CBO: Biden $15 An Hour Minimum Wage Will Cost 1.4 Million American Jobs

You use an example of one type of worker being underpaid as an excuse to underpay others

Characterize it as you will.

No I am not. I'm only showing you why people get paid the money they do. Life is not fair and business sure as hell isn't either. It's not designed to be fair, business is designed to make profits. The people they believe are most responsible for those profits make the most money in a company. After all, you probably wouldn't rush out to see a movie unless it was written by one of the best writers, and the cast being some of the most loved and well known actors. It's those people that get you to the movie theater and pay money to see their work.

The hypocrisy is another thing. Every time a leftist brings up wealth inequity, they never talk about how much Oprah made a year doing a talk show, or how much Garth Brooks made for a tour of his new recording. Only those greedy companies with their greedy CEO's. Well those greedy CEO"s will make less than half of what LaBron James will make in a lifetime with no advanced education and the common sense of a possum. While they were in college, or at the bottom rung of a company moving all over the country to different jobs and fighting to get to the top. LeBron bounced a basketball on a wooden floor and threw it through a hoop.
Why don't cities and states set their own MW to whatever level they think exceeds what someone can get from welfare?
Some have raised their minimum wage to adjust for a higher cost of living. That doesn't help anyone making a minimum wage that was stagnant for around a decade.
It helps those who live in those areas. Why are you not petitioning your local government to raise your MW if you think it's too low?
Because it doesn't help those at the current minimum wage now. You make it seem like subsidizing employers who offer cheap wages is a good thing. Why are wages not keeping up with inflation? We would not need any statutory wages if Capitalism worked as well in real life as it does in right wing fantasy.

Maybe... just maybe... the problem in the equation isn't the wages, but instead is the skyrocketing inflation? Maybe?
Not with supply side economics. Right wingers simply prefer to hate on the Poor.
Why is anyone making the statutory minimum wage

Because they're unskilled and/or unreliable?

if wages were keeping up with inflation?

Just because you can't increase your skills and productivity doesn't mean no one can.

Not the point. We would not need statutory minimum wages if free market Capitalism worked as advertised by right wingers.
Why don't cities and states set their own MW to whatever level they think exceeds what someone can get from welfare?
Some have raised their minimum wage to adjust for a higher cost of living. That doesn't help anyone making a minimum wage that was stagnant for around a decade.
It helps those who live in those areas. Why are you not petitioning your local government to raise your MW if you think it's too low?
Because it doesn't help those at the current minimum wage now. You make it seem like subsidizing employers who offer cheap wages is a good thing. Why are wages not keeping up with inflation? We would not need any statutory wages if Capitalism worked as well in real life as it does in right wing fantasy.
That's irrelevant. If you want your MW to go up, you should be petitioning your local governments because they have the ability to set their MW to whatever level the voters demand. Therefore, if the cost of living in your area is high, your MW can be as well. Sounds to me like a copout, that everyone's blaming Washington when they can do it themselves.
Only if you ignore our national economy, as right wingers are wont to do when it suits them. Why do we even need statutory minimum wages if Capitalism is supposed to be so wonderful? Why not simply tax firms whose wages don't meet or beat inflation?
Red States are cheaper because they have lower tax rates, regulations and lower overall costs of living. What can buy a dump of a one bedroom house in San Francisco can buy a really nice house in Texas. And when nut cases escape the blue states they always try to destroy the red areas they escape to. Something about not understanding cause and effect.
Just like any less developed economy.

Here is what red States do when they have to become bluer and more first world:

Vote blue not red!
The MW wage argument, IMHO, boils down to this. There doesn't need to be a high, nation wide mandated wage sent forth from Washington. As we are seeing, two things are rapidly rendering moot the one size (doesn't) fit all approach.

1. When demand for labor goes up, so do wages. During the fracking boom, McDonalds was paying (I believe) almost $20/hr for workers in fracking areas. No need for Quid Pro to stick his nose in there.
2. Cities and states are setting their own MW higher than the federal on their own. Again, no need for Quid Pro to stick his nose in.

I really believe part of what is pushing the demand for a high, universal MW is the fear that Washington WILL be rendered moot to the argument and that freedom and flexibility will actually produce a better result. The bottom line is, it's a lot easier to get your local government to set a MW than it is to get Washington to do it. Go after your local government if you want a higher MW.
Boom and bust is all Capitalism offers. It is why Congress is delegated the social power to fix Standards for the Union.
Why don't cities and states set their own MW to whatever level they think exceeds what someone can get from welfare?
Some have raised their minimum wage to adjust for a higher cost of living. That doesn't help anyone making a minimum wage that was stagnant for around a decade.
It helps those who live in those areas. Why are you not petitioning your local government to raise your MW if you think it's too low?
Because it doesn't help those at the current minimum wage now. You make it seem like subsidizing employers who offer cheap wages is a good thing. Why are wages not keeping up with inflation? We would not need any statutory wages if Capitalism worked as well in real life as it does in right wing fantasy.
That's irrelevant. If you want your MW to go up, you should be petitioning your local governments because they have the ability to set their MW to whatever level the voters demand. Therefore, if the cost of living in your area is high, your MW can be as well. Sounds to me like a copout, that everyone's blaming Washington when they can do it themselves.
Only if you ignore our national economy, as right wingers are wont to do when it suits them. Why do we even need statutory minimum wages if Capitalism is supposed to be so wonderful? Why not simply tax firms whose wages don't meet or beat inflation?
Because every time the government tries to set wages and prices bad things happen to the economy. You haven't presented a valid reason why you keep yelling about Washington when you really should be complaining about your local government.
Red States are cheaper because they have lower tax rates, regulations and lower overall costs of living. What can buy a dump of a one bedroom house in San Francisco can buy a really nice house in Texas. And when nut cases escape the blue states they always try to destroy the red areas they escape to. Something about not understanding cause and effect.
Just like any less developed economy.

Here is what red States do when they have to become bluer and more first world:

Vote blue not red!

Daniel...yo have been accused of wanting to double the MW in one stroke.

That's not true is it?
Introduction and key findings
Chief executive officers (CEOs) of the largest firms in the U.S. earn far more today than they did in the mid-1990s and many times what they earned in the 1960s or late 1970s. They also earn far more than the typical worker, and their pay has grown much more rapidly. Importantly, rising CEO pay does not reflect rising value of skills, but rather CEOs’ use of their power to set their own pay. And this growing power at the top has been driving the growth of inequality in our country.

So what does a CEO pay have to do with minimum wage?
They should be taxed for our war on poverty.
The MW wage argument, IMHO, boils down to this. There doesn't need to be a high, nation wide mandated wage sent forth from Washington. As we are seeing, two things are rapidly rendering moot the one size (doesn't) fit all approach.

1. When demand for labor goes up, so do wages. During the fracking boom, McDonalds was paying (I believe) almost $20/hr for workers in fracking areas. No need for Quid Pro to stick his nose in there.
2. Cities and states are setting their own MW higher than the federal on their own. Again, no need for Quid Pro to stick his nose in.

I really believe part of what is pushing the demand for a high, universal MW is the fear that Washington WILL be rendered moot to the argument and that freedom and flexibility will actually produce a better result. The bottom line is, it's a lot easier to get your local government to set a MW than it is to get Washington to do it. Go after your local government if you want a higher MW.
Boom and bust is all Capitalism offers. It is why Congress is delegated the social power to fix Standards for the Union.
Which doesn't address the reality that cities and states are free to set their own MW. Why does there have to be a one size (doesn't) fit all when localities can set the MW that best works for their region?
Introduction and key findings
Chief executive officers (CEOs) of the largest firms in the U.S. earn far more today than they did in the mid-1990s and many times what they earned in the 1960s or late 1970s. They also earn far more than the typical worker, and their pay has grown much more rapidly. Importantly, rising CEO pay does not reflect rising value of skills, but rather CEOs’ use of their power to set their own pay. And this growing power at the top has been driving the growth of inequality in our country.

So what does a CEO pay have to do with minimum wage?
They should be taxed for our war on poverty.
You won't get nearly enough from them to make a dent in poverty.
Introduction and key findings
Chief executive officers (CEOs) of the largest firms in the U.S. earn far more today than they did in the mid-1990s and many times what they earned in the 1960s or late 1970s. They also earn far more than the typical worker, and their pay has grown much more rapidly. Importantly, rising CEO pay does not reflect rising value of skills, but rather CEOs’ use of their power to set their own pay. And this growing power at the top has been driving the growth of inequality in our country.

So you want to go ahead and Nationlize everything and let the Gov take care of it.
Free market Capitalism is only about boom and bust and doesn't exist above the third world. True Anarcho-Capitalism fell with Mogadishu.
and 900,000 lifted out of poverty.

How many kicked back into poverty, when their job is destroyed?
If they were only making $8 an hour they are already living in poverty...and collecting food stamps.

And when they're making $0 an hour?
They collect more from welfare and you right wingers complain more about taxes.
And if society wants to pay them more, society needs to levy and collect the taxes and write the checks. Businesses are not welfare distribution centers.
I made my living in commercial real estate.
That's not exactly a badge of honor. Was that after you graduated from selling used cars?

And I suppose you're Mother Fucking Theresa
I sure as hell never sold used cars or real estate LOL
Somebody needs to. They're like doctors and lawyers. Everyone likes to hate on them until they need a good one. Side bar, I working at Circuit City when they launched CarMax. It started as a closed door top secret project with the acronym HRUC, which everyone said stood for "Honest Rick's Used Cars". Name of the CEO who came up with the idea? Rick Sharp. The thing I didn't understand was Circuit City supported CarMax for 10 years, then as soon as it become profitable, spun it off as an independent company, just as CC was starting to decline and could have used some cash infusions. Oh, well, guess that's why I'm not in the CEO's chair.
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And I saw a Trump supporter bragging that wages for low wage workers went up under Trump. He had nothing to do with those minimum wage increases. Probably voted on before he was even president. But then he uses the min wage increase to say look people are doing better because of me.

When he and all Republicans are/were/will always be against those minimum wage increases. Give Democrats credit for those increased wages.

You're making the assumption that people on the lower tiers made more money because of those state MW hikes. That's not our claim. Our claim is that when you have a roaring economy and take less from business owners, employees do better.
Because every time the government tries to set wages and prices bad things happen to the economy. You haven't presented a valid reason why you keep yelling about Washington when you really should be complaining about your local government.
Not true at all. During WWII Government mandated price controls and won the war.

The Office of Price Administration (OPA) was established within the Office for Emergency Management of the United States government by Executive Order 8875 on August 28, 1941. The functions of the OPA were originally to control money (price controls) and rents after the outbreak of World War II.[3]--https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Office_of_Price_Administration

Abolish your worthless and alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror.
Red States are cheaper because they have lower tax rates, regulations and lower overall costs of living. What can buy a dump of a one bedroom house in San Francisco can buy a really nice house in Texas. And when nut cases escape the blue states they always try to destroy the red areas they escape to. Something about not understanding cause and effect.
Just like any less developed economy.

Here is what red States do when they have to become bluer and more first world:

Vote blue not red!

Daniel...yo have been accused of wanting to double the MW in one stroke.

That's not true is it?

Sure, if capitalists ask for a tax break to help mitigate the effects. The previous administration simply passed out tax breaks like candy.
Because every time the government tries to set wages and prices bad things happen to the economy. You haven't presented a valid reason why you keep yelling about Washington when you really should be complaining about your local government.
Not true at all. During WWII Government mandated price controls and won the war.

The Office of Price Administration (OPA) was established within the Office for Emergency Management of the United States government by Executive Order 8875 on August 28, 1941. The functions of the OPA were originally to control money (price controls) and rents after the outbreak of World War II.[3]--https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Office_of_Price_Administration

Abolish your worthless and alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror.
You really want to compare wartime measures with peacetime? Heck, Lincoln suspended parts of the constitution during the Civil War. Do you want to argue a president should do that in peacetime? Compare apples to apples and look at what Nixon accomplished with his price and wage controls.

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