Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

  • guilty.

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

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Hi, new poster who came on here specifically for the CA trial. I've been convinced by the circumstantial evidence, from day 1, that Casey's actions were of a guilty person. And that Caylee, and the car, were in her possession. However, I think the last two days were devastating for the prosecution, and it makes me sick that Cindy would lie. And that I believe she did.

After Casey slandered her dad and brother in the worst possible way, the mom still supports her. Blech. It's occured to me that if Florida didn't have the death penalty, maybe Cindy wouldn't have perjured herself and we'd be at a different place in the proceedings.
It pisses me off that main stream media thinks Cindy Anthony should get a by on her apparent lying under t oath. Nancy DisGrace was the worse last night with her simperin' pursed lips.
I hope the State did their homework last night and have the evidence today to impeach CA.
I still think this was an accidental drowning and that bGeorge is in it up to his perverted, lying neck, but I also believe in telling the truth especially when sworn to do so. This trial has turned into a three ring circus.

Smoke and Mirrors.

Where the fuck is the truth for that baby, Caylee Marie Anthony?[\

I read an article last night (can't for life find it again) which supported the defense yesterday because CAs testimony was a hard hit to the state.

ETA: TexasWriter you REALLY don't like Nancy Grace, huh?

No kidding! I love Nancy Grace, and Vinny Napolitan as well.
Well, HLN is reporting the the judge dismissed until Monday, because another defense witness is now ready to testify on "facts" contrary to what they deposed on earlier. Wow, this is incredibly bad for the defense, because Judge Belvin Perry is PISSED, and not only could there be a mistrial, but I'm wondering if the judge could summarily dismiss an acquittal, if he felt it went against all evidence? I've learned more about the specifics of the criminal justice system here than I have elsewhere, and that's why I'm wondering if the judge could negate an acquittal and order an automatic mistrial if he deems it necessary?
Well, HLN is reporting the the judge dismissed until Monday, because another defense witness is now ready to testify on "facts" contrary to what they deposed on earlier. Wow, this is incredibly bad for the defense, because Judge Belvin Perry is PISSED, and not only could there be a mistrial, but I'm wondering if the judge could summarily dismiss an acquittal, if he felt it went against all evidence? I've learned more about the specifics of the criminal justice system here than I have elsewhere, and that's why I'm wondering if the judge could negate an acquittal and order an automatic mistrial if he deems it necessary?

I doubt dismissal JP certainly doesn't want that or a mistrial.

The gossip is a plea deal - I don't know

Did you find Cindy or Lee believable? I didn't
She denied previous testimony of her's. She also wouldn't answer direct questions. IMO, she's lying.

Thanks, Oldsalt. I'm not watching this on a regular basis, but I appreciate people's reactions. It's funny how when you just see a segment of testimony in a trial or other issue, you don't get any bigger picture. I am generally sympathetic to nurses, too, after taking parallel courses with them but being in a different field of study. I feel nothing but bad for her circumstance of being the grandmother of a young child who was buried so ungraciously and a suspicious young mother who not only ignored her daughter's disappearance but acted in such a sick, disrespectful way until Cindy Anthony demanded to know in no uncertain terms the whereabouts of her granddaughter Caylee, and was up to here with being put off by the daughter.

I just can't stand to watch it any more.

Understood. I think Cindy is lying for ICA now, though.

I agree. She is trying to remove premeditation from the picture which would prevent her daughter from getting a death sentence.
Hi, new poster who came on here specifically for the CA trial. I've been convinced by the circumstantial evidence, from day 1, that Casey's actions were of a guilty person. And that Caylee, and the car, were in her possession. However, I think the last two days were devastating for the prosecution, and it makes me sick that Cindy would lie. And that I believe she did.

After Casey slandered her dad and brother in the worst possible way, the mom still supports her. Blech. It's occured to me that if Florida didn't have the death penalty, maybe Cindy wouldn't have perjured herself and we'd be at a different place in the proceedings.

If you made up your mind on day 1, then you were not convinced by any evidence as most of it had not been presented at that point. :lol:
Well, HLN is reporting the the judge dismissed until Monday, because another defense witness is now ready to testify on "facts" contrary to what they deposed on earlier. Wow, this is incredibly bad for the defense, because Judge Belvin Perry is PISSED, and not only could there be a mistrial, but I'm wondering if the judge could summarily dismiss an acquittal, if he felt it went against all evidence? I've learned more about the specifics of the criminal justice system here than I have elsewhere, and that's why I'm wondering if the judge could negate an acquittal and order an automatic mistrial if he deems it necessary?

I have never heard of an acquittal being appealed or dismissed. Not saying it hasn't happened, just that I've never heard of it. Being judged by your peers and found not guilty is a powerful thing in our system of justice.

Acquittal by Jury.—Little or no controversy accompanies the rule that once a jury has acquitted a defendant, government may not, through appeal of the verdict or institution of a new prosecution, place the defendant on trial again.100 Thus, the Court early held that, when the results of a trial are set aside because the first indictment was invalid or for some reason the trial's results were voidable, a judgment of acquittal must nevertheless remain undisturbed.101
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Well, HLN is reporting the the judge dismissed until Monday, because another defense witness is now ready to testify on "facts" contrary to what they deposed on earlier. Wow, this is incredibly bad for the defense, because Judge Belvin Perry is PISSED, and not only could there be a mistrial, but I'm wondering if the judge could summarily dismiss an acquittal, if he felt it went against all evidence? I've learned more about the specifics of the criminal justice system here than I have elsewhere, and that's why I'm wondering if the judge could negate an acquittal and order an automatic mistrial if he deems it necessary?

Would that be double jeopardy?
Well, HLN is reporting the the judge dismissed until Monday, because another defense witness is now ready to testify on "facts" contrary to what they deposed on earlier. Wow, this is incredibly bad for the defense, because Judge Belvin Perry is PISSED, and not only could there be a mistrial, but I'm wondering if the judge could summarily dismiss an acquittal, if he felt it went against all evidence? I've learned more about the specifics of the criminal justice system here than I have elsewhere, and that's why I'm wondering if the judge could negate an acquittal and order an automatic mistrial if he deems it necessary?

Before Judge Judy and 'court TV' all we had was dramatization. Isn't it amazing that when compared to the rehearsed version our system looks to be such a cluster fuck! I went to law school in TN. While I know judges and lawyers for whom I have the utmost respect, there is still a feel to the miasma of a hot stagnant rural courtroom with a 50 year old fan above you going 'swish swish.' In those places where ignorance even illiteracy is rampant, one must ask, 'how many truly get a judgment by their peers?
Well, HLN is reporting the the judge dismissed until Monday, because another defense witness is now ready to testify on "facts" contrary to what they deposed on earlier. Wow, this is incredibly bad for the defense, because Judge Belvin Perry is PISSED, and not only could there be a mistrial, but I'm wondering if the judge could summarily dismiss an acquittal, if he felt it went against all evidence? I've learned more about the specifics of the criminal justice system here than I have elsewhere, and that's why I'm wondering if the judge could negate an acquittal and order an automatic mistrial if he deems it necessary?

Would that be double jeopardy?

See my link below.
Well, HLN is reporting the the judge dismissed until Monday, because another defense witness is now ready to testify on "facts" contrary to what they deposed on earlier. Wow, this is incredibly bad for the defense, because Judge Belvin Perry is PISSED, and not only could there be a mistrial, but I'm wondering if the judge could summarily dismiss an acquittal, if he felt it went against all evidence? I've learned more about the specifics of the criminal justice system here than I have elsewhere, and that's why I'm wondering if the judge could negate an acquittal and order an automatic mistrial if he deems it necessary?

I doubt dismissal JP certainly doesn't want that or a mistrial.

The gossip is a plea deal - I don't know

Did you find Cindy or Lee believable? I didn't

You're right -- I'm sure Perry doesn't want a mistrial. However, we could still have a hung jury. I found Cindy totally uncredible, but Lee, I'm not sure. I think he was credible. He wasn't stating there was a huge stain in the car trunk, just some small stains when they bought it. I doubt he'd go as far as Cindy has to help acquit ICA.
Hi, new poster who came on here specifically for the CA trial. I've been convinced by the circumstantial evidence, from day 1, that Casey's actions were of a guilty person. And that Caylee, and the car, were in her possession. However, I think the last two days were devastating for the prosecution, and it makes me sick that Cindy would lie. And that I believe she did.

After Casey slandered her dad and brother in the worst possible way, the mom still supports her. Blech. It's occured to me that if Florida didn't have the death penalty, maybe Cindy wouldn't have perjured herself and we'd be at a different place in the proceedings.

If you made up your mind on day 1, then you were not convinced by any evidence as most of it had not been presented at that point. :lol:

Not true. Weren't opening arguments on day 1? Once I heard that the defense was planning to try to sell the idea that George had helped Casey conceal the body in a bag and throw it in the woods, rather than call 911, I knew that she was guilty. An innocent person wouldn't let their defense team put up a theory like that.

I've also followed factual information, including previous court transcripts, depositions, police inquiries, documented text messages, and other material for some time. Diane Fanning's true crime book, "Mommy's Little Girl" has lots of that material. Granted, she does come to an opinion, but of course states that it's only based on all material so far.

I'll go back to what someone else posted earlier: If Casey is innocent, then what is the truth? Even her own parents say they don't believe she's innocent. What could the factual story possibly be that totally exonerates her?
Well, HLN is reporting the the judge dismissed until Monday, because another defense witness is now ready to testify on "facts" contrary to what they deposed on earlier. Wow, this is incredibly bad for the defense, because Judge Belvin Perry is PISSED, and not only could there be a mistrial, but I'm wondering if the judge could summarily dismiss an acquittal, if he felt it went against all evidence? I've learned more about the specifics of the criminal justice system here than I have elsewhere, and that's why I'm wondering if the judge could negate an acquittal and order an automatic mistrial if he deems it necessary?

Would that be double jeopardy?

Yes, and I did note Sunshine's link. I suppose I was thinking about jury nullification, but that was what actually occured with OJ when he was found not guilty: the jury looked at all the facts and acquitted him anyway. You're right, the judge cannot reverse an acquittal, although sometimes I wish he could call for a retrial. Although I do see that that would be double jeopardy.
Thanks Kiki for the links to her activities. I wasn't able to fully quote your post because you cannot insert a URL until you're posted 15 times. Lots of the same material as in the Fanning book, but I liked it laid out like that. An innocent person, eh???:eusa_liar:
Hi, new poster who came on here specifically for the CA trial. I've been convinced by the circumstantial evidence, from day 1, that Casey's actions were of a guilty person. And that Caylee, and the car, were in her possession. However, I think the last two days were devastating for the prosecution, and it makes me sick that Cindy would lie. And that I believe she did.

After Casey slandered her dad and brother in the worst possible way, the mom still supports her. Blech. It's occured to me that if Florida didn't have the death penalty, maybe Cindy wouldn't have perjured herself and we'd be at a different place in the proceedings.

If you made up your mind on day 1, then you were not convinced by any evidence as most of it had not been presented at that point. :lol:

Not true. Weren't opening arguments on day 1? Once I heard that the defense was planning to try to sell the idea that George had helped Casey conceal the body in a bag and throw it in the woods, rather than call 911, I knew that she was guilty. An innocent person wouldn't let their defense team put up a theory like that.

I've also followed factual information, including previous court transcripts, depositions, police inquiries, documented text messages, and other material for some time. Diane Fanning's true crime book, "Mommy's Little Girl" has lots of that material. Granted, she does come to an opinion, but of course states that it's only based on all material so far.

I'll go back to what someone else posted earlier: If Casey is innocent, then what is the truth? Even her own parents say they don't believe she's innocent. What could the factual story possibly be that totally exonerates her?

Opening statements are not evidence. But it has been shown that many people make up their minds that early: Most practitioners and legal scholars agree that an effective opening statement is vital to the trial process. The importance of an opening statement has been established by studies that showed that 80 percent of jurors' ultimate conclusions with respect to the verdict corresponded with their tentative opinion after opening statements. This is because an effective opening statement establishes the facts of the case and sets forth a legal theory and explanation for why the attorney's client should prevail.
opening statement legal definition of opening statement. opening statement synonyms by the Free Online Law Dictionary.

When I was in law school we were taught to rattle the opposing attorney by objecting to something in his/her opening statement!~ :evil:

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