Cavuto: "Stick your condescending Comments about Christie's Weight up your your . ."

Maybe a better way to get under the Right's skin on Governor Christie is to remind them that

he's pro-choice on abortion.:lol::lol::lol:
That's right, only CON$ are allowed to mock fat people! CON$ can attack Sen Ted Kennedy, Michael Moore, Rosie O'Donnell, Rep Jerry Nadler, etc. for their weight but no one is allowed to attack CON$ for their obesity even if they said they would lose weight if they won the election like Christie said.

LOL...all the above mentioned cretins only need to have their opinions addressed, although they are fat pigs, but I digress. Christie won, he is transforming NJ, putting the union pukes in their place. I don't give two shits if he has to be carried to his office daily, he is a far better man than any pathetic limp-wristed, panty-waste, lib-fuck.
I think it's pretty funny, I was just in another thread where Cons were calling Michelle Obama a fat ass, and now I come here and see the very same posters being all butt-hurt because someone called Chris Christie fat.
Of course. How can a liberal refute what they cannot rise above?

How could you rise above superficial insults, and discuss actual policy and how it effects elections?

Forgive me. I'm expected too much of you.


But Chris Christie IS Fat

Barney Frank talks with a lisp
John Boehner has too much of a tan
Nancy Pelosi has a horrible facelift
Sarah Palin has a squeaky voice
Barack Obama throws a baseball like a girl

What makes Christie exempt?

Oh he's not exempt from such superficial standards. And apparently from your constant instance of the same, the ONLY standards by which liberals judge.

But all that proves again, is their own narcissism.


I've known of Chris Christie for eight years now. I even knew him when he was just "chunky". I know much more about his record than you do

As a NJ voter, I can verify that Christie IS Fat

Why be so upset when your golden boy gets called names?

Do we need to got through your threads and point out where you call politicians superficial names?
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Who's Cavuto?

Christie, like all rotund Repubs, is fair game. :lol:

Oh gee the great intellect Sarah G, has joined in, whatever shall I do.

Should I point out there is more to consider in voting for a person than his size. Or that Matthew is hardly one to talk?

Nah? Why bother. It will roll off her brain like a water off a duck.


Oh yeah, Glenn Beck the dough boy and tubby Limbaugh. They're a couple of brain trusts as well. :eusa_angel::lol:

Honey, coming from YOU that's a compliment. You aren't exactly a judge of political intellect.

If you ever want to have a serious debate about politics, I'm not exactly going to shake in my boots at the prospect.

Maybe a better way to get under the Right's skin on Governor Christie is to remind them that

he's pro-choice on abortion.:lol::lol::lol:

Oh gee, what do you know, Carbiner is lying again!

Pro-life; the life of every human being is precious

I am pro-life. Hearing the strong heartbeat of my unborn daughter 14 years ago at 13 weeks gestation had a profound effect on me and my beliefs. The life of every human being is precious. We must work to reduce abortions in New Jersey through laws such as parental notification, a 24-hour waiting period and a ban on partial-birth abortion.
Source: Campaign website,, "Issues" Jul 21, 2009
Chris Christie on Abortion

Christie Veto Shuts Down Abortion Clinics in NJ

Part of Gov. Chris Christie’s belt-tightening plan for New Jersey was the termination of $7.5 million in public money for Planned Parenthood clinics in the state. But Democrats in the senate fought back, passing with a 30-10 majority a bill that reinstated the funding. That margin included several Republicans and was enough to be veto-proof. But when that veto actually came, Republicans wary of crossing Christie peeled off, and the measure failed 23-17.*

Now, Planned Parenthood facilities in the state are shuttering their doors:

Christie Veto Shuts Down Abortion Clinics in NJ - By Daniel Foster - The Corner - National Review Online

Chris Christie shuts down abortion clinics in NJ

Now I know you libs are going to run back to your talking points websites that have sold you the goods that Christie is pro-choice.

Unfortunately for you libs, ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS, and the shutting down of abortion clinics sure speaks louder than your talking points.

You are caught in a lie Carbiner. Now, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say you were pulled in by the scam and believed what other liberal liars told you.

So, now is your chance to correct that.

Now, why do I figure you won't admit you're wrong, will double down and will just puke out more lying liberal talking points?


Maybe a better way to get under the Right's skin on Governor Christie is to remind them that

he's pro-choice on abortion.:lol::lol::lol:

Oh gee, what do you know, Carbiner is lying again!

Pro-life; the life of every human being is precious

I am pro-life. Hearing the strong heartbeat of my unborn daughter 14 years ago at 13 weeks gestation had a profound effect on me and my beliefs. The life of every human being is precious. We must work to reduce abortions in New Jersey through laws such as parental notification, a 24-hour waiting period and a ban on partial-birth abortion.
Source: Campaign website,, "Issues" Jul 21, 2009
Chris Christie on Abortion

Christie Veto Shuts Down Abortion Clinics in NJ

Part of Gov. Chris Christie’s belt-tightening plan for New Jersey was the termination of $7.5 million in public money for Planned Parenthood clinics in the state. But Democrats in the senate fought back, passing with a 30-10 majority a bill that reinstated the funding. That margin included several Republicans and was enough to be veto-proof. But when that veto actually came, Republicans wary of crossing Christie peeled off, and the measure failed 23-17.*

Now, Planned Parenthood facilities in the state are shuttering their doors:

Christie Veto Shuts Down Abortion Clinics in NJ - By Daniel Foster - The Corner - National Review Online

Chris Christie shuts down abortion clinics in NJ

Now I know you libs are going to run back to your talking points websites that have sold you the goods that Christie is pro-choice.

Unfortunately for you libs, ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS, and the shutting down of abortion clinics sure speaks louder than your talking points.

You are caught in a lie Carbiner. Now, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say you were pulled in by the scam and believed what other liberal liars told you.

So, now is your chance to correct that.

Now, why do I figure you won't admit you're wrong, will double down and will just puke out more lying liberal talking points?


None of that shows that he wants to criminalize abortion, which makes him pro-choice.
And, in what shouldn't surprise anyone with a brain, Keith Olbermann plays a clip last night of Neil Cavuto, a year ago, calling one of Obama's nominees fat.

I think it's pretty funny, I was just in another thread where Cons were calling Michelle Obama a fat ass, and now I come here and see the very same posters being all butt-hurt because someone called Chris Christie fat.
no shit, this crap has got to stop, ones physical appearance has NOTHING to do with ones politics
how many times does it need to be said before people catch on
Maybe a better way to get under the Right's skin on Governor Christie is to remind them that

he's pro-choice on abortion.:lol::lol::lol:

Oh gee, what do you know, Carbiner is lying again!

Chris Christie on Abortion

Christie Veto Shuts Down Abortion Clinics in NJ

Part of Gov. Chris Christie’s belt-tightening plan for New Jersey was the termination of $7.5 million in public money for Planned Parenthood clinics in the state. But Democrats in the senate fought back, passing with a 30-10 majority a bill that reinstated the funding. That margin included several Republicans and was enough to be veto-proof. But when that veto actually came, Republicans wary of crossing Christie peeled off, and the measure failed 23-17.*

Now, Planned Parenthood facilities in the state are shuttering their doors:

Christie Veto Shuts Down Abortion Clinics in NJ - By Daniel Foster - The Corner - National Review Online

Chris Christie shuts down abortion clinics in NJ

Now I know you libs are going to run back to your talking points websites that have sold you the goods that Christie is pro-choice.

Unfortunately for you libs, ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS, and the shutting down of abortion clinics sure speaks louder than your talking points.

You are caught in a lie Carbiner. Now, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say you were pulled in by the scam and believed what other liberal liars told you.

So, now is your chance to correct that.

Now, why do I figure you won't admit you're wrong, will double down and will just puke out more lying liberal talking points?


None of that shows that he wants to criminalize abortion, which makes him pro-choice.
HOLY SPIN, Carbman
Oh gee, what do you know, Carbiner is lying again!

Chris Christie on Abortion

Christie Veto Shuts Down Abortion Clinics in NJ - By Daniel Foster - The Corner - National Review Online

Chris Christie shuts down abortion clinics in NJ

Now I know you libs are going to run back to your talking points websites that have sold you the goods that Christie is pro-choice.

Unfortunately for you libs, ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS, and the shutting down of abortion clinics sure speaks louder than your talking points.

You are caught in a lie Carbiner. Now, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say you were pulled in by the scam and believed what other liberal liars told you.

So, now is your chance to correct that.

Now, why do I figure you won't admit you're wrong, will double down and will just puke out more lying liberal talking points?


None of that shows that he wants to criminalize abortion, which makes him pro-choice.
HOLY SPIN, Carbman

What's the spin? If you don't want to make all abortion illegal, then you are pro-choice. That is unspun fact.

btw, Christie's primary opponent I think it was said that Christie had been so all over the place on the issue

that he's best described as multiple-choice on abortion.
You know, Christie IS fat. I was a Navy PRT Coordinator for 8 years and could estimate someone's body fat by looking at them, and then when they were measured, I was right 95 percent of the time.

As far as Chris Matthews' assertion that he wouldn't be able to get elected president? Considering that in this day and age, you've only got 30 seconds (outside of a debate) to put your point across, which means that many people are also going to factor in how you look. Since most of the country has become enamored with stuff like DWTS or American Idol (where looks matter a great deal), I'd be willing to say that yeah......he's right.

But this is the question that I'd like Cavuto to what fucking universe does calling someone fat become racism?
None of that shows that he wants to criminalize abortion, which makes him pro-choice.
HOLY SPIN, Carbman

What's the spin? If you don't want to make all abortion illegal, then you are pro-choice. That is unspun fact.

btw, Christie's primary opponent I think it was said that Christie had been so all over the place on the issue

that he's best described as multiple-choice on abortion.
he's pro life

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