Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

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    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

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She did lie, everyone is saying that. She wants to keep Casey alive and she wants to know what happened.

I'm thinking along the same lines. She has lost her Grand daughter and doesn't want to lose her Daughter.

That very well could be the case here. You don't know until you're in someone elses shoes. I personally at first believed that George was in on the pool accident lie and believe it or not (in order to maybe save Casey's life) go along with the molestation defense. He could deny it, never get convicted, but possibly keep her from death row by maybe getting some sympathy by a juror who may have been molested themselves. He sure as hell never looked very angry on the stand.

Unfortunately though, Their master plan just turned out to be shit because I don't believe anyone is buying it. Why would you cover up an accidental drowning? It happens everyday in America. = You wouldn't. ~BH

What trial are you watching? George Anthony was very combative on the stand.
And we disagree on the outcome. I think you're wrong. I think the State's case is goin' up in smoke.
Oh cripes after this one murder case out west where the entomologist was a media hog and I still think convicted the wrong man, I'm not thrilled with the science as I once was because you end up having truly narcisstic maniacs who want to hog the spotlight during a murder trial.

Yeah I hear yuh. Alot of that going on in this trial. ~BH

We had a real bad one up here. This pediatric forensic pathologist was just so out of line that parents and or siblings were being accused left right and center of every dastardly deed and the real maniac involved was the pathologist.

People went to jail for years. It's all coming unravelled now. This pathologist was a freaking sociopath. One poor mother accused of killing her baby out in Kingston almost lost her own life in jail with inmates. In the end, the family dog had actually killed the baby girl that the pathologist blatantly lied about the mother killing her daughter.

Now don't get me wrong, I know there are crazies who commit murders on a day to day. I love murder cases. Oh that doesn't come out right, does it?

I think Ms. Anthony is part of the guilty crew from all the data I have read to date. On the other hand I will go hand to hand over Westerfield who I thought got railroaded out in California.

I'm a stickler for details.

This case is interesting. But when you are googling chloroform, duct tape and head injuries, well maybe by the longest stretch of the imagination you are trying to reach the Ed Schultz show...........:eusa_angel:

Some nutcase out here in California up in Sacramento put her 6 week old baby daughter in a microwave that killed her. I almost had to vomit when I heard the story. Another nutcase out in Ohio was recently convicted of doing the same thing. I really don't know what the hell is wrong with these people, but they should be eradicated from the human gene pool. I would have both of them pulled apart by horses if it were up to me. ~BH
I'm thinking along the same lines. She has lost her Grand daughter and doesn't want to lose her Daughter.

That very well could be the case here. You don't know until you're in someone elses shoes. I personally at first believed that George was in on the pool accident lie and believe it or not (in order to maybe save Casey's life) go along with the molestation defense. He could deny it, never get convicted, but possibly keep her from death row by maybe getting some sympathy by a juror who may have been molested themselves. He sure as hell never looked very angry on the stand.

Unfortunately though, Their master plan just turned out to be shit because I don't believe anyone is buying it. Why would you cover up an accidental drowning? It happens everyday in America. = You wouldn't. ~BH

What trial are you watching? George Anthony was very combative on the stand.
And we disagree on the outcome. I think you're wrong. I think the State's case is goin' up in smoke.

Yeah, "Seriously" :razz:

I am watching the same case that I have been following since it first happened years ago. He was hardly "combative" at all. Unless you're easily fooled. I seen right through that load of bullshit. It was all staged and rehearsed prior to the drama by George and that bottomfeeding liar of a defense attorney.

All I see is mass desperation, grasping at straws, Lie after lie after lie after lie and a whole shit load of circumstancial evidence. That's ok though, we give our opinions here, that's what we do. I disagree with yours as well. You'll see though., But will you come back after she's convicted and say well BH, you were right? I guess we'll see about that as well. ~BH
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She did lie, everyone is saying that. She wants to keep Casey alive and she wants to know what happened.

I'm thinking along the same lines. She has lost her Grand daughter and doesn't want to lose her Daughter.

It's rough. She is also about crazy over all of this, especially Caylee. She knows her daughter did it. How can she justify this no matter what the story is and can she ever believe any story Casey tells?

I think you have captured the emotion of this. Right or wrong, her mother is in a state of suspension of any semblance of reality.

I cannot judge her. I cannot for the life of me even attempt to embrace her anguish. We like to think of ourselves as the caped crusaders who would rush in and do the right thing, but sometimes when it comes to our children sometimes could we do it?

I know I have with mine. Especially one teenage son at a certain point in time. But it wasn't easy. And we are talking minor infractions like throwing snowballs at cars.

What would you do if you actually even dreamed your daughter killed your grandaughter?
That thought would be unbearable.


Yeah I hear yuh. Alot of that going on in this trial. ~BH

We had a real bad one up here. This pediatric forensic pathologist was just so out of line that parents and or siblings were being accused left right and center of every dastardly deed and the real maniac involved was the pathologist.

People went to jail for years. It's all coming unravelled now. This pathologist was a freaking sociopath. One poor mother accused of killing her baby out in Kingston almost lost her own life in jail with inmates. In the end, the family dog had actually killed the baby girl that the pathologist blatantly lied about the mother killing her daughter.

Now don't get me wrong, I know there are crazies who commit murders on a day to day. I love murder cases. Oh that doesn't come out right, does it?

I think Ms. Anthony is part of the guilty crew from all the data I have read to date. On the other hand I will go hand to hand over Westerfield who I thought got railroaded out in California.

I'm a stickler for details.

This case is interesting. But when you are googling chloroform, duct tape and head injuries, well maybe by the longest stretch of the imagination you are trying to reach the Ed Schultz show...........:eusa_angel:

Some nutcase out here in California up in Sacramento put her 6 week old baby daughter in a microwave that killed her. I almost had to vomit when I heard the story. Another nutcase out in Ohio was recently convicted of doing the same thing. I really don't know what the hell is wrong with these people, but they should be eradicated from the human gene pool. I would have both of them pulled apart by horses if it were up to me. ~BH

Somedays I think to myself oldtimers had it right. The herd was culled every hunting season or ice fishing season, lol.

Ol Uncle Bobby died in a "hunting" accident or Uncle Neville "fell down" the ice fishing hole.......We thinned the herd in an old fashioned and orderly way.

Whoopsies Uncle Bobby you shouldn't have touched cousin Susan and Uncle Neville why by golly by gosh you shouldn't have dreamed of touching Jimmy James.

And btw, my Baba actually saw 4 horses in the Ukraine. No wonder they had such a low murder rate unless it was by the state. Aye carumba. Fear is a good detterent and that one's a hummer.
That very well could be the case here. You don't know until you're in someone elses shoes. I personally at first believed that George was in on the pool accident lie and believe it or not (in order to maybe save Casey's life) go along with the molestation defense. He could deny it, never get convicted, but possibly keep her from death row by maybe getting some sympathy by a juror who may have been molested themselves. He sure as hell never looked very angry on the stand.

Unfortunately though, Their master plan just turned out to be shit because I don't believe anyone is buying it. Why would you cover up an accidental drowning? It happens everyday in America. = You wouldn't. ~BH

What trial are you watching? George Anthony was very combative on the stand.
And we disagree on the outcome. I think you're wrong. I think the State's case is goin' up in smoke.

Yeah, "Seriously" :razz:

I am watching the same case that I have been following since it first happened years ago. He was hardly "combative" at all. Unless you're easily fooled. I seen right through that load of bullshit. It was all staged and rehearsed prior to the drama by George and that bottomfeeding liar of a defense attorney.

All I see is mass desperation, grasping at straws, Lie after lie after lie after lie and a whole shit load of circumstancial evidence. That's ok though, we give our opinions here, that's what we do. I disagree with yours as well. You'll see though., But will you come back after she's convicted and say well BH, you were right? I guess we'll see about that as well. ~BH

If that occurs, I will come back and say you were right -- while I am still saying I don't agree in the verdict, if it's the DP. Not at this point with the evidence the State has provided. :razz:

It's almost has if all the Anthony's set down and said "Let's confuse the fuck outta the jury. It's our best hope."
We had a real bad one up here. This pediatric forensic pathologist was just so out of line that parents and or siblings were being accused left right and center of every dastardly deed and the real maniac involved was the pathologist.

People went to jail for years. It's all coming unravelled now. This pathologist was a freaking sociopath. One poor mother accused of killing her baby out in Kingston almost lost her own life in jail with inmates. In the end, the family dog had actually killed the baby girl that the pathologist blatantly lied about the mother killing her daughter.

Now don't get me wrong, I know there are crazies who commit murders on a day to day. I love murder cases. Oh that doesn't come out right, does it?

I think Ms. Anthony is part of the guilty crew from all the data I have read to date. On the other hand I will go hand to hand over Westerfield who I thought got railroaded out in California.

I'm a stickler for details.

This case is interesting. But when you are googling chloroform, duct tape and head injuries, well maybe by the longest stretch of the imagination you are trying to reach the Ed Schultz show...........:eusa_angel:

Some nutcase out here in California up in Sacramento put her 6 week old baby daughter in a microwave that killed her. I almost had to vomit when I heard the story. Another nutcase out in Ohio was recently convicted of doing the same thing. I really don't know what the hell is wrong with these people, but they should be eradicated from the human gene pool. I would have both of them pulled apart by horses if it were up to me. ~BH

Somedays I think to myself oldtimers had it right. The herd was culled every hunting season or ice fishing season, lol.

Ol Uncle Bobby died in a "hunting" accident or Uncle Neville "fell down" the ice fishing hole.......We thinned the herd in an old fashioned and orderly way.

Whoopsies Uncle Bobby you shouldn't have touched cousin Susan and Uncle Neville why by golly by gosh you shouldn't have dreamed of touching Jimmy James.

And btw, my Baba actually saw 4 horses in the Ukraine. No wonder they had such a low murder rate unless it was by the state. Aye carumba. Fear is a good detterent and that one's a hummer.

LMAO! :lol: ~BH
What trial are you watching? George Anthony was very combative on the stand.
And we disagree on the outcome. I think you're wrong. I think the State's case is goin' up in smoke.

Yeah, "Seriously" :razz:

I am watching the same case that I have been following since it first happened years ago. He was hardly "combative" at all. Unless you're easily fooled. I seen right through that load of bullshit. It was all staged and rehearsed prior to the drama by George and that bottomfeeding liar of a defense attorney.

All I see is mass desperation, grasping at straws, Lie after lie after lie after lie and a whole shit load of circumstancial evidence. That's ok though, we give our opinions here, that's what we do. I disagree with yours as well. You'll see though., But will you come back after she's convicted and say well BH, you were right? I guess we'll see about that as well. ~BH

If that occurs, I will come back and say you were right -- while I am still saying I don't agree in the verdict, if it's the DP. Not at this point with the evidence the State has provided. :razz:

It's almost has if all the Anthony's set down and said "Let's confuse the fuck outta the jury. It's our best hope."

Yeah that could be. I think at the end of the day when it comes to killing children or even being accused of killing children, alot of the time the defense already has a harder uphill battle than a regular murder case. Without a doubt when it's your own child one is being accused of killing. That's why I mentioned the Scott Petterson case earlier, I think that had alot to do with him being convicted with only circumstancial evidence. We'll see about Casey though. ~BH
Yeah, "Seriously" :razz:

I am watching the same case that I have been following since it first happened years ago. He was hardly "combative" at all. Unless you're easily fooled. I seen right through that load of bullshit. It was all staged and rehearsed prior to the drama by George and that bottomfeeding liar of a defense attorney.

All I see is mass desperation, grasping at straws, Lie after lie after lie after lie and a whole shit load of circumstancial evidence. That's ok though, we give our opinions here, that's what we do. I disagree with yours as well. You'll see though., But will you come back after she's convicted and say well BH, you were right? I guess we'll see about that as well. ~BH

If that occurs, I will come back and say you were right -- while I am still saying I don't agree in the verdict, if it's the DP. Not at this point with the evidence the State has provided. :razz:

It's almost has if all the Anthony's set down and said "Let's confuse the fuck outta the jury. It's our best hope."

Yeah that could be. I think at the end of the day when it comes to killing children or even being accused of killing children, alot of the time the defense already has a harder uphill battle than a regular murder case. Without a doubt when it's your own child one is being accused of killing. That's why I mentioned the Scott Petterson case earlier, I think that had alot to do with him being convicted with only circumstancial evidence. We'll see about Casey though. ~BH

For all the years I have been following murder cases, a couple stand out. One was the case in SF where they tried to prosecute dog owners of a hate crime against gays because their presa canarios killed a lesbian activist.

At the same time I was running articles around the net about Randall Dooley by Christie Blatchford.

You have never ever read about a murder case like Randall's reading Blatch. You just haven't. This is where a step mother killed Randall after brutalizing him for months on end and the "system" let Randall down to the point that his brother washed him in the bathtub and put new jammies on him before he called 911 to ask them to come and help his brother.

I like to think I have a good instinct about cases. This one screams guilty by the mother.

OK lets have some fun.

What is the mother's defense? I'm curious you defenders of the mother? Let's play. I love murder mysteries.
OK lets have some fun.

What is the mother's defense? I'm curious you defenders of the mother? Let's play. I love murder mysteries.
If that occurs, I will come back and say you were right -- while I am still saying I don't agree in the verdict, if it's the DP. Not at this point with the evidence the State has provided. :razz:

It's almost has if all the Anthony's set down and said "Let's confuse the fuck outta the jury. It's our best hope."

Yeah that could be. I think at the end of the day when it comes to killing children or even being accused of killing children, alot of the time the defense already has a harder uphill battle than a regular murder case. Without a doubt when it's your own child one is being accused of killing. That's why I mentioned the Scott Petterson case earlier, I think that had alot to do with him being convicted with only circumstancial evidence. We'll see about Casey though. ~BH

For all the years I have been following murder cases, a couple stand out. One was the case in SF where they tried to prosecute dog owners of a hate crime against gays because their presa canarios killed a lesbian activist.

At the same time I was running articles around the net about Randall Dooley by Christie Blatchford.

You have never ever read about a murder case like Randall's reading Blatch. You just haven't. This is where a step mother killed Randall after brutalizing him for months on end and the "system" let Randall down to the point that his brother washed him in the bathtub and put new jammies on him before he called 911 to ask them to come and help his brother.

I like to think I have a good instinct about cases. This one screams guilty by the mother.


I know the case in San FranSickO involving the dogs that attacked that gal. I was happy to see them convicted because they were not responsible dog owners and it cost that poor women her life, and what a horrible way to go.

The hate crime arguement was a joke though, and they were not convicted on anything to do with that as far as I remember. It was the victims partner that she lived with that pushed that red diaper doper baby garbage. The two attorney's who got convicted deserved what they got.

Those two nutcases adopted this white supremacist dude, who sold them the dogs from a dog fighting farm, and had threesomes with the guy. They were weirdo nutcases. However, Being weird doesn't make you guilty. They were found guilty because they were idiots who owned dogs. I know about these types, I have two of them living right next door to me. I love animals and have them myself, but I really despise people who can't control or take the time to train their dogs. ~BH
Yeah that could be. I think at the end of the day when it comes to killing children or even being accused of killing children, alot of the time the defense already has a harder uphill battle than a regular murder case. Without a doubt when it's your own child one is being accused of killing. That's why I mentioned the Scott Petterson case earlier, I think that had alot to do with him being convicted with only circumstancial evidence. We'll see about Casey though. ~BH

For all the years I have been following murder cases, a couple stand out. One was the case in SF where they tried to prosecute dog owners of a hate crime against gays because their presa canarios killed a lesbian activist.

At the same time I was running articles around the net about Randall Dooley by Christie Blatchford.

You have never ever read about a murder case like Randall's reading Blatch. You just haven't. This is where a step mother killed Randall after brutalizing him for months on end and the "system" let Randall down to the point that his brother washed him in the bathtub and put new jammies on him before he called 911 to ask them to come and help his brother.

I like to think I have a good instinct about cases. This one screams guilty by the mother.


I know the case in San FranSickO involving the dogs that attacked that gal. I was happy to see them convicted because they were not responsible dog owners and it cost that poor women her life, and what a horrible way to go.

The hate crime arguement was a joke though, and they were not convicted on anything to do with that as far as I remember. It was the victims partner that she lived with that pushed that red diaper doper baby garbage. The two attorney's who got convicted deserved what they got.

Those two nutcases adopted this white supremacist dude, who sold them the dogs from a dog fighting farm, and had threesomes with the guy. They were weirdo nutcases. However, Being weird doesn't make you guilty. They were found guilty because they were idiots who owned dogs. I know about these types, I have two of them living right next door to me. I love animals and have them myself, but I really despise people who can't control or take the time to train their dogs. ~BH

Talk about morons. Aye carumba the Dianne Whipple case. Two complete idiots who couldn't even spell Presa Canarios let alone handle them. And they are the lawyers? Oh btw though, during all of this I met a real deal activist who filled me in on how much money the state makes via incarceration. Yowzah. The guy was awesome. And I'm a major conservative not a lib since the 70's (I think it was a Bee Gee Moment) but he really really made sense.

I learned a lot hanging at the SF Chronicle. That doesn't sound right either, lol.

And dogs like the Presas and other breeds I know and love could be considered lethal weapons.

I was just concerned at how far over the line the case was going to go. And to think either Hera or Bane knew Diane was a lesbian was just koo koo bye bye.
For all the years I have been following murder cases, a couple stand out. One was the case in SF where they tried to prosecute dog owners of a hate crime against gays because their presa canarios killed a lesbian activist.

At the same time I was running articles around the net about Randall Dooley by Christie Blatchford.

You have never ever read about a murder case like Randall's reading Blatch. You just haven't. This is where a step mother killed Randall after brutalizing him for months on end and the "system" let Randall down to the point that his brother washed him in the bathtub and put new jammies on him before he called 911 to ask them to come and help his brother.

I like to think I have a good instinct about cases. This one screams guilty by the mother.


I know the case in San FranSickO involving the dogs that attacked that gal. I was happy to see them convicted because they were not responsible dog owners and it cost that poor women her life, and what a horrible way to go.

The hate crime arguement was a joke though, and they were not convicted on anything to do with that as far as I remember. It was the victims partner that she lived with that pushed that red diaper doper baby garbage. The two attorney's who got convicted deserved what they got.

Those two nutcases adopted this white supremacist dude, who sold them the dogs from a dog fighting farm, and had threesomes with the guy. They were weirdo nutcases. However, Being weird doesn't make you guilty. They were found guilty because they were idiots who owned dogs. I know about these types, I have two of them living right next door to me. I love animals and have them myself, but I really despise people who can't control or take the time to train their dogs. ~BH

Talk about morons. Aye carumba the Dianne Whipple case. Two complete idiots who couldn't even spell Presa Canarios let alone handle them. And they are the lawyers? Oh btw though, during all of this I met a real deal activist who filled me in on how much money the state makes via incarceration. Yowzah. The guy was awesome. And I'm a major conservative not a lib since the 70's (I think it was a Bee Gee Moment) but he really really made sense.

I learned a lot hanging at the SF Chronicle. That doesn't sound right either, lol.

And dogs like the Presas and other breeds I know and love could be considered lethal weapons.

I was just concerned at how far over the line the case was going to go. And to think either Hera or Bane knew Diane was a lesbian was just koo koo bye bye.

My Sister in Law has one. They are very sweet dogs unless they are trained to kill. They can be aggressive though. When my daughter was born, we went over there for Christmas. The dog was jealous of my little baby daughter and growled at her. My Brother in law told my sister in law "put her outside (the dog), I don't trust her. I didn't trust the dog either. And I forbid my daughter going over to the house without the dog contained.

However, other than that, the dog has never been anything but sweet and kind. I think it was a jealousy thing. Hell, she got the same treatment from our two cats when she was born. The female one, much like the dog, more so though. I dunno why.

On another note td, Didn't Wipple's partner live with her? I am not sure about that, but do you recall if that was the case? ~BH
OK lets have some fun.

What is the mother's defense? I'm curious you defenders of the mother? Let's play. I love murder mysteries.

The problem with that is, Maggie and Sunshine have gone boating somewhere together. :cool: ~BH

I am a defender of no one. I have merely pointed out areas of reasonable doubt of which there have been several. Not sure I believe the mother's testimony about chloroform, though.
And I'm not on a boat. Boat trip got rained out. Hate that, I really looked forward to it.
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OK lets have some fun.

What is the mother's defense? I'm curious you defenders of the mother? Let's play. I love murder mysteries.

The problem with that is, Maggie and Sunshine have gone boating somewhere together. :cool: ~BH

I am a defender of no one. I have merely pointed out areas of reasonable doubt of which there have been several. Not sure I believe the mother's testimony about chloroform, though.
And I'm not on a boat. Boat trip got rained out. Hate that, I really looked forward to it.

It was a joke Sunshine. Yeah, I understand getting rained out as well. I got a boat myself. I am sure it will clear up though soon enough for yuh. ~BH

I was reading through the logs again and I think the proof of the lie is there. On the stand today she said he and ICA were both on computer on the 17th....they took turns.

On page 21 phone logs indicate that btwn 10:59 and 22:23 (10:23 PM) Cindy placed 14 calls to ICA. Four calls btwn 2 and 2:30 when the google searches were done ( I am pretty sure) and one lasted 8 minutes.

Cindy wasn't credible. And, someone should tell her it's falling ON the sword, not near it:cool: Co-workers, etc will probably be used in rebuttal. Seems that no one, not even a workplace, is immune to winding up under the anthony bus. Also, as a concerned grandparent, where are all the other hazards and things she searched for?

I was reading through the logs again and I think the proof of the lie is there. On the stand today she said he and ICA were both on computer on the 17th....they took turns.

On page 21 phone logs indicate that btwn 10:59 and 22:23 (10:23 PM) Cindy placed 14 calls to ICA. Four calls btwn 2 and 2:30 when the google searches were done ( I am pretty sure) and one lasted 8 minutes.

Cindy wasn't credible. And, someone should tell her it's falling ON the sword, not near it:cool: Co-workers, etc will probably be used in rebuttal. Seems that no one, not even a workplace, is immune to winding up under the anthony bus. Also, as a concerned grandparent, where are all the other hazards and things she searched for?
No she wasn't but neither am I :lol:

I was wrong about the date of the calls, not March but June :redface: The page 11 time sheet was right but I should leave the detecting to the experts ..:lol::redface::lol: sorry

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