CBS Breaking News: Trump Leads Clinton By 5+ Points In Key Battleground State Of Pennsylvania

No. I call that Repuglicon "trickle down" economics doing exactly what it was designed to do - make the rich richer. I call that a decade of Repuglicons opposing attempts to create a living wage to strengthen the working class, and suddenly discovering, during this election cycle, that that very same working class makes up a significant demographic of the voting public, so, now they are giving lip service to the people they left out in the cold, hoping they forget that it was Repuglicon policies that created this income inequality in the first place.

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Yet the facts show that the one percenters do far better under Democrat admins than they ever do under repub ones. Why is that? This current administration has raped the middle class and given all of that wealth to the one percenters. Reality doesn't support your propaganda. Just sayin...

The reality does not support your propaganda son, the raping and redistribution goes back across the last 5-6 decades and spans "both" parties.

I agree with the both parties aspect. That is absolutely true. However, under so called progressive admins, the wealthiest one percent consistently do better than they do under repub admins. That is a fact.

a) not just because you say so, source it.
b) who cares how well the 1% do?

That's not the/a problem, unless they're doing it at the expense of an economically healthy society over all.

Your partisanshit is a problem when it comes to clarity, mod.

I care because the only way for them to have done this well was for the middle class to suffer. They have, and look at you supporting the wealth gap. I thought you were supposed to be for the "little guy", looks like that isn't true.

You're just making shit up again and assigning categories. It is a 5-6 decade long wealth redistribution scam perpetrated by the entire system. You just can't admit that the "side" you're emotionally attached to is just as bad as the "other" side.

And no one here needs to accept your personal declarations as proof, mod.
Actually, "five years" into his "reign" we were praising Obama for turning around the economic clusterfuck that your Repuglicon clown of a President had left him with. Repuglicons, on the other hand, were bitching, as they are now, that the recovery wasn't "fast enough, or big enough", while pretending they hadn't spent the last three years blocking every attempt to speed the recovery up, choosing instead to pass a repeal 52 times that they knew would never be signed into law.

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We were? The wealthiest one percent have seen their net worth skyrocket while the middle class has seen their net worth drop for the first time in 40 years. You call that success?:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
No. I call that Repuglicon "trickle down" economics doing exactly what it was designed to do - make the rich richer. I call that a decade of Repuglicons opposing attempts to create a living wage to strengthen the working class, and suddenly discovering, during this election cycle, that that very same working class makes up a significant demographic of the voting public, so, now they are giving lip service to the people they left out in the cold, hoping they forget that it was Repuglicon policies that created this income inequality in the first place.

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Yet the facts show that the one percenters do far better under Democrat admins than they ever do under repub ones. Why is that? This current administration has raped the middle class and given all of that wealth to the one percenters. Reality doesn't support your propaganda. Just sayin...


You really do pretend that the GOP is preferred for the middle class.

What policy of the current administration has RAPED the middle class?

No, I don't. But facts are facts. Under obama the one percenters have done better than they did under bush or reagan. And by a country mile. Parse words all you want, and attack the messenger all you wish but those are the facts.

Bring your damn facts then, mod.
No one in american society is willing to own up to anything, that's how we got here, it is always someone else's fault. So the best you will ever hear is that "sure we're shitty, but the other guys are shittier". Hell of a system for such an "exceptional" bunch of hominids bombing others for resources and profit.

I agree. Just look at your hero obummer. NOTHING was his fault. Even five years into his reign it was still bushies fault.
Actually, "five years" into his "reign" we were praising Obama for turning around the economic clusterfuck that your Repuglicon clown of a President had left him with. Repuglicons, on the other hand, were bitching, as they are now, that the recovery wasn't "fast enough, or big enough", while pretending they hadn't spent the last three years blocking every attempt to speed the recovery up, choosing instead to pass a repeal 52 times that they knew would never be signed into law.

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We were? The wealthiest one percent have seen their net worth skyrocket while the middle class has seen their net worth drop for the first time in 40 years. You call that success?:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
No. I call that Repuglicon "trickle down" economics doing exactly what it was designed to do - make the rich richer. I call that a decade of Repuglicons opposing attempts to create a living wage to strengthen the working class, and suddenly discovering, during this election cycle, that that very same working class makes up a significant demographic of the voting public, so, now they are giving lip service to the people they left out in the cold, hoping they forget that it was Repuglicon policies that created this income inequality in the first place.

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Yet the facts show that the one percenters do far better under Democrat admins than they ever do under repub ones. Why is that? This current administration has raped the middle class and given all of that wealth to the one percenters. Reality doesn't support your propaganda. Just sayin...
That is utter bullshit. The current administration has done nothing on the economy for 6 years, because the Repuglicon led Congress won't let it. Then Repuglicons have the audacity to point at the President, and say, "Look how little this President cares. He's done nothing to help you!!! "

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Actually, "five years" into his "reign" we were praising Obama for turning around the economic clusterfuck that your Repuglicon clown of a President had left him with. Repuglicons, on the other hand, were bitching, as they are now, that the recovery wasn't "fast enough, or big enough", while pretending they hadn't spent the last three years blocking every attempt to speed the recovery up, choosing instead to pass a repeal 52 times that they knew would never be signed into law.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

We were? The wealthiest one percent have seen their net worth skyrocket while the middle class has seen their net worth drop for the first time in 40 years. You call that success?:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
No. I call that Repuglicon "trickle down" economics doing exactly what it was designed to do - make the rich richer. I call that a decade of Repuglicons opposing attempts to create a living wage to strengthen the working class, and suddenly discovering, during this election cycle, that that very same working class makes up a significant demographic of the voting public, so, now they are giving lip service to the people they left out in the cold, hoping they forget that it was Repuglicon policies that created this income inequality in the first place.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Yet the facts show that the one percenters do far better under Democrat admins than they ever do under repub ones. Why is that? This current administration has raped the middle class and given all of that wealth to the one percenters. Reality doesn't support your propaganda. Just sayin...


You really do pretend that the GOP is preferred for the middle class.

What policy of the current administration has RAPED the middle class?

No, I don't. But facts are facts. Under obama the one percenters have done better than they did under bush or reagan. And by a country mile. Parse words all you want, and attack the messenger all you wish but those are the facts.

What OBAMA policies are you blaming for this???????????
I agree. Just look at your hero obummer. NOTHING was his fault. Even five years into his reign it was still bushies fault.
Actually, "five years" into his "reign" we were praising Obama for turning around the economic clusterfuck that your Repuglicon clown of a President had left him with. Repuglicons, on the other hand, were bitching, as they are now, that the recovery wasn't "fast enough, or big enough", while pretending they hadn't spent the last three years blocking every attempt to speed the recovery up, choosing instead to pass a repeal 52 times that they knew would never be signed into law.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

We were? The wealthiest one percent have seen their net worth skyrocket while the middle class has seen their net worth drop for the first time in 40 years. You call that success?:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
No. I call that Repuglicon "trickle down" economics doing exactly what it was designed to do - make the rich richer. I call that a decade of Repuglicons opposing attempts to create a living wage to strengthen the working class, and suddenly discovering, during this election cycle, that that very same working class makes up a significant demographic of the voting public, so, now they are giving lip service to the people they left out in the cold, hoping they forget that it was Repuglicon policies that created this income inequality in the first place.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Yet the facts show that the one percenters do far better under Democrat admins than they ever do under repub ones. Why is that? This current administration has raped the middle class and given all of that wealth to the one percenters. Reality doesn't support your propaganda. Just sayin...
That is utter bullshit. The current administration has done nothing on the economy for 6 years, because the Repuglicon led Congress won't let it. Then Repuglicons have the audacity to point at the President, and say, "Look how little this President cares. He's done nothing to help you!!! "

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

The first TWO year's obama had carte blanche. He could have passed anything he wanted. Instead he pushed through taxpayer funded payments for his friends and large donors. The next two years he had control of the Senate and arguably the most corrupt politician in the USA at the time (reid) in his pocket. Once again his friends and donors did real well while the rest of us got fucked.

Then, and only then, did he finally lose control of the Senate because the American People had had enough of the butt fucking they were getting. You are long on propaganda and real, real short on facts dude.
Yet the facts show that the one percenters do far better under Democrat admins than they ever do under repub ones. Why is that? This current administration has raped the middle class and given all of that wealth to the one percenters. Reality doesn't support your propaganda. Just sayin...

The reality does not support your propaganda son, the raping and redistribution goes back across the last 5-6 decades and spans "both" parties.

I agree with the both parties aspect. That is absolutely true. However, under so called progressive admins, the wealthiest one percent consistently do better than they do under repub admins. That is a fact.

a) not just because you say so, source it.
b) who cares how well the 1% do?

That's not the/a problem, unless they're doing it at the expense of an economically healthy society over all.

Your partisanshit is a problem when it comes to clarity, mod.

I care because the only way for them to have done this well was for the middle class to suffer. They have, and look at you supporting the wealth gap. I thought you were supposed to be for the "little guy", looks like that isn't true.

You're just making shit up again and assigning categories. It is a 5-6 decade long wealth redistribution scam perpetrated by the entire system. You just can't admit that the "side" you're emotionally attached to is just as bad as the "other" side.

And no one here needs to accept your personal declarations as proof, mod.

My "side" is that of the PEOPLE, moron. I actually care about the little guy, unlike you. I was a firm Sanders supporter till he sold out. Read every post I have made and you will see that to be a fact.
this should be good "CEPEX Center for Excellence in Project Execution will continue to conduct independent polls in the various states leading up to the presidential election this November." We may be in for a long wait on this one :popcorn:

Polling & Analysis

"Results are estimated to be accurate within 7.1 percentage points, 19 times out of 20. According to CEPEX analysis, the error percentage is high due to the results obtained from just one day of polling. Subsequent polling would be required to reduce the error percentage."

careful Who we are some very scary close up shots

Their have been a lot of suspect polls posted by our friends on the right this cycle. Instead of unskewing the polls, they are now just making them up.
Their have been a lot of suspect polls posted by our friends on the right this cycle. Instead of unskewing the polls, they are now just making them up.

Yes, it helps them sleep at night.:woohoo:
If this is true, then it is truly all over for Hillary because the scandals producing this implosion are not just going to go away with another news cycle like Trumps rudeness does.

Breaking Poll: DONALD TRUMP Leads Hillary by 5 Points in Swing State Pennsylvania


Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, August 20, 2016 ( – Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has surged to a 5-point lead over democratic rival Hillary Clinton in the key battleground state of Pennsylvania as per the poll conducted by CEPEX Center for Excellence in Project Execution, on Friday (19th Aug 2016).

Trump leads Clinton 41.9 percent to 36.5 percent, with 21.5 percent voters undecided. Trump’s lead is just inside the margin of error and marks the first time that the Republican candidate is catching up in the traditional stronghold state of the democratic party.
From what I can tell this is the only poll this company has EVER done. They are a management consulting firm specializing in oil/gas resources. But as long as it says the opposite of every other poll how could they be wrong? :rolleyes:
From what I can tell this is the only poll this company has EVER done. They are a management consulting firm specializing in oil/gas resources. But as long as it says the opposite of every other poll how could they be wrong? :rolleyes:
Hey, someone has to break the libtard monopoly on polling.

And to do that, yo gotta start somewhere.
This is just the first state to show her decline...more to come.
Oh, yeah, unlike the silliness about Trumps fake outrages, this Hillary stuff is the real shit; her pay to play, her bribery, her perjury, her criminal associations, etc are far worse.

"I am more concerned about what Hillary has done than by what Trump has said."
The company who conducted the poll has even admitted that the margin of error is 7.1%. That's more than twice the margin of error it should be given the sample size. I give them credit for being upfront though.
The company who conducted the poll has even admitted that the margin of error is 7.1%. That's more than twice the margin of error it should be given the sample size. I give them credit for being upfront though.
Hey, they're noobs; the honesty will wash away in time like the rest of them have.
CEPEX Center for Excellence in Project Execution ?

No, Donald Trump is not leading polls in Pennsylvania

Never heard of this particular polling outfit? That’s probably because they’re not actually a polling outfit at all. CEPEX is a managing consulting firm, specializing in oil and gas, that until last Friday had never conducted a political poll. The firm, based in Canada, released the poll, with the comically high margin of error of 7.1 percent. They slapped it in a press release and it went off and away- even though the poll is clearly highly flawed and nowhere close to the actual facts on the ground.

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