CBO Forecast: 1.4% GDP, 8% Unemployment, 7 Million to Lose Health Ins.

The ultimate objective for Obamacare is complete government take over of healthcare.

And word is now getting around about taking our IRA and 401 Kplans.... :evil:

There are three options for the Feds:

- Debase the currency
- Default on the debt
- Confiscate wealth

They've already done the first. The 2nd is a third rail internationally. I'm betting on the latter. The trial balloon has already been floated to nationalize IRAs and 401Ks a la the Teresa Ghilarducci plan.
Doctored tape? I think you are mistaking them for NBC and L'affaire Zimmerman.
Breitbart.com - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


[edit] Anthony Weiner

Main article: Anthony Weiner sexting scandal

On May 28, 2011, Breitbart reported on a sexually explicit photo accidentally sent on New York Representative Anthony Weiner Twitter feed on his BigJournalism website.[16] Weiner initially denied that he had sent a 21-year-old female college student the link to the photograph, but after questions developed, he admitted to inappropriate online relationships. On June 6, 2011, Breitbart reported other photos Weiner had sent, including one that was sexually graphic. On June 8, 2011, the sexually graphic photo was leaked after Breitbart participated in a radio interview with hosts Opie and Anthony, though Breitbart stated that the photo was published without his permission.[17] Weiner subsequently resigned from his congressional seat on June 21, 2011.

[edit] Shirley Sherrod

Main article: Resignation of Shirley Sherrod

In July 2010 Breitbart was accused of smearing USDA official Shirley Sherrod with the viral video "Proof NAACP Awards Racism". Breitbart's video showed Sherrod speaking at a NAACP fundraising dinner in March 2010 admitting to a racial reluctance to help a white farmer get government aid. The NAACP condemned Sherrod video comments and approved her July 19 dismissal from government service. After being criticized for presenting Sherrod out of context, Breitbart posted the full 40-minute video of the speech.[18][19][20][21] In the full video Sherrod said the reluctance to help a white man was wrong, and she had ended up assisting him. Following the release of the full video, the NAACP also reversed their rebuke of Sherrod,[19][20], and Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack apologized and offered Sherrod a new government position.[22] In 2011, Sherrod sued Breitbart for defamation,[23] Breibart said that the point of the piece was not to target Sherrod, but said the NAACP audience's reception of the parts of the speech demonstrated the same racism the NAACP's President had accused The Tea Party of harboring.[24]

[edit] ACORN undercover videos

Main article: ACORN 2009 undercover videos controversy

Breitbart was also involved in the 2009 ACORN video controversy. Hannah Giles[25][26] posed as a prostitute seeking tax and legal advice while James O'Keefe posed as her pimp interested in the best ways to conceal taxable revenue from operating an underage sex slavery business, and clandestinely videotaped meetings with ACORN staff who helpfully and nonchalantly answered all questions.[27] Subsequent criminal investigations by the Brooklyn District Attorney's office and the California Attorney General found the videos were heavily edited in an attempt to make ACORN's responses "appear more sinister",[28][29][30] and contributed to the group's demise.[31][32]

[edit] GOProud

Breitbart was also embroiled in a controversy within the conservative movement related to the participation of gay group GOProud in the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), an annual conference held in Washington, D.C., by the American Conservative Union. In 2011 he was the primary host of a party that served to "welcome" the "homocons" to the convention (though it was the second year they had been participants). This flew in the face of a boycott staged by a few social conservative groups that were offended by the inclusion of GOProud within the conservative fold. Writer, producer, and publisher Roger L. Simon referred to the group as a "game-changer" for the Republican party, and asserted that it represented a turning point in the appeal that the conservative movement might hold for young people. Breitbart was on the Advisory Board of GOProud until he stepped down in the wake of the group's inadvertent outing of a senior Rick Perry aide.[33][34]
Breitbart.com - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


[edit] Anthony Weiner

Main article: Anthony Weiner sexting scandal

On May 28, 2011, Breitbart reported on a sexually explicit photo accidentally sent on New York Representative Anthony Weiner Twitter feed on his BigJournalism website.[16] Weiner initially denied that he had sent a 21-year-old female college student the link to the photograph, but after questions developed, he admitted to inappropriate online relationships. On June 6, 2011, Breitbart reported other photos Weiner had sent, including one that was sexually graphic. On June 8, 2011, the sexually graphic photo was leaked after Breitbart participated in a radio interview with hosts Opie and Anthony, though Breitbart stated that the photo was published without his permission.[17] Weiner subsequently resigned from his congressional seat on June 21, 2011.

[edit] Shirley Sherrod

Main article: Resignation of Shirley Sherrod

In July 2010 Breitbart was accused of smearing USDA official Shirley Sherrod with the viral video "Proof NAACP Awards Racism". Breitbart's video showed Sherrod speaking at a NAACP fundraising dinner in March 2010 admitting to a racial reluctance to help a white farmer get government aid. The NAACP condemned Sherrod video comments and approved her July 19 dismissal from government service. After being criticized for presenting Sherrod out of context, Breitbart posted the full 40-minute video of the speech.[18][19][20][21] In the full video Sherrod said the reluctance to help a white man was wrong, and she had ended up assisting him. Following the release of the full video, the NAACP also reversed their rebuke of Sherrod,[19][20], and Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack apologized and offered Sherrod a new government position.[22] In 2011, Sherrod sued Breitbart for defamation,[23] Breibart said that the point of the piece was not to target Sherrod, but said the NAACP audience's reception of the parts of the speech demonstrated the same racism the NAACP's President had accused The Tea Party of harboring.[24]

[edit] ACORN undercover videos

Main article: ACORN 2009 undercover videos controversy

Breitbart was also involved in the 2009 ACORN video controversy. Hannah Giles[25][26] posed as a prostitute seeking tax and legal advice while James O'Keefe posed as her pimp interested in the best ways to conceal taxable revenue from operating an underage sex slavery business, and clandestinely videotaped meetings with ACORN staff who helpfully and nonchalantly answered all questions.[27] Subsequent criminal investigations by the Brooklyn District Attorney's office and the California Attorney General found the videos were heavily edited in an attempt to make ACORN's responses "appear more sinister",[28][29][30] and contributed to the group's demise.[31][32]

[edit] GOProud

Breitbart was also embroiled in a controversy within the conservative movement related to the participation of gay group GOProud in the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), an annual conference held in Washington, D.C., by the American Conservative Union. In 2011 he was the primary host of a party that served to "welcome" the "homocons" to the convention (though it was the second year they had been participants). This flew in the face of a boycott staged by a few social conservative groups that were offended by the inclusion of GOProud within the conservative fold. Writer, producer, and publisher Roger L. Simon referred to the group as a "game-changer" for the Republican party, and asserted that it represented a turning point in the appeal that the conservative movement might hold for young people. Breitbart was on the Advisory Board of GOProud until he stepped down in the wake of the group's inadvertent outing of a senior Rick Perry aide.[33][34]

If you don't like the source, then bypass it. The CBO report is available online, and the Facts from it the source put out are 100% accurate.

Why don't you deal with those facts, instead of trying to deflect by attacking the source?

Or maybe you could just focus on the AP headline which cherry picked the only good news in the entire report, and ignore all the VERY bad news in the report?

Like I said, You have no credibility at all on this board. Only your fellow far left loons believe a word you have to say, or give a flying fuck about your opinions.

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