Carson Accuses Cruz Camp of Foul Play – Told Voters Carson Was Dropping Out

"Carson Accuses Cruz Camp of Foul Play – Told Voters Carson Was Dropping Out"

If true it's just further confirmation that Cruz is devoid of integrity.

If not true it's further confirmation that Carson is a liar and likewise devoid of integrity.

In the end it really makes no difference – neither will end up being the nominee.
Like Libs care about integrity as they run a candidate that should be in prison.

You really don't want to go there...

Bush Convicted of War Crimes in Absentia | Foreign Policy Journal

I wonder when he will start campaigning for his brother?
Can't take you seriously when Hillary and Obama got our ambassador killed along with our soldiers and you morons Couldn't care less because it was politically beneficial. So save it. You have no integrity. Like I said.
Carson said on FOX that the rumor came from CNN.
No, the liar Cruz said the "rumor" came from CNN, but that was shown to be not true!

And Cruz first tried to blame CNN, but only when that lie too was exposed did he sort of apologize to Carson but said what he did was "fair game." What the pathological liar left out of his "fair game" rationalization was that the follow up CNN tweet that Cruz left out was tweeted in the SAME MINUTE as the first!!!
Look at the time of the 2 CNN tweets and then look at the time of the lying Cruz shill Steve King's tweet. Cruz and King knew well before they spread their lie that they were lying!!!


Chris MoodyVerified account@moody

Carson won't go to NH/SC, but instead will head home to Florida for some R&R. He'll be in DC Thursday for the National Prayer Breakfast.

Carson himself said it came from CNN first. Stop spinning.

No one is arguing that it started with a tweet from a CNN person. Check the time lines on the tweets. AND Dr. Carson informed Cruz's campaign immediately that he was still in the race.

But the dogs didn't back off and they did not correct what they were still putting out there.

That's freaking dirty. I expect better of Cruz's people. I'm pissed off. The Senator needs to bitch slap everyone who was involved in this.

And by the way, Carson only accepted Cruz's apology and taking Cruz at his word that he was unaware on what his staff and volunteers were doing. But he is righteously angry at the campaign.

"Carson has accepted the apology, his spokeswoman Deana Bass told

He told Fox News Channel host Bill O'Reilly on Tuesday that he 'talked to Ted Cruz earlier today and he says that he didn’t know anything about what the campaign did in terms of contacting precincts, telling people that I was dropping out, that a vote for me was a wasted vote.'

'I have to accept his word that he didn’t know,' Carson said, 'cause he said if he had known he would have not agreed with such a thing.'

But the retired doctor insisted that Cruz needs to clean up his campaign, and compared it to the Obama White House.

'A culture exists within the Cruz camp that would allow people to take advantage of a situation like this in a very dishonest way,' he said.

Read more: Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Doesn't matter to me. His staff ran with a fraudulent CNN story. He knew nothing about it at the time. When he found out he immediately apologized publicly via the mainstream media.

Trump would not have done the same in the same situation.

Unethical and sleazy shit has never bothered Republican voters. Cruz knew it was BS and he was the only candidate who spread it.

Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting
You support Trump yet have the balls to call Cruz unethical? That is rich

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Come back when you have more then gossip.

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The tweets are there and it is being reported by multiple news outlets, included the beloved FOX channel.
And yet it is still gossip. Why? Because all we really have is hearsay. Not saying it is false because let's face it people in campaigns do stupid shit but I perfer to wait till the facts come out

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A tweet from a campaign falsely accusing an opponent of resigning, in order to grab some of his caucus votes, is not a fact? Did a ghost type it? That is almost as ridiculous as Trump re-tweeting racist and offensive sh*t and he says, 'but it didn't come from me...'

Okay, you wait for your facts while everyone else figures out that Teddy is not above sleeze.
Is the tweet really from the campaign or was it authorized or was it hacked or was it any number of things... but you go right ahead and feed at the rumor trough

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If it had been a hack, Cruz would have defended himself. He's not saying a peep, now is he? The direct mailer Cruz sent out was also total slime and a complete lie to the recipients.

He apologized . good job quoting a old post that was before more was known about it.... but what can I expect from a guy who supports the biggest liar in the Republican primary

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No, the liar Cruz said the "rumor" came from CNN, but that was shown to be not true!

And Cruz first tried to blame CNN, but only when that lie too was exposed did he sort of apologize to Carson but said what he did was "fair game." What the pathological liar left out of his "fair game" rationalization was that the follow up CNN tweet that Cruz left out was tweeted in the SAME MINUTE as the first!!!
Look at the time of the 2 CNN tweets and then look at the time of the lying Cruz shill Steve King's tweet. Cruz and King knew well before they spread their lie that they were lying!!!


Chris MoodyVerified account@moody

Carson won't go to NH/SC, but instead will head home to Florida for some R&R. He'll be in DC Thursday for the National Prayer Breakfast.

Carson himself said it came from CNN first. Stop spinning.

No one is arguing that it started with a tweet from a CNN person. Check the time lines on the tweets. AND Dr. Carson informed Cruz's campaign immediately that he was still in the race.

But the dogs didn't back off and they did not correct what they were still putting out there.

That's freaking dirty. I expect better of Cruz's people. I'm pissed off. The Senator needs to bitch slap everyone who was involved in this.

And by the way, Carson only accepted Cruz's apology and taking Cruz at his word that he was unaware on what his staff and volunteers were doing. But he is righteously angry at the campaign.

"Carson has accepted the apology, his spokeswoman Deana Bass told

He told Fox News Channel host Bill O'Reilly on Tuesday that he 'talked to Ted Cruz earlier today and he says that he didn’t know anything about what the campaign did in terms of contacting precincts, telling people that I was dropping out, that a vote for me was a wasted vote.'

'I have to accept his word that he didn’t know,' Carson said, 'cause he said if he had known he would have not agreed with such a thing.'

But the retired doctor insisted that Cruz needs to clean up his campaign, and compared it to the Obama White House.

'A culture exists within the Cruz camp that would allow people to take advantage of a situation like this in a very dishonest way,' he said.

Read more: Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Doesn't matter to me. His staff ran with a fraudulent CNN story. He knew nothing about it at the time. When he found out he immediately apologized publicly via the mainstream media.

Trump would not have done the same in the same situation.

Unethical and sleazy shit has never bothered Republican voters. Cruz knew it was BS and he was the only candidate who spread it.

Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting
You support Trump yet have the balls to call Cruz unethical? That is rich

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

I don't support Trump but when it comes to pure sleaze Trump is the least sleazy of all the Rethuglicans. Rubio lies nearly as much as Cruz, Carson is crazier than a shit house rat, Bush is a warmongering Bush, Rand Paul is a nut case, Fiorina is a job wrecking and home wrecking whore, Christie is a New Jersey gangster and of all of the clowns Trump is by far the least evil. Pretty sad huh?

Hillary or Bernie will trounce any of them but what you think is my support for Trump is the delight I take in seeing the Trump wrecking ball destroy the Republican Party and it propaganda wing Saudi and Australian owned Fox News.
Carson himself said it came from CNN first. Stop spinning.

No one is arguing that it started with a tweet from a CNN person. Check the time lines on the tweets. AND Dr. Carson informed Cruz's campaign immediately that he was still in the race.

But the dogs didn't back off and they did not correct what they were still putting out there.

That's freaking dirty. I expect better of Cruz's people. I'm pissed off. The Senator needs to bitch slap everyone who was involved in this.

And by the way, Carson only accepted Cruz's apology and taking Cruz at his word that he was unaware on what his staff and volunteers were doing. But he is righteously angry at the campaign.

"Carson has accepted the apology, his spokeswoman Deana Bass told

He told Fox News Channel host Bill O'Reilly on Tuesday that he 'talked to Ted Cruz earlier today and he says that he didn’t know anything about what the campaign did in terms of contacting precincts, telling people that I was dropping out, that a vote for me was a wasted vote.'

'I have to accept his word that he didn’t know,' Carson said, 'cause he said if he had known he would have not agreed with such a thing.'

But the retired doctor insisted that Cruz needs to clean up his campaign, and compared it to the Obama White House.

'A culture exists within the Cruz camp that would allow people to take advantage of a situation like this in a very dishonest way,' he said.

Read more: Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Doesn't matter to me. His staff ran with a fraudulent CNN story. He knew nothing about it at the time. When he found out he immediately apologized publicly via the mainstream media.

Trump would not have done the same in the same situation.

Unethical and sleazy shit has never bothered Republican voters. Cruz knew it was BS and he was the only candidate who spread it.

Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting
You support Trump yet have the balls to call Cruz unethical? That is rich

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

I don't support Trump but when it comes to pure sleaze Trump is the least sleazy of all the Rethuglicans. Rubio lies nearly as much as Cruz, Carson is crazier than a shit house rat, Bush is a warmongering Bush, Rand Paul is a nut case, Fiorina is a job wrecking and home wrecking whore, Christie is a New Jersey gangster and of all of the clowns Trump is by far the least evil. Pretty sad huh?

Hillary or Bernie will trounce any of them but what you think is my support for Trump is the delight I take in seeing the Trump wrecking ball destroy the Republican Party and it propaganda wing Saudi and Australian owned Fox News.

FYI, Rand Paul is out of the race, as of this AM.
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Wow, if that's true, what a POS. He does seem a little sleazy, like he's hiding something. The more I get to know Cruz, the less I like him.
You will find out the truth tonight, Thursday, when Bill O'Reilly on Fox News, at 8 ET, will have the facts. There is confusion on the facts and Bill and Carson are investigating.

CNN did tweet at 6:43 p.m. CT that Carson was leaving on Tuesday. Cruz's people picked it up and ran with it. Minutes later CNN found out Carson was really leaving to go home and get a different set of clothes ( ? ) and then they tweeted that but Cruz's campaign did not receive that, or so they said.

No one is arguing that it started with a tweet from a CNN person. Check the time lines on the tweets. AND Dr. Carson informed Cruz's campaign immediately that he was still in the race.

But the dogs didn't back off and they did not correct what they were still putting out there.

That's freaking dirty. I expect better of Cruz's people. I'm pissed off. The Senator needs to bitch slap everyone who was involved in this.

And by the way, Carson only accepted Cruz's apology and taking Cruz at his word that he was unaware on what his staff and volunteers were doing. But he is righteously angry at the campaign.

"Carson has accepted the apology, his spokeswoman Deana Bass told

He told Fox News Channel host Bill O'Reilly on Tuesday that he 'talked to Ted Cruz earlier today and he says that he didn’t know anything about what the campaign did in terms of contacting precincts, telling people that I was dropping out, that a vote for me was a wasted vote.'

'I have to accept his word that he didn’t know,' Carson said, 'cause he said if he had known he would have not agreed with such a thing.'

But the retired doctor insisted that Cruz needs to clean up his campaign, and compared it to the Obama White House.

'A culture exists within the Cruz camp that would allow people to take advantage of a situation like this in a very dishonest way,' he said.

Read more: Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Doesn't matter to me. His staff ran with a fraudulent CNN story. He knew nothing about it at the time. When he found out he immediately apologized publicly via the mainstream media.

Trump would not have done the same in the same situation.

Unethical and sleazy shit has never bothered Republican voters. Cruz knew it was BS and he was the only candidate who spread it.

Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting
You support Trump yet have the balls to call Cruz unethical? That is rich

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

I don't support Trump but when it comes to pure sleaze Trump is the least sleazy of all the Rethuglicans. Rubio lies nearly as much as Cruz, Carson is crazier than a shit house rat, Bush is a warmongering Bush, Rand Paul is a nut case, Fiorina is a job wrecking and home wrecking whore, Christie is a New Jersey gangster and of all of the clowns Trump is by far the least evil. Pretty sad huh?

Hillary or Bernie will trounce any of them but what you think is my support for Trump is the delight I take in seeing the Trump wrecking ball destroy the Republican Party and it propaganda wing Saudi and Australian owned Fox News.

FYI, Rand Paul is out of the race, as of this AM.
And a very worried and sore loser Donald Trump just announced this:

Donald Trump is accusing Republican presidential rival Ted Cruz of committing fraud ahead of Monday night's Iowa caucuses, and calling for a "new election."

"Based on the fraud committed by Senator Ted Cruz during the Iowa Caucus, either a new election should take place or Cruz results nullified," Trump tweeted on Wednesday,

Trump calls for 'new election' after accusing Cruz of fraud in Iowa
Wow, if that's true, what a POS. He does seem a little sleazy, like he's hiding something. The more I get to know Cruz, the less I like him.
You will find out the truth tonight, Thursday, when Bill O'Reilly on Fox News, at 8 ET, will have the facts. There is confusion on the facts and Bill and Carson are investigating.

CNN did tweet at 6:43 p.m. CT that Carson was leaving on Tuesday. Cruz's people picked it up and ran with it. Minutes later CNN found out Carson was really leaving to go home and get a different set of clothes ( ? ) and then they tweeted that but Cruz's campaign did not receive that, or so they said.

Sounds to me like CNN is deliberately bing misleading and hoping to smear Cruz on the way

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Doesn't matter to me. His staff ran with a fraudulent CNN story. He knew nothing about it at the time. When he found out he immediately apologized publicly via the mainstream media.

Trump would not have done the same in the same situation.

Unethical and sleazy shit has never bothered Republican voters. Cruz knew it was BS and he was the only candidate who spread it.

Ted Cruz ADMITS his staff spread rumor that Ben Carson was quitting
You support Trump yet have the balls to call Cruz unethical? That is rich

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

I don't support Trump but when it comes to pure sleaze Trump is the least sleazy of all the Rethuglicans. Rubio lies nearly as much as Cruz, Carson is crazier than a shit house rat, Bush is a warmongering Bush, Rand Paul is a nut case, Fiorina is a job wrecking and home wrecking whore, Christie is a New Jersey gangster and of all of the clowns Trump is by far the least evil. Pretty sad huh?

Hillary or Bernie will trounce any of them but what you think is my support for Trump is the delight I take in seeing the Trump wrecking ball destroy the Republican Party and it propaganda wing Saudi and Australian owned Fox News.

FYI, Rand Paul is out of the race, as of this AM.
And a very worried and sore loser Donald Trump just announced this:

Donald Trump is accusing Republican presidential rival Ted Cruz of committing fraud ahead of Monday night's Iowa caucuses, and calling for a "new election."

"Based on the fraud committed by Senator Ted Cruz during the Iowa Caucus, either a new election should take place or Cruz results nullified," Trump tweeted on Wednesday,

Trump calls for 'new election' after accusing Cruz of fraud in Iowa
Knew that would happen.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Wow, if that's true, what a POS. He does seem a little sleazy, like he's hiding something. The more I get to know Cruz, the less I like him.
You will find out the truth tonight, Thursday, when Bill O'Reilly on Fox News, at 8 ET, will have the facts. There is confusion on the facts and Bill and Carson are investigating.

CNN did tweet at 6:43 p.m. CT that Carson was leaving on Tuesday. Cruz's people picked it up and ran with it. Minutes later CNN found out Carson was really leaving to go home and get a different set of clothes ( ? ) and then they tweeted that but Cruz's campaign did not receive that, or so they said.

Bill O'Reilly and truth in the same sentence? That would be the oxymoron of the century. LOL!
Wow, if that's true, what a POS. He does seem a little sleazy, like he's hiding something. The more I get to know Cruz, the less I like him.
You will find out the truth tonight, Thursday, when Bill O'Reilly on Fox News, at 8 ET, will have the facts. There is confusion on the facts and Bill and Carson are investigating.

CNN did tweet at 6:43 p.m. CT that Carson was leaving on Tuesday. Cruz's people picked it up and ran with it. Minutes later CNN found out Carson was really leaving to go home and get a different set of clothes ( ? ) and then they tweeted that but Cruz's campaign did not receive that, or so they said.

Sounds to me like CNN is deliberately bing misleading and hoping to smear Cruz on the way

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

I doubt it because none of the other candidates ran with it and Carson is not blaming CNN, he's pissed at Cruz. Cruz is the most hated crook in the senate and most of that hate comes from his own party. McCain went after him and so did Bob Dole and hardcore conservative Senator Richard Burr says he'd vote for Sanders over Cruz. Ann Coulter is backing Trump. Cruz is a dirty son of a bitch.

If Cruz had any honor he would have asked Carson first.
Wow, if that's true, what a POS. He does seem a little sleazy, like he's hiding something. The more I get to know Cruz, the less I like him.
You will find out the truth tonight, Thursday, when Bill O'Reilly on Fox News, at 8 ET, will have the facts. There is confusion on the facts and Bill and Carson are investigating.

CNN did tweet at 6:43 p.m. CT that Carson was leaving on Tuesday. Cruz's people picked it up and ran with it. Minutes later CNN found out Carson was really leaving to go home and get a different set of clothes ( ? ) and then they tweeted that but Cruz's campaign did not receive that, or so they said.

Sounds to me like CNN is deliberately bing misleading and hoping to smear Cruz on the way

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

I doubt it because non of the other candidates ran with it and Carson is not blaming CNN, he's pissed at Cruz. Cruz is the most hated crook in the senate and most of that hate comes from his own party. McCain went after him and so did Bob Dole and hardcore conservative Senator Richard Burr says he'd vote for Sanders over Cruz. Ann Coulter is backing Trump. Cruz is a dirty son of a bitch.

You whine to much

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BREAKING=> Carson Accuses Cruz Camp of Foul Play – Told Voters Carson Was Dropping Out

The Carson camp claimed Cruz’s team spread false rumors at caucus sites that Carson had dropped out.

Ben Carson was incensed as the results of Monday night’s Iowa caucuses rolled in, accusing the winner of spreading falsehoods about him at caucus sites.

Carson’s team claimed that Cruz’s campaign deliberately sent emails to supporters to spread false rumors at caucus sites that Carson had dropped out, so his supporters would caucus for other candidates.

“That is really quite a dirty trick,” Carson said speaking to reporters at the end of the evening. “That’s the very kind of thing that irritated me enough to get into this quagmire.”

“To have campaigns come out and send emails to their caucus speakers suggesting that Dr. Carson was doing anything but moving forward after tonight is the lowest of low in American politics,”said Carson campaign manager Ed Brookover.

BREAKING=> Carson Accuses Cruz Camp of Foul Play - Told Voters Carson Was Dropping Out - The Gateway Pundit

This is the second "trick" that I have heard of about Cruz.

I wouldn't put it past Cruz although Carson is also a slime. If this is true Carson and Cruz would have split the funny gelical vote and Trump would be the winner.
Trump wasn't that close to Cruz

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
We wouldn't be sure how close Cruz could be to Trump if the Carson voters hadn't turned to Cruz. A couple of votes from each precinct from Carson voters could have made a bigger difference than thought. I heard that 4 votes in each precinct could have made the difference from winning to coming in second for Cruz.
Wow, if that's true, what a POS. He does seem a little sleazy, like he's hiding something. The more I get to know Cruz, the less I like him.
You will find out the truth tonight, Thursday, when Bill O'Reilly on Fox News, at 8 ET, will have the facts. There is confusion on the facts and Bill and Carson are investigating.

CNN did tweet at 6:43 p.m. CT that Carson was leaving on Tuesday. Cruz's people picked it up and ran with it. Minutes later CNN found out Carson was really leaving to go home and get a different set of clothes ( ? ) and then they tweeted that but Cruz's campaign did not receive that, or so they said.

Bill O'Reilly and truth in the same sentence? That would be the oxymoron of the century. LOL!

Soooo, will the women with who he settled with for sexual harassment also be there tonight to present the "facts." Bill O, the factmonger.
BREAKING=> Carson Accuses Cruz Camp of Foul Play – Told Voters Carson Was Dropping Out

The Carson camp claimed Cruz’s team spread false rumors at caucus sites that Carson had dropped out.

Ben Carson was incensed as the results of Monday night’s Iowa caucuses rolled in, accusing the winner of spreading falsehoods about him at caucus sites.

Carson’s team claimed that Cruz’s campaign deliberately sent emails to supporters to spread false rumors at caucus sites that Carson had dropped out, so his supporters would caucus for other candidates.

“That is really quite a dirty trick,” Carson said speaking to reporters at the end of the evening. “That’s the very kind of thing that irritated me enough to get into this quagmire.”

“To have campaigns come out and send emails to their caucus speakers suggesting that Dr. Carson was doing anything but moving forward after tonight is the lowest of low in American politics,”said Carson campaign manager Ed Brookover.

BREAKING=> Carson Accuses Cruz Camp of Foul Play - Told Voters Carson Was Dropping Out - The Gateway Pundit

This is the second "trick" that I have heard of about Cruz.

Uncle Ben might as well drop out. His ship went off the stupid cliff long ago.
BREAKING=> Carson Accuses Cruz Camp of Foul Play – Told Voters Carson Was Dropping Out

The Carson camp claimed Cruz’s team spread false rumors at caucus sites that Carson had dropped out.

Ben Carson was incensed as the results of Monday night’s Iowa caucuses rolled in, accusing the winner of spreading falsehoods about him at caucus sites.

Carson’s team claimed that Cruz’s campaign deliberately sent emails to supporters to spread false rumors at caucus sites that Carson had dropped out, so his supporters would caucus for other candidates.

“That is really quite a dirty trick,” Carson said speaking to reporters at the end of the evening. “That’s the very kind of thing that irritated me enough to get into this quagmire.”

“To have campaigns come out and send emails to their caucus speakers suggesting that Dr. Carson was doing anything but moving forward after tonight is the lowest of low in American politics,”said Carson campaign manager Ed Brookover.

BREAKING=> Carson Accuses Cruz Camp of Foul Play - Told Voters Carson Was Dropping Out - The Gateway Pundit

This is the second "trick" that I have heard of about Cruz.

Uncle Ben might as well drop out. His ship went off the stupid cliff long ago.
I don't personally think that he was going to do well either. But, it is interesting what the votes from former candidates and do to help a second or third place candidate. If most of them go to one particular candidate, it could make a difference of several %age points. In a close race like Iowa was, that means delegates, ya know?

I wonder how Hew Hampshire goes and what side issues come out of that election. It was an interesting night!
Wow, if that's true, what a POS. He does seem a little sleazy, like he's hiding something. The more I get to know Cruz, the less I like him.
You will find out the truth tonight, Thursday, when Bill O'Reilly on Fox News, at 8 ET, will have the facts. There is confusion on the facts and Bill and Carson are investigating.

CNN did tweet at 6:43 p.m. CT that Carson was leaving on Tuesday. Cruz's people picked it up and ran with it. Minutes later CNN found out Carson was really leaving to go home and get a different set of clothes ( ? ) and then they tweeted that but Cruz's campaign did not receive that, or so they said.

Sounds to me like CNN is deliberately bing misleading and hoping to smear Cruz on the way

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

I doubt it because non of the other candidates ran with it and Carson is not blaming CNN, he's pissed at Cruz. Cruz is the most hated crook in the senate and most of that hate comes from his own party. McCain went after him and so did Bob Dole and hardcore conservative Senator Richard Burr says he'd vote for Sanders over Cruz. Ann Coulter is backing Trump. Cruz is a dirty son of a bitch.

You whine to much

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Truth hurts huh? You hate the fact that respected Republicans like war heroes John McCain and Bob Dole along with Richard Burr hate Ted Cruz with a passion.

Dr. Ben Carson rightfully accused the Cruz camp of foul play in the Iowa Caucuses on Monday. Carson said the Cruz camp told voters Carson was dropping out and to support Ted Cruz.

Carson was right to be outraged…
The Cruz camp sent this out at 7:01 PM.

There needs to be rules of conduct in campaigns and Cruz should be forced out and maybe even jailed for this dirty trick.

Maybe Dr Carson should operate on Cruz's brain and repair his morality lobe if he's able to find it.
BREAKING=> Carson Accuses Cruz Camp of Foul Play – Told Voters Carson Was Dropping Out

The Carson camp claimed Cruz’s team spread false rumors at caucus sites that Carson had dropped out.

Ben Carson was incensed as the results of Monday night’s Iowa caucuses rolled in, accusing the winner of spreading falsehoods about him at caucus sites.

Carson’s team claimed that Cruz’s campaign deliberately sent emails to supporters to spread false rumors at caucus sites that Carson had dropped out, so his supporters would caucus for other candidates.

“That is really quite a dirty trick,” Carson said speaking to reporters at the end of the evening. “That’s the very kind of thing that irritated me enough to get into this quagmire.”

“To have campaigns come out and send emails to their caucus speakers suggesting that Dr. Carson was doing anything but moving forward after tonight is the lowest of low in American politics,”said Carson campaign manager Ed Brookover.

BREAKING=> Carson Accuses Cruz Camp of Foul Play - Told Voters Carson Was Dropping Out - The Gateway Pundit

This is the second "trick" that I have heard of about Cruz.

I wouldn't put it past Cruz although Carson is also a slime. If this is true Carson and Cruz would have split the funny gelical vote and Trump would be the winner.
Trump wasn't that close to Cruz

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
We wouldn't be sure how close Cruz could be to Trump if the Carson voters hadn't turned to Cruz. A couple of votes from each precinct from Carson voters could have made a bigger difference than thought. I heard that 4 votes in each precinct could have made the difference from winning to coming in second for Cruz.
How many Carson voters heard about this? And how many voted for Cruz because of it?

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