Case closed, Zimmerman's a gonner

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We already covered this in The Fact Thread, but if the defense files prima facie of self defense, they have to show enough that it could be, then the burden indeed shifts to the state to prove that it was not self defense and then prove M2.

The links are all over there.

-Pete and Repeat

You are a fucking asshole. You jumped into this message board to only talk about trials and opened up a thread on this trial when there were already two going. Now you are telling people not to repeat things on their own threads which have been talked about on yours? Go fuck yourself. Go back to your own stupid thread and discuss your own stupid shit there. Do not tell other people what to do.

Negged. You are not the boss of this forum. YOU go fuck yourself. It's clear no one else has bothered with you for at least 50 years.

Don't sweat it Sunshine, I got my first neg and I'm kind of excited and proud about it. I'm a Real Member now.

It doesn't say anything though - not even a frowny face. Kinda disappointing.
I am a Sheriff Auxiliary Volunteer in my community. There are 130 of us. We wear uniforms, badges, carry radios, and drive patrol cars that are almost identical to those driven by deputies. We are NOT armed. If we were to be caught in uniform with a weapon, we would be fired instantly. In order to do what Zimmerman was doing as a volunteer with the SAV, we had to take 4 hours of training, 5 days per week, for 7 weeks. We had to pass a test every single day of training.

Having said all that, I believe that Zimmerman is going to be acquitted. Why? Because of "Reasonable doubt". There will be some that will leave the courtroom with the feeling that Zimmerman's story, though not likely, is plausible. Not me, mind you. In my mind, Zimmerman is a vigilante who is guilty as sin. But, they would never have picked me for the jury, and with good reason, in view of what I do two shifts per week. Zimmerman was looking for trouble, and he found it. now he will walk. We can only hope that eventually, he will get a little O.J. Simpson karma.
Missourian, all of that matters not a bit.

The women will take upon themselves the character as present of Z, will consider the circumstance, and then ask themselves why he murdered another woman's son.

Stop the masculine-type logic. That is not going to determine this case.

I didn't realize you were such a goddamned misogynist. Maybe you think women shouldn't be lawyers, and judges, or only a paltry token few. Yeah that's it we should all stick to wiping butts and emptying bedpans. You don't know what you are talking about. There is nothing, N O T H I N G, that indicates women will be less objective than men on a jury. For your information and hopefully your edification, I could convict you in a heartbeat. I could also sentence you to death by whatever means the state would be using at the time.
Missourian, all of that matters not a bit.

The women will take upon themselves the character as present of Z, will consider the circumstance, and then ask themselves why he murdered another woman's son.

Stop the masculine-type logic. That is not going to determine this case.

Masculine-type logic? Are you serious? Logic is not the special province of men. Far from it. In fact, the simple act of thinking so make is clear you are unable to think logically. Women are no less logical than men, though men like to think so, which is a perfect example of how illogical men are. Wanting to believe women are inherently less logical than men is an emotional process, not a process of reasoning.


You are very likely in error (nothing new there) because you get so emotional.

I will remind you if you are.

As if anyone really is interested in your irrelevance.

12 women WILL NOT VOTE TO CONVICT. I guarantee it.

It is only 6 women, and you cannot guarantee anything--it's nothing but wishful thinking on your part.

You're right 6 seats on a non Capital crime in FL.

They will not convict.
You are a fucking asshole. You jumped into this message board to only talk about trials and opened up a thread on this trial when there were already two going. Now you are telling people not to repeat things on their own threads which have been talked about on yours? Go fuck yourself. Go back to your own stupid thread and discuss your own stupid shit there. Do not tell other people what to do.

Negged. You are not the boss of this forum. YOU go fuck yourself. It's clear no one else has bothered with you for at least 50 years.

Don't sweat it Sunshine, I got my first neg and I'm kind of excited and proud about it. I'm a Real Member now.

It doesn't say anything though - not even a frowny face. Kinda disappointing.
I was called a spear chucker in a neg rep the other day. If that makes you feel better.
Negged. You are not the boss of this forum. YOU go fuck yourself. It's clear no one else has bothered with you for at least 50 years.

Don't sweat it Sunshine, I got my first neg and I'm kind of excited and proud about it. I'm a Real Member now.

It doesn't say anything though - not even a frowny face. Kinda disappointing.
I was called a spear chucker in a neg rep the other day. If that makes you feel better.

Anybody who hasn't been negged by Sunshine is just not in the "In" crowd!
Negged. You are not the boss of this forum. YOU go fuck yourself. It's clear no one else has bothered with you for at least 50 years.

Don't sweat it Sunshine, I got my first neg and I'm kind of excited and proud about it. I'm a Real Member now.

It doesn't say anything though - not even a frowny face. Kinda disappointing.
I was called a spear chucker in a neg rep the other day. If that makes you feel better.

Dang! I wanted that one.

Negged. You are not the boss of this forum. YOU go fuck yourself. It's clear no one else has bothered with you for at least 50 years.

Don't sweat it Sunshine, I got my first neg and I'm kind of excited and proud about it. I'm a Real Member now.

It doesn't say anything though - not even a frowny face. Kinda disappointing.
I was called a spear chucker in a neg rep the other day. If that makes you feel better.
Who called you that?
You are a fucking asshole. You jumped into this message board to only talk about trials and opened up a thread on this trial when there were already two going. Now you are telling people not to repeat things on their own threads which have been talked about on yours? Go fuck yourself. Go back to your own stupid thread and discuss your own stupid shit there. Do not tell other people what to do.

Negged. You are not the boss of this forum. YOU go fuck yourself. It's clear no one else has bothered with you for at least 50 years.

Don't sweat it Sunshine, I got my first neg and I'm kind of excited and proud about it. I'm a Real Member now.

It doesn't say anything though - not even a frowny face. Kinda disappointing.

Well it HAS to say SOMETHING... Not a period or something? Used to be you had to put something in the field, couldn't leave it blank.

Haven't given one in awhile.

Even if, arguendo, Zimmerman got beat up by the teenager, he should not have shot the unarmed boy in the chest. Zim, appears to have been the initial aggressor in so far as he was following the boy, who would from his perspective see Zim as an aggressor who is stalking him. The boy had the right to stand his ground against Zim. Zim being the adult, should have been able to diffuse the situation. Zim being the adult with a gun, should have been able to get the boy to back off without shooting the boy in the chest. Where I grew up the guy that gets up after loosing a fist fight with a knife or gun is a despicable coward.

But the most important part of the story is what happened afterwards. After shooting the boy in the chest, Zim left the boy face down in the mud. According to the reports, also from Zim, Zim was on top of the boy holding him down as the boy died face down in the mud. I believe I even heard Zim say in one report that he put his knees into the back of the boy. I've heard lots of examples of CPR but never putting your knees into the back of a boy that has been shot in the chest. I'd like to hear the detail about the events that occurred immediately after the shooting. Where I come from even people you don't like and/or people who are your enemies deserve to live.
Missourian, all of that matters not a bit.

The women will take upon themselves the character as present of Z, will consider the circumstance, and then ask themselves why he murdered another woman's son.

Stop the masculine-type logic. That is not going to determine this case.

I didn't realize you were such a goddamned misogynist. Maybe you think women shouldn't be lawyers, and judges, or only a paltry token few. Yeah that's it we should all stick to wiping butts and emptying bedpans. You don't know what you are talking about. There is nothing, N O T H I N G, that indicates women will be less objective than men on a jury. For your information and hopefully your edification, I could convict you in a heartbeat. I could also sentence you to death by whatever means the state would be using at the time.

Now, if the victim would have been Morman, Jake would acquit without a problem.
Obviously, Martin was not afraid of Zimmerman or he would not have attacked him, he would have run from him. Martin was clearly the aggressor.
Missourian, all of that matters not a bit.

The women will take upon themselves the character as present of Z, will consider the circumstance, and then ask themselves why he murdered another woman's son.

Stop the masculine-type logic. That is not going to determine this case.

I didn't realize you were such a goddamned misogynist. Maybe you think women shouldn't be lawyers, and judges, or only a paltry token few. Yeah that's it we should all stick to wiping butts and emptying bedpans. You don't know what you are talking about. There is nothing, N O T H I N G, that indicates women will be less objective than men on a jury. For your information and hopefully your edification, I could convict you in a heartbeat. I could also sentence you to death by whatever means the state would be using at the time.

Now, if the victim would have been Morman, Jake would acquit without a problem.

I used to teach with a prof who said that we ALL have prejudices. He had devised a tool that would root yours out. I don't think a research tool is even needed on forums. It glares.

I had another prof who asserted that women are less corruptible than men. It was a guy.
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Even if, arguendo, Zimmerman got beat up by the teenager, he should not have shot the unarmed boy in the chest. Zim, appears to have been the initial aggressor in so far as he was following the boy, who would from his perspective see Zim as an aggressor who is stalking him. The boy had the right to stand his ground against Zim. Zim being the adult, should have been able to diffuse the situation. Zim being the adult with a gun, should have been able to get the boy to back off without shooting the boy in the chest. Where I grew up the guy that gets up after loosing a fist fight with a knife or gun is a despicable coward.

But the most important part of the story is what happened afterwards. After shooting the boy in the chest, Zim left the boy face down in the mud. According to the reports, also from Zim, Zim was on top of the boy holding him down as the boy died face down in the mud. I believe I even heard Zim say in one report that he put his knees into the back of the boy. I've heard lots of examples of CPR but never putting your knees into the back of a boy that has been shot in the chest. I'd like to hear the detail about the events that occurred immediately after the shooting. Where I come from even people you don't like and/or people who are your enemies deserve to live.

Eyewitness accounts say Zimmerman was on the ground and the Martin was on top of him, then the self defense scenario is quite plausible. Lots of stories and myths out there and it is up to jury to decide what happened. I can see this going either way.
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