Catholicism has a lot of weird stuff in it, but Catholics are the most normal people...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
11,046'll ever meet.

We don't have to go door to door to convert people like the Jehovah's Witnesses.

We don't have to go on two year missions like the Mormons.

We don't have to wear funny hats like the Jews, or magic underwear like the Mormons.

We can pretty much eat whatever we want, except for Fridays in Lent, and then we eat fish instead of meat (no sacrifice!).

We have our own schools which are 1000% better than the public schools and even better than a lot of private schools that cost a lot more.

The only requirement, really, is to attend Mass on Sunday, which lasts only an hour. Some churches have three hour services, plus a Wednesday service.

If you don't want to make friends at church, you don't have to. But if you do, there's clubs you can join.

There are strict rules, like no birth control, but a lot of Catholics don't follow it. I did when I was married, but I can't explain it to you why it's important.

The Catholic Church is like a rock, while other churches like the Episcopalians, the Methodists, and the Lutherans are like squishy soft and don't stand for anything.

But we're not like evangelicals, sticking "God talk" into every conversation.

We're really very normal people compared to anyone else.
The nice thing about being Catholic is that almost everyone else I knew when I was a kid was Catholic, including my public school friends.

The Catholic environment really makes a difference at school.

I attended three non-Catholic private schools, and I had endless problems with mean kids and bullies.

At my Catholic high school, there were a few bullies, but most kids were pretty nice to me, which was saying a lot because I was really a spaz back then.

At my Catholic law school, I got sick and missed some final exams. They worked with me. Many non-Catholic law schools would have tossed me out.
Catholics have plenty of crazies, like every other group. Plenty of good people, too, like any other group.
Catholics have plenty of crazies, like every other group. Plenty of good people, too, like any other group.
But I'm making the claim that Catholicism is a calming influence on the mind and soul of the typical layman Catholic.

It certainly has that effect on me. I don't feel lost, searching for answers I will never find.

I feel safe, at home, in the Catholic Church.

When I recently thought about going over to the Episcopalians, my conversation with their priest really opened my eyes.

He had no answers at all, no certainty in his beliefs. He was like a man lost at sea, with no sight of land. How can such a man lead his flock to heaven?'ll ever meet.

We don't have to go door to door to convert people like the Jehovah's Witnesses.

We don't have to go on two year missions like the Mormons.

We don't have to wear funny hats like the Jews, or magic underwear like the Mormons.

We can pretty much eat whatever we want, except for Fridays in Lent, and then we eat fish instead of meat (no sacrifice!).

We have our own schools which are 1000% better than the public schools and even better than a lot of private schools that cost a lot more.

The only requirement, really, is to attend Mass on Sunday, which lasts only an hour. Some churches have three hour services, plus a Wednesday service.

If you don't want to make friends at church, you don't have to. But if you do, there's clubs you can join.

There are strict rules, like no birth control, but a lot of Catholics don't follow it. I did when I was married, but I can't explain it to you why it's important.

The Catholic Church is like a rock, while other churches like the Episcopalians, the Methodists, and the Lutherans are like squishy soft and don't stand for anything.

But we're not like evangelicals, sticking "God talk" into every conversation.

We're really very normal people compared to anyone else.

You guys may be normal, but have some weird, sinful, and abominable beliefs and rituals, i.e. non-Biblical:
Pray to statues. Pray to saints.
Mary was married to Joseph and bore children with him, but remained a virgin. Holy womb or perpetual virginity something like that.
Mary has the same stature as Jesus and can answer prayers.
Shroud of Turin has been proven to be a fake, but still make up alternative theories in order for it to be genuine. Pray to shroud.
Holy Eucharist (communion) means to eat actual body of Jesus and drink actual blood of Jesus.
The Pope is addressed as Holy Father; it is only reserved for God the Father whom Jesus addressed as Holy Father
Seven sacraments is not biblical
Invaded Jerusalem in 70 AD and killed Jews and destroyed the Temple
Baptism is necessary for salvation
Faith and works required for salvation
Believe in limbo and purgatory
What Pope Peter (1st pope) taught and what Pope Francis teaches contradict

What other dogma do you have?
Last edited:'ll ever meet.

We don't have to go door to door to convert people like the Jehovah's Witnesses.

We don't have to go on two year missions like the Mormons.

We don't have to wear funny hats like the Jews, or magic underwear like the Mormons.

We can pretty much eat whatever we want, except for Fridays in Lent, and then we eat fish instead of meat (no sacrifice!).

We have our own schools which are 1000% better than the public schools and even better than a lot of private schools that cost a lot more.

The only requirement, really, is to attend Mass on Sunday, which lasts only an hour. Some churches have three hour services, plus a Wednesday service.

If you don't want to make friends at church, you don't have to. But if you do, there's clubs you can join.

There are strict rules, like no birth control, but a lot of Catholics don't follow it. I did when I was married, but I can't explain it to you why it's important.

The Catholic Church is like a rock, while other churches like the Episcopalians, the Methodists, and the Lutherans are like squishy soft and don't stand for anything.

But we're not like evangelicals, sticking "God talk" into every conversation.

We're really very normal people compared to anyone else.

You guys may be normal, but have some weird, sinful, and abominable beliefs and rituals, i.e. non-Biblical:
Pray to statues. Pray to saints.
Mary was married to Joseph and bore children with him, but remained a virgin. Holy womb or perpetual virginity something like that.
Mary has the same stature as Jesus and can answer prayers.
Shroud of Turin has been proven to be a fake, but still make up alternative theories in order for it to be genuine. Pray to shroud.
Holy Eucharist (communion) means to eat actual body of Jesus and drink actual blood of Jesus.
The Pope is addressed as Holy Father; it is only reserved for God the Father whom Jesus addressed as Holy Father
Seven sacraments is not biblical
Invaded Jerusalem in 70 AD and killed Jews and destroyed the Temple
Baptism is necessary for salvation
Faith and works required for salvation
Believe in limbo and purgatory

What other dogma do you have?
Not all of that is true, but even if it were, how do you explain the fact that Catholicism is the one Church that spans the world, and yet remains above it somehow. Every other church in the world is subject to one government or another, or survives only through the crass methods of capitalism.

The Episcopalian priest I talked to was a salesman first, a priest second. He was very slick in the way he tried to ease me out of Catholicism. What he didn't tell me is that Episcopalianism is a dying church, which has abandoned core principles in the effort to bring in more people, and failing even though. In 1936, the Episcopalians were the first to abandon the Christian teaching against birth control. Now they have women priests and the Catholic Church has decided that Episcopalian Eucharist is no longer valid because of it.'ll ever meet.

We don't have to go door to door to convert people like the Jehovah's Witnesses.

We don't have to go on two year missions like the Mormons.

We don't have to wear funny hats like the Jews, or magic underwear like the Mormons.

We can pretty much eat whatever we want, except for Fridays in Lent, and then we eat fish instead of meat (no sacrifice!).

We have our own schools which are 1000% better than the public schools and even better than a lot of private schools that cost a lot more.

The only requirement, really, is to attend Mass on Sunday, which lasts only an hour. Some churches have three hour services, plus a Wednesday service.

If you don't want to make friends at church, you don't have to. But if you do, there's clubs you can join.

There are strict rules, like no birth control, but a lot of Catholics don't follow it. I did when I was married, but I can't explain it to you why it's important.

The Catholic Church is like a rock, while other churches like the Episcopalians, the Methodists, and the Lutherans are like squishy soft and don't stand for anything.

But we're not like evangelicals, sticking "God talk" into every conversation.

We're really very normal people compared to anyone else.

You guys may be normal, but have some weird, sinful, and abominable beliefs and rituals, i.e. non-Biblical:
Pray to statues. Pray to saints.
Mary was married to Joseph and bore children with him, but remained a virgin. Holy womb or perpetual virginity something like that.
Mary has the same stature as Jesus and can answer prayers.
Shroud of Turin has been proven to be a fake, but still make up alternative theories in order for it to be genuine. Pray to shroud.
Holy Eucharist (communion) means to eat actual body of Jesus and drink actual blood of Jesus.
The Pope is addressed as Holy Father; it is only reserved for God the Father whom Jesus addressed as Holy Father
Seven sacraments is not biblical
Invaded Jerusalem in 70 AD and killed Jews and destroyed the Temple
Baptism is necessary for salvation
Faith and works required for salvation
Believe in limbo and purgatory

What other dogma do you have?
Not all of that is true, but even if it were, how do you explain the fact that Catholicism is the one Church that spans the world, and yet remains above it somehow. Every other church in the world is subject to one government or another, or survives only through the crass methods of capitalism.

The Episcopalian priest I talked to was a salesman first, a priest second. He was very slick in the way he tried to ease me out of Catholicism. What he didn't tell me is that Episcopalianism is a dying church, which has abandoned core principles in the effort to bring in more people, and failing even though. In 1936, the Episcopalians were the first to abandon the Christian teaching against birth control. Now they have women priests and the Catholic Church has decided that Episcopalian Eucharist is no longer valid because of it.

You compared Catholicism to other religions and their believers and these others wore funny hats, magic u-wear, their beliefs were "squishy soft and don't stand for anything," and then claim you are normal people. Thus, what I listed are all true of the Catholic dogma and it barely scratches the surface. It seems sound in the "claim" of a foundation of being built upon Peter, and he being the first pope, but not sure what happened afterward. There is question whether Peter was the first "poe" or how he was given authority over the other apostles. That said, people are going to believe what they want to believe like JW, christian scientists, and other cults. The way to tell the differences and what is important is to go to the creed.
'catholics ' are ok but they flood the USA with third worlders but so do the 'lutherans' and probably others in these years since about the 60s [as I guess] . One thing about 'catholics' is that all they build are zhithole countries . See ALL of 'catholic built S america' and compare to Protestant built USA BRook .
It was a grave loss to the Catholic Church when England became a Protestant country, but the English-speaking world's superiority to the Spanish-speaking world is not because English-speakers are mostly Protestant, but in spite of it.
My personal experience with Protestantism is that they are either:

Bible-thumping fanatics who think all Catholics are going to hell; or

Wishy-washy liberals who stand for nothing, even the existence of God is up for debate.
I can only point at results . See the USA and compare to ALL of 'south america' these last few hundred years . And then see 'italy' as I think its the poorest 'euro type' country in 'europe' . 'spain' , I don't know about 'spain' but I guess that it will eventually be 'muslim' again BRook .'ll ever meet.

We don't have to go door to door to convert people like the Jehovah's Witnesses.

We don't have to go on two year missions like the Mormons.

We don't have to wear funny hats like the Jews, or magic underwear like the Mormons.

We can pretty much eat whatever we want, except for Fridays in Lent, and then we eat fish instead of meat (no sacrifice!).

We have our own schools which are 1000% better than the public schools and even better than a lot of private schools that cost a lot more.

The only requirement, really, is to attend Mass on Sunday, which lasts only an hour. Some churches have three hour services, plus a Wednesday service.

If you don't want to make friends at church, you don't have to. But if you do, there's clubs you can join.

There are strict rules, like no birth control, but a lot of Catholics don't follow it. I did when I was married, but I can't explain it to you why it's important.

The Catholic Church is like a rock, while other churches like the Episcopalians, the Methodists, and the Lutherans are like squishy soft and don't stand for anything.

But we're not like evangelicals, sticking "God talk" into every conversation.

We're really very normal people compared to anyone else.
Normal to burn people.
Normal to punish scientists for telling the truth.
Normal to have pedophile priests and protect them.

Peter or petra is rock, but Jesus said "his" church will grow. Even Peter said Jesus is the foundation of the church.
I can only point at results . See the USA and compare to ALL of 'south america' these last few hundred years . And then see 'italy' as I think its the poorest 'euro type' country in 'europe' . 'spain' , I don't know about 'spain' but I guess that it will eventually be 'muslim' again BRook .
Europe is strongly secular now....they saw what happens when the catholics, the evangelicals, etc. go all in for a demogogue like Hitler.
I can only point at results . See the USA and compare to ALL of 'south america' these last few hundred years . And then see 'italy' as I think its the poorest 'euro type' country in 'europe' . 'spain' , I don't know about 'spain' but I guess that it will eventually be 'muslim' again BRook .
Europe is strongly secular now....they saw what happens when the catholics, the evangelicals, etc. go all in for a demogogue like Hitler.
------------------------------- Go TRUMP Bode !!
The true advantage of Catholicism is for pre-teenage boys. If they want to get laid, there is probably a neighborhood priest who will be happy to oblige!

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