Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

  • guilty.

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

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  • Poll closed .
Let 'us' know when you two are done stroking each other.....

Oh cm'on, the deck is so stacked against our side of this debate it isn't funny.

I'll agree there.......

One more time. I have no "side". The trial isn't over. All of the evidence hasn't been presented.
All I've been doing is backing up my theories and questions with using the proof of prior LE statements, interviews and depo's and the evidence that has been presented thusfar.

So stroke that, oldsalt.
If you can grasp it in between your screaming to burn the bitch at the stake mentality in the other thread you've been trolling.

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Those are all the points I've made all along, but haven't posted here for several days, so I'm just now getting caught up. We don't know (yet) what Casey's reasoning might have been for lying for 31 days, but that should not have any bearing on her guilt unless there is solid proof that she was indeed riding all around town with her child's dead body in the trunk. Which I highly suspect is totally not true. She was covering up the truth as long as she could get away with it, but we don't know why.

I keep returning to a question even the Judge asked the prosecution at one point: "If Casey just wanted to be rid of the child so she could go out and party, why wouldn't she have just left Caylee with the grandparents?" (Implying why she would have KILLED HER instead?) The grandparents loved the child and would have happily raised her and let Casey do her own thing.

And I will answer the same as I did before when this very question was brought up.
Casey was not close to her parents, and whether people choose to believe it or not, young people, meaning George and Cindy's daughter Casey, can be a total bitches!
Maybe she did want rid of her daughter but at the same time, she didn't want her parents to have her either. You'd be surprised what people will do for spite. Casey may have thought, nobody will get Caylee ever. As I recall from earlier on, Casey didn't even want the child, she was going to give the baby away, but Cindy wouldn't hear of it.
So maybe Casey resented her Mother in some way for that, and she got back at her...just a theory, a thought.

So it's okay for you to put out hypotheses (maybe she did this, maybe she did that), but that makes me wrong and you right. Got it.

How do you know Casey wasn't close to her parents? Got inside information no one but you knows about? According to all the testimony thus far, they were extremely close--so close in fact that Casey 'maybe' felt smothered and needed to lie to escape from the house occasionally to be able to act like a young woman instead of a coddled child who still had Winnie The Pooh decorations in her bedroom at 16 years old.

How close could Casey and her Mother have been if Casey wanted to give the baby away and Cindy would not let that happen?? And no I'm certainly no expert, that seems to be your position, you are the one who acts like the big-miss-know-it-all.
And the Winnie-The-Pooh decor was in CAYLEE's room.
And I will answer the same as I did before when this very question was brought up.
Casey was not close to her parents, and whether people choose to believe it or not, young people, meaning George and Cindy's daughter Casey, can be a total bitches!
Maybe she did want rid of her daughter but at the same time, she didn't want her parents to have her either. You'd be surprised what people will do for spite. Casey may have thought, nobody will get Caylee ever. As I recall from earlier on, Casey didn't even want the child, she was going to give the baby away, but Cindy wouldn't hear of it.
So maybe Casey resented her Mother in some way for that, and she got back at her...just a theory, a thought.

So it's okay for you to put out hypotheses (maybe she did this, maybe she did that), but that makes me wrong and you right. Got it.

How do you know Casey wasn't close to her parents? Got inside information no one but you knows about? According to all the testimony thus far, they were extremely close--so close in fact that Casey 'maybe' felt smothered and needed to lie to escape from the house occasionally to be able to act like a young woman instead of a coddled child who still had Winnie The Pooh decorations in her bedroom at 16 years old.

How close could Casey and her Mother have been if Casey wanted to give the baby away and Cindy would not let that happen?? And no I'm certainly no expert, that seems to be your position, you are the one who acts like the big-miss-know-it-all.
And the Winnie-The-Pooh decor was in CAYLEE's room.

Pssst . . . Cindy Anthony testified that Casey Anthony, at the age of 16, had a Winnie-The-Pooh bedroom. I just took it that those decorations were handed down to Caylee's room.
Anyone can access their home computer from work, and they all had access to the desktop in the Anthony home. But that's beside the point. The search for chloroform could have been an innocent attempt to find out what her boyfriend was driving at when he posted that YouTube thing about chloroforming your girlfriend. Operative words here: COULD HAVE BEEN. So once again, different interpretations can be made of that search. The prosecution chose the one convenient to their case.

The research was done on the home computer at the times George and Cindy were at work. And yes one can access their computers from anydamnwhere, I access mine from my phone, BUT.....every internet access has it's own ISP.
Just because someone can access something from their home Pc, or from a work Pc, does not make it a perfect match....there can't be one.
It can be proven that the searches were done on that particular home Pc, not from somebody's work place or phone, or a neighbor's Pc, they were done on Casey's computer.
So, Maggie, you try and explain away the chloroform, how do explain the searches for NECK BREAKING??

Ironically, it's not up to me to prove anything. You make the allegations (as does the prosecution), so you prove that she searched for chloroform and neck breaking with the INTENT of finding out ways to murder her child. In cleaning out my expansive history files little by little and revisiting some of the pages, I couldn't figure out from just the title where my head was at with some, but when I clicked on the title I remembered it had nothing to do with me or my own life at all, but had to do with something I'd seen in a newspaper or magazine.

And by the way, was Caylee's neck broken?

I have no clue, you tell me, you seem to be the one that knows it all.
I noticed you never answered why neck breaking was being searched.....can't think of any reason why anyone would want to look that up????????
Apparently via Cindy Anthony's testimony -- she and Casey were close enough to sit and share tears over pictures -- the last night she ever saw Caylee. But then you have that whole rumour about Cindy going commando and having Casey up against the wall by her throat that very same night. Wonder if that will be testified to?
That other bottomfeeder Scott Peterson was convicted of 1st degree murder by circumstantial evidence. I believe that the same thing will happen here. ~BH

If I remember correctly Scott Peterson was convicted on a little more than circumstantial evidence... isn't he the one the fed his wife to the sharks outside the Golden Gate?


Careful, fellas, Dabs doesn't like anyone discussing other cases... She always has her trigger finger on the neg rep.

You betcha, and btw Maggot, it takes a bitch to know a bitch.
So careful ladies, and gents, if you aren't on Maggot's good side, you'll be Rep-ed with being called a Bitch :lol:
Hair, odor, flies and fatty acids.

And I read where one expert testified that there was a stain in Casey's trunk, that was in the shape of a small child, lying in a fetal position. He stated the stain was visible because the body had been lying there for a few days.
In other words, her little body was rotting onto the fabric in the trunk, therefore making an outline of how she was laying. How sad.

Which "could have been" a small child. Once again, there was ZERO proof that's what it was.

No, the article did not say "could have been'. The expert stated the stain was in the shape of a small child lying in a fetal position. He didn't say maybe, or might be, he said it was. But omg, you're right again, we don't know it was Caylee, it might be another small child-DUH.
Oh cm'on, the deck is so stacked against our side of this debate it isn't funny.

I'll agree there.......

One more time. I have no "side". The trial isn't over. All of the evidence hasn't been presented.
All I've been doing is backing up my theories and questions with using the proof of prior LE statements, interviews and depo's and the evidence that has been presented thusfar.

So stroke that, oldsalt.
If you can grasp it in between your screaming to burn the bitch at the stake mentality in the other thread you've been trolling.


There ya go again, ASSuming things about people. You have no idea what my '
mentality' is. Keep showing your ass, we'll all have a pretty good idea of what yours is. Carry on, peon.
So it's okay for you to put out hypotheses (maybe she did this, maybe she did that), but that makes me wrong and you right. Got it.

How do you know Casey wasn't close to her parents? Got inside information no one but you knows about? According to all the testimony thus far, they were extremely close--so close in fact that Casey 'maybe' felt smothered and needed to lie to escape from the house occasionally to be able to act like a young woman instead of a coddled child who still had Winnie The Pooh decorations in her bedroom at 16 years old.

How close could Casey and her Mother have been if Casey wanted to give the baby away and Cindy would not let that happen?? And no I'm certainly no expert, that seems to be your position, you are the one who acts like the big-miss-know-it-all.
And the Winnie-The-Pooh decor was in CAYLEE's room.

Pssst . . . Cindy Anthony testified that Casey Anthony, at the age of 16, had a Winnie-The-Pooh bedroom. I just took it that those decorations were handed down to Caylee's room.

Well see, I'm still not considered a liar, Caylee did have that decor :lol:
And how are we to know that Casey didn't want the damn Pooh bear in her room??
Has anyone read where she yelled at her Mom to get rid of the decorations??
Maybe Casey liked them and wanted them......
I finally had to put "oldsalt" on ignore.

All he does is stalk posters and troll threads.

And never discusses or debates anything.

I have discussed a bunch. You're too much of an impostor to answer any question anyone asks you.
Apparently via Cindy Anthony's testimony -- she and Casey were close enough to sit and share tears over pictures -- the last night she ever saw Caylee. But then you have that whole rumour about Cindy going commando and having Casey up against the wall by her throat that very same night. Wonder if that will be testified to?

Rumor? So the police report about that incident is rumor? :eusa_liar: So much for 'I do my research':eusa_hand:
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I'll agree there.......

One more time. I have no "side". The trial isn't over. All of the evidence hasn't been presented.
All I've been doing is backing up my theories and questions with using the proof of prior LE statements, interviews and depo's and the evidence that has been presented thusfar.

So stroke that, oldsalt.
If you can grasp it in between your screaming to burn the bitch at the stake mentality in the other thread you've been trolling.


There ya go again, ASSuming things about people. You have no idea what my '
mentality' is. Keep showing your ass, we'll all have a pretty good idea of what yours is. Carry on, peon.

No, I have a pretty good idea. Your prior statements pretty much tell the story on that. Just remember while you are sitting there trying to come up with your next reply -- you are the one that called me out, by jumping into a conversation, with what I am sure you thought would get you lots of "thanks" -- only to be taken to task.
Sorry. Would you like to add something to this discussion besides snide one liners?
Vaudeville is so dead.
One more time. I have no "side". The trial isn't over. All of the evidence hasn't been presented.
All I've been doing is backing up my theories and questions with using the proof of prior LE statements, interviews and depo's and the evidence that has been presented thusfar.

So stroke that, oldsalt.
If you can grasp it in between your screaming to burn the bitch at the stake mentality in the other thread you've been trolling.


There ya go again, ASSuming things about people. You have no idea what my '
mentality' is. Keep showing your ass, we'll all have a pretty good idea of what yours is. Carry on, peon.

No, I have a pretty good idea. Your prior statements pretty much tell the story on that. Just remember while you are sitting there trying to come up with your next reply -- you are the one that called me out, by jumping into a conversation, with what I am sure you thought would get you lots of "thanks" -- only to be taken to task.
Sorry. Would you like to add something to this discussion besides snide one liners?
Vaudeville is so dead.

Did you not expect anyone to call you out on your little love fest with another poster who happens to agree with you? No one was to respond with you insulting all the other posters on the thread? Someone can't comment on your holier than thou persona? You're either an idiot, or an egomaniac. Probably both. And I did add something. You're full of shit, too:cool:
There ya go again, ASSuming things about people. You have no idea what my '
mentality' is. Keep showing your ass, we'll all have a pretty good idea of what yours is. Carry on, peon.

No, I have a pretty good idea. Your prior statements pretty much tell the story on that. Just remember while you are sitting there trying to come up with your next reply -- you are the one that called me out, by jumping into a conversation, with what I am sure you thought would get you lots of "thanks" -- only to be taken to task.
Sorry. Would you like to add something to this discussion besides snide one liners?
Vaudeville is so dead.

Did you not expect anyone to call you out on your little love fest with another poster who happens to agree with you? No one was to respond with you insulting all the other posters on the thread? Someone can't comment on your holier than thou persona? You're either an idiot, or an egomaniac. Probably both. And I did add something. You're full of shit, too:cool:


George!? George, is that you!?!?

Ha! Insulting all the other posters?
Have you been drinking?
Ha! Lemme see -- it's a "love fest" when proof is offered up for something I've been challenged on? BTW -- where is R.D.?
Speaking of challenged -- lemme hand you a mirror.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
No, I have a pretty good idea. Your prior statements pretty much tell the story on that. Just remember while you are sitting there trying to come up with your next reply -- you are the one that called me out, by jumping into a conversation, with what I am sure you thought would get you lots of "thanks" -- only to be taken to task.
Sorry. Would you like to add something to this discussion besides snide one liners?
Vaudeville is so dead.

Did you not expect anyone to call you out on your little love fest with another poster who happens to agree with you? No one was to respond with you insulting all the other posters on the thread? Someone can't comment on your holier than thou persona? You're either an idiot, or an egomaniac. Probably both. And I did add something. You're full of shit, too:cool:


George!? George, is that you!?!?

Ha! Insulting all the other posters?
Have you been drinking?
Ha! Lemme see -- it's a "love fest" when proof is offered up for something I've been challenged on? BTW -- where is R.D.?
Speaking of challenged -- lemme hand you a mirror.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Your opinion on a matter is not considered proof. Let me be the first to inform you of that. And you thought everyone was laughing you because you're funny......Nope.

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