
I love watching girls fight. This could get interesting.

"Under no circumstances should the House vote for a McConnell-only bill w/ no negotiation with Democrats. Hell no," Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., tweeted.

Pelosi reverses on border bill, plans vote on Senate version after GOP pressure

Sorry Billy_Kinetta
I think the haggling is HORRIBLE and puts ALL LIVES at risk
when people don't agree on safety and security with consistent law enforcement.

This is like haggling over what uniforms or budgets
the police and firefighters should be under while
a fire is raging on.

Instead of waiting till "last minute deadlines" to push
AGENDA for or against by PRESSURE and COERCION
"trying to get to MAJORITY rule"

enable CONSENSUS where EVERYONE supports the parts THEY AGREE ON.

We don't have to fight for EITHER/OR.
We can have ALL THE ABOVE by delegating out
the parts and budget that MILITARY and LAW ENFORCEMENT are needed for
through nonprofits and church/charity organizations that serve THAT PURPOSE.

We need BOTH not EITHER/OR.

Billy_Kinetta if you set this whole issue up to
be a battle of "one side over the other" we all lose.

The QUESTION we should be addressing is how do we
ORGANIZE solutions and funding where NOBODY compromises
and EVERYONE gets to fund and support THE PART THEY WANT!
I love watching girls fight. This could get interesting.

"Under no circumstances should the House vote for a McConnell-only bill w/ no negotiation with Democrats. Hell no," Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., tweeted.

Pelosi reverses on border bill, plans vote on Senate version after GOP pressure

Sorry Billy_Kinetta
I think the haggling is HORRIBLE and puts ALL LIVES at risk
when people don't agree on safety and security with consistent law enforcement.

This is like haggling over what uniforms or budgets
the police and firefighters should be under while
a fire is raging on.

Instead of waiting till "last minute deadlines" to push
AGENDA for or against by PRESSURE and COERCION
"trying to get to MAJORITY rule"

enable CONSENSUS where EVERYONE supports the parts THEY AGREE ON.

We don't have to fight for EITHER/OR.
We can have ALL THE ABOVE by delegating out
the parts and budget that MILITARY and LAW ENFORCEMENT are needed for
through nonprofits and church/charity organizations that serve THAT PURPOSE.

We need BOTH not EITHER/OR.

Billy_Kinetta if you set this whole issue up to
be a battle of "one side over the other" we all lose.

The QUESTION we should be addressing is how do we
ORGANIZE solutions and funding where NOBODY compromises
and EVERYONE gets to fund and support THE PART THEY WANT!

'Haggling' is what America is all about. Our representatives are SUPPOSED to 'haggle' with each other in order to come up with good solutions for the ones that CONTROL this country..."We The People." Believe me, the less these politicians get along the more freedom The People have.
Glad to see this-maybe Nancy knows something we don't.
She probably knows the Democrat stage show of 20 candidates is getting ignored even by Democrats. Those debates are a ho-hum noise to avoid, and people are seeing the samo-samo garbage hurled at each other that they were earlier hurling at President Trump, times twenty. They are losing their base, who are angry that Trump was innocent, except now they know he is innocent of collusion, and some are horrified to know that the Steele Dossier was made in America and peddled off to the highest bidders in the EU and Russia. Hillary's big mistake was colluding with the Russians and laundering the sale of American uranium to the Russians through the Clinton Library, a heretofore charity, now being used to sell political well-poisoning.

I think Democrats are changing parties, because the good ones are tired of being beat up if they are Christians; they are tired of Hillary's criminal acts to get money for herself and her campaign by any which means she can; they are tired of Hillary pushing the FBI around with her First Lady authority, that she used her Senate Seat not to help New Yorkers, but to climb the political ladder into the White House which she lost because she was a lazy campaigner, and they're horrified at the spectacle she cooked up in her spin room to take out a sitting President, which is constitutional Traitor territory.

IOW, good people in the Democrat Party are packing their bags and leaving. Nancy gets ahold of this information first, and she hides it until she sees the 20-for-President debate ratings lower than the Bugs Bunny rerun Show at half-past two a.m. Oh, and one of the candidates left because she claimed to be a doctor doing good deeds pro bono, but like Christine Blasey-Ford, can't get anyone to corroborate what didn't happen.

The DNC False Narrative has had a cave-in, and the Democrats as a Party are looking more and more like history.

They should have just knuckled under and let President Trump do what he needed to do in the first place. He's learned how to get around their lying and pointing fingers with an epithet on their lips. He just keeps doing his job, making America a good place for business, and winning favors from foreign governments who help him help them. Trump is a win-win business fellow.
This is not a fight between "girls".

Simply a fight between species.

Old age and treachery takes out youth and vigor ever time.
Glad to see this-maybe Nancy knows something we don't.

I think Nancy knows she's going to lose the House next Nov if the Dems don't start doing stuff that the country wants done. When you can't vote on a bipartisan Senate bill that passed 84-8, then the tail is wagging the dog, and too many voters want the Dems to stop obstructing progress.
It doesn't matter if there's a cat fight or not. The trash that got elected in 2018 will be voted out and the Republicans will take back the house. That trash is only littering Congress because the gullible Democrap electorate were so certain and convinced that the new breed was going to impeach Trump, throw open the border and shower them with a plethora of free shit. But it didn't work and I'll be glad to see them eat shit and die.

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