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Carson: Blacks have 'been manipulated' by politicians, media

LBJ: "These uppity negroes have something they have never had before - power behind their movement. We have to give them something, BUT NOT ENOUGH TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. I will have these ni@@ers voting 'Democrat' for the next 200 years."

Democrats founded the KKK to keep blacks 'in their place'...but that didn't work. They opposed Civil Rights, and when it passed it scared the hell out of Democrats like LBJ. So they pretty much abandoned the KKK as their primary method of black suppression and adopted LBJ's new policy of 'Economic Slavery'.

LBJ was smart enough to realize that a strong, independent, successful, self-providing citizen needs the government far less than a weak, un-successful, DEPENDENT citizen who must rely on the government to survive. It's not rocket science - the more dependent the VOTER, the more they will rely on and need the government, and the more apt they will be to vote for the candidate / party that will keep the 'free' money / hand-outs coming.


LNJ's program has been adopted and run to perfection since that day. Blacks (and others now) have been brainwashed into believing they are VICTIMS, that someone OWES them, that they DESERVE and are OWED all the 'freebies' the government doles out. They have been trained to believe that living off the 'scraps' that fall from the government's 'table' is the best they can home for.

The biggest advance they have seen was the passage of Civil Rights, and they have not made any SERIOUS, large strides since then. One would immediately jump in and point out Obama's election, but his election is / has not really been a huge 'step forward' for blacks. Despite blacks believing Obama would give them free gas and kitchens and his promise not to abandon cities like Detroit, the un-employment rate for blacks, for example is almost DOUBLE that of whites, black communities in cities like Baltimore and Chicago are economically depressed - violence and crime run rampant, and cities like Detroit were abandoned to collapse.

Upon gaining Civil Rights in the 60s blacks immediately traded their newly-acquired 'freedom' and power for 'Economic Slavery' through their continued and increasing dependency on the Federal Government / DNC. After 50+ YEARS of loyalty to the Liberal Progressive Democratic Party their plight really hasn't improved that much / has not progressed much further. It hasn't been 200 years yet, but LBJ's prediction is looking pretty 'spot on'.

Some intelligent people, like Ben Carson, Allen West, etc, have caught on, and, as they suggest, perhaps after 50 years and nothing but promises and hand-outs to show for their loyalty, it is time to try something different?!





Playing to blacks by telling them they are too stupid to know they are being manipulated?

Pointing out that they are being and have been deceived for decades, yes. People who get fooled into believing those who walk up you smiling and put their arm around you is NOT always your friend doesn't always mean you are 'stupid', just too trusting at times.

After 50+ years of sticking with Democrats and going nowhere, though....

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results....

Another appropriate quote would be, 'Free your mind, and your @ss will follow'.
"Carson: Blacks have 'been manipulated' by politicians, media"

Another ridiculous lie from the right.

Not a lie

Politicians and the media tries to exploit everyone.

One of the most startling example in recent history is the Iraq War.

Everyone remembers that. What I do not understand is why many of these media companies, especially the cable news services, are still in existence?
Dad, rather than answer my question you posted 'talking point' posters... none of which changes the facts or my point.
Carson is stating the obvious but he's correct.

However politicians manipulate everyone if you let them.

And it's hard not to fall for all their bullshit when it's pounded into your brain day after day.

I still find myself fighting to read between the lines. Even though I know exactly what they are doing.
He is correct that 90% of blacks are easily manipulated?
Apparently so. They votd for Obama a second time.
Ignorant lefties actually referred to one of the top brain surgeons in the Country, who happens to be Black, with the nickname evocative of slavery days. "Sleepy Ben" is what the KKK motivated democrats called Dr. Carson. Democrats can double down with blather but I'm not going to let the issue go.
Ok Sleepy Ben- You have the floor


Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson says traditional politicians have long maneuvered African-American voters for their own ends.

“I think American blacks over the course of next year will begin to see that they’ve been manipulated very, very largely,” he told radio host Mike Gallagher on Tuesday.

“[It is] people telling them what they’re supposed to think and what they’re supposed to say,” Carson said. “I believe that is a dynamic that is in the process of changing.”

“More and more, I’m finding, are thinking for themselves and what works for themselves and their communities,” added Carson, who is African-American.

Carson argued the political establishment’s control over any voting demographic stems largely from media bias.

“I long for the day when the media realizes that the reason that they’re the only business that is protected by the Constitution is because it is intended to be for the people,” he said.

“They weren’t supposed to pick sides, the Democratic side or the Republican side,” Carson said. “You are supposed to be able to trust them. They take advantage of low-information individuals and people who won’t investigate things for themselves.”

Carson: Blacks have 'been manipulated' by politicians, media

Next speech I'm sure he'll 'reveal' how the sky is blue.

Every demographic gets manipulated by politicians and media. Duh.
Ben Carson: Brain Surgeon, Successful Author
Allen West: Retired Military Officer, Congressman

Charlie Rangel: Congressman, repeat tax evasion offender
Al Sharpton: Race-baiter, tax evader
Rep Hank Johnson: Declared if US put any more troops on the Island of Guam it would tip over.

Whoever wrote this needs to do more research on Charlie Rangel, Al Sharpton and Hank Johnson.

Rangel fought in Korea and is a decorated soldier

Johnson worked as an associate magistrate Judge

Reverend Al Sharpton is a Baptist minister and more than just a "Black" activist. He also actively advocate for animal rights, LGBT rights, and prison reform.

They all have made achievements in their life, and they all have faults

For instance

Ben Carson is a YEC'er based primarily on his faith.

Allen West falsely accused and tortured an Iraqi police officer based on faulty information. Add in some of the things he has said, and he maybe truly insane.
Rangel fought in Korea and is a decorated soldier
He is also a REPEAT tax evasion offender

Johnson worked as an associate magistrate Judge
- Yet still believes that an island CAN TIP OVER if it has too many people on it

Al Sharpton is a Baptist minister and more than just a "Black" activist. He also actively advocate for animal rights, LGBT rights, and prison reform.
Sharpton is a race-baiting, self-promoting racist PO$. Years ago a black girl claimed she was raped by several cops, Sharpton rolled in and started his usual circus while calling the cops some VILE names. He announced that he had evidence to prove the cops did it...and then the girl confessed that the cops never touched her, that she had had sex with a boyfriend or something and was making the whole story up. Sharpton, who was suddenly BUSTED for producing false evidence and impeding an investigation/obstruction of justice fled town and never apologized. The Cops did not pursue Sharpton's criminal activity because they just wanted him and the whole thing to go away and the tension to end in the community!

"They all have made achievements in their life, and they all have faults"
-- Agreed
Playing to blacks by telling them they are too stupid to know they are being manipulated?

Pointing out that they are being and have been deceived for decades, yes. People who get fooled into believing those who walk up you smiling and put their arm around you is NOT always your friend doesn't always mean you are 'stupid', just too trusting at times.

After 50+ years of sticking with Democrats and going nowhere, though....

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results....

Another appropriate quote would be, 'Free your mind, and your @ss will follow'.

Simple question

What are Republicans offering that will make their lives getter?

Do you think blacks are too stupid to recognize a better deal?
Simple question

What are Republicans offering that will make their lives getter?

Do you think blacks are too stupid to recognize a better deal?

Obviously it wasn't that 'simple' of a question because you couldn't spell the word 'better'....but to answer you, using only one example out of many (and I am not offering anything - the GOP is), is the GOP is offering an alternative to the Liberals nominees that include:

1. An OPENLY-admitted member of the Socialist Party (and by not immediately denouncing any connection to Sanders the DNC is silently admitting what Americans have known for years - the Progressive Liberals that have taken over the DNC are a bunch of Socialists who are slowly but surely replace the system our Founding Fathers created and entrusted to us with a system of government that has caused the collapse of almost EVERY single government that has embraced it)


2. A corrupt, lying, law-breaking, treasonous, millionaire elitist woman who got her start in politics by being BOOTED from the Watergate Team for unethical behavior all the way to today at which time she is fighting for her legal freedom as she already has one foot in an Orange Jumpsuit because of the CONTINUED illegal activity (such as the 3 new e-mails marked SECRET they found just yesterday) in which she has been engaged. This woman has and continues to take money from foreigners whom she helped violate US Sanctions against Iran while she was Secretary of State, from terrorist nations, nations that openly support terrorism, and had helped the very country / leader who if kicking Obama's ass publicly - Russia/Putin - to acquire 1/5th of our nation's supply of Uranium.

Then there's Old Joe waiting in the wings, the guy who once told a wheelchair-bound buddy to stand up and take a bow at a speech and who told a reporter that you can't walk into a 7-11 without having an Indian accent....

And today's news is that the Democrats are panicking so badly and becoming so desperate that they are even considering bringing AL GORE back!

With THAT line-up as the alternative to anyone that may come out on top for the GOP (except for Bush), the GOP candidates are looking pretty good!
Blacks are better off not voting at all until one or both parties get their shit together.

Democrats need to stop creating nanny-state plantations, and Republicans need to evict the bigots who are a metastasized cancer in the party.

Blacks should make it understood their votes have to be EARNED, not assumed.
Playing to blacks by telling them they are too stupid to know they are being manipulated?

Pointing out that they are being and have been deceived for decades, yes. People who get fooled into believing those who walk up you smiling and put their arm around you is NOT always your friend doesn't always mean you are 'stupid', just too trusting at times.

After 50+ years of sticking with Democrats and going nowhere, though....

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results....

Another appropriate quote would be, 'Free your mind, and your @ss will follow'.

Simple question

What are Republicans offering that will make their lives getter?

Do you think blacks are too stupid to recognize a better deal?
You keep asking the question over and over.
You arent asking a question. You are trolling. You already know the answer.
Playing to blacks by telling them they are too stupid to know they are being manipulated?

Pointing out that they are being and have been deceived for decades, yes. People who get fooled into believing those who walk up you smiling and put their arm around you is NOT always your friend doesn't always mean you are 'stupid', just too trusting at times.

After 50+ years of sticking with Democrats and going nowhere, though....

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results....

Another appropriate quote would be, 'Free your mind, and your @ss will follow'.

Simple question

What are Republicans offering that will make their lives getter?

Do you think blacks are too stupid to recognize a better deal?

If they thought Blacks were capable of recognizing a better deal, they would offer the better del to Blacks.

So far, all I hear is that Blacks are lazy good for nothings that want hand outs and they vote Democrat to keep the hand outs. That makes Blacks stupid.

If the lazy good for nothing handouts wanting Blacks would vote for, say, the Republican party and lose the handouts, that would make Black folks smart.

You know, I think the terms "stupid" and "smart" are mixed up here? Why vote to get rid of the things you want? The Republican argument isn't making sense.

The gist of their argument is They are offering to take away from the free loaders--and that is smart?

Look--if you want to win Black votes
1--Stop treating Blacks as good for nothing free loaders
2--Add programs that will improve the lot in life for all poor(Not all Blacks are poor and on Welfare--nor the majority!)
3--Ensure those programs lead to self sufficiency of the individual.

For instance, a work program that is tied to welfare. That is an idea from the 90s that worked. Problem--it involves government

Another case is a training in a usable talent that is tied to welfare. Problem--it involves government

How about a higher education program tied to welfare for those that qualify?Problem--it involves government

Hmmm. I think the real source of the problem here is not Blacks wanting free stuff, but Republicans refusal to use government to resolve social issues.

Let me rephrase that.

The reason Blacks don't vote Republican is due to conservatism. It is Conservative Philosophical stance against the use of government that keeps Blacks from the GOP. Change that, and more Blacks may vote Republican.

But then, that would make the GOP a liberal party.
Why can't Republicans convince blacks that they have a better solution? Are Republicans that inept? All they have to do is say.......We are going to take away all your "free stuff" an here is what you are going to get instead
I think "inept" is a fair term.

I don't know why their messaging is so bad, but I do think they could offer a reasonable alternative to liberal policies if they could somehow get their messaging skills together.

Maybe not a better alternative - that's up to the individual - but at least a reasonable one. And a reasonable alternative might cause the Left to improve what they're doing as well.

Competition is a good thing.
It wont work.
You've got Republicans promising that if they get into power everyone will have the opportunity to work and get ahead.
You've got Democrats promising that if they get into power everyone will get free shit without lifting a finger.
It's a no-brainer if you've been conditioned to the idea that you can never get anywhere on your own and racism will always stymie any effort.
I'd think it could work if the Republicans become brave enough to point out what their opponents are doing, and what they have been doing for generations now. But anyone who did that would really be taking on risk, because no doubt they'd be subjecting themselves to non-stop claims of racism (even, of course, if racism had nothing to do with their point).

More likely, some leadership would also have to come from those American Blacks who are willing to stand up. I may be too hopeful here, but it does seem like I'm seeing more and more of that.

Which is precisely why they need to shut Ben Carson up. He is going to ruin the left's monopoly

Rain Man Carson is hilarious! Yeah, blacks were just hanging around - in trees...

Does Carson know that 150 years ago was 1865?
His great grandpappy hardly noticed the guys hanging from trees were all black.

I'm sure they were grateful that republicans were willing to die for them so democrats would no Longer own them.

So grateful, in fact, that many of them joined the GOP and ran for office right after being freed from slavery.

But, that goes against what Ben Caron said.:eusa_whistle:

Rain Man Carson is hilarious! Yeah, blacks were just hanging around - in trees...

Does Carson know that 150 years ago was 1865?
His great grandpappy hardly noticed the guys hanging from trees were all black.

I'm sure they were grateful that republicans were willing to die for them so democrats would no Longer own them.

So grateful, in fact, that many of them joined the GOP and ran for office right after being freed from slavery.

But, that goes against what Ben Caron said.:eusa_whistle:

And that was because at the time the Republicans represented Abolition, and therefore, Liberalism. That all changed by the turn of the century. The black political preference shifted to the Dems in the early days of the FDR administration and hasn't looked back since.

It's like anybody else -- voters will gravitate to where their interests are represented, and away from where they're not.

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