CBS journalist Bob Schieffer admits media handled Obama with kid gloves

The media gave the Rev. Wright story and the birther story 10 times the coverage they deserved.

That's a flat out lie. Oh and Daily Mail broke the story about Obama's mentor.

Know this for true because I was white on rice that morning and forwarded the story to Rush and Hannity.

As I'm sure did others. But don't you dare tell me the MSM covered Obama's mentor. Pedophile mentor. Communist mentor.
Kid gloves?

Are you kidding me?

What about Rev Wright, Saul Alinsky, a Kenyan birth certificate, Bill Ayers, hating America and being a Muslim?

Show me your links with dates. Not kidding. Come on you son of a bitch put it out there where the MSM was front line reporting on Obama.

Can't wait.

Says it is more the opponent's job to vet their other party's candidate

The funniest part of the above is that Howard Kurtz the interviewer went from doing a very neutral, objective media analysis show on CNN, 'Reliable Sources',

to going to Foxnews and in the same format does a rightwing biased partisan hack show called 'Mediabuzz'.

Hilarious irony.
Kid gloves?

Are you kidding me?

What about Rev Wright, Saul Alinsky, a Kenyan birth certificate, Bill Ayers, hating America and being a Muslim?

Show me your links with dates. Not kidding. Come on you son of a bitch put it out there where the MSM was front line reporting on Obama.

Can't wait.

Maybe you missed it because you don't have a television. lol
Kid gloves?

Are you kidding me?

What about Rev Wright, Saul Alinsky, a Kenyan birth certificate, Bill Ayers, hating America and being a Muslim?
How much time did cbs spend on those topics

Let's see if our liberals can come up with the humongous coverage links they are claiming to be true.

Hell's bells one of the worst moments in American journalism was when I was posting on another board and the sons of bitches in the MSM were trying to hide the link between the Fort Hood shooter and radical Islam.

It was crazy. I'm watching the black out from the media and the only ones reporting Major Hassan's past were Brit media.

I put up the story about Hassan a shrink by the way was giving a lecture and talking about pouring burning oil down the throats of infidels and the fucking US media wouldn't report what the Telegraph, DM and Guardian were reporting.

The delay factor was shocking. They were covering up that this shooting was a terrorist act.

Says it is more the opponent's job to vet their other party's candidate

The funniest part of the above is that Howard Kurtz the interviewer went from doing a very neutral, objective media analysis show on CNN, 'Reliable Sources',

to going to Foxnews and in the same format does a rightwing biased partisan hack show called 'Mediabuzz'.

Hilarious irony.

Howard Kurtz? The same son of a bitch who repeated the false story about Bush serving a fake turkey? He did it in an op ed as he was going to Obama's first inauguration.

I've hated the mother fucker ever since. He flat out lied . AGAIN.
Kid gloves?

Are you kidding me?

What about Rev Wright, Saul Alinsky, a Kenyan birth certificate, Bill Ayers, hating America and being a Muslim?

Show me your links with dates. Not kidding. Come on you son of a bitch put it out there where the MSM was front line reporting on Obama.

Can't wait.

Those stories were given the credibility they deserved. That Republicans thought they could beat a charismatic candidate with THOSE lame stories shows how inept they were
The media gave the Rev. Wright story and the birther story 10 times the coverage they deserved.

It was Hillary Clinton's supporters that started the birther story, that is why they covered it.

yep and then they turned around (with their medias help) an put it all on Republican/conservatives/tea party. this bunch in the Democrat party today are nothing but snakes. yet people still support them
Kid gloves?

Are you kidding me?

What about Rev Wright, Saul Alinsky, a Kenyan birth certificate, Bill Ayers, hating America and being a Muslim?

Show me your links with dates. Not kidding. Come on you son of a bitch put it out there where the MSM was front line reporting on Obama.

Can't wait.

Maybe you missed it because you don't have a television. lol

I hunt transcripts daily. From mostly left wing sources by the way. I know which way they lean but I can rely on them telling me the news at least.

BBC, CBC, Daily Mail, France 24, Al Jazeera you name it. US news is bullshit.

Look having been in the entertainment industry I realize that news like music is just filler in between advertisements, but truly whether it's print or electronic media American journalism is DEAD. Gone. Bye bye so sad too bad DEAD.
The media gave the Rev. Wright story and the birther story 10 times the coverage they deserved.

It was Hillary Clinton's supporters that started the birther story, that is why they covered it.
The media gave the Rev. Wright story and the birther story 10 times the coverage they deserved.

It was Hillary Clinton's supporters that started the birther story, that is why they covered it.

No, it wasn't. The story was picked up by the rightwing propaganda machine that was still running with it 4 years later.

The Trump version was 2012, remember?
The forum I was on in 2008 had over 200 threads in one month on Reverend Wright.

Yeah, nobody heard of Reverend Wright. Jesus Christ!
The media gave the Rev. Wright story and the birther story 10 times the coverage they deserved.

It was Hillary Clinton's supporters that started the birther story, that is why they covered it.

yep and then they turned around (with their medias help) an put it all on Republican/conservatives/tea party. this bunch in the Democrat party today are nothing but snakes. yet people still support them

What's really sad Steph is there are so many in the Dem party (btw that I don't even recognize as true Dems anymore) who think Harry Reid is a champ a fucking champ for lying about Romney!

They think Harry Reid is nothing short of the freaking second coming of Alinsky to FLAT OUT LIE about Romney.

I hope when that old bastard dies he burns in hell. Takes the elevator straight down to flames. There are few I truly hate Steph but he's up there on my "I hope die a horrible death and suffer greatly" list. I keep praying for forgiveness as much as I pray for smiting. Just a little smiting Lord.


You know just a few lightning bolts for certain bastards.


Do you know who PunditFact is started and supported by? :) He's a big big Dem donor.

And Foxnews is run by a rightwinger. Does that means everything at Fox can be dismissed as a lie?

Punditfact is so easy to take out. And just a heads up, don't quote the idiots or you will discredit yourself and believe it or not most of the time I think you are pretty credible NYC.

I may not agree with many of your opinions but I do believe you state them from the heart and from what information you have. I respect that.

Now the one to go for is the Washington Post fact checker. I know the paper leans left but this man is solid.

I have never found him to be anything but straight up honest in his analysis even though some times I don't like his findings.
The media gave the Rev. Wright story and the birther story 10 times the coverage they deserved.

It was Hillary Clinton's supporters that started the birther story, that is why they covered it.
The media gave the Rev. Wright story and the birther story 10 times the coverage they deserved.

It was Hillary Clinton's supporters that started the birther story, that is why they covered it.

No, it wasn't. The story was picked up by the rightwing propaganda machine that was still running with it 4 years later.

The Trump version was 2012, remember?

Yes it was.
Birtherism Where it all began - Ben Smith and Byron Tau -
That theory first emerged in the spring of 2008, as Clinton supporters circulated an anonymous email questioning Obama’s citizenship.

“Barack Obama’s mother was living in Kenya with his Arab-African father late in her pregnancy. She was not allowed to travel by plane then, so Barack Obama was born there and his mother then took him to Hawaii to register his birth,” asserted one chain email that surfaced on the urban legend site in April 2008.
Ironically, the birther movement didn’t really take off in earnest until the Obama team tried to debunk it.

In June 2008, National Review conservative blogger Jim Geraghty, after debunking a number of conspiracy theories about Obama floated by fellow conservatives, asked the Obama campaign to “return the favor” and just release his birth certificate to the public to put to rest questions about both Obama’s birth and whether, as enemies claimed, his middle name was “Mohammed.”

A few days later, the Obama campaign did exactly that.

They posted Obama’s certificate of live birth on their “Fight the Smears” website and gave a copy to the liberal website Daily Kos. It was greeted with immediate cries that it was a fake.
It was the left who started it.

The left are so good at propaganda that they turned it into a rightwing thing when it was all started by the left to begin with.
Most people are so gullible.

I can't help it if Trump still believed the Daily Kos 4 years later.

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