Case closed, Zimmerman's a gonner

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Negged. You are not the boss of this forum. YOU go fuck yourself. It's clear no one else has bothered with you for at least 50 years.

Don't sweat it Sunshine, I got my first neg and I'm kind of excited and proud about it. I'm a Real Member now.

It doesn't say anything though - not even a frowny face. Kinda disappointing.

Well it HAS to say SOMETHING... Not a period or something? Used to be you had to put something in the field, couldn't leave it blank.

Haven't given one in awhile.

Nope, not a damn thing. It's a silent neg.

I don't neg - I think it's dumb - I'll just say it right out here in the open so IDK how it works. If I was to neg, I'd try to set the bar somewhere. "You suck rotten eggs! ;-(" or something.

[MENTION=21954]Sunshine[/MENTION] - will you neg me so I can be with the "in" crowd?
Negged. You are not the boss of this forum. YOU go fuck yourself. It's clear no one else has bothered with you for at least 50 years.

Don't sweat it Sunshine, I got my first neg and I'm kind of excited and proud about it. I'm a Real Member now.

It doesn't say anything though - not even a frowny face. Kinda disappointing.

Well it HAS to say SOMETHING... Not a period or something? Used to be you had to put something in the field, couldn't leave it blank.

Haven't given one in awhile.

don't know about neg reps (don't use 'em) but pos-reps don't require anything in the field at all. Half the time I write nothing unless the post is especially funny/intrigueing
I didn't realize you were such a goddamned misogynist. Maybe you think women shouldn't be lawyers, and judges, or only a paltry token few. Yeah that's it we should all stick to wiping butts and emptying bedpans. You don't know what you are talking about. There is nothing, N O T H I N G, that indicates women will be less objective than men on a jury. For your information and hopefully your edification, I could convict you in a heartbeat. I could also sentence you to death by whatever means the state would be using at the time.

Now, if the victim would have been Morman, Jake would acquit without a problem.

I used to teach with a prof who said that we ALL have prejudices. He had devised a tool that would root yours out. I don't think a research tool is even needed on forums. It glares.

I had another prof who asserted that women are less corruptible than men. It was a guy.

I can agree with that statement, we are all influenced by our environment, on these forums, I think people tend not to be to reserved, so it is usually, what you see is what you get.

I tend to also believe that women are more loyal to their values then men. And I agree less corruptible.
Don't sweat it Sunshine, I got my first neg and I'm kind of excited and proud about it. I'm a Real Member now.

It doesn't say anything though - not even a frowny face. Kinda disappointing.

Well it HAS to say SOMETHING... Not a period or something? Used to be you had to put something in the field, couldn't leave it blank.

Haven't given one in awhile.

Nope, not a damn thing. It's a silent neg.

I don't neg - I think it's dumb - I'll just say it right out here in the open so IDK how it works. If I was to neg, I'd try to set the bar somewhere. "You suck rotten eggs! ;-(" or something.

[MENTION=21954]Sunshine[/MENTION] - will you neg me so I can be with the "in" crowd?

LOL. No, because my rep is such that it would knock you back too far. Some of these people can't do simple math! LOL.

Even if, arguendo, Zimmerman got beat up by the teenager, he should not have shot the unarmed boy in the chest. Zim, appears to have been the initial aggressor in so far as he was following the boy, who would from his perspective see Zim as an aggressor who is stalking him. The boy had the right to stand his ground against Zim. Zim being the adult, should have been able to diffuse the situation. Zim being the adult with a gun, should have been able to get the boy to back off without shooting the boy in the chest. Where I grew up the guy that gets up after loosing a fist fight with a knife or gun is a despicable coward.

But the most important part of the story is what happened afterwards. After shooting the boy in the chest, Zim left the boy face down in the mud. According to the reports, also from Zim, Zim was on top of the boy holding him down as the boy died face down in the mud. I believe I even heard Zim say in one report that he put his knees into the back of the boy. I've heard lots of examples of CPR but never putting your knees into the back of a boy that has been shot in the chest. I'd like to hear the detail about the events that occurred immediately after the shooting. Where I come from even people you don't like and/or people who are your enemies deserve to live.

Trevon Martin was hardly a "kid" he was 5'11" tall and weighed 158 pounds at autopsy. Zimmerman was 5'7" tall and weighed 185 at booking. While Zimmerman had a 27 pound weight advantage, Martin was 4" taller and in far better physical condition.

What he did after he shot Martin is not all that relevant. He had just shot a young man that moments earlier had been trying to kill him by smashing his head into the pavement. Likely he was in shock from the physical and emotional trauma, but I can understand him restraining the man who had just been astride his chest. I wouldn't have been letting go myself. Mr. Zimmerman is not a doctor and had no idea how badly his assailant had been injured.
Zimmerman will present his case for self defense.

It will sound something like this:

"I saw suspicious activity, a person unknown to me...the neighborhood watch captain...walking in the dark, in the rain...who seemed to be casing the nearby houses and backyards.

I phoned the police while I kept an eye on this person to make sure he engaged in no criminal activity before the police arrived.

When the person noticed that I was watching their activities, they fled and I lost contact with them.

At that time the police dispatcher, concerned for my safety, informed me that they did not need for me to continue following the person, and that I should move to meet the officers when they arrived.

They asked my address, but as I didn't know the whereabouts of the person I had been following, I didn't want to give that information where it was possible the person I was following could hear my conversation, so I told the dispatcher I would meet the officers near the mailboxes.

On my way to the mailboxes, I walked a circuitous route, inspecting windows and doors of the houses nearby for evidence of is my normal routine when patrolling the neighborhood.

Suddenly a man stepped out of an alley and began shouting at me.

He was angry, questioning why I was following him.

I tried to explain that I was a member of the neighborhood watch when the man sucker punched me in the face.

I fell backwards trying to escape the man, but he was on top of me punching my face and body, he grabbed my head and was slamming the back of my head into something hard...I could feel blood...

At this point, I was afraid he was going to kill me. I felt like I was going to lose consciousness and he was going to keep bashing my head and there was going to be nothing I could do...I was absolutely in fear for my life. I was screaming for help but no one came...

So I took the only course of action was him or me.

I never wanted to kill him, I'm truly sorry that he is dead, but like I said, it was my last resort, I honestly believe he was going to kill me."

And the evidence backs him up.

He called the police...who calls the police first when they intend to kill someone?

Zimmerman had blunt force injuries, Martin did not.

Two witnesses place Zimmerman on the ground, one places Martin on top of him "raining down blows like MMA"

Zimmerman cooperated with the police, and was not arrested until the story became political and racial.

I believe him...the local police believed...the first prosecutor believed him...and the jury will believe him.

Where is the evidence that refutes his account?

Still waiting for anyone to present facts or evidence that refute this account of the incident.
ummm...... Zimmerman wanted to be a cop & belonged to a "fight" gym as opposed to simply a weightlifting gym. Martin, on the other hand, 158 lbs. unarmed as well, pretty small fry compared to 200. GZ was also 28 and armed & Martin WAS 17.

Shooting of Trayvon Martin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Zimmerman's height is shown as 5′8″ (1.73 m); and his weight at 200 lb (91 kg) on the Sanford Police Department Offense Report for February 26, 2012, the night of the shooting.

so an armed, 28 yr old, 200 lb guy who trains at an MMA gym stalks an unarmed, 158 lb, 17 yr old who had just finished making a purchase at a local business. :eusa_think:
GZ was out for action & if there was none, which there wasn't, he was going to manufacture it, which he did. He also disobeyed the dispatcher's instructions. This guy could use some rehabilitation & prison would do that for him.

George Zimmerman trained at ?the most complete fight gym in the world? as a kickboxer
George Zimmerman trained at “the most complete fight gym in the world” as a kickboxer
Posted on June 4, 2013
A trained kickboxer! A kickboxer! A 28 year old trained kickboxer up against a 17 year old kid carrying candy. Trayvon Martin didn’t stand a chance.

There was MMA style fighting but it wasn’t Trayvon Martin. This is why Mark O’Mara wanted to paint this kid as a big scary black guy and taint the jury pool.
"Open & shut case" Guilty, 2nd degree murder.
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Even if, arguendo, Zimmerman got beat up by the teenager, he should not have shot the unarmed boy in the chest. Zim, appears to have been the initial aggressor in so far as he was following the boy, who would from his perspective see Zim as an aggressor who is stalking him. The boy had the right to stand his ground against Zim. Zim being the adult, should have been able to diffuse the situation. Zim being the adult with a gun, should have been able to get the boy to back off without shooting the boy in the chest. Where I grew up the guy that gets up after loosing a fist fight with a knife or gun is a despicable coward.

But the most important part of the story is what happened afterwards. After shooting the boy in the chest, Zim left the boy face down in the mud. According to the reports, also from Zim, Zim was on top of the boy holding him down as the boy died face down in the mud. I believe I even heard Zim say in one report that he put his knees into the back of the boy. I've heard lots of examples of CPR but never putting your knees into the back of a boy that has been shot in the chest. I'd like to hear the detail about the events that occurred immediately after the shooting. Where I come from even people you don't like and/or people who are your enemies deserve to live.

Trevon Martin was hardly a "kid" he was 5'11" tall and weighed 158 pounds at autopsy. Zimmerman was 5'7" tall and weighed 185 at booking. While Zimmerman had a 27 pound weight advantage, Martin was 4" taller and in far better physical condition.

What he did after he shot Martin is not all that relevant. He had just shot a young man that moments earlier had been trying to kill him by smashing his head into the pavement. Likely he was in shock from the physical and emotional trauma, but I can understand him restraining the man who had just been astride his chest. I wouldn't have been letting go myself. Mr. Zimmerman is not a doctor and had no idea how badly his assailant had been injured.

What does it matter how big and tall the kid is? Would it have been ok for Zim to kill the kid if the kid was a 90lb 5' tall little guy? Should we change our statutory laws to cover height and weight? When I was in HS I was 5'7-5'9" 100-140ish as I grew... I won state in wrestling. At that time I would routinely win fights with people that weighed 50% more than I did. None of them ever killed me and it wasn't me that started the fights. Yeah it was a different time when a fist fight was more likely to result in the two becoming friends afterwards than someone getting shot. Boys will be boys and being the king of the mountain was just a part of neighborhood life.

At no point during any of the fights that I've ever been in did the idea of killing the guy come to mind. I did get my head hit on concrete... and it does hurt. I fought him off and won that fight without killing him. Zim had the gun in his hand and "one" second to decide whether to kill the boy or not. If you've ever pointed a weapon at a living thing you'll probably understand that the one second is an eternity. He should have been able to take charge of the situation without killing the boy. Even after shooting the boy, he should have tried to save him. He treated the boy with no respect from the start to the end of the encounter... I suspect the jury will do the same to Zim.
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Even if, arguendo, Zimmerman got beat up by the teenager, he should not have shot the unarmed boy in the chest. Zim, appears to have been the initial aggressor in so far as he was following the boy, who would from his perspective see Zim as an aggressor who is stalking him. The boy had the right to stand his ground against Zim. Zim being the adult, should have been able to diffuse the situation. Zim being the adult with a gun, should have been able to get the boy to back off without shooting the boy in the chest. Where I grew up the guy that gets up after loosing a fist fight with a knife or gun is a despicable coward.

But the most important part of the story is what happened afterwards. After shooting the boy in the chest, Zim left the boy face down in the mud. According to the reports, also from Zim, Zim was on top of the boy holding him down as the boy died face down in the mud. I believe I even heard Zim say in one report that he put his knees into the back of the boy. I've heard lots of examples of CPR but never putting your knees into the back of a boy that has been shot in the chest. I'd like to hear the detail about the events that occurred immediately after the shooting. Where I come from even people you don't like and/or people who are your enemies deserve to live.

Zim, appears to have been the initial aggressor in so far as he was following the boy, who would from his perspective see Zim as an aggressor who is stalking him. WTF?

Zimmerman was allowed to follow the young man. This is still America. Following someone is NOT a crime.

In reaction to that possibly perceived "provocation" it appears that Trayvon set out to beat the shit out of Zimmerman.

That would make Trayvon, not Zimmerman, the one who initially provoked the physical altercation.

It sure appears that Trayvon was winning, too. He had no injuries except a scrape or abrasion on a knuckle which is consistent with landing blows, not getting attacked. By stark contrast, Zimmerman had a busted nose and those injuries to the back of his skull consistent with his account that he was getting his head smashed onto the walkway.

If the jury credits that (and the evidence appears to be almost entirely in his favor on those crucial matters) then the defense of justification appears to be plenty viable.

Even if, arguendo, Zimmerman got beat up by the teenager, he should not have shot the unarmed boy in the chest. Zim, appears to have been the initial aggressor in so far as he was following the boy, who would from his perspective see Zim as an aggressor who is stalking him. The boy had the right to stand his ground against Zim. Zim being the adult, should have been able to diffuse the situation. Zim being the adult with a gun, should have been able to get the boy to back off without shooting the boy in the chest. Where I grew up the guy that gets up after loosing a fist fight with a knife or gun is a despicable coward.

But the most important part of the story is what happened afterwards. After shooting the boy in the chest, Zim left the boy face down in the mud. According to the reports, also from Zim, Zim was on top of the boy holding him down as the boy died face down in the mud. I believe I even heard Zim say in one report that he put his knees into the back of the boy. I've heard lots of examples of CPR but never putting your knees into the back of a boy that has been shot in the chest. I'd like to hear the detail about the events that occurred immediately after the shooting. Where I come from even people you don't like and/or people who are your enemies deserve to live.

Trevon Martin was hardly a "kid" he was 5'11" tall and weighed 158 pounds at autopsy. Zimmerman was 5'7" tall and weighed 185 at booking. While Zimmerman had a 27 pound weight advantage, Martin was 4" taller and in far better physical condition.

What he did after he shot Martin is not all that relevant. He had just shot a young man that moments earlier had been trying to kill him by smashing his head into the pavement. Likely he was in shock from the physical and emotional trauma, but I can understand him restraining the man who had just been astride his chest. I wouldn't have been letting go myself. Mr. Zimmerman is not a doctor and had no idea how badly his assailant had been injured.

What does it matter how big and tall the kid is? Would it have been ok for Zim to kill the kid if the kid was a 90lb 5' tall little guy? Should we change our statutory laws to cover height and weight? When I was in HS I was 5'7-5'9" 100-140ish as I grew... I won state in wrestling. At that time I would routinely win fights with people that weighed 50% more than I did. None of them ever killed me and it wasn't me that started the fights. Yeah it was a different time when a fist fight was more likely to result in the two becoming friends afterwards than someone getting shot. Boys will be boys and being the king of the mountain was just a part of neighborhood life.

At no point during any of the fights that I've ever been in did the idea of killing the guy come to mind. I did get my head hit on concrete... and it does hurt. I fought him off and won that fight without killing him. Zim had the gun in his hand and "one" second to decide whether to kill the boy or not. If you've ever pointed a weapon at a living thing you'll probably understand that the one second is an eternity. He should have been able to take charge of the situation without killing the boy. Even after shooting the boy, he should have tried to save him. He treated the boy with no respect from the start to the end of the encounter... I suspect the jury will do the same to Zim.
I'm always skeptical of posters who preface their comments by listing their accomplishments and bragging about their abilities, knowing there's no way of verifying it. Makes me think they're just trying to impress somebody, or bolster their credibility, not realizing they really just look like a bullshitter. Why not just make your comment and skip the bragging?
the lawyers are chauvinist and they feel that if they pick an all women jury they can tell them stories about video games ,buying candy, and racial hatred.
the lawyers are betting that women won't be very bright. women won't care about self defence .

the reason why 5 out of 6 are "white" is so they can say Zimmerman was convicted by a nearly "all white jury"
(i predicted this in a previous post)

Zimmerman has no defense attorneys. they should have demanded half the jury be from the Montana Militia.

no reason to follow the case ,you're just going to see a shadow puppet show for the next year or so.

(6 jurors, what is there budget cuts?)

You should really research first before exhibiting your ignorance.

In order to sit on a Florida jury one must be a resident and registered voter; that’s likely the case in every other state.

And if you’re referring to Florida residents who for some reason might belong to the ‘Montana Militia,’ jurors are chosen at random from a pool of voters, no one can demand a particular juror be on the jury, and during voir dire the prosecution would likely have objected to such potential jurors.

And the six-person jury is part of Florida judicial tradition, having nothing to do with ‘budget cuts.’

Last, you’re wrong about the outcome of the trial, there’s little doubt Zimmerman will be acquitted.
ummm...... Zimmerman wanted to be a cop & belonged to a "fight" gym as opposed to simply a weightlifting gym. Martin, on the other hand, 158 lbs. unarmed as well, pretty small fry compared to 200. GZ was also 28 and armed & Martin WAS 17.

Shooting of Trayvon Martin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Zimmerman's height is shown as 5′8″ (1.73 m); and his weight at 200 lb (91 kg) on the Sanford Police Department Offense Report for February 26, 2012, the night of the shooting.
so an armed, 28 yr old, 200 lb guy who trains at an MMA gym stalks an unarmed, 158 lb, 17 yr old who had just finished making a purchase at a local business. :eusa_think:
GZ was out for action & if there was none, which there wasn't, he was going to manufacture it, which he did. He also disobeyed the dispatcher's instructions. This guy could use some rehabilitation & prison would do that for him.

George Zimmerman trained at ?the most complete fight gym in the world? as a kickboxer
George Zimmerman trained at “the most complete fight gym in the world” as a kickboxer
Posted on June 4, 2013
A trained kickboxer! A kickboxer! A 28 year old trained kickboxer up against a 17 year old kid carrying candy. Trayvon Martin didn’t stand a chance.

There was MMA style fighting but it wasn’t Trayvon Martin. This is why Mark O’Mara wanted to paint this kid as a big scary black guy and taint the jury pool.
"Open & shut case" Guilty, 2nd degree murder.

Trayvon's texts:
Later in the month, on the 21st, he exchanged messages with at least one friend about an after-school fight.

One of Trayvon’s cellphone pictures shows two teens about to square off against one another as a third stands in the middle like a referee. Trayvon said he fought a rival who “snitched on me.”

Trayvon: “I lost da 1st round :) but won da 2nd nd 3rd.”

Friend: “Ohhh So It Wass 3 Rounds? Damn well at least yu wonn lol but yuu needa stop fighting.”

Trayvon: “Nay im not done with fool….. he gone hav 2 see me again.”

Friend: “Nooo… Stop, yuu waint gonn bee satisified till yuh suspended again, huh?”


Five days later, he repeatedly appears to inquire about a gun with a friend: &#8220;U got heat??&#8221; Hours later he was asked by text: &#8220;You want a 22 revolver?&#8221; The friend who sent the message said it was bought by &#8220;my mommy.&#8221;

On Feb. 21, Trayvon appeared to be heading to Sanford to live with his father. But he hadn&#8217;t lost interest in guns.

&#8220;U wanna share a .380?&#8221; {Martin} asked one friend.

Weed, fights and guns: Trayvon Martin&#x2019;s text messages released - Trayvon Martin -

Suddenly a man stepped out of an alley and began shouting at me.

He was angry, questioning why I was following him.

I tried to explain that I was a member of the neighborhood watch when the man sucker punched me in the face.

I fell backwards trying to escape the man, but he was on top of me punching my face and body, he grabbed my head and was slamming the back of my head into something hard...I could feel blood...


At this point, I was afraid he was going to kill me. I felt like I was going to lose consciousness and he was going to keep bashing my head and there was going to be nothing I could do...I was absolutely in fear for my life. I was screaming for help but no one came...

So I took the only course of action was him or me.

I never wanted to kill him, I'm truly sorry that he is dead, but like I said, it was my last resort, I honestly believe he was going to kill me."


Where is the evidence that refutes his account?

...Still waiting for anyone to present facts or evidence that refute this account of the incident.

Ok here you go:

>>> Suddenly a man stepped out of an alley and began shouting at me.
It was not sudden, he chased the boy for a long period of time before the boy finally turned to defend himself. It was a boy not a man. There are no alleys there.

>>> He was angry, questioning why I was following him.
Prejudicial. The boy was just as likely afraid for his life from the man that was following him, and angry.

>>> I tried to explain that I was a member of the neighborhood watch when the man sucker punched me in the face.

I did not hear this on the audio tape, do you have a link? Unless you can provide evidence that Zim did say he was of the neighborhood watch this is merely a fabrication of something that Zim either "intended" to say and/or "should" have said.

>>> I fell backwards trying to escape the man, but he was on top of me punching my face and body, he grabbed my head and was slamming the back of my head into something hard...I could feel blood...

this part I believe...

>>> At this point, I was afraid he was going to kill me. I felt like I was going to lose consciousness and he was going to keep bashing my head and there was going to be nothing I could do...I was absolutely in fear for my life.

Bull honky. If he was "loosing" consciousness he would not have had the faculties to draw and fire his weapon at the boys chest. Have you ever had your bell rung to the point of loosing consciousness?

>>>> I was screaming for help but no one came...

False. Someone was there. That person said something to effect of I'm calling the cops will be right back. I believe that is when Zim killed the kid... when the man / witness who was there went inside to call the cops. Listen to the guy screaming for help, that is not a man "loosing" consciousness.

>>> So I took the only course of action was him or me.
False. Zim's injuries were not fatal. The boy did not have to be killed.

>>> I never wanted to kill him, I'm truly sorry that he is dead, but like I said, it was my last resort, I honestly believe he was going to kill me."

False again. In the days following Zimmerman actually said something to the effect that it was god's plan that killed the boy. He also said something to the effect that he did not want this one to get away cause "they" always get away. It was not his last resort. If you listen to the tape you hear someone "crying" for help... but you never hear someone yelling get back, or stop I'm the neighborhood watch, or get back or I'll shoot do you?
Trevon Martin was hardly a "kid" he was 5'11" tall and weighed 158 pounds at autopsy. Zimmerman was 5'7" tall and weighed 185 at booking. While Zimmerman had a 27 pound weight advantage, Martin was 4" taller and in far better physical condition.

What he did after he shot Martin is not all that relevant. He had just shot a young man that moments earlier had been trying to kill him by smashing his head into the pavement. Likely he was in shock from the physical and emotional trauma, but I can understand him restraining the man who had just been astride his chest. I wouldn't have been letting go myself. Mr. Zimmerman is not a doctor and had no idea how badly his assailant had been injured.

What does it matter how big and tall the kid is? Would it have been ok for Zim to kill the kid if the kid was a 90lb 5' tall little guy? Should we change our statutory laws to cover height and weight? When I was in HS I was 5'7-5'9" 100-140ish as I grew... I won state in wrestling. At that time I would routinely win fights with people that weighed 50% more than I did. None of them ever killed me and it wasn't me that started the fights. Yeah it was a different time when a fist fight was more likely to result in the two becoming friends afterwards than someone getting shot. Boys will be boys and being the king of the mountain was just a part of neighborhood life.

At no point during any of the fights that I've ever been in did the idea of killing the guy come to mind. I did get my head hit on concrete... and it does hurt. I fought him off and won that fight without killing him. Zim had the gun in his hand and "one" second to decide whether to kill the boy or not. If you've ever pointed a weapon at a living thing you'll probably understand that the one second is an eternity. He should have been able to take charge of the situation without killing the boy. Even after shooting the boy, he should have tried to save him. He treated the boy with no respect from the start to the end of the encounter... I suspect the jury will do the same to Zim.
I'm always skeptical of posters who preface their comments by listing their accomplishments and bragging about their abilities, knowing there's no way of verifying it. Makes me think they're just trying to impress somebody, or bolster their credibility, not realizing they really just look like a bullshitter. Why not just make your comment and skip the bragging?
Very good point thanks. Yeah my mom, god rest her soul, always said I brag too much. Please ignore the winning fights part, that completely irrelevant. The bragging part is just a personality flaw of mine. The only reason I mentioned it was to set the stage for, yeah I've my head beat in before and been in tons of fights.. If you have not been in physical confrontations, understanding what happens in fights is a bit of a mystery no? I remember this one fight where the boy broke my nose then walked away rather than continue the fight and give me a chance to pummel him back. Better?
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Well it HAS to say SOMETHING... Not a period or something? Used to be you had to put something in the field, couldn't leave it blank.

Haven't given one in awhile.

Nope, not a damn thing. It's a silent neg.

I don't neg - I think it's dumb - I'll just say it right out here in the open so IDK how it works. If I was to neg, I'd try to set the bar somewhere. "You suck rotten eggs! ;-(" or something.

[MENTION=21954]Sunshine[/MENTION] - will you neg me so I can be with the "in" crowd?

LOL. No, because my rep is such that it would knock you back too far. Some of these people can't do simple math! LOL.

Duh. I just figured it out. So I need to suck up to the people with the big reps and no one really cares about my little dinky ones. Math. I can do that.

Even if, arguendo, Zimmerman got beat up by the teenager, he should not have shot the unarmed boy in the chest. Zim, appears to have been the initial aggressor in so far as he was following the boy, who would from his perspective see Zim as an aggressor who is stalking him. The boy had the right to stand his ground against Zim. Zim being the adult, should have been able to diffuse the situation. Zim being the adult with a gun, should have been able to get the boy to back off without shooting the boy in the chest. Where I grew up the guy that gets up after loosing a fist fight with a knife or gun is a despicable coward.

But the most important part of the story is what happened afterwards. After shooting the boy in the chest, Zim left the boy face down in the mud. According to the reports, also from Zim, Zim was on top of the boy holding him down as the boy died face down in the mud. I believe I even heard Zim say in one report that he put his knees into the back of the boy. I've heard lots of examples of CPR but never putting your knees into the back of a boy that has been shot in the chest. I'd like to hear the detail about the events that occurred immediately after the shooting. Where I come from even people you don't like and/or people who are your enemies deserve to live.

Trevon Martin was hardly a "kid" he was 5'11" tall and weighed 158 pounds at autopsy. Zimmerman was 5'7" tall and weighed 185 at booking. While Zimmerman had a 27 pound weight advantage, Martin was 4" taller and in far better physical condition.

What he did after he shot Martin is not all that relevant. He had just shot a young man that moments earlier had been trying to kill him by smashing his head into the pavement. Likely he was in shock from the physical and emotional trauma, but I can understand him restraining the man who had just been astride his chest. I wouldn't have been letting go myself. Mr. Zimmerman is not a doctor and had no idea how badly his assailant had been injured.

Ernie I think this is an awesome point. You're right on the money.

I'm going to rep you for it. ;-)

Um... later, apparently I'm out.

Even if, arguendo, Zimmerman got beat up by the teenager, he should not have shot the unarmed boy in the chest. Zim, appears to have been the initial aggressor in so far as he was following the boy, who would from his perspective see Zim as an aggressor who is stalking him. The boy had the right to stand his ground against Zim. Zim being the adult, should have been able to diffuse the situation. Zim being the adult with a gun, should have been able to get the boy to back off without shooting the boy in the chest. Where I grew up the guy that gets up after loosing a fist fight with a knife or gun is a despicable coward.

But the most important part of the story is what happened afterwards. After shooting the boy in the chest, Zim left the boy face down in the mud. According to the reports, also from Zim, Zim was on top of the boy holding him down as the boy died face down in the mud. I believe I even heard Zim say in one report that he put his knees into the back of the boy. I've heard lots of examples of CPR but never putting your knees into the back of a boy that has been shot in the chest. I'd like to hear the detail about the events that occurred immediately after the shooting. Where I come from even people you don't like and/or people who are your enemies deserve to live.

Zim, appears to have been the initial aggressor in so far as he was following the boy, who would from his perspective see Zim as an aggressor who is stalking him. WTF?

Zimmerman was allowed to follow the young man. This is still America. Following someone is NOT a crime.

In reaction to that possibly perceived "provocation" it appears that Trayvon set out to beat the shit out of Zimmerman.

That would make Trayvon, not Zimmerman, the one who initially provoked the physical altercation.

It sure appears that Trayvon was winning, too. He had no injuries except a scrape or abrasion on a knuckle which is consistent with landing blows, not getting attacked. By stark contrast, Zimmerman had a busted nose and those injuries to the back of his skull consistent with his account that he was getting his head smashed onto the walkway.

If the jury credits that (and the evidence appears to be almost entirely in his favor on those crucial matters) then the defense of justification appears to be plenty viable.

Now, I am actually in your avatar fan club. What's one little rep for a fan?
Missourian, all of that matters not a bit.

The women will take upon themselves the character as present of Z, will consider the circumstance, and then ask themselves why he murdered another woman's son.

Stop the masculine-type logic. That is not going to determine this case.

I didn't realize you were such a goddamned misogynist. Maybe you think women shouldn't be lawyers, and judges, or only a paltry token few. Yeah that's it we should all stick to wiping butts and emptying bedpans. You don't know what you are talking about. There is nothing, N O T H I N G, that indicates women will be less objective than men on a jury. For your information and hopefully your edification, I could convict you in a heartbeat. I could also sentence you to death by whatever means the state would be using at the time.

Now, if the victim would have been Morman, Jake would acquit without a problem.

That's a very handsome photo of you. Love the stache!
Yup, the state has to prove Z shot wrongly. But if it comes down to solely taking Z's word, then the state can and will impeach his creditability.

The jury and how it looks at Z is going to determine his fate.

Jake, we may disagree, but I've always been fond of the name "Jake".
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