Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

  • guilty.

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I felt they had no hard evidence and their forensic science was flawed. In the future I hope we can develop better science to try cases like these. I mean all they had was air-in-a-can and one hair and some duct tape. It seems many had a hunch that Casey did it and lied to cover it up but that doesn't cut it in a court of law.

I wonder why George and Cindy Anthony got up and walked out right after the verdict was read. I wonder what Casey’s relationship will be like with them. Especially, after she nailed her dad on the cross for incest accusations. I think that the jury might have believed her, and with the lack of hard evidence and no eye witnesses they made their decisions.

I wonder what Casey Anthony's life will be like now? She might serve a year or two or just be on probation. She'll forever be known as the witch that did terrible things to her little daughter while she was alive and after she was dead. It wouldn't surprise me if Casey ends up committing suicide.

A beautiful little girl doesn’t get to grow up and the Anthony family have been drug through the mud and punished and shamed to death and Casey may walk free among us. We’ll know Thursday morning when the sentencing is read. I don’t think precious little Caylee Anthony will ever get justice. May her body and soul rest in peace.

Ditto on that Wolf.

That little girl is the forgotten equation here. She'll never grown up, date, marry or have a life of her own.

May she rest in peace.
Well it did give us a chance to meet some compulsive liars. Talk about totally destroying a family.
The final irony here is that this woman's remaining days on this planet will not be pleasant ones; she will look back at those 2 1/2 years of her life with that child's as the most fulfilling. And she will have to live with that.

So the deterrent for committing crime...even murdering a feeling guilty? Tell that to anyone in prison and I have a feeling they would rather feel guilty in their own living rooms more so than in a cell.

Fuck this woman. She felt no guilt when she was partying it up for that month when she knew she killed her child. She did that partying AFTER she buried her won kid.

I do not think guilt will kick in with her as she leaves prison. I have said this over and over, she will not do real time. I said Lohan time and that is exactly what happened. If she gets out next week, I was even right about my guess on how much time she does. 3 years.

This sucks.

Its obvious she is a socio path with no conscience, she is not going to feel bad about anything.
She was found innocent on the murder charge. Think all they got her on was lying to police and bad checks.

Kinda funny you can go 30 days without reporting your child is missing and a Jury doesn't think you might have known what happened to her??

The State put on a hell of a case but it was all circumstantial. Guess the jury wan't buying it.

Too bad no one spared a thought for that little 2yr old.


Your quote says it all:

"Kinda funny you can go 30 days without reporting your child is missing and a Jury doesn't think you might have known what happened to her??"

That should've nailed the bitch for at least manslaughter.

Forgive me, slight peeve on my part: It's common to say: "Kinda funny".......followed by something gruesome.

Instead of "kinda funny", I prefer to use "kinda peculiar"......or something like that in the gruesome kinda cases.
Does anyone see this ending very badly for that family. Beyond the obvious.

I can see George Anthony as unstable as he seems to be with suicide attempt and gun threats going berserk and killing casey, maybe himself or even his wife. I dunno but I just got a feeling its not over

I think he will kill himself. His kid and her lawyers turned him into a monster.
Merge please :D

btw: There is no such thing as an 'innocent' verdict. She was found 'Not Guilty'. A hair worth splitting IMO.

Your right on that one. Not guilty and innocent. Big difference.

Sorry Mods. Didn't see the other thread.

For the slow AND stupid, in our system of justice you are INNOCENT till proven guilty. She was not proven guilty therefore she is INNOCENT. Pretty simple concept.

Slow and stupid?? Little harsh doncha think??

Our system of justice may find her innocent but I don't think theres anything innocent about Casey Anthony.

You can bet your last buck that she knows exactly what happened to that little girl. Just to bad no one can prove it.

Such a waste of a little life.
Yes, it's a very stupid comment, since most LIBERALS do not endorse abortion. The number of misinformed right wing fascists who blame everything on liberals, even if their "facts" about liberals are not true.

"Children are less human than grownups", no liberal thinks that! I honestly don't know where in the deepest recesses of right wingers' devilishly evil-intended imaginations these myths come from and how they get so widely passed around as fact and unquestioningly and dutifully accepted as "gospel truth" by the rest of those right wing sympathizers.

The statement "Children are less human than grownups" is factually wrong, and liberals do NOT spend their lives believing in factually wrong statements.

I have never seen a liberal who did not ENDORSE ABORTION. they fight tooth and nail for the right to kill the unborn.

That is a totally factually WRONG statement as well. You really ought to at least ATTEMPT to confront reality instead of gullibly swallowing EVERY LIE you are told by the right wing liars.

I won't accuse you of lying, but I will point out that your statement is factually NOT true.
Millions of liberals are opposed to abortion and would never have one.

I've never seen one. Not one.
Yes, it's a very stupid comment, since most LIBERALS do not endorse abortion. The number of misinformed right wing fascists who blame everything on liberals, even if their "facts" about liberals are not true.

"Children are less human than grownups", no liberal thinks that! I honestly don't know where in the deepest recesses of right wingers' devilishly evil-intended imaginations these myths come from and how they get so widely passed around as fact and unquestioningly and dutifully accepted as "gospel truth" by the rest of those right wing sympathizers.

The statement "Children are less human than grownups" is factually wrong, and liberals do NOT spend their lives believing in factually wrong statements.

I have never seen a liberal who did not ENDORSE ABORTION. they fight tooth and nail for the right to kill the unborn.

That is a totally factually WRONG statement as well. You really ought to at least ATTEMPT to confront reality instead of gullibly swallowing EVERY LIE you are told by the right wing liars.

I won't accuse you of lying, but I will point out that your statement is factually NOT true.
Millions of liberals are opposed to abortion and would never have one.

Please don't turn this thread into an abortion topic.
Does anyone see this ending very badly for that family. Beyond the obvious.

I can see George Anthony as unstable as he seems to be with suicide attempt and gun threats going berserk and killing casey, maybe himself or even his wife. I dunno but I just got a feeling its not over

I think he will kill himself. His kid and her lawyers turned him into a monster.

He was in on that defense tactic in order to save his daughter's life. Read between the lies. ;) ~BH
Does anyone see this ending very badly for that family. Beyond the obvious.

I can see George Anthony as unstable as he seems to be with suicide attempt and gun threats going berserk and killing casey, maybe himself or even his wife. I dunno but I just got a feeling its not over

I think he will kill himself. His kid and her lawyers turned him into a monster.

He was in on that defense tactic in order to save his daughter's life. Read between the lies. ;) ~BH

If he was he's an effen moron.

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