CBO: Biden $15 An Hour Minimum Wage Will Cost 1.4 Million American Jobs

Why is anyone making the statutory minimum wage

Because they're unskilled and/or unreliable?

if wages were keeping up with inflation?

Just because you can't increase your skills and productivity doesn't mean no one can.

Not the point. We would not need statutory minimum wages if free market Capitalism worked as advertised by right wingers.

Your lack of skills and your low productivity is precisely the point.
Capitalism works, it just doesn't guarantee jobs to bums.
Introduction and key findings
Chief executive officers (CEOs) of the largest firms in the U.S. earn far more today than they did in the mid-1990s and many times what they earned in the 1960s or late 1970s. They also earn far more than the typical worker, and their pay has grown much more rapidly. Importantly, rising CEO pay does not reflect rising value of skills, but rather CEOs’ use of their power to set their own pay. And this growing power at the top has been driving the growth of inequality in our country.

So you want to go ahead and Nationlize everything and let the Gov take care of it.
Free market Capitalism is only about boom and bust and doesn't exist above the third world. True Anarcho-Capitalism fell with Mogadishu.

So you too think business should be Nationalized and run by the Gov. How special.
Why is anyone making the statutory minimum wage

Because they're unskilled and/or unreliable?

if wages were keeping up with inflation?

Just because you can't increase your skills and productivity doesn't mean no one can.

Not the point. We would not need statutory minimum wages if free market Capitalism worked as advertised by right wingers.

Your lack of skills and your low productivity is precisely the point.
Capitalism works, it just doesn't guarantee jobs to bums.
In fact, weren't the Soviet Union and other Communist countries famous for claiming that everyone had a job? The joke was, "We pretend to work for them and they pretend to pay us". IOW, a guarantee of a job isn't really always a great thing.
The MW wage argument, IMHO, boils down to this. There doesn't need to be a high, nation wide mandated wage sent forth from Washington. As we are seeing, two things are rapidly rendering moot the one size (doesn't) fit all approach.

1. When demand for labor goes up, so do wages. During the fracking boom, McDonalds was paying (I believe) almost $20/hr for workers in fracking areas. No need for Quid Pro to stick his nose in there.
2. Cities and states are setting their own MW higher than the federal on their own. Again, no need for Quid Pro to stick his nose in.

I really believe part of what is pushing the demand for a high, universal MW is the fear that Washington WILL be rendered moot to the argument and that freedom and flexibility will actually produce a better result. The bottom line is, it's a lot easier to get your local government to set a MW than it is to get Washington to do it. Go after your local government if you want a higher MW.
Boom and bust is all Capitalism offers. It is why Congress is delegated the social power to fix Standards for the Union.

Boom and bust is all Capitalism offers.

No boom and bust in communism, eh comrade?
and 900,000 lifted out of poverty.

How many kicked back into poverty, when their job is destroyed?
If they were only making $8 an hour they are already living in poverty...and collecting food stamps.

And when they're making $0 an hour?
They collect more from welfare and you right wingers complain more about taxes.

They collect more from welfare

Yup, working for $8/hour reduces welfare payments.
You really want to compare wartime measures with peacetime? Heck, Lincoln suspended parts of the constitution during the Civil War. Do you want to argue a president should do that in peacetime? Compare apples to apples and look at what Nixon accomplished with his price and wage controls.
What peacetime? Or are your alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror fake news that should be abolished to lower our tax burden.
Your lack of skills and your low productivity is precisely the point.
Capitalism works, it just doesn't guarantee jobs to bums.
Yet, corporate welfare is alive and well and has even paid multimillion dollar bonuses while right wingers complain about a Minimum wage.
You really want to compare wartime measures with peacetime? Heck, Lincoln suspended parts of the constitution during the Civil War. Do you want to argue a president should do that in peacetime? Compare apples to apples and look at what Nixon accomplished with his price and wage controls.
What peacetime? Or are your alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror fake news that should be abolished to lower our tax burden.
They are as alleged as the war on poverty. Politicians love to declare a war on one thing or another. We are in peacetime, so address what Nixon did and the effects we saw.
Your lack of skills and your low productivity is precisely the point.
Capitalism works, it just doesn't guarantee jobs to bums.
Yet, corporate welfare is alive and well and has even paid multimillion dollar bonuses while right wingers complain about a Minimum wage.
Then you should complain to your congresscritter about it. What are you doing out here? Buy a bunch of stamps and start writing.
Why do we even need statutory minimum wages if Capitalism is supposed to be so wonderful?

Why don't you move to Cuba, if Capitalism is supposed to be so awful?
Our welfare clause is General and we have a Commerce Clause in particular. We should have a mixed market economy that can be more efficient. Optimizing public policies is what we should be doing.
Introduction and key findings
Chief executive officers (CEOs) of the largest firms in the U.S. earn far more today than they did in the mid-1990s and many times what they earned in the 1960s or late 1970s. They also earn far more than the typical worker, and their pay has grown much more rapidly. Importantly, rising CEO pay does not reflect rising value of skills, but rather CEOs’ use of their power to set their own pay. And this growing power at the top has been driving the growth of inequality in our country.

So you want to go ahead and Nationlize everything and let the Gov take care of it.
Free market Capitalism is only about boom and bust and doesn't exist above the third world. True Anarcho-Capitalism fell with Mogadishu.

So you too think business should be Nationalized and run by the Gov. How special.
That was a rebuttal to right wing ignorance. I think we should abolish our socialism on a national basis known as our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror since they have nothing to do with free market Capitalism.
In fact, weren't the Soviet Union and other Communist countries famous for claiming that everyone had a job? The joke was, "We pretend to work for them and they pretend to pay us". IOW, a guarantee of a job isn't really always a great thing.
They beat us to space and should have engaged us in industrial automation instead of an arms race.
Introduction and key findings
Chief executive officers (CEOs) of the largest firms in the U.S. earn far more today than they did in the mid-1990s and many times what they earned in the 1960s or late 1970s. They also earn far more than the typical worker, and their pay has grown much more rapidly. Importantly, rising CEO pay does not reflect rising value of skills, but rather CEOs’ use of their power to set their own pay. And this growing power at the top has been driving the growth of inequality in our country.

So you want to go ahead and Nationlize everything and let the Gov take care of it.
Free market Capitalism is only about boom and bust and doesn't exist above the third world. True Anarcho-Capitalism fell with Mogadishu.

So you too think business should be Nationalized and run by the Gov. How special.
That was a rebuttal to right wing ignorance. I think we should abolish our socialism on a national basis known as our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror since they have nothing to do with free market Capitalism.

Sorry kid, you are the ignorant one here. My money is none of your business, and yes you DO want to Nationalize it because you wantto "regulate" wages. You're in the wrong Nation sparky.
In fact, weren't the Soviet Union and other Communist countries famous for claiming that everyone had a job? The joke was, "We pretend to work for them and they pretend to pay us". IOW, a guarantee of a job isn't really always a great thing.
They beat us to space and should have engaged us in industrial automation instead of an arms race.
They also faced shortages because they tried to manage production instead of simply allowing everyone in the chain to profit from their labor, this despite rich natural resource wealth.

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