Cave woman denied service at hotel

Poor little negro got called a name. I'd fire his ass for that.

I disagree, If I was that employee I wouldnt have allowed her either. She needs to learn a lesson.

She's an adult. What lesson would she need to learn?
It's not really about "learning a lesson" to me. It's more about having a guest who is such an asshole that she will probably be the worst pain in the ass your organization has ever dealt with, and that one asshole prospective guest is not as valuable as an employee.

There's a right way to handle things and a wrong way.
The best part is how she was pretty much groveling trying to get the room when she showed up. Yeah, grovel and cry to a "fucking n-word", you dumb bitch. :lol:
Sticks and stones can break my bones but names will never hurt me...unless you are a victim of the race pimp industry....then just saying watermelon will offend you....
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Sticks and stones can break my bones but names will never hurt me...unless you are a victim of the race pimp industry....then just saying watermelon will offend you....
If she had said he is a fucking asswipe, that would still be good enough to deny her service. Abusive language should not be tolerated. They don't have to tolerate it. It's a free market. GTFO.

The best part is how she was pretty much groveling trying to get the room when she showed up. Yeah, grovel and cry to a "fucking n-word", you dumb bitch. :lol:

She didn't say it to him.

She expressed the thought about him, and it entered his ears. She pretty much said it to him. :lol:
We have an eyewitness.
What is your eye witness going to say to refute the claim that he heard her say it?

Sticks and stones can break my bones but names will never hurt me...unless you are a victim of the race pimp industry....then just saying watermelon will offend you....
If she had said he is a fucking asswipe, that would still be good enough to deny her service. Abusive language should not be tolerated. They don't have to tolerate it. It's a free market. GTFO.

Of course...but it wouldn't be a viral video event.....and there wouldn't be a thread devoted to it here....
He actually handled it with pretty good class. He didn't even show the woman, so it's not like one of those things somebody posts online to ruin a person's life.
Now he's in a "controversy" of his own because someone dredged up old tweets of transphobic comments he made on Twitter. And he's gay. :lol:
Of course...but it wouldn't be a viral video event.....and there wouldn't be a thread devoted to it here....
So, the only reason it is an issue here is because some people got sand in their pussies?

Why is it relevant?

That bitch said some pretty offensive shit that the dude obviously heard. It was uncalled for. She got service denied. Replace N***a with asshole and the same applies.

So, the only reason it is an issue here is because some people got sand in their pussies?

Why is it relevant?

That bitch said some pretty offensive shit that the dude obviously heard. It was uncalled for. She got service denied. Replace N***a with asshole and the same applies.
Oh come on...the reason its viral is because it concerns race....
I stopped in a liquor store in Inglewood after work years ago to get a cold beer for when I got home...two Black men behind the counter ignored me then they refused to sell it to me and called me a white cracker and said get the F out of the store....I didn't make a federal case out of it.....grow a pair America....

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