Cavuto: "Stick your condescending Comments about Christie's Weight up your your . ."


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
NEIL CAVUTO: Not skinny? Well fat chance you will ever, ever get a break, especially if you are a Republican. A certain media icon named Chris, that’s all I’m going to say, going after a certain New Jersey governor named Chris, as in Chris Christie, that’s what I will say. Not over things that matter, but something that should not: the Governor's weight. At a Q&A held at the Ritz Carlton in Washington recently, media Chris says of governor Chris, that he and I quote, "Should not wear white shirts.” Goes on to say, “The Gov must be 300-plus pounds.” That it’s something he has got to deal with because and I quote, "You are not going to say I’m going to cut the budget. Well, how about starting with supper” and other such cheap shots.

Well, media Chris, how about you starting with facts? Like the fact that so-called fat governor has cut the budget. I live in Jersey, so I should know. Balancing it his very first year all by cutting out the fat you abhor without the tax increase you might favor.


Look media Chris, just because you could dye your hair does not mean you can dye the truth, because here’s this fat guy: he is eating his critics alive and putting his very fit and skinny predecessor Jon Corzine to shame, because while Mr. Corzine might have cut a very fine form, he never cut spending, and ballooned the state deficit while eating up every last taxpayer dollar.

It is remarkable to me that those who delight in pointing out someone's girth as if it is some disqualifier for office say not a word about their Party's own heavyweights and never even suggest their weight is a disqualifier for any office. No, Chris Christie is fat, and Haley Barbour weighs too much. I say way too much. Would media Chris have said the same of Winston Churchill? Would he be so focused on the guy's gut to miss the guy’s guts? So concerned Winston wasn’t GQ that he’d miss Winston’s weighty IQ. No, not a clue.

All I know is a lot of thin, fit guys in both parties, both parties got us in some pretty big messes. We could do a hell of a lot worse than entertain not so thin and fit guys to get us out of those messes, because for those who love to quote a visionary who ask we judge men not by the color of their skin but the content of their character, it seems weird that they still judge the weight of that skin before they even get to their character, which makes them characters, and pathetic ones at that.

Judging our leaders not by the qualities that matter but the nonsense like this that does not, where greatness is defined not by who you are but how you look. You know what that is? That is racism – with a scale. That might give some a tingly feeling up their leg. I just prefer they first look in the mirror themselves and stick their condescending comments up their you know what. But again, that is just me isn’t it? Just me: slightly overweight, very pissed.

The funny part is the hypocrisy of it all because Matthews isn't exactly svelte himself as evidenced by the picture below. But, AS USUAL, with liberals, they NEVER can see themselves when they attack others. Then they wonder why people are laughing. It's because they are saying, "Woah brother! You should have looked in the mirror before you said that." :lmao:

But no. As USUAL with liberals they don't look in the mirror. It's part of liberal narcissism. They think they are perfect! :eusa_snooty: It's just everyone else that's flawed!

Well, I hate to break it to you liberals, but Matthews is living in a glass house and has been chucking stones, again.

The laughs will just have to be on him. ;)


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Liberals are the nastiest, most bitter and frustrated people on the planet; their plans suck and fail every time they're tried. What do you want them to focus on, the success of Obamanomics? How ObamaCare has "bend down the cost curve"?

Conservatism rocks! What Christie did for NJ we're going to do for the USA in 2012 when Conservatives, not Republicans win it all.
Liberals are the nastiest, most bitter and frustrated people on the planet; their plans suck and fail every time they're tried. What do you want them to focus on, the success of Obamanomics? How ObamaCare has "bend down the cost curve"?

Conservatism rocks! What Christie did for NJ we're going to do for the USA in 2012 when Conservatives, not Republicans win it all.

And apparently, that's all Matthews can think to attack Christie. Pretty pathetic in the first place!

The worst thing folks can do is react to the buffoonery of Mathews. Just ignore him like the rest of America does.
I guess when you run out of things to bitch about you go after looks.

They can't judge the poor job he did as Gov, b/c he did a great job.

Oh well, just someone filling the airways to make money feeding his veiwers.
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The only reason I'd like to see Christie get to a healthy weight is because I want him to stick around and continue to do good things and I think he's going to cardiac out in his current condition.
That's right, only CON$ are allowed to mock fat people! CON$ can attack Sen Ted Kennedy, Michael Moore, Rosie O'Donnell, Rep Jerry Nadler, etc. for their weight but no one is allowed to attack CON$ for their obesity even if they said they would lose weight if they won the election like Christie said.
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Christie is fat. What's wrong with pointing that out?

And the jury's still out on his "Governorship".

But so far he's been good at that old Jersey chestnut of sucking off the Teat of New York State.

Tunnel? What Tunnel? He wants more money for it. So New York may extend the subway into Jersey.
That's right, only CON$ are allowed to mock fat people! CON$ can attack Michael Moore, Rosie O'Donnell, Rep Jerry Nadler, etc. for their weight but no one is allowed to attack CON$ for their obesity even if they said they would lose weight if they won the election like Christie said.

There's just a small difference. Moore and O'Donnell are full blown assholes that set themselves up for ridicule, by ridiculing others.

Never heard of Nadler
Christie is fat. What's wrong with pointing that out?

And the jury's still out on his "Governorship".

But so far he's been good at that old Jersey chestnut of sucking off the Teat of New York State.

Tunnel? What Tunnel? He wants more money for it. So New York may extend the subway into Jersey.

He wants a more even split on the cost. As is, NJ is paying the lions share.
That's right, only CON$ are allowed to mock fat people! CON$ can attack Michael Moore, Rosie O'Donnell, Rep Jerry Nadler, etc. for their weight but no one is allowed to attack CON$ for their obesity even if they said they would lose weight if they won the election like Christie said.

There's just a small difference. Moore and O'Donnell are full blown assholes that set themselves up for ridicule, by ridiculing others.

Never heard of Nadler


There's always got to be a qualifier..
Christie is fat. What's wrong with pointing that out?

And the jury's still out on his "Governorship".

But so far he's been good at that old Jersey chestnut of sucking off the Teat of New York State.

Tunnel? What Tunnel? He wants more money for it. So New York may extend the subway into Jersey.

He wants a more even split on the cost. As is, NJ is paying the lions share.

They already got freebies with PATH, the commuter tax repeal, and they don't kick in much to transit in the first place. The MTA has to maintain the Grand Central Station, Port Authority, and the Subways..leaving NYC to maintain the roads and bridges. A good deal of the population of New in New York..taking taxes and revenue out with them when they go home..and do shopping.

We pay for their ride to NY.
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That's right, only CON$ are allowed to mock fat people! CON$ can attack Sen Ted Kennedy, Michael Moore, Rosie O'Donnell, Rep Jerry Nadler, etc. for their weight but no one is allowed to attack CON$ for their obesity even if they said they would lose weight if they won the election like Christie said.

Don't be ridiculous. Rosie O'Donnell isn't attacked for her weight, she's attacked because she's a disgusting, rude, obnoxious individual. Same for Moore.
That's right, only CON$ are allowed to mock fat people! CON$ can attack Michael Moore, Rosie O'Donnell, Rep Jerry Nadler, etc. for their weight but no one is allowed to attack CON$ for their obesity even if they said they would lose weight if they won the election like Christie said.

There's just a small difference. Moore and O'Donnell are full blown assholes that set themselves up for ridicule, by ridiculing others.

Never heard of Nadler
He's a congressman from New York. Did you ever hear of Ted Kennedy?

Not Only do CON$ attack people they hate for being fat, they attack people like Dick Blumenthal for being thin.
I thought this was a thread attacking Michelle Obama for speaking out against childhood obesity.

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That's right, only CON$ are allowed to mock fat people! CON$ can attack Michael Moore, Rosie O'Donnell, Rep Jerry Nadler, etc. for their weight but no one is allowed to attack CON$ for their obesity even if they said they would lose weight if they won the election like Christie said.

There's just a small difference. Moore and O'Donnell are full blown assholes that set themselves up for ridicule, by ridiculing others.

Never heard of Nadler
He's a congressman from New York. Did you ever hear of Ted Kennedy?

Not Only do CON$ attack people they hate for being fat, they attack people like Dick Blumenthal for being thin.


couldn't drive for shit either​
That's right, only CON$ are allowed to mock fat people! CON$ can attack Sen Ted Kennedy, Michael Moore, Rosie O'Donnell, Rep Jerry Nadler, etc. for their weight but no one is allowed to attack CON$ for their obesity even if they said they would lose weight if they won the election like Christie said.

Don't be ridiculous. Rosie O'Donnell isn't attacked for her weight, she's attacked because she's a disgusting, rude, obnoxious individual. Same for Moore.
That's right, only CON$ are allowed to mock fat people! CON$ can attack Sen Ted Kennedy, Michael Moore, Rosie O'Donnell, Rep Jerry Nadler, etc. for their weight but no one is allowed to attack CON$ for their obesity even if they said they would lose weight if they won the election like Christie said.

Don't be ridiculous. Rosie O'Donnell isn't attacked for her weight, she's attacked because she's a disgusting, rude, obnoxious individual. Same for Moore.

I'm certain more than a few people have mentioned thier wieght.

When your such a giant pair of assholes, eventually fat jokes come in to play.

Especially Moore, he's a fat tub of shit. <oh the irony :eusa_drool:]

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