CBO: Biden $15 An Hour Minimum Wage Will Cost 1.4 Million American Jobs

Introduction and key findings
Chief executive officers (CEOs) of the largest firms in the U.S. earn far more today than they did in the mid-1990s and many times what they earned in the 1960s or late 1970s. They also earn far more than the typical worker, and their pay has grown much more rapidly. Importantly, rising CEO pay does not reflect rising value of skills, but rather CEOs’ use of their power to set their own pay. And this growing power at the top has been driving the growth of inequality in our country.

So you want to go ahead and Nationlize everything and let the Gov take care of it.
Free market Capitalism is only about boom and bust and doesn't exist above the third world. True Anarcho-Capitalism fell with Mogadishu.

So you too think business should be Nationalized and run by the Gov. How special.
That was a rebuttal to right wing ignorance. I think we should abolish our socialism on a national basis known as our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror since they have nothing to do with free market Capitalism.
Translation from danielspeak: I don't want to get in trouble for smoking pot in Mom's basement while I draw a salary for doing nothing.
They collect more from welfare

Yup, working for $8/hour reduces welfare payments.
The minimum wage should be high enough to where labor doesn't need social services. We should be lowering the cost of Government by paying labor enough to not need it.
If society deems that to be a minimal level for everyone, then society needs to impose the taxes and write the checks to make it happen. Businesses are not welfare distribution centers.
Boom and bust is all Capitalism offers.

No boom and bust in communism, eh comrade?
No, only lousy management.
Sounds like you're in the "Communism works, we just haven't done it right yet" camp.
Capital ventures fail all the time and corporate welfare is alive and well. Are right wingers simply lying that capitalism works?
Do you believe that Communism works, we just haven't done it right yet?
Introduction and key findings
Chief executive officers (CEOs) of the largest firms in the U.S. earn far more today than they did in the mid-1990s and many times what they earned in the 1960s or late 1970s. They also earn far more than the typical worker, and their pay has grown much more rapidly. Importantly, rising CEO pay does not reflect rising value of skills, but rather CEOs’ use of their power to set their own pay. And this growing power at the top has been driving the growth of inequality in our country.

So you want to go ahead and Nationlize everything and let the Gov take care of it.
Free market Capitalism is only about boom and bust and doesn't exist above the third world. True Anarcho-Capitalism fell with Mogadishu.

So you too think business should be Nationalized and run by the Gov. How special.
That was a rebuttal to right wing ignorance. I think we should abolish our socialism on a national basis known as our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror since they have nothing to do with free market Capitalism.
Translation from danielspeak: I don't want to get in trouble for smoking pot in Mom's basement while I draw a salary for doing nothing.
Sure, as long as can lower our tax burden so right wingers don't feel the need to whine about taxes.
Why do we even need statutory minimum wages if Capitalism is supposed to be so wonderful?

Why don't you move to Cuba, if Capitalism is supposed to be so awful?
Our welfare clause is General and we have a Commerce Clause in particular. We should have a mixed market economy that can be more efficient. Optimizing public policies is what we should be doing.
And another rendition of the danielpalos word symphony, signifying nothing.
They collect more from welfare

Yup, working for $8/hour reduces welfare payments.
The minimum wage should be high enough to where labor doesn't need social services. We should be lowering the cost of Government by paying labor enough to not need it.
If society deems that to be a minimal level for everyone, then society needs to impose the taxes and write the checks to make it happen. Businesses are not welfare distribution centers.
Wages need to be high enough to where most people don't need means tested welfare.
Do you believe that Communism works, we just haven't done it right yet?
Communism requires social morals for free to achieve a Commune of Heaven on Earth. There are simply not enough morals to go around regardless of what right wingers allege.
Kroger will shut two California stores to avoid offering workers "hazard pay"

Kroger is closing two stores in California rather than pay grocery workers an extra four dollars an hour for working at the nation's largest supermarket chain during the coronavirus pandemic. The company blamed a decision by local officials who recently approved a temporary wage increase for some supermarket employees.

Kroger said it will close the stores, a Ralphs and a Food 4 Less, in April because of the law, passed in January by the Long Beach city council. With a handful of cities across California weighing whether to mandate "hazard pay" for grocery workers, Kroger also warned that it could shut more stores.

Long Beach last month became the first city in California to approve a hazard pay ordinance, with the law requiring grocery stores with at least 300 workers nationwide and more than 15 employees within Long Beach to pay an extra $4 an hour for a 120-day period.

Kroger has benefitted from frozen wages for 12 years
The also benefitted from a 40 percent cut in corporate taxes

But they claim they will go bankrupt if they have to pay their workers to risk their lives
50+ years ago when a teen and working my first jobs, they were in grocery stores so don't know that is a risk their lives situation, it wasn't back then.

This was in a community where logging was still a major employer and setting chockers was a lot riskier and more a real hazard. Similar to the military in ways.

BTW, didn't see proof in your article on the frozen wage and tax cuts claims.
The canned good pricing gn was a dangerous item. Especially when we would see who could price a case of peas in record time.
I used to go home with price tags all over my hands.

But one week I was the champ!
I remember those days as well. Good times for $1.60/hr. Learned a lot.
Why do we even need statutory minimum wages if Capitalism is supposed to be so wonderful?

Why don't you move to Cuba, if Capitalism is supposed to be so awful?
Our welfare clause is General and we have a Commerce Clause in particular. We should have a mixed market economy that can be more efficient. Optimizing public policies is what we should be doing.
And another rendition of the danielpalos word symphony, signifying nothing.
No wonder optimizing private business for their bottom line means nothing to the right wing.
We should be lowering the cost of Government by paying labor enough to not need it.

can we abolish welfare programs in exchange for a $15 min wage?
Wait until you start hearing the outcry from the left when they find out how many of them have just been pushed off of welfare due to this wage increase. Instead of getting subsidized on the dole, they will have to actually budget for more expensive food. Short-sighted democrats need to pull their heads out of their asses and use some common sense. But there will be those that will still need welfare because their job disappeared.
They collect more from welfare

Yup, working for $8/hour reduces welfare payments.
The minimum wage should be high enough to where labor doesn't need social services. We should be lowering the cost of Government by paying labor enough to not need it.

The minimum wage should be high enough to where labor doesn't need social services.

But the minimum wage is $0.
That's what you're earning now, right?

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