Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

  • guilty.

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

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They convicted Scott Peterson with circumstancial evidence. The prosecution never proved how Lacy Peterson and her unborn child (Connor) died. Yet, He is sitting out here in California on Death Row. The Jurors of the Casey Anthony case have their heads stuck up their asses. They must be on meds like the Anthonys. Somewhere, a village is missing 12 fucking idiots. ~BH
Monday morning QBing is all the rage now in America. The absurdity level reached it's climax with talikng head lawyers on the networks giving their "analysis" of the case having never read the mountain of evidence, discovery and motions filed during the case.
It is a sad day in America when we have good folks that vote, get summoned for jury duty, do not make petty excuses to avoid their civic duty, serve and sit for weeks without complaint and reach a verdict based solely on the evidence and not TV cable drama ONLY to be second guessed by those with no legal training whatsoever and were not at the trial.

It does not take "legal training" to have common sense. This woman was guilty as sin and she walked. She walked because the jury let her walk. What parent in their right mind does their "own investigation" when their child is missing? Who leads the police to offices where they don't actually work? What parent doesn't frantically call the police, the FBI, the local news, and every family member and friend they have to report their child is missing? Answer: the one who killed the child. Only the killer doesn't want anyone to know that a child is missing. Her grandparents were frantic when they finally realized their granddaughter was missing. Did you hear the panic in the voice of Casey Anthony's mother?!?!? This was as straight forward a case as has ever existed, and the jury inexplicably granted this psyco-path a license to murder.

How do you know? Did you read all of the investigative reports, sit in on the motions hearings to see what evidence would be allowed for the defense and prosecution and hear 100% of all of the evidence.
I have worked over 2000 jury trials in 30 years. This jury should be commended by anyone that has any sense of the judicial system.
They do not even have a cause of death in this murder trial and you call it a slam dunk.:lol::lol::lol:
Here you are in the United States of America that has the absolute best criminal justice system on earth with trial by jury and you are questioning the jury with this BS of "this woman was guilty as sin".
And you were not even there.
Sad day in America when good honest citizens are called to do their duty, do it ethically and honorably and are called God Damn Fools by the likes of you.
You should be ashamed of yourself. Move to Iran. They do it your way over there.
Delta is ready when you are.
They convicted Scott Peterson with circumstancial evidence. The prosecution never proved how Lacy Peterson and her unborn child (Connor) died. Yet, He is sitting out here in California on Death Row. The Jurors of the Casey Anthony case have their heads stuck up their asses. They must be on meds like the Anthonys. Somewhere, a village is missing 12 fucking idiots. ~BH

And I commend the jury in that case also.
They, unlike you and I, SAW ALL OF THE EVIDENCE.
You watch too much TV.
The burden of proof is on the prosecution, not the defense. That was about the weakest capital murder case I have ever seen.
Not guilty is not innocent. If the government is not forced to prove their case what do we end up with?
Sad day in America when honest citizens are judged by those with no legal training and did not hear all of the evidence.
They convicted Scott Peterson with circumstancial evidence. The prosecution never proved how Lacy Peterson and her unborn child (Connor) died. Yet, He is sitting out here in California on Death Row. The Jurors of the Casey Anthony case have their heads stuck up their asses. They must be on meds like the Anthonys. Somewhere, a village is missing 12 fucking idiots. ~BH

And I commend the jury in that case also.
They, unlike you and I, SAW ALL OF THE EVIDENCE.
You watch too much TV.
The burden of proof is on the prosecution, not the defense. That was about the weakest capital murder case I have ever seen.
Not guilty is not innocent. If the government is not forced to prove their case what do we end up with?
Sad day in America when honest citizens are judged by those with no legal training and did not hear all of the evidence.

WTF? "honest citizens"? Well, you really bumped your fucking head on that assumption eh? :cuckoo:

How do you know how much tv I watch guy? Maybe I followed the case online or in the newspaper because I live less than an hour from where it all happened? I read the transcripts from the case.

On another note, I know all I need to know about The Casey Anthony case. I don't need to sit through 50 hours of some dumb ass Coroner being asked the same question 100 times, or even listen to his drivel for 2 hours.

Actually, All I gotta do is see how she acted after the child died (Shopping, partying, kissing other women and shaking her ass like a typical american female idiot), Consider the smell in her car that her mother smelled, be informed about the internet searches for chloroform, read her father's suicide note, hear her own Mother's 911 call, and note every single lie the stupid creature told in order to understand that the bitch is 100% guilty.

Know what I think? I think that you watch too much porn bro. :razz: ~BH
The most troubling part of being an American citizen is seeing here and everywhere the complete lack of any legal and Constitutional knowledge citizens have. Outright scary.
First of all, let me be perfectly clear. No doubt there are a lot of mad folks that believe Casey Anthony got away with murder in Florida, and you folks may be right!
She was a liar, a terrible mother and never worked at the places she did. Folks, that has nothing to do with the burden of proof in a capital murder case. Never has and never will as the Judge's charges indicated 100 years ago, now and 100 years from now.
But most of the folks that are very upset over this verdict would do anything themselves to avoid jury duty and they brag about it when they do.
Maybe Anthony was involved in her daughter's death. For the uninformed masses here: The jury didn't say she was not involved. The finding was not "innocent". The finding was "not guilty". BIG DIFFERENCE which you folks have no clue about.
The jury stated that the prosecution did not prove their case. Something else for the uninformed: The prosecution has to prove each and every count in the INDICTMENT, specifically. In Scottish courts the jury can find "unproven" in criminal cases which is the same as not guilty here.
This case was a definite NOT PROVEN.
And it pisses me off also but I researched it and found out what happened.
The great power of the state was stopped by the people, the jury. And that is a good thing. The government wanted to kill Anthony's sorry ass and 12 common people stopped them from doing it. Just plain folks that stood between Anthony's sorry ass and the vast power of the government. And in America these folks that you legal scholars want to tar and feather were able to tell the government "STOP. You came up short in doing your job. You did not prove your case the way you stated you would in the indictment and opening statement. "
In America the government has the one most powerful exclusive power forbidden to every else. The state and only the state has the power to use deadly force and deprive citizens of life,property and liberty. The scenario you folks want is one that history has shown bringing dictators, kings, monarchies, theological governments and the like. In all of those past societies the accused like Anthony could be punished at the snap of a finger of a king, a preacher or dictator.
Well not the way we do it here and you folks are not appreacitive enough to know the difference.
In The United States of America, A NATION OF LAWS, NOT MEN and their different and various religous beliefs, we have 12 ordinary citizens that have the power, BY LAW, to stop the power of GOVERNMENT. It is called the jury. And we should be just as happy about the outcome of this trial as we are upset over it. Why? I do not want government appointees or bureaucrtats to be the ones that are the last defense AGAINST THE POWER OF GOVERNMENT determined to take the life and liberty away from someone.
Mad as hell? Blame the prosecutors. They over charged the case from the word go. The jury was charged that they had to eliminate every scenario possible concerning the cause of death to convict. They couldn't do that.
If any of your folks are wrongly accused of a crime how would you like it if there were capable jurors ready to hear YOUR CASE and they remembered the mob anger at the jury in this trial and found a way to avoid service as a result of that?
Everyone could be in that situation and everyone needs capable juries just like this one was.
The most troubling part of being an American citizen is seeing here and everywhere the complete lack of any legal and Constitutional knowledge citizens have. Outright scary.
First of all, let me be perfectly clear. No doubt there are a lot of mad folks that believe Casey Anthony got away with murder in Florida, and you folks may be right!
She was a liar, a terrible mother and never worked at the places she stated. Folks, that has nothing to do with the burden of proof in a capital murder case. Never has and never will as the Judge's charges indicated 100 years ago, now and 100 years from now.
But most of the folks that are very upset over this verdict would do anything themselves to avoid jury duty and they brag about it when they do.
Maybe Anthony was involved in her daughter's death. For the uninformed masses here: The jury didn't say she was not involved. The finding was not "innocent". The finding was "not guilty". BIG DIFFERENCE which you folks have no clue about.
The jury stated that the prosecution did not prove their case. Something else for the uninformed: The prosecution has to prove each and every count in the INDICTMENT, specifically. In Scottish courts the jury can find "unproven" in criminal cases which is the same as not guilty here.
This case was a definite NOT PROVEN.
And it pisses me off also but I researched it and found out what happened.
The great power of the state was stopped by the people, the jury. And that is a good thing. The government wanted to kill Anthony's sorry ass and 12 common people stopped them from doing it. Just plain folks that stood between Anthony's sorry ass and the vast power of the government. And in America these folks that you legal scholars want to tar and feather were able to tell the government "STOP. You came up short in doing your job. You did not prove your case the way you stated you would in the indictment and opening statement. "
In America the government has the one most powerful exclusive power forbidden to every else. The state and only the state has the power to use deadly force and deprive citizens of life,property and liberty. The scenario you folks want is one that history has shown bringing dictators, kings, monarchies, theological governments and the like. In all of those past societies the accused like Anthony could be punished at the snap of a finger of a king, a preacher or dictator.
Well not the way we do it here and you folks are not appreacitive enough to know the difference.
In The United States of America, A NATION OF LAWS, NOT MEN and their different and various religous beliefs, we have 12 ordinary citizens that have the power, BY LAW, to stop the power of GOVERNMENT. It is called the jury. And we should be just as happy about the outcome of this trial as we are upset over it. Why? I do not want government appointees or bureaucrtats to be the ones that are the last defense AGAINST THE POWER OF GOVERNMENT determined to take the life and liberty away from someone.
Mad as hell? Blame the prosecutors. They over charged the case from the word go. The jury was charged that they had to eliminate every scenario possible concerning the cause of death to convict. They couldn't do that.
If any of your folks are wrongly accused of a crime how would you like it if there were capable jurors ready to hear YOUR CASE and they remembered the mob anger at the jury in this trial and found a way to avoid service as a result of that?
Everyone could be in that situation and everyone needs capable juries just like this one was.

Gd, I see that you're passionate about your feelings because you took the time to type this long post. Even if you posted it twice, which sometimes happens here. It's a glitch on your connection. Anyway, I do respect your effort. However, you have way too much respect for this fucked up system. As far as understanding the Constituion, you must have mis-spoken, or maybe you actually do assume that I or many others here do not undersand it? I dunno, but you could not be further from the truth in that area atleast concerning me. Welcome to The University of BH. :razz: Anytime you would like to be educated on The Constitution of The United States of America, just let me know and fire away. ;)

With that being said, The Jury on this trial is on dope, and the Bitch is guilty. ~BH
Nice speech, but we are still entitled to our own opinions. I didn't watch every minute of the trial, But I did hear some things that the jury was not permitted to hear, just as they heard and saw some things that I didn't.

But it is still my opinion that Casey Anthony is Guilty of murder. Possibly not premeditated, but guilty of murder.

I believe the jury screwed up.

And since this is America I'm allowed to say so.

Oh and no doubt the Prosecution screwed up too....
nice speech, but we are still entitled to our own opinions. I didn't watch every minute of the trial, but i did hear some things that the jury was not permitted to hear, just as they heard and saw some things that i didn't.

But it is still my opinion that casey anthony is guilty of murder. Possibly not premeditated, but guilty of murder.

I believe the jury screwed up.

And since this is america i'm allowed to say so.

Oh and no doubt the prosecution screwed up too....

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Hi BH. Keepin the home fires burning I see. :lol:

Dude, where do you find the energy? :tongue:

kc, It's only really an every other day commitment Kik. Otherwise, I would blow a gasket and come unhinged every single day of my life. ;)

Nah, I think we all need to compromise a little in order to solve this problem now. Unfortunately, it only solves this one problem now. The real task, is putting an end to the International banking cartels choke-hold that they have on The United States of America, and it's future for our children. ~BH
Oh, she's guilty, don't let that pretty face fool you...

She belongs in fucking prison for the rest of her life.... The prosecutions case was just weak.
You Have a Right To Lie to the Police

In Casey Anthony’s case we see an example of a grave injustice in the modern system. I’m not talking about her acquittal. When the prosecutor fails to prove someone’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, the only responsible thing for the jury to do is refuse to damn the suspect to time in a cage. An innocent person imprisoned is so much worse than a guilty person let go, as in the former instance the state seduces all of society to cheer on and legitimize an injustice. Also, whereas justice for the guilty is at least a metaphysical possibility outside of prison, it is downright precluded institutionally for the innocent on the inside.

The actual travesty here is the offense of which Casey Anthony has been convicted: four counts of providing false information to a law enforcement officer. This should not be an offense in a free society, and I am struck by how little this horror has gained attention in the last week.

Lying in most circumstances is immoral. And lying to cover up one’s crimes might be especially egregious, and arguably criminal in itself. But Casey Anthony was acquitted of the actual crime of murder. As far as the state is concerned, she has not been proven guilty. So why is her dishonesty with the police an offense against the law?

The Right to Lie to the Cops by Anthony Gregory

Anyone think the father was involved in this?

My feeling is: He is an X-COP,he would know how to help her cover it up so they couldnt prove anything and then lied about it on the stand....(Cops are quite good @ lying)

I have just been thinking about this....... Am i wrong to think the father is just as involved as Casey??
Actually, I think it's the other way around........

Casey Anthony's father was a policeman. Casey Anthony has shown herself to be a shrewd and cunning liar, which means she probably paid close attention to her father going on about homicide cases and how the criminal tried to cover up who did it.

She then used what she'd heard her father say to try to cover her tracks.
You Have a Right To Lie to the Police

In Casey Anthony’s case we see an example of a grave injustice in the modern system. I’m not talking about her acquittal. When the prosecutor fails to prove someone’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, the only responsible thing for the jury to do is refuse to damn the suspect to time in a cage. An innocent person imprisoned is so much worse than a guilty person let go, as in the former instance the state seduces all of society to cheer on and legitimize an injustice. Also, whereas justice for the guilty is at least a metaphysical possibility outside of prison, it is downright precluded institutionally for the innocent on the inside.

The actual travesty here is the offense of which Casey Anthony has been convicted: four counts of providing false information to a law enforcement officer. This should not be an offense in a free society, and I am struck by how little this horror has gained attention in the last week.

Lying in most circumstances is immoral. And lying to cover up one’s crimes might be especially egregious, and arguably criminal in itself. But Casey Anthony was acquitted of the actual crime of murder. As far as the state is concerned, she has not been proven guilty. So why is her dishonesty with the police an offense against the law?

The Right to Lie to the Cops by Anthony Gregory



Apparently your nutcase argument just turned out to be shit. She's charged and has almost completed the sentence. You can't lie to Law enforcement. Enjoy your time on fantasy Island though. Tell Mr. Roarke & Tatoo hello for us all. :razz: ~BH

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