but instead will head home to Florida for some R&R. He'll be in DC Thursday for the National Prayer Breakfast.

Carson himself said it came from CNN first. Stop spinning.

No one is arguing that it started with a tweet from a CNN person. Check the time lines on the tweets. AND Dr. Carson informed Cruz's campaign immediately that he was still in the race.

But the dogs didn't back off and they did not correct what they were still putting out there.

That's freaking dirty. I expect better of Cruz's people. I'm pissed off. The Senator needs to bitch slap everyone who was involved in this.

And by the way, Carson only accepted Cruz's apology and taking Cruz at his word that he was unaware on what his staff and volunteers were doing. But he is righteously angry at the campaign.

"Carson has accepted the apology, his spokeswoman Deana Bass told

He told Fox News Channel host Bill O'Reilly on Tuesday that he 'talked to Ted Cruz earlier today and he says that he didn’t know anything about what the campaign did in terms of contacting precincts, telling people that I was dropping out, that a vote for me was a wasted vote.'

'I have to accept his word that he didn’t know,' Carson said, 'cause he said if he had known he would have not agreed with such a thing.'

But the retired doctor insisted that Cruz needs to clean up his campaign, and compared it to the Obama White House.

'A culture exists within the Cruz camp that would allow people to take advantage of a situation like this in a very dishonest way,' he said.

Read more: Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Doesn't matter to me. His staff ran with a fraudulent CNN story. He knew nothing about it at the time. When he found out he immediately apologized publicly via the mainstream media.

Trump would not have done the same in the same situation.

You have to be kidding! :disbelief:
No, the liar Cruz said the "rumor" came from CNN, but that was shown to be not true!

And Cruz first tried to blame CNN, but only when that lie too was exposed did he sort of apologize to Carson but said what he did was "fair game." What the pathological liar left out of his "fair game" rationalization was that the follow up CNN tweet that Cruz left out was tweeted in the SAME MINUTE as the first!!!
Look at the time of the 2 CNN tweets and then look at the time of the lying Cruz shill Steve King's tweet. Cruz and King knew well before they spread their lie that they were lying!!!


Chris MoodyVerified account@moody

Carson won't go to NH/SC, but instead will head home to Florida for some R&R. He'll be in DC Thursday for the National Prayer Breakfast.

Carson himself said it came from CNN first. Stop spinning.

No one is arguing that it started with a tweet from a CNN person. Check the time lines on the tweets. AND Dr. Carson informed Cruz's campaign immediately that he was still in the race.

But the dogs didn't back off and they did not correct what they were still putting out there.

That's freaking dirty. I expect better of Cruz's people. I'm pissed off. The Senator needs to bitch slap everyone who was involved in this.

And by the way, Carson only accepted Cruz's apology and taking Cruz at his word that he was unaware on what his staff and volunteers were doing. But he is righteously angry at the campaign.

"Carson has accepted the apology, his spokeswoman Deana Bass told

He told Fox News Channel host Bill O'Reilly on Tuesday that he 'talked to Ted Cruz earlier today and he says that he didn’t know anything about what the campaign did in terms of contacting precincts, telling people that I was dropping out, that a vote for me was a wasted vote.'

'I have to accept his word that he didn’t know,' Carson said, 'cause he said if he had known he would have not agreed with such a thing.'

But the retired doctor insisted that Cruz needs to clean up his campaign, and compared it to the Obama White House.

'A culture exists within the Cruz camp that would allow people to take advantage of a situation like this in a very dishonest way,' he said.

Read more: Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Either Cruz can't control his jackyls or he ordered them to do it.

Cruz got caught red handed. He's a modern day Tricky Dick Nixon.
No, the liar Cruz said the "rumor" came from CNN, but that was shown to be not true!

And Cruz first tried to blame CNN, but only when that lie too was exposed did he sort of apologize to Carson but said what he did was "fair game." What the pathological liar left out of his "fair game" rationalization was that the follow up CNN tweet that Cruz left out was tweeted in the SAME MINUTE as the first!!!
Look at the time of the 2 CNN tweets and then look at the time of the lying Cruz shill Steve King's tweet. Cruz and King knew well before they spread their lie that they were lying!!!


Chris MoodyVerified account@moody

Carson won't go to NH/SC, but instead will head home to Florida for some R&R. He'll be in DC Thursday for the National Prayer Breakfast.

Carson himself said it came from CNN first. Stop spinning.

No one is arguing that it started with a tweet from a CNN person. Check the time lines on the tweets. AND Dr. Carson informed Cruz's campaign immediately that he was still in the race.

But the dogs didn't back off and they did not correct what they were still putting out there.

That's freaking dirty. I expect better of Cruz's people. I'm pissed off. The Senator needs to bitch slap everyone who was involved in this.

And by the way, Carson only accepted Cruz's apology and taking Cruz at his word that he was unaware on what his staff and volunteers were doing. But he is righteously angry at the campaign.

"Carson has accepted the apology, his spokeswoman Deana Bass told

He told Fox News Channel host Bill O'Reilly on Tuesday that he 'talked to Ted Cruz earlier today and he says that he didn’t know anything about what the campaign did in terms of contacting precincts, telling people that I was dropping out, that a vote for me was a wasted vote.'

'I have to accept his word that he didn’t know,' Carson said, 'cause he said if he had known he would have not agreed with such a thing.'

But the retired doctor insisted that Cruz needs to clean up his campaign, and compared it to the Obama White House.

'A culture exists within the Cruz camp that would allow people to take advantage of a situation like this in a very dishonest way,' he said.

Read more: Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Doesn't matter to me. His staff ran with a fraudulent CNN story. He knew nothing about it at the time. When he found out he immediately apologized publicly via the mainstream media.

Trump would not have done the same in the same situation.

Trump would have FIRED the person who did it. Cruz was most likely behind this slimy move. Trump's campaign is too well run to have something as deplorable and Nixonesque happen. Unless Canadian Ted fire some people like his criminal hit man Steve King anyone with a 3 digit IQ would know Cruz ordered the hit job.
No, the liar Cruz said the "rumor" came from CNN, but that was shown to be not true!

And Cruz first tried to blame CNN, but only when that lie too was exposed did he sort of apologize to Carson but said what he did was "fair game." What the pathological liar left out of his "fair game" rationalization was that the follow up CNN tweet that Cruz left out was tweeted in the SAME MINUTE as the first!!!
Look at the time of the 2 CNN tweets and then look at the time of the lying Cruz shill Steve King's tweet. Cruz and King knew well before they spread their lie that they were lying!!!


Chris MoodyVerified account@moody

Carson won't go to NH/SC, but instead will head home to Florida for some R&R. He'll be in DC Thursday for the National Prayer Breakfast.

Carson himself said it came from CNN first. Stop spinning.

No one is arguing that it started with a tweet from a CNN person. Check the time lines on the tweets. AND Dr. Carson informed Cruz's campaign immediately that he was still in the race.

But the dogs didn't back off and they did not correct what they were still putting out there.

That's freaking dirty. I expect better of Cruz's people. I'm pissed off. The Senator needs to bitch slap everyone who was involved in this.

And by the way, Carson only accepted Cruz's apology and taking Cruz at his word that he was unaware on what his staff and volunteers were doing. But he is righteously angry at the campaign.

"Carson has accepted the apology, his spokeswoman Deana Bass told

He told Fox News Channel host Bill O'Reilly on Tuesday that he 'talked to Ted Cruz earlier today and he says that he didn’t know anything about what the campaign did in terms of contacting precincts, telling people that I was dropping out, that a vote for me was a wasted vote.'

'I have to accept his word that he didn’t know,' Carson said, 'cause he said if he had known he would have not agreed with such a thing.'

But the retired doctor insisted that Cruz needs to clean up his campaign, and compared it to the Obama White House.

'A culture exists within the Cruz camp that would allow people to take advantage of a situation like this in a very dishonest way,' he said.

Read more: Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Doesn't matter to me. His staff ran with a fraudulent CNN story. He knew nothing about it at the time. When he found out he immediately apologized publicly via the mainstream media.

Trump would not have done the same in the same situation.

BlueGin with all due respect you are thinking like a Cruz voter. Not like a Carson delegate.

At one point during the next few weeks Carson was bound to leave the primary campaign. The logical alternative for Carson delegates would have been Ted Cruz. Ditto his volunteers.

Not now. They are seething. Their man was betrayed by Cruz's campaign. Big time. Think of the money, the time and the effort aka blood, sweat and tears that Carson's people have put into his campaign. They are not happy campers.

Odds are they'll split to Rubio and Trump now.
Carson said on FOX that the rumor came from CNN.
No, the liar Cruz said the "rumor" came from CNN, but that was shown to be not true!

And Cruz first tried to blame CNN, but only when that lie too was exposed did he sort of apologize to Carson but said what he did was "fair game." What the pathological liar left out of his "fair game" rationalization was that the follow up CNN tweet that Cruz left out was tweeted in the SAME MINUTE as the first!!!
Look at the time of the 2 CNN tweets and then look at the time of the lying Cruz shill Steve King's tweet. Cruz and King knew well before they spread their lie that they were lying!!!


Chris MoodyVerified account@moody

Carson won't go to NH/SC, but instead will head home to Florida for some R&R. He'll be in DC Thursday for the National Prayer Breakfast.

Carson himself said it came from CNN first. Stop spinning.

No one is arguing that it started with a tweet from a CNN person. Check the time lines on the tweets. AND Dr. Carson informed Cruz's campaign immediately that he was still in the race.

But the dogs didn't back off and they did not correct what they were still putting out there.

That's freaking dirty. I expect better of Cruz's people. I'm pissed off. The Senator needs to bitch slap everyone who was involved in this.

And by the way, Carson only accepted Cruz's apology and taking Cruz at his word that he was unaware on what his staff and volunteers were doing. But he is righteously angry at the campaign.

"Carson has accepted the apology, his spokeswoman Deana Bass told

He told Fox News Channel host Bill O'Reilly on Tuesday that he 'talked to Ted Cruz earlier today and he says that he didn’t know anything about what the campaign did in terms of contacting precincts, telling people that I was dropping out, that a vote for me was a wasted vote.'

'I have to accept his word that he didn’t know,' Carson said, 'cause he said if he had known he would have not agreed with such a thing.'

But the retired doctor insisted that Cruz needs to clean up his campaign, and compared it to the Obama White House.

'A culture exists within the Cruz camp that would allow people to take advantage of a situation like this in a very dishonest way,' he said.

Read more: Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Doesn't matter to me. His staff ran with a fraudulent CNN story. He knew nothing about it at the time. When he found out he immediately apologized publicly via the mainstream media.

Trump would not have done the same in the same situation.

BlueGin with all due respect you are thinking like a Cruz voter. Not like a Carson delegate.

At one point during the next few weeks Carson was bound to leave the primary campaign. The logical alternative for Carson delegates would have been Ted Cruz. Ditto his volunteers.

Not now. They are seething. Their man was betrayed by Cruz's campaign. Big time. Think of the money, the time and the effort aka blood, sweat and tears that Carson's people have put into his campaign. They are not happy campers.

Odds are they'll split to Rubio and Trump now.
Excellent evaluation. :thup:
Carson said on FOX that the rumor came from CNN.
No, the liar Cruz said the "rumor" came from CNN, but that was shown to be not true!

And Cruz first tried to blame CNN, but only when that lie too was exposed did he sort of apologize to Carson but said what he did was "fair game." What the pathological liar left out of his "fair game" rationalization was that the follow up CNN tweet that Cruz left out was tweeted in the SAME MINUTE as the first!!!
Look at the time of the 2 CNN tweets and then look at the time of the lying Cruz shill Steve King's tweet. Cruz and King knew well before they spread their lie that they were lying!!!


Chris MoodyVerified account@moody

Carson won't go to NH/SC, but instead will head home to Florida for some R&R. He'll be in DC Thursday for the National Prayer Breakfast.

Carson himself said it came from CNN first. Stop spinning.

No one is arguing that it started with a tweet from a CNN person. Check the time lines on the tweets. AND Dr. Carson informed Cruz's campaign immediately that he was still in the race.

But the dogs didn't back off and they did not correct what they were still putting out there.

That's freaking dirty. I expect better of Cruz's people. I'm pissed off. The Senator needs to bitch slap everyone who was involved in this.

And by the way, Carson only accepted Cruz's apology and taking Cruz at his word that he was unaware on what his staff and volunteers were doing. But he is righteously angry at the campaign.

"Carson has accepted the apology, his spokeswoman Deana Bass told

He told Fox News Channel host Bill O'Reilly on Tuesday that he 'talked to Ted Cruz earlier today and he says that he didn’t know anything about what the campaign did in terms of contacting precincts, telling people that I was dropping out, that a vote for me was a wasted vote.'

'I have to accept his word that he didn’t know,' Carson said, 'cause he said if he had known he would have not agreed with such a thing.'

But the retired doctor insisted that Cruz needs to clean up his campaign, and compared it to the Obama White House.

'A culture exists within the Cruz camp that would allow people to take advantage of a situation like this in a very dishonest way,' he said.

Read more: Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting
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Doesn't matter to me. His staff ran with a fraudulent CNN story. He knew nothing about it at the time. When he found out he immediately apologized publicly via the mainstream media.

Trump would not have done the same in the same situation.

BlueGin with all due respect you are thinking like a Cruz voter. Not like a Carson delegate.

At one point during the next few weeks Carson was bound to leave the primary campaign. The logical alternative for Carson delegates would have been Ted Cruz. Ditto his volunteers.

Not now. They are seething. Their man was betrayed by Cruz's campaign. Big time. Think of the money, the time and the effort aka blood, sweat and tears that Carson's people have put into his campaign. They are not happy campers.

Odds are they'll split to Rubio and Trump now.

Not now, Carson and his people are really pissed. Carson would lose all credibility if he threw his support to Cruz now. Cruz is a slime with nothing good for America.
No, the liar Cruz said the "rumor" came from CNN, but that was shown to be not true!

And Cruz first tried to blame CNN, but only when that lie too was exposed did he sort of apologize to Carson but said what he did was "fair game." What the pathological liar left out of his "fair game" rationalization was that the follow up CNN tweet that Cruz left out was tweeted in the SAME MINUTE as the first!!!
Look at the time of the 2 CNN tweets and then look at the time of the lying Cruz shill Steve King's tweet. Cruz and King knew well before they spread their lie that they were lying!!!


Chris MoodyVerified account@moody

Carson won't go to NH/SC, but instead will head home to Florida for some R&R. He'll be in DC Thursday for the National Prayer Breakfast.

Carson himself said it came from CNN first. Stop spinning.

No one is arguing that it started with a tweet from a CNN person. Check the time lines on the tweets. AND Dr. Carson informed Cruz's campaign immediately that he was still in the race.

But the dogs didn't back off and they did not correct what they were still putting out there.

That's freaking dirty. I expect better of Cruz's people. I'm pissed off. The Senator needs to bitch slap everyone who was involved in this.

And by the way, Carson only accepted Cruz's apology and taking Cruz at his word that he was unaware on what his staff and volunteers were doing. But he is righteously angry at the campaign.

"Carson has accepted the apology, his spokeswoman Deana Bass told

He told Fox News Channel host Bill O'Reilly on Tuesday that he 'talked to Ted Cruz earlier today and he says that he didn’t know anything about what the campaign did in terms of contacting precincts, telling people that I was dropping out, that a vote for me was a wasted vote.'

'I have to accept his word that he didn’t know,' Carson said, 'cause he said if he had known he would have not agreed with such a thing.'

But the retired doctor insisted that Cruz needs to clean up his campaign, and compared it to the Obama White House.

'A culture exists within the Cruz camp that would allow people to take advantage of a situation like this in a very dishonest way,' he said.

Read more: Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting
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Doesn't matter to me. His staff ran with a fraudulent CNN story. He knew nothing about it at the time. When he found out he immediately apologized publicly via the mainstream media.

Trump would not have done the same in the same situation.

BTW I should point out that this was never a CNN story. It was just a tweet. And Chris Moody immediately clarified that Carson was still in the race when informed by Carson's staff.

A tweet.
I'm just looking at this very simply. If you are going to run a campaign on a "holier than thou and not politics as usual" premise you bloody well beat it into your volunteers and your campaign staff that shit like this is not allowed. Off the top ropes. Chair slam. Read the riot act.

I can see where people got excited in the beginning when they misinterpreted the tweet. But ruh roh when Dr. Carson and his people say he's still in the race and you don't correct what you've put out there well to put it as nicely as possible, you're a political scumbucket.

There's no other way to look at it.
No, the liar Cruz said the "rumor" came from CNN, but that was shown to be not true!

And Cruz first tried to blame CNN, but only when that lie too was exposed did he sort of apologize to Carson but said what he did was "fair game." What the pathological liar left out of his "fair game" rationalization was that the follow up CNN tweet that Cruz left out was tweeted in the SAME MINUTE as the first!!!
Look at the time of the 2 CNN tweets and then look at the time of the lying Cruz shill Steve King's tweet. Cruz and King knew well before they spread their lie that they were lying!!!


Chris MoodyVerified account@moody

Carson won't go to NH/SC, but instead will head home to Florida for some R&R. He'll be in DC Thursday for the National Prayer Breakfast.

Carson himself said it came from CNN first. Stop spinning.

No one is arguing that it started with a tweet from a CNN person. Check the time lines on the tweets. AND Dr. Carson informed Cruz's campaign immediately that he was still in the race.

But the dogs didn't back off and they did not correct what they were still putting out there.

That's freaking dirty. I expect better of Cruz's people. I'm pissed off. The Senator needs to bitch slap everyone who was involved in this.

And by the way, Carson only accepted Cruz's apology and taking Cruz at his word that he was unaware on what his staff and volunteers were doing. But he is righteously angry at the campaign.

"Carson has accepted the apology, his spokeswoman Deana Bass told

He told Fox News Channel host Bill O'Reilly on Tuesday that he 'talked to Ted Cruz earlier today and he says that he didn’t know anything about what the campaign did in terms of contacting precincts, telling people that I was dropping out, that a vote for me was a wasted vote.'

'I have to accept his word that he didn’t know,' Carson said, 'cause he said if he had known he would have not agreed with such a thing.'

But the retired doctor insisted that Cruz needs to clean up his campaign, and compared it to the Obama White House.

'A culture exists within the Cruz camp that would allow people to take advantage of a situation like this in a very dishonest way,' he said.

Read more: Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Doesn't matter to me. His staff ran with a fraudulent CNN story. He knew nothing about it at the time. When he found out he immediately apologized publicly via the mainstream media.

Trump would not have done the same in the same situation.

Unethical and sleazy shit has never bothered Republican voters. Cruz knew it was BS and he was the only candidate who spread it.

Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting

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