Carville: Carville: A Supreme Court loss will help Democrats

Most people are saying that obama will use a loss to attack the Supreme Court and ask for 4 more years so he could appoint new Justices. snip

That is a pretty risky idea. A President saying he wants to pack the court because he disagrees with a SCOTUS decision cannot end well.
Hey T........go check out DRUDGE right now bro...................

This sorta sums it up for the k00ks....................


Check out the headlines............a fucking hoot and a half.

Love it should be...

Justices poised to strike down entire healthcare law
The link: Yay!!!!!

They voted yesterday, and assigned Justices to write the opinions to be released in June.

To some on the left? It is unfair that the Justices already know the outcome, and it just isn't fair they won't release it immediately after knowing...(Nevermind it's been practiced for 200+ years the same way) :eusa_shhh:

AP Begs for a leak...

WASHINGTON (AP) - While the rest of us have to wait until June, the justices of the Supreme Court will know the likely outcome of the historic health care case by the time they go home this weekend.
After months of anticipation, thousands of pages of briefs and more than six hours of arguments, the justices will vote on the fate of President Barack Obama's health care overhaul in under an hour Friday morning. They will meet in a wood-paneled conference room on the court's main floor. No one else will be present.

In the weeks after this meeting, individual votes can change. Even who wins can change, as the justices read each other's draft opinions and dissents.
But Friday's vote, which each justice probably will record and many will keep for posterity, will be followed soon after by the assignment of a single justice to write a majority opinion, or in a case this complex, perhaps two or more justices to tackle different issues. That's where the hard work begins, with the clock ticking toward the end of the court's work in early summer.
I agree with Carville. The Dems will be the benefitiary of a Supreme Court loss. The GOP will be seen for what they are, which is a party that says, "If you can pay for Health Carem you can have it."

They are and will always be a party that caters to the rich and affluent. At least the Dems tried to gain a HC system for all, and with the backing of the GOP, it was throddled. The stories of mysery that this will cause will begin soon. Obama wins big in November.
Sorry, JimH52, the Dems will finally hear the people clearly for the first time since the Pied Piper Obama took office.

You can't pass off a buncha crap by disguising it in 5 goddamned reams of gobbledygook that can be twisted to benefit the Democrat Party and only the Democrat Party at the expense of other people who do not belong to the Democrat Party.

It was the dirtiest and most underhanded deal I ever heard of when Nancy Pelosi twisted the arms of her fellow Congresscritters to pass a bill right now without reading it based on her approval to support their future runs for congress.

Her bullshitting the Congress oozed through the cracks of the Halls of Congress all the way out to every inch of this land as detritus not worthy of passage.

She and she alone is responsible for this travesty of unjust passage of a bill by making it weigh 50 pounds in paper. Begosh and Begorra, the Democrats can take what they get from the Supreme Court.

I hope the SCOTUS does cause people to realize snake oil can be hidden in 50 stinking pounds of paper written to obfuscate stuff from the people by the Democrats so bent on Communizing America right this minute, they had to cram this disgusting piece of crap down Republicans' throats like that was the most important thing they could do with all that power they misused on a daily basis while Pelosi was speaker.

The election of 2010 didn't make Democrats do anything but plan more birdbrained endeavors, and they're all coming home to roost.
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Most people are saying that obama will use a loss to attack the Supreme Court and ask for 4 more years so he could appoint new Justices. snip

That is a pretty risky idea. A President saying he wants to pack the court because he disagrees with a SCOTUS decision cannot end well.

FDR attempted/threatened to do the very same...
Most people are saying that obama will use a loss to attack the Supreme Court and ask for 4 more years so he could appoint new Justices.

Except for one thing. The health care bill was hugely, hugely unpopular. If obama says that if he gets four more years he'd pack the court, that may be a signal to a lot of people to vote against him.

He already looks like he's going to blame their lawyer for the loss. As much responsiblity as he's run from so far, this might be the last straw.

We'll see. If it is in it's entirety struck down due to 'severability'...

Obamacare suffers a severability trainwreck at the Supreme Court
I agree with the majority that the whole enchilada should go back to the boiler room.

The problem with the law was its length and precocious push through by airhead Nancy Pelosi offends the eighth amendment of not doing cruel and unusual punishment to people who have to read the damn thing!

Of course, that was said in jest, but that is soooooooooooo truly undeniable it's as good a reason as it gets !!!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Yeah...and unmasked the entire ploy they foisted on us. These are the same people that are smarter than the rest of us...:eusa_shhh:
I wonder if Pelousy and company were horrified to discover what was in the Bill once it got passed?
We'll see. If it is in it's entirety struck down due to 'severability'...

Obamacare suffers a severability trainwreck at the Supreme Court
I agree with the majority that the whole enchilada should go back to the boiler room.

The problem with the law was its length and precocious push through by airhead Nancy Pelosi offends the eighth amendment of not doing cruel and unusual punishment to people who have to read the damn thing!

Of course, that was said in jest, but that is soooooooooooo truly undeniable it's as good a reason as it gets !!!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Yeah...and unmasked the entire ploy they foisted on us. These are the same people that are smarter than the rest of us...:eusa_shhh:
They fall short of the founders who wisely founded laws based so truthfully and simply that every citizen could understand them.

Lawyering the founders' principles of simplicity to death with paper tonnage was a bad idea.
I wonder if Pelousy and company were horrified to discover what was in the Bill once it got passed?

Hard to determine since they apparently didn't read it...and wanted the Court to do thier work for them...:D
I agree with the majority that the whole enchilada should go back to the boiler room.

The problem with the law was its length and precocious push through by airhead Nancy Pelosi offends the eighth amendment of not doing cruel and unusual punishment to people who have to read the damn thing!

Of course, that was said in jest, but that is soooooooooooo truly undeniable it's as good a reason as it gets !!!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Yeah...and unmasked the entire ploy they foisted on us. These are the same people that are smarter than the rest of us...:eusa_shhh:
They fall short of the founders who wisely founded laws based so truthfully and simply that every citizen could understand them.

Lawyering the founders' principles of simplicity to death with paper tonnage was a bad idea.

Indeed. make a simple system so complicated that the average Joe will throw in the towel and comply.
THey'll never get that. Sotomayor, Kagan and Ginsberg will never go against their party and the fact that Kagan helped WRITE the argument for the government to defend this legislation.... well, no. The best we can hope for is a 6-3 I think.

I find it funny that there is a rumor out there that the law will be found constitutional by 6-3 because some radicals think Kennedy will go for it, and then Roberts in an effort to limit it's damage will vote for it so he can write the Majority Opinion and add a limiting clause to it.

I find this massively dubious and desperate straw clinging. I'm still under the impression it's going to be a near party line '5-4' vote with Kennedy going for unconstitutionality because the power grab is so big it will give him agida.

And why Kagan didn't recuse herself as she was Obama's SG arguing this crap is beyond me...

You may see Kagen still recuse herself from the final decision. She cannot maintain credibility voting against a bill she promoted nor voting for a bill 6, maybe 7 other justiced decide to scrap.
If it goes 5-4 she'll likely not recuse, 6-3, it's a toss up and 7-2 will likely end up 7-1. That could be interesting too... Sotomayor could bale on barry too, making it 8-0
.....But, if she was married to a TEABAGGIN' LOBBYIST.....


....that'd be different, right??

Yeah...and unmasked the entire ploy they foisted on us. These are the same people that are smarter than the rest of us...:eusa_shhh:
They fall short of the founders who wisely founded laws based so truthfully and simply that every citizen could understand them.

Lawyering the founders' principles of simplicity to death with paper tonnage was a bad idea.

Indeed. make a simple system so complicated that the average Joe will throw in the towel and comply.
That is so well said it deserves a rep as do many here on this thread. Unfortunately, I used up every last rep in an hour or so last night, and have to wait 24 hours. :mad:

Great thread, The T. My kudos. I'm so grateful the
Supreme Court is considering making Congress stop going over the top with confusion in bills. Somebody needed to do it, because the Press is so grossly dishonest it has squandered being the Fifth Column in this nation.
They fall short of the founders who wisely founded laws based so truthfully and simply that every citizen could understand them.

Lawyering the founders' principles of simplicity to death with paper tonnage was a bad idea.

Indeed. make a simple system so complicated that the average Joe will throw in the towel and comply.
That is so well said it deserves a rep as do many here on this thread. Unfortunately, I used up every last rep in an hour or so last night, and have to wait 24 hours. :mad:

Great thread, The T. My kudos. I'm so grateful the
Supreme Court is considering making Congress stop going over the top with confusion in bills. Somebody needed to do it, because the Press is so grossly dishonest it has squandered being the Fifth Column in this nation.

You're very kind. Certain subjects/stories grab my attention and as I posted this thread in the interest of liberty and common sense, and what all freedom loving people everwhere should be concerned about... and the dark forces mounting against the very same that intend on robbing it all for the sake of control.

I wonder if Pelousy and company were horrified to discover what was in the Bill once it got passed?
Bullies usually have a pretty good idea of the damages they do before their victims. Just sayin. :eusa_whistle:

I dunno. If a bully walks up to some rderp in the playground and punches the poor idiot's nose, I think the poor idiot has a pretty good clue of the damage at the same time as the bully.

If Pelousy and her idiot pals voted for ObamaCare without even knowing what it said -- waiting for it to pass before bothering to find out - then maybe they WERE surprised to see what a piece of crap THEY were responsible for.

And now that the SCOTUS might be throwing it into the dust bin of history, maybe Pelousy and her dopey ilk will be grateful for the fact that in this Constitutional Republic, there is a mechanism to undo the illicit efforts of such stupid legislators.
I agree with Carville. The Dems will be the benefitiary of a Supreme Court loss. The GOP will be seen for what they are, which is a party that says, "If you can pay for Health Carem you can have it."

They are and will always be a party that caters to the rich and affluent. At least the Dems tried to gain a HC system for all, and with the backing of the GOP, it was throddled. The stories of mysery that this will cause will begin soon. Obama wins big in November.
Sorry, JimH52, the Dems will finally hear the people clearly for the first time since the Pied Piper Obama took office.

You can't pass off a buncha crap by disguising it in 5 goddamned reams of gobbledygook that can be twisted to benefit the Democrat Party and only the Democrat Party at the expense of other people who do not belong to the Democrat Party.

It was the dirtiest and most underhanded deal I ever heard of when Nancy Pelosi twisted the arms of her fellow Congresscritters to pass a bill right now without reading it based on her approval to support their future runs for congress.

Her bullshitting the Congress oozed through the cracks of the Halls of Congress all the way out to every inch of this land as detritus not worthy of passage.

She and she alone is responsible for this travesty of unjust passage of a bill by making it weigh 50 pounds in paper. Begosh and Begorra, the Democrats can take what they get from the Supreme Court.

I hope the SCOTUS does cause people to realize snake oil can be hidden in 50 stinking pounds of paper written to obfuscate stuff from the people by the Democrats so bent on Communizing America right this minute, they had to cram this disgusting piece of crap down Republicans' throats like that was the most important thing they could do with all that power they misused on a daily basis while Pelosi was speaker.

The election of 2010 didn't make Democrats do anything but plan more birdbrained endeavors, and they're all coming home to roost.
I am all for the Dems thinking this is a good thing.

Think of the campaign ads: The Democrats brought you an unconstitutional bill that they KNEW was unconstitutional and that's probably why they never read it before they signed it. Incompetance of the Dems and their lack of regard for the Constitution.

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I wonder if Pelousy and company were horrified to discover what was in the Bill once it got passed?
Bullies usually have a pretty good idea of the damages they do before their victims. Just sayin. :eusa_whistle:

I dunno. If a bully walks up to some rderp in the playground and punches the poor idiot's nose, I think the poor idiot has a pretty good clue of the damage at the same time as the bully.

If Pelousy and her idiot pals voted for ObamaCare without even knowing what it said -- waiting for it to pass before bothering to find out - then maybe they WERE surprised to see what a piece of crap THEY were responsible for.

And now that the SCOTUS might be throwing it into the dust bin of history, maybe Pelousy and her dopey ilk will be grateful for the fact that in this Constitutional Republic, there is a mechanism to undo the illicit efforts of such stupid legislators.

And show them the err of thier ways....?

Nah...forget it. They haven't learned in over 100 years of Progressive Statism...only draws one conclusion...they don't care...thier power over the masses and thier good intentions reins supreme...forget the unintended consequences. That doesn't matter.
IF the Madate is found unConstitutional? (That is the funding mechanism for Ocare...), then the Statist Democrats will still run with it and it's Medicare for everyone. Single-Payer. /Story.

Watch them try it.

They will. That's what they've wanted all along.

They will never give up trying to transfer power from the people to government.
Hey dopey, it's an obvious observation. Conservative court takes away health care for children 26 and under and preexisting conditions as Tea Party Lunatics cheer?

No 26 year old has any business being on their parents' insurance. 26 years old is well into adulthood and you need to act like it.
Hey dopey, it's an obvious observation. Conservative court takes away health care for children 26 and under and preexisting conditions as Tea Party Lunatics cheer?

No 26 year old has any business being on their parents' insurance. 26 years old is well into adulthood and you need to act like it.

And should have been the minute they graduated from High School...
So, let me get this straight, people don't want it, yet it should be passed anyway because eventually we'll convince you to like it?

My God that's scary.
People didn't want it because every Rightwing politician, talk show host, blog, newspaper, and columnist in the country was saturating the media with negative commits, lies, and all manner of distortions. After two years, the federal government, state governments, insurance companies, and healthcare providers are getting the word out.

30 million people with no insurance are learning that they will have insurance in 2014. Millions of low middle income tax payers are learning they will see tax credits in 2014 to help them pay for health insurance. Plus people are learning about many other benefits such as free preventive care for items such as Mammograms, physical exams, colonoscopies, vaccinations, support for wellness programs in the workplace, new FDA procedure to bring more generics drugs to market faster, abstinence-only education, limitations on insurance company overhead and profits, elimination of Medicare over payments to insurance companies, visits to expecting families, higher hospital reimbursement rates for hospitals that reduce the spread of disease, calorie labeling on menus, web-based health care management tools, break time for nursing mothers, school-based health centers, etc....

Look who just posted about lies.

Of those 30 milliion there is anywhere from 10 to 15 million who could afford insurance, BUT DON'T WANT IT. And now you are going to make them pay for it ?

This is way to funny.

Limits on profits. That is REAL freaking American. The oil companies had better look out.
More right wing dribble..

The uninsured don't have insurance because they don't want it.

The unemployed don't have jobs because there're too lazy to work.

The poor have no money because they spend it all on cigarettes, booze, and drugs.

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