Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

  • guilty.

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
FWIW: We are ALL "out of Africa" so we can ALL claim to be black.

And OJ is a scumbag murdering piece of shit who literally got away with murder (times two) due to a racist idiot jury, a dishonest defense team, an imbecilic & incompetent prosecutorial team and a truly sub-standard judge.

Casey Anthony is very likely the killer, but the proof truly was not there.
Yes, but what the hell does his skin color have to do with anything?

I really don't get this. He seemed guilty and a POS. It doesn't matter if he is black or white.

He was a famous and (previously) well-regarded black man. The jury of mostly blacks evidently deemed him a champion, of some kind.

With that same evidence, that same jury would never have acquitted a famous white guy.

Of course, but for the incompetence of the LA District Attorney, the trial would never have been held there in the first place, so there ya go. That too was a racially motivated choice.
FWIW: We are ALL "out of Africa" so we can ALL claim to be black.

And OJ is a scumbag murdering piece of shit who literally got away with murder (times two) due to a racist idiot jury, a dishonest defense team, an imbecilic & incompetent prosecutorial team and a truly sub-standard judge.

Casey Anthony is very likely the killer, but the proof truly was not there.

Ya know that deshorwitz guy was on some show and he actually said the justice system isn't about truth, if you are looking for truth look elsewhere. I"m paraphrasing but that's the jist of what he said.

That was a silly thing for Dershowitz to say.

It often falls very much short of the ideal, that's true; but the criminal justice system's higher aspiration in the matter of a criminal trial is supposed to be a search for the truth.

The function of a jury is to sift through properly admissible evidence to reach intelligent common-sense based factual determinations. Then they apply those findings of fact to the law as instructed (hopefully a proper set of legal instructions) to reach their verdict. The verdict IS supposed to speak the truth.
I heard most of the evidence presented. I would have said guilty, but not so sure i would have gone with the premeditated. I'd have to hear more argument on that. But I lean towards it.

Thanks. I'd have had to go with premeditated on account of the duct tape. It shouted preplanned elimination to me, but not as loud as her lies to the police screamed it.
Casey maybe. Not OJ. He has all of black America in the palm of his hand. I've never met a single black person who said they believe he is guilty. Not one.

Pfft I'm half black and he is guilty, fuck him.:evil:

Casey maybe. Not OJ. He has all of black America in the palm of his hand. I've never met a single black person who said they believe he is guilty. Not one.

I'm half black. He is NOT guilty.


So now I'm curious. Do you guys like obie doodle and Halle Barry claim to be black? Oh and btw,, I'm white with a lot of freckles,, he's guilty as shit and I'm glad his azz is rotting in prison..

The **** in Nevada got around his Fifth Amendment double jeopardy right and sentenced him to prison for what occurred in his first trial.

Travesty of justice.

Hey, I just heard that next Tuesday, Casey is to be deposed in the Zannie the Nannie civil suit.

This is the first time she's had to testify under oath. She won't have Zannie to blame so what will her lies be this time?

Well, she could take the 5th.
FWIW: We are ALL "out of Africa" so we can ALL claim to be black.

And OJ is a scumbag murdering piece of shit who literally got away with murder (times two) due to a racist idiot jury, a dishonest defense team, an imbecilic & incompetent prosecutorial team and a truly sub-standard judge.

Casey Anthony is very likely the killer, but the proof truly was not there.
Yes, but what the hell does his skin color have to do with anything?

I really don't get this. He seemed guilty and a POS. It doesn't matter if he is black or white.

well shit Ravi davi, you know it meant something back then and you know why. Can you say Rodney KIng? or is your memory that damn short?
Hey, I just heard that next Tuesday, Casey is to be deposed in the Zannie the Nannie civil suit.

This is the first time she's had to testify under oath. She won't have Zannie to blame so what will her lies be this time?

Well, she could take the 5th.

Actually, I don't believe she can take the 5th since she can never again be criminally prosecuted on the crimes for which she stood trial. So none of her deposition testimony can ever be used against her in a criminal trial which is the function of the right to remain silent.
Hey, I just heard that next Tuesday, Casey is to be deposed in the Zannie the Nannie civil suit.

This is the first time she's had to testify under oath. She won't have Zannie to blame so what will her lies be this time?

Well, she could take the 5th.

Actually, I don't believe she can take the 5th since she can never again be criminally prosecuted on the crimes for which she stood trial. So none of her deposition testimony can ever be used against her in a criminal trial which is the function of the right to remain silent.

I think you are right on this one. Somebody mentioned 'civil rights crimes', but those are prosecutable only under the color of law: i.e., a LEO committed a crime 'under the color' of his official position and duties. I don't think any of the testimony can be used criminally.

No one but family has standing (if I am correct on this; correct me if I am wrong, Liability) in a civil damages suit for the child's death.

She is home free, and we all have to listen to Nancy Grace for the next four years about this.
Hey, I just heard that next Tuesday, Casey is to be deposed in the Zannie the Nannie civil suit.

This is the first time she's had to testify under oath. She won't have Zannie to blame so what will her lies be this time?

Well, she could take the 5th.

Actually, I don't believe she can take the 5th since she can never again be criminally prosecuted on the crimes for which she stood trial. So none of her deposition testimony can ever be used against her in a criminal trial which is the function of the right to remain silent.

If she does have to testify and the 5th isn't an option, it will take some of the curiosity factor out of book sales. I'm sure she'll profit and she needs the money to go into hiding but it would be nice if people would boycott her shit.
Well, she could take the 5th.

Actually, I don't believe she can take the 5th since she can never again be criminally prosecuted on the crimes for which she stood trial. So none of her deposition testimony can ever be used against her in a criminal trial which is the function of the right to remain silent.

If she does have to testify and the 5th isn't an option, it will take some of the curiosity factor out of book sales. I'm sure she'll profit and she needs the money to go into hiding but it would be nice if people would boycott her shit.

Sarah no one in their right mind would buy a book written by a woman whom we know lies each and every time she opens her mouth. I think any book she writes will sell very poorly
Monday morning QBing is all the rage now in America. The absurdity level reached it's climax with talikng head lawyers on the networks giving their "analysis" of the case having never read the mountain of evidence, discovery and motions filed during the case.
It is a sad day in America when we have good folks that vote, get summoned for jury duty, do not make petty excuses to avoid their civic duty, serve and sit for weeks without complaint and reach a verdict based solely on the evidence and not TV cable drama ONLY to be second guessed by those with no legal training whatsoever and were not at the trial.
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Monday morning QBing is all the rage now in America. The absurdity level reached it's climax with talikng head lawyers on the networks giving their "analysis" of the case having never read the mountain of evidence, discovery and motions filed during the case.
It is a sad day in America when we have good folks that vote, get summoned for jury duty, do not make petty excuses to avoid their civic duty, serve and sit for weeks without complaint and reach a verdict based solely on the evidence and not TV cable drama ONLY to be second guessed by those with no legal training whatsoever and were not at the trial.

Oh bullshit asswipe. It's called free speech. It's something even you and the dumb jurors support correct? Suck it up.
Monday morning QBing is all the rage now in America. The absurdity level reached it's climax with talikng head lawyers on the networks giving their "analysis" of the case having never read the mountain of evidence, discovery and motions filed during the case.
It is a sad day in America when we have good folks that vote, get summoned for jury duty, do not make petty excuses to avoid their civic duty, serve and sit for weeks without complaint and reach a verdict based solely on the evidence and not TV cable drama ONLY to be second guessed by those with no legal training whatsoever and were not at the trial.

Oh bullshit asswipe. It's called free speech. It's something even you and the dumb jurors support correct? Suck it up.

Crowds demonstrating against the jurors just "free speech"?
They have security watching them.
Called MOBS.
Monday morning QBing is all the rage now in America. The absurdity level reached it's climax with talikng head lawyers on the networks giving their "analysis" of the case having never read the mountain of evidence, discovery and motions filed during the case.
It is a sad day in America when we have good folks that vote, get summoned for jury duty, do not make petty excuses to avoid their civic duty, serve and sit for weeks without complaint and reach a verdict based solely on the evidence and not TV cable drama ONLY to be second guessed by those with no legal training whatsoever and were not at the trial.

Oh bullshit asswipe. It's called free speech. It's something even you and the dumb jurors support correct? Suck it up.

Crowds demonstrating against the jurors just "free speech"?
They have security watching them.
Called MOBS.

Good, I'm glad you asswipes are watching them exercise their free speech. They haven't done anything illegal yet have they?
Actually, I don't believe she can take the 5th since she can never again be criminally prosecuted on the crimes for which she stood trial. So none of her deposition testimony can ever be used against her in a criminal trial which is the function of the right to remain silent.

If she does have to testify and the 5th isn't an option, it will take some of the curiosity factor out of book sales. I'm sure she'll profit and she needs the money to go into hiding but it would be nice if people would boycott her shit.

Sarah no one in their right mind would buy a book written by a woman whom we know lies each and every time she opens her mouth. I think any book she writes will sell very poorly

I hope you're right, Willow. Just remember the guy in front of the jail with the poster board asking her out the other day.
If she does have to testify and the 5th isn't an option, it will take some of the curiosity factor out of book sales. I'm sure she'll profit and she needs the money to go into hiding but it would be nice if people would boycott her shit.

Sarah no one in their right mind would buy a book written by a woman whom we know lies each and every time she opens her mouth. I think any book she writes will sell very poorly

I hope you're right, Willow. Just remember the guy in front of the jail with the poster board asking her out the other day.

I saw a guy with a poster asking her to marry him.
Monday morning QBing is all the rage now in America. The absurdity level reached it's climax with talikng head lawyers on the networks giving their "analysis" of the case having never read the mountain of evidence, discovery and motions filed during the case.
It is a sad day in America when we have good folks that vote, get summoned for jury duty, do not make petty excuses to avoid their civic duty, serve and sit for weeks without complaint and reach a verdict based solely on the evidence and not TV cable drama ONLY to be second guessed by those with no legal training whatsoever and were not at the trial.

It does not take "legal training" to have common sense. This woman was guilty as sin and she walked. She walked because the jury let her walk. What parent in their right mind does their "own investigation" when their child is missing? Who leads the police to offices where they don't actually work? What parent doesn't frantically call the police, the FBI, the local news, and every family member and friend they have to report their child is missing? Answer: the one who killed the child. Only the killer doesn't want anyone to know that a child is missing. Her grandparents were frantic when they finally realized their granddaughter was missing. Did you hear the panic in the voice of Casey Anthony's mother?!?!? This was as straight forward a case as has ever existed, and the jury inexplicably granted this psyco-path a license to murder.

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