Casey Anthony

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If the State was smart, they would be scurrying to Cindy's last work place and try to be placing her there, via her work computer at the exact same time she testified she was at home doing the questionable searches. Then they could try to impeach her testimony.

Cindy Anthony created a huge hole in the State's theory today.

sorry, lost power again.

logically shouldnt a decomposing body have bugs around it? thats all. no great insight, not even sure its relevant. just, well...weird.

Not if it was decomposing somewhere else, and then dumped there recent to the find. Or it could have been wrapped up prior to being put there. I dunno, but another thing in regards to the drowning theory, even if that bs story were true, would a sane person just dump their daughters body in the woods like trash? No, they would have called 911 the minute they supposedly found their daughter, or grandaughter. :doubt: ~BH
If the State was smart, they would be scurrying to Cindy's last work place and try to be placing her there, via her work computer at the exact same time she testified she was at home doing the questionable searches. Then they could try to impeach her testimony.

Cindy Anthony created a huge hole in the State's theory today.

She Lied.
If the State was smart, they would be scurrying to Cindy's last work place and try to be placing her there, via her work computer at the exact same time she testified she was at home doing the questionable searches. Then they could try to impeach her testimony.

Cindy Anthony created a huge hole in the State's theory today.

She Lied.

That's your opinion. Believe it or not, in the court of law, you have to prove someone is lying. :lol::cuckoo::eusa_hand:
If the State was smart, they would be scurrying to Cindy's last work place and try to be placing her there, via her work computer at the exact same time she testified she was at home doing the questionable searches. Then they could try to impeach her testimony.

Cindy Anthony created a huge hole in the State's theory today.

She Lied.

That's your opinion. Believe it or not, in the court of law, you have to prove someone is lying. :lol::cuckoo::eusa_hand:

So you believe that her work time cards are wrong? Isn't that so convenient...
Is this case for real?

Are people like I just saw on the last page actually saying that circumstantial evidence doesn't count?

lol, holy freaking toledo. I know every mother goes on websites to find out about chloroform just before their child disappears.....

yeah, yeah, that's the ticket. the child has colic. oh wait....the kid is too old to have colic.

Chloroform. Mom wanted to be a butterfly collector. yeah, yeah, that's the ticket.... She saw Terence Stamp in a movie and right before her child went missing she decided she needed to collect butterflies.

And purchase chloroform.
If the State was smart, they would be scurrying to Cindy's last work place and try to be placing her there, via her work computer at the exact same time she testified she was at home doing the questionable searches. Then they could try to impeach her testimony.

Cindy Anthony created a huge hole in the State's theory today.

She Lied.

That's your opinion. Believe it or not, in the court of law, you have to prove someone is lying. :lol::cuckoo::eusa_hand:

Yeah, With your theory, They never would have convicted Scott Petterson. They never proved that he lied at all. All he had was a missing boat anchor, and he liked to fish. He acted guilty just like Casey has. In fact, there has been way more lies by Casey then there were with Scott. Yet, He's sitting out here in California on death row isn't he? Florida is way more harsh than California. The bitch is gonna get a shot in the arm, or life in prison. Bet on it guy. :razz: ~BH

sorry, lost power again.

logically shouldnt a decomposing body have bugs around it? thats all. no great insight, not even sure its relevant. just, well...weird.

Not if it was decomposing somewhere else, and then dumped there recent to the find. Or it could have been wrapped up prior to being put there. I dunno, but another thing in regards to the drowning theory, even if that bs story were true, would a sane person just dump their daughters body in the woods like trash? No, they would have called 911 the minute they supposedly found their daughter, or grandaughter. :doubt: ~BH

Oh cripes after this one murder case out west where the entomologist was a media hog and I still think convicted the wrong man, I'm not thrilled with the science as I once was because you end up having truly narcisstic maniacs who want to hog the spotlight during a murder trial.
sorry, lost power again.

logically shouldnt a decomposing body have bugs around it? thats all. no great insight, not even sure its relevant. just, well...weird.

Not if it was decomposing somewhere else, and then dumped there recent to the find. Or it could have been wrapped up prior to being put there. I dunno, but another thing in regards to the drowning theory, even if that bs story were true, would a sane person just dump their daughters body in the woods like trash? No, they would have called 911 the minute they supposedly found their daughter, or grandaughter. :doubt: ~BH

Oh cripes after this one murder case out west where the entomologist was a media hog and I still think convicted the wrong man, I'm not thrilled with the science as I once was because you end up having truly narcisstic maniacs who want to hog the spotlight during a murder trial.

Yeah I hear yuh. Alot of that going on in this trial. ~BH
If the State was smart, they would be scurrying to Cindy's last work place and try to be placing her there, via her work computer at the exact same time she testified she was at home doing the questionable searches. Then they could try to impeach her testimony.

Cindy Anthony created a huge hole in the State's theory today.

She Lied.

She did lie, everyone is saying that. She wants to keep Casey alive and she wants to know what happened.
I love how all the news commentators are willing to fry Casey Anthony over her fantastic lies, but aren't going to "pass judgement" on Cindy Anthony and the possibility she lied her ass off under oath today.

Also, interesting to me that George and Cindy are linking themselves to the evidence.
Casey has never been connected to the infamous Duct Tape, only George.
Now Cindy has connected herself to the bizarre computer searches, not Casey.
ALL the Anthony's are liars. And why should one be held accountable over the other? I say toss Perjury charges on both GA and CA.

And to who ever the poster was above that still can't see why GA would involve himself in a cover up. Simple. He couldn't afford to have an immediate autopsy done that could possibly show any signs of sexual abuse on little Caylee Anthony.

The State is in trouble, folks. Face it.
If the State was smart, they would be scurrying to Cindy's last work place and try to be placing her there, via her work computer at the exact same time she testified she was at home doing the questionable searches. Then they could try to impeach her testimony.

Cindy Anthony created a huge hole in the State's theory today.

She Lied.

She did lie, everyone is saying that. She wants to keep Casey alive and she wants to know what happened.

I'm thinking along the same lines. She has lost her Grand daughter and doesn't want to lose her Daughter.
I love how all the news commentators are willing to fry Casey Anthony over her fantastic lies, but aren't going to "pass judgement" on Cindy Anthony and the possibility she lied her ass off under oath today.

Also, interesting to me that George and Cindy are linking themselves to the evidence.
Casey has never been connected to the infamous Duct Tape, only George.
Now Cindy has connected herself to the bizarre computer searches, not Casey.
ALL the Anthony's are liars. And why should one be held accountable over the other? I say toss Perjury charges on both GA and CA.

And to who ever the poster was above that still can't see why GA would involve himself in a cover up. Simple. He couldn't afford to have an immediate autopsy done that could possibly show any signs of sexual abuse on little Caylee Anthony.

The State is in trouble, folks. Face it.

El WrongO bro. She's getting convicted just like Scott Petterson did. Way more lies, and way more circumstancial evidence. She's already done. :cool: ~BH
She Lied.

She did lie, everyone is saying that. She wants to keep Casey alive and she wants to know what happened.

I'm thinking along the same lines. She has lost her Grand daughter and doesn't want to lose her Daughter.

It's rough. She is also about crazy over all of this, especially Caylee. She knows her daughter did it. How can she justify this no matter what the story is and can she ever believe any story Casey tells?
She Lied.

She did lie, everyone is saying that. She wants to keep Casey alive and she wants to know what happened.

I'm thinking along the same lines. She has lost her Grand daughter and doesn't want to lose her Daughter.

That very well could be the case here. You don't know until you're in someone elses shoes. I personally at first believed that George was in on the pool accident lie and believe it or not (in order to maybe save Casey's life) go along with the molestation defense. He could deny it, never get convicted, but possibly keep her from death row by maybe getting some sympathy by a juror who may have been molested themselves. He sure as hell never looked very angry on the stand.

Unfortunately though, Their master plan just turned out to be shit because I don't believe anyone is buying it. Why would you cover up an accidental drowning? It happens everyday in America. = You wouldn't. ~BH
Not if it was decomposing somewhere else, and then dumped there recent to the find. Or it could have been wrapped up prior to being put there. I dunno, but another thing in regards to the drowning theory, even if that bs story were true, would a sane person just dump their daughters body in the woods like trash? No, they would have called 911 the minute they supposedly found their daughter, or grandaughter. :doubt: ~BH

Oh cripes after this one murder case out west where the entomologist was a media hog and I still think convicted the wrong man, I'm not thrilled with the science as I once was because you end up having truly narcisstic maniacs who want to hog the spotlight during a murder trial.

Yeah I hear yuh. Alot of that going on in this trial. ~BH

We had a real bad one up here. This pediatric forensic pathologist was just so out of line that parents and or siblings were being accused left right and center of every dastardly deed and the real maniac involved was the pathologist.

People went to jail for years. It's all coming unravelled now. This pathologist was a freaking sociopath. One poor mother accused of killing her baby out in Kingston almost lost her own life in jail with inmates. In the end, the family dog had actually killed the baby girl that the pathologist blatantly lied about the mother killing her daughter.

Now don't get me wrong, I know there are crazies who commit murders on a day to day. I love murder cases. Oh that doesn't come out right, does it?

I think Ms. Anthony is part of the guilty crew from all the data I have read to date. On the other hand I will go hand to hand over Westerfield who I thought got railroaded out in California.

I'm a stickler for details.

This case is interesting. But when you are googling chloroform, duct tape and head injuries, well maybe by the longest stretch of the imagination you are trying to reach the Ed Schultz show...........:eusa_angel:
OMG. Nancy DisGrace is not bashing Cindy Anthony for her testimony.
She has her simpering face on, not her snarl.

Also the timing of the Anthony's "allowing" their attorney to release the statement that they do not think Casey Anthony is innocent and then BAM Cindy turns the State on their ass today with her testimony, is highly suspect to me.

The Anthony family equals smoke and mirrors. I say give'em some Snake Oil to sell.

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