Casey Anthony

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I was reading through the logs again and I think the proof of the lie is there. On the stand today she said he and ICA were both on computer on the 17th....they took turns.

On page 21 phone logs indicate that btwn 10:59 and 22:23 (10:23 PM) Cindy placed 14 calls to ICA. Four calls btwn 2 and 2:30 when the google searches were done ( I am pretty sure) and one lasted 8 minutes.

Cindy wasn't credible. And, someone should tell her it's falling ON the sword, not near it:cool: Co-workers, etc will probably be used in rebuttal. Seems that no one, not even a workplace, is immune to winding up under the anthony bus. Also, as a concerned grandparent, where are all the other hazards and things she searched for?
No she wasn't but neither am I :lol:

I was wrong about the date of the calls, not March but June :redface: The page 11 time sheet was right but I should leave the detecting to the experts ..:lol::redface::lol: sorry

I still think a ton of evidence will come on in rebuttal. Just my opinion, but it seems that ICA, Cindy and George seem to think they can lie at will, with impunity.:doubt:
It pisses me off that main stream media thinks Cindy Anthony should get a by on her apparent lying under t oath. Nancy DisGrace was the worse last night with her simperin' pursed lips.
I hope the State did their homework last night and have the evidence today to impeach CA.
I still think this was an accidental drowning and that bGeorge is in it up to his perverted, lying neck, but I also believe in telling the truth especially when sworn to do so. This trial has turned into a three ring circus.

Smoke and Mirrors.

Where the fuck is the truth for that baby, Caylee Marie Anthony?
It pisses me off that main stream media thinks Cindy Anthony should get a by on her apparent lying under t oath. Nancy DisGrace was the worse last night with her simperin' pursed lips.
I hope the State did their homework last night and have the evidence today to impeach CA.
I still think this was an accidental drowning and that bGeorge is in it up to his perverted, lying neck, but I also believe in telling the truth especially when sworn to do so. This trial has turned into a three ring circus.

Smoke and Mirrors.

Where the fuck is the truth for that baby, Caylee Marie Anthony?

I don't know what I'd do. I'd like to think I'd do the right thing, but who knows if my daughters life were at sake?

I read an article last night (can't for life find it again) which supported the defense yesterday because CAs testimony was a hard hit to the state.

ETA: TexasWriter you REALLY don't like Nancy Grace, huh?
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10:30 AM EST on day 38 of trial Judge Perry states,

"maybe you should tell me what your defense theory is, somebody."

In response to the defense' broad approach. I would say that is the job of the defense and the judge's responsibility to curb it, but that shit is funny!
It pisses me off that main stream media thinks Cindy Anthony should get a by on her apparent lying under t oath. Nancy DisGrace was the worse last night with her simperin' pursed lips.
I hope the State did their homework last night and have the evidence today to impeach CA.
I still think this was an accidental drowning and that bGeorge is in it up to his perverted, lying neck, but I also believe in telling the truth especially when sworn to do so. This trial has turned into a three ring circus.

Smoke and Mirrors.

Where the fuck is the truth for that baby, Caylee Marie Anthony?

I agree, she should NOT.
This is a blog by a doctor who writes with such vitriol regarding Cindy Anthony, her demeanor, body language and capabilities as a mother. I think there are some here who would agree. :eusa_think: :tongue:

I find body language analysis interesting. The doctor does a number on CA.


Dr. Lillian Glass Body Language Blog

This was a very good article Kiki. It tells us all what we have been saying all along.
And some of the article described what I knew, Casey wasn't close to her Mom, she didn't even want her baby girl, she wanted to get rid of her, but Mom Cindy would not hear of it, so Casey had Caylee, but all along, has really not wanted her.
Body language does say a lot about people. Good read!

Today's testimony has been unreal.

I want to know WHAT Lee Anthony overheard his parents discussing and I want to know WHY Lee Anthony felt a) his parents wouldn't tell the defense and b) why he felt it was so important to reach out to Baez on his own to tell him what he overheard them discussing.

Today's testimony has been unreal.

I want to know WHAT Lee Anthony overheard his parents discussing and I want to know WHY Lee Anthony felt a) his parents wouldn't tell the defense and b) why he felt it was so important to reach out to Baez on his own to tell him what he overheard them discussing.

Sumptin's up, fer sure. Somebody ELSE goin' under da bus?
When I saw Cindy Anthony yesterday, I caught her telling the prosecutor that she only may have looked up the world "chloroform" once when she was looking up chlorophyll as a possible assist to a patient, then the series of "No, I did not," when the prosecutor asked her if she looked up chloroform with relation to a series of to harm somebody with chloroform by... (fill in the blank). I was a little puzzled by why the issue came up, but I think she answered in such a way to let others know that if she happened to look up "chloroform," it was more or less accidental. I can't figure out what I missed, except I only watched the dialog for a short time before changing channels to anything else.

Just sayin'.

Later on, I saw Bill O'Reilly and Aprhodite Jones boiling Mrs. Anthony in oil over her testimony. It took me by surprise. Today, most everyone here is annoyed with Mrs. Anthony. I'm still wondering what I missed. :confused:

Oh, and I don't think Casey Anthony is going to get off scot-free. I'm not sure what her exact role was, but the taping of the child's face is very troublesome to me.
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When I saw Cindy Anthony yesterday, I caught her telling the prosecutor that she only may have looked up the world "chloroform" once when she was looking up chlorophyll as a possible assist to a patient, then the series of "No, I did not," when the prosecutor asked her if she looked up chloroform with relation to a series of to harm somebody with chloroform by... (fill in the blank). I was a little puzzled by why the issue came up, but I think she answered in such a way to let others know that if she happened to look up "chloroform," it was more or less accidental. I can't figure out what I missed, except I only watched the dialog for a short time before changing channels to anything else.

Just sayin'.

Later on, I saw Bill O'Reilly and Aprhodite Jones boiling Mrs. Anthony in oil over her testimony. It took me by surprise. Today, most everyone here is annoyed with Mrs. Anthony. I'm still wondering what I missed. :confused:

She denied previous testimony of her's. She also wouldn't answer direct questions. IMO, she's lying.
When I saw Cindy Anthony yesterday, I caught her telling the prosecutor that she only may have looked up the world "chloroform" once when she was looking up chlorophyll as a possible assist to a patient, then the series of "No, I did not," when the prosecutor asked her if she looked up chloroform with relation to a series of to harm somebody with chloroform by... (fill in the blank). I was a little puzzled by why the issue came up, but I think she answered in such a way to let others know that if she happened to look up "chloroform," it was more or less accidental. I can't figure out what I missed, except I only watched the dialog for a short time before changing channels to anything else.

Just sayin'.

Later on, I saw Bill O'Reilly and Aprhodite Jones boiling Mrs. Anthony in oil over her testimony. It took me by surprise. Today, most everyone here is annoyed with Mrs. Anthony. I'm still wondering what I missed. :confused:

She denied previous testimony of her's. She also wouldn't answer direct questions. IMO, she's lying.

Thanks, Oldsalt. I'm not watching this on a regular basis, but I appreciate people's reactions. It's funny how when you just see a segment of testimony in a trial or other issue, you don't get any bigger picture. I am generally sympathetic to nurses, too, after taking parallel courses with them but being in a different field of study. I feel nothing but bad for her circumstance of being the grandmother of a young child who was buried so ungraciously and a suspicious young mother who not only ignored her daughter's disappearance but acted in such a sick, disrespectful way until Cindy Anthony demanded to know in no uncertain terms the whereabouts of her granddaughter Caylee, and was up to here with being put off by the daughter.

I just can't stand to watch it any more.
When I saw Cindy Anthony yesterday, I caught her telling the prosecutor that she only may have looked up the world "chloroform" once when she was looking up chlorophyll as a possible assist to a patient, then the series of "No, I did not," when the prosecutor asked her if she looked up chloroform with relation to a series of to harm somebody with chloroform by... (fill in the blank). I was a little puzzled by why the issue came up, but I think she answered in such a way to let others know that if she happened to look up "chloroform," it was more or less accidental. I can't figure out what I missed, except I only watched the dialog for a short time before changing channels to anything else.

Just sayin'.

Later on, I saw Bill O'Reilly and Aprhodite Jones boiling Mrs. Anthony in oil over her testimony. It took me by surprise. Today, most everyone here is annoyed with Mrs. Anthony. I'm still wondering what I missed. :confused:

She denied previous testimony of her's. She also wouldn't answer direct questions. IMO, she's lying.

Thanks, Oldsalt. I'm not watching this on a regular basis, but I appreciate people's reactions. It's funny how when you just see a segment of testimony in a trial or other issue, you don't get any bigger picture. I am generally sympathetic to nurses, too, after taking parallel courses with them but being in a different field of study. I feel nothing but bad for her circumstance of being the grandmother of a young child who was buried so ungraciously and a suspicious young mother who not only ignored her daughter's disappearance but acted in such a sick, disrespectful way until Cindy Anthony demanded to know in no uncertain terms the whereabouts of her granddaughter Caylee, and was up to here with being put off by the daughter.

I just can't stand to watch it any more.

Understood. I think Cindy is lying for ICA now, though.
geraldo is such a schmuck......a smarmy big mouth schmuck, he just said on the tele going on and on and on about casey and remarked that over 1000 kids are killed by their parents, step dads boyfriends et al a year, that made my ears perk up...

well, not quite;

Researchers estimate 250 to 300 children are murdered by their parents each year in the U.S.

"Historically, one out of 33 homicides is a parent killing a child younger than 18," Resnick said.

Parents who kill their kids not always insane, expert says - The Denver Post

now first- kids? Is a 17 year old a kid? That would also mean the other 750 or so were liked by 'boyfriends" or step they separate legal step fathers out of the batch? .....sorry, not buying that.

This kind of cheap sensationalism is what I hate, about fox in particular. Another more wives get beat on during super bowl Sunday sound byte....rant over;)
geraldo is such a schmuck......a smarmy big mouth schmuck, he just said on the tele going on and on and on about casey and remarked that over 1000 kids are killed by their parents, step dads boyfriends et al a year, that made my ears perk up...

well, not quite;

Researchers estimate 250 to 300 children are murdered by their parents each year in the U.S.

"Historically, one out of 33 homicides is a parent killing a child younger than 18," Resnick said.

Parents who kill their kids not always insane, expert says - The Denver Post

now first- kids? Is a 17 year old a kid? That would also mean the other 750 or so were liked by 'boyfriends" or step they separate legal step fathers out of the batch? .....sorry, not buying that.

This kind of cheap sensationalism is what I hate, about fox in particular. Another more wives get beat on during super bowl Sunday sound byte....rant over;)

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