CBO Forecast: 1.4% GDP, 8% Unemployment, 7 Million to Lose Health Ins.


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
oh well, it's what the people voted for
links in article at site

The Congressional Budget Office's just-released economic forecast for 2013 is dispiriting, to say the least. The GDP is expected to grow by only 1.4%, the unemployment rate will "stay near" 8%, the deficit will reach $845 billion, and ObamaCare will cost 7 million their health insurance.

The CBO says things will improve after that, but after three years of being told by the government and its media that "prosperity is just around the corner," you'll just have to pardon my cynicism. The media, however, will talk only about how much better the CBO says things will get, because that's what Obama would want them to do.

What these numbers really mean is that millions of Americans are about to face yet another year of chronic joblessness and economic hardship -- which just didn’t have to happen. Reagan inherited an economy in much worse shape than the one Obama inherited. But Reagan's tax and regulatory policies got out of the way of the economy, and as a result, the engine of American ingenuity was unleashed and the economy exploded. Millions of jobs were created, millions were lifted out of poverty into the middle class, and poverty decreased.

Obama, however, decided he knew better than history and did the exact opposite of what Reagan did. New taxes, ObamaCare, untold numbers of regulations, and an overall Narrative that toxified success, individualism, and the pursuit of prosperity.

And just look at us now.

After four years of Obamanomics and heading into five, poverty is up, the GDP is in negative territory, incomes are falling, and the deficit, according to the non-partisan GAO, is unsustainable.

all of it here
CBO Forecast: 1.4% GDP, 8% Unemployment, 7 Million to Lose Health Ins.
The ultimate objective for Obamacare is complete government take over of healthcare.
oh well, it's what the people voted for
links in article at site

The Congressional Budget Office's just-released economic forecast for 2013 is dispiriting, to say the least. The GDP is expected to grow by only 1.4%, the unemployment rate will "stay near" 8%, the deficit will reach $845 billion, and ObamaCare will cost 7 million their health insurance.

The CBO says things will improve after that, but after three years of being told by the government and its media that "prosperity is just around the corner," you'll just have to pardon my cynicism. The media, however, will talk only about how much better the CBO says things will get, because that's what Obama would want them to do.

What these numbers really mean is that millions of Americans are about to face yet another year of chronic joblessness and economic hardship -- which just didn’t have to happen. Reagan inherited an economy in much worse shape than the one Obama inherited. But Reagan's tax and regulatory policies got out of the way of the economy, and as a result, the engine of American ingenuity was unleashed and the economy exploded. Millions of jobs were created, millions were lifted out of poverty into the middle class, and poverty decreased.

Obama, however, decided he knew better than history and did the exact opposite of what Reagan did. New taxes, ObamaCare, untold numbers of regulations, and an overall Narrative that toxified success, individualism, and the pursuit of prosperity.

And just look at us now.

After four years of Obamanomics and heading into five, poverty is up, the GDP is in negative territory, incomes are falling, and the deficit, according to the non-partisan GAO, is unsustainable.

all of it here
CBO Forecast: 1.4% GDP, 8% Unemployment, 7 Million to Lose Health Ins.

Funny how AP reports the story vs how it's reported on breitbart's website Budget Deficit To Drop Below $1 Trillion in 2013: CBO

Yeah, isn't it..
I guess we all should be trilled the deficit will DROP BELOW $1 TRILLION
and what Breitbart reported is IN THE ARTICLE
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Just to warn you people, truthouts link went to the HUFFERPOST, not the AP

oh well, it's what the people voted for
links in article at site

The Congressional Budget Office's just-released economic forecast for 2013 is dispiriting, to say the least. The GDP is expected to grow by only 1.4%, the unemployment rate will "stay near" 8%, the deficit will reach $845 billion, and ObamaCare will cost 7 million their health insurance.

The CBO says things will improve after that, but after three years of being told by the government and its media that "prosperity is just around the corner," you'll just have to pardon my cynicism. The media, however, will talk only about how much better the CBO says things will get, because that's what Obama would want them to do.

What these numbers really mean is that millions of Americans are about to face yet another year of chronic joblessness and economic hardship -- which just didn’t have to happen. Reagan inherited an economy in much worse shape than the one Obama inherited. But Reagan's tax and regulatory policies got out of the way of the economy, and as a result, the engine of American ingenuity was unleashed and the economy exploded. Millions of jobs were created, millions were lifted out of poverty into the middle class, and poverty decreased.

Obama, however, decided he knew better than history and did the exact opposite of what Reagan did. New taxes, ObamaCare, untold numbers of regulations, and an overall Narrative that toxified success, individualism, and the pursuit of prosperity.

And just look at us now.

After four years of Obamanomics and heading into five, poverty is up, the GDP is in negative territory, incomes are falling, and the deficit, according to the non-partisan GAO, is unsustainable.

all of it here
CBO Forecast: 1.4% GDP, 8% Unemployment, 7 Million to Lose Health Ins.

Funny how AP reports the story vs how it's reported on breitbart's website Budget Deficit To Drop Below $1 Trillion in 2013: CBO

Yep, If Obama accidentally Nuked New Mexico and killed millions, the AP headline would read. "Obama solves over population problems."
Just to warn you people, truthouts link went to the HUFFERPOST, not the AP


because Huffington post cross posted the story as is...not with a political spin and AP is a more reliable news source than brietbart's website any day of the week.

then you COULD OF POSTED the AP LINK..no one was forcing you to go to Brietbart, but they summed up what the article said. DO YOU DISPUTE IT? and you're still a pos shit for posting the Hufferpost link and making it sound like it was a direct AP LINK
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Republicans lock the steering wheel toward and over the cliff theses numbers would have been a blessing. Might what to make up your mind who you want to blame for what.
And Obama has declared "Mission Accomplished" with the dissolution of the Jobs Council.
Just to warn you people, truthouts link went to the HUFFERPOST, not the AP


because Huffington post cross posted the story as is...not with a political spin and AP is a more reliable news source than brietbart's website any day of the week.

So the AP cherry picks the only good news in the CBO report and you say that makes them More Credible?

AP = American Pravda

Just sayin'.
Why is it that the posters with "truth" in their handles are the biggest liars?
Because people who actually tell the truth haved earned credibility and don't need to insist to others that they are truthful.
Private sector GDP is growing at over 3%,

government GDP is shrinking, that's what's keeping GDP anemic.

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