Carson re: Trump - "I discovered in grade school that those tactics...."


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2012
Ben Carson said: ""I discovered when I was in grade school that those tactics [Donald Trump's slam] really are for grade school. And I've gone far beyond that now," he told CNN during a book signing in Fort Myers, Fla.

Yeah, he sure did. A few years later he tried to stab a friend with a camping knife! Big improvement! Bhahahahahaha!
What a gasbag.
Ben Carson said: ""I discovered when I was in grade school that those tactics [Donald Trump's slam] really are for grade school. And I've gone far beyond that now," he told CNN during a book signing in Fort Myers, Fla.

Yeah, he sure did. A few years later he tried to stab a friend with a camping knife! Big improvement! Bhahahahahaha!
What a gasbag.
Doctor Demento isn't playing with a full deck. Wait a minute! Doesn't that make him the ideal gop/teabagger candidate?
As much as I think that Trump is a media whore and a clown, I'd take him over Carson whom I consider to be a Christian "Mullah".....
Carson has a very scary pathological demeanor.
Ben Carson said: ""I discovered when I was in grade school that those tactics [Donald Trump's slam] really are for grade school. And I've gone far beyond that now," he told CNN during a book signing in Fort Myers, Fla.

Yeah, he sure did. A few years later he tried to stab a friend with a camping knife! Big improvement! Bhahahahahaha!
What a gasbag.

Any links?

Or just going full bore into throwing the liberal perceived uncle Tom under the Buss?
Irony. Dr Carson talks about how attacking people with childish insults is childish and he gets slammed with childish insults.

And yet this is totally lost on the people being childish.

Truly the darkness cannot comprehend the light.
Ben Carson said: ""I discovered when I was in grade school that those tactics [Donald Trump's slam] really are for grade school. And I've gone far beyond that now," he told CNN during a book signing in Fort Myers, Fla.

Yeah, he sure did. A few years later he tried to stab a friend with a camping knife! Big improvement! Bhahahahahaha!
What a gasbag.

Any links?

Or just going full bore into throwing the liberal perceived uncle Tom under the Buss?

By now, you ought to know that story. I don't even have a TV and I'm aware of that tale. Geese.
As much as I think that Trump is a media whore and a clown, I'd take him over Carson whom I consider to be a Christian "Mullah".....
Carson has a very scary pathological demeanor.

Nat, watch him when he standing up an speaking. He compulsively wrings his hands at chest level. He cannot keep his hands to his sides. Weird.
Ben Carson said: ""I discovered when I was in grade school that those tactics [Donald Trump's slam] really are for grade school. And I've gone far beyond that now," he told CNN during a book signing in Fort Myers, Fla.

Yeah, he sure did. A few years later he tried to stab a friend with a camping knife! Big improvement! Bhahahahahaha!
What a gasbag.

Any links?

Or just going full bore into throwing the liberal perceived uncle Tom under the Buss?

By now, you ought to know that story. I don't even have a TV and I'm aware of that tale. Geese.

Tales are fiction. He wrote about that stabbing attempt in his book, "Gifted Hands". Should have been titled "Wringing Hands".
As much as I think that Trump is a media whore and a clown, I'd take him over Carson whom I consider to be a Christian "Mullah".....
Carson has a very scary pathological demeanor.

Nat, watch him when he standing up an speaking. He compulsively wrings his hands at chest level. He cannot keep his hands to his sides. Weird.

Not as weird as someome who repeatedly denies the truth when it's presented to them.

But what does character, truth, or the issues matter when someone is weird?
Or just going full bore into throwing the liberal perceived uncle Tom under the Buss?

Do your OWN research, bear..or, instead, stay just as ignorant as you are now.

You do realize the burden of proof is on those that make claims right?
Irony. Dr Carson talks about how attacking people with childish insults is childish and he gets slammed with childish insults.

And yet this is totally lost on the people being childish.

Truly the darkness cannot comprehend the light.

I doubt it's lost on Trump, but Carson is a clinical narcissist. Most surgeons are. He will say anything that comes to mind if he thinks it will make him look good, and dismiss whatever data is out there that discredits it. He's a legend in his own mind.
As much as I think that Trump is a media whore and a clown, I'd take him over Carson whom I consider to be a Christian "Mullah".....
Carson has a very scary pathological demeanor.

Nat, watch him when he standing up an speaking. He compulsively wrings his hands at chest level. He cannot keep his hands to his sides. Weird.

Not as weird as someome who repeatedly denies the truth when it's presented to them.

But what does character, truth, or the issues matter when someone is weird?

Oh, you really want to go there?

All statements involving Ben Carson

Using his own math, there's a hole
Says his tax plan wouldn't leave the federal government with a $1.1 trillion hole.

— PolitiFact National

The only estimate, but it's not very reliable
Among manufacturers with fewer than 50 employees, "the average cost in terms of regulations is $34,000 per employee."

— PolitiFact National

If by "no involvement" he means ringing endorsement
Says he "didn’t have an involvement with" nutritional supplement company Mannatech.

— PolitiFact National

A mix of bad history and bad math
"German citizens were disarmed by their government in the late 1930s," which allowed the Nazis to "carry out their evil intentions with relatively little resistance."

— PolitiFact National

There was no 1968 bad guys club
"In the class of 1968 at Patrice Lumumba University in Moscow, Mahmoud Abbas was one of the members of that class, and so was Ali Khamenei. And that's where they first established relationships with the young Vladimir Putin."

— PolitiFact National

Evidence doesn't support claim
Birth control pioneer Margaret Sanger "believed that people like me should be eliminated."

— PolitiFact New Hampshire

Most apprehensions are from Mexico and Central America
When ICE releases illegal immigrants, "a lot of those people are not from Honduras and Mexico. They’re from Iraq and Somalia and Russia."

— PolitiFact Florida

Oversimplified beyond recognition
"We've had examples like in Yuma County, where we've been able to stop 97 percent of the illegal (immigration) flow, and those programs, they abolish."

— PolitiFact National

There are some exceptions
There is not "one of the Muslim nations" that doesn't have "discrimination against women, discrimination against gays, subjugation of other religious beliefs."

— PolitiFact National

Immunizations don't exist for trivial illnesses
There are a "multitude" of vaccines that do not prevent deadly and crippling diseases.

— PolitiFact Georgia

Leading medical experts agree on vaccination schedule
Pediatricians have cut down on the number and proximity of vaccines because they recognize there have been "too many in too short a period of time."

— PolitiFact Florida

Defining border security is subjective
Says "56 percent of (the U.S.-Mexico) border is not under our control."

— PolitiFact National

Data lacking, but trend is real for younger Americans
The number of people who "believe in socialism ... is increasing."

— PolitiFact National

More like a promise not to attack
"Ukraine was a nuclear-armed state. They gave away their nuclear arms with the understanding that we would protect them."

— PolitiFact National

Not enough criminal justice figures available for 18-24 age group
"There are more young black males involved in the criminal justice system than there are in higher education."

— PolitiFact Wisconsin

More, but not double
"We spent twice as much per capita for health care in this country as the next closest nation."

— PolitiFact New Hampshire

A researcher called the claim 'insane'
"A lot of people who go into prison straight, and when they come out they’re gay."

— PolitiFact National

All statements involving Ben Carson | PolitiFact
As much as I think that Trump is a media whore and a clown, I'd take him over Carson whom I consider to be a Christian "Mullah".....
Carson has a very scary pathological demeanor.

Nat, watch him when he standing up an speaking. He compulsively wrings his hands at chest level. He cannot keep his hands to his sides. Weird.

Not as weird as someome who repeatedly denies the truth when it's presented to them.

But what does character, truth, or the issues matter when someone is weird?

Still, as much as the progressives and the left are to be chastised for their lack of ethics, they are ringing a warning bell that is needed in our nation. The dominionists CANNOT be allowed to seize power. Especially after the elites have fanned the flames of racial, cultural, ethnic, and sexual cleavages and divisions in the nation for so long. Undoubtedly the nation is now a tinderbox.
You can see the video where he talks about trying to kill someone here.
Benjamin Carson Interview -- page 3 / 8 -- Academy of Achievement

He doesn't strike me as a liar. He's not the professional pol type, not like a Hillary or a Jeb.

Politifact has him with a few "Pants on Fire".. Rush Limbaugh's record on Pollitifact is way better than Carson's. Well, practically everybody's is.

Two things.

First, Politifact is hardly "non-partisan" It's a globalist hatchet job.

Second, when it comes to the social sciences, Ben Carson is hardly a brain surgeon. I seriously doubt he intentional has sought to mislead. C'mon, this is coming from a guy that literally believes that the Earth is less than a million years old. I'm sure he has faith that a lot of those statements are true. Right? :eusa_doh:
While it's true that Carson has said a lot of "questionable" things, and has some "unusual" insights on topics like Evolution and "climate change," the above compilation was obviously put together by a Lefty nut-job trying to slander an opposing candidate. A list of much-worse statements (i.e., actual lies) by HRC would fill a pretty good size volume.

I am a right-wing nut job myself and my view is that Carson is more of a phenomenon than a viable candidate. He is the darling of Christian Conservatives because he has been a "Rock Star" in that community for many years, though off the radar screen for most of America.

His positions on the major issues of our time are pretty much spot-on for Conservatives:

No citizenship for illegal line-jumpers - ever.

Roll back Roe v. Wade.

Simplify the tax code and establish a flat tax that balances the budget (the brouhaha about "10%" is nonsense. He never said that the tax rate would have to be 10%, and that call would be up to Congress in any event. He said his proposed flat tax would be "like a tithe").

"Climate Change" is not sufficient justification to cripple major U.S. industries (e.g., coal).

Education is a State & Local matter.

But it is inevitable that his campaign will crash & burn when sufficient light is shone upon his more bizarre statements and positions. The MSM will beat him to death with them and not even allow him to speak about the real issues. The Pyramids were actually built as grain silos? Are you shitting me?

Any fight between Trump and Carson is nothing more than a side show. By March, both will be just a memory.
You do realize the burden of proof is on those that make claims right?

Actually, NO......since for right wing zealots any link would be discredited, it would be a waste of time; it is much better for you lazy conservatives to do your own research and see if FOX or Limbaugh have anything to say about the issue on the pathology of Carson.......THEN, you may actually wake up.

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