CBS News About To Disgrace Itself Over Reporter's Benghazi Role?


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
[The deputy national security agent at State that quite likely drafted the final Benghazi talking points Susan Rice took with her on that infamous Sunday, Ben Rhodes, also wrote Obama's Cairo speech. He's also the brother of the head of CBS News and the qualifications he presented for his current national security job at State was a masters degree in fictional writing. You have to know that CBS is totally in the bag for Comrade Obama as is the rest of the Left Media.
Powerlineblog had an article today that the effects of yestreday's Benghazi hearing would depend almost entirely how the media treated it today. The author said he didn't have too high hopes for that and he's been proven more than correct, the only article Obama bundler Melissa Mayer's yahoo had on its news feed dealing with anything Congress was an article on Congress's pending investigation on the search for alien life.]

"Sharyl Attkisson has distinguished herself with skeptical inquiry into Obama administration stories on Fast and Furious and Benghazigate, and perhaps as a result is reportedly in trouble with her bosses at CBS News. Dylan Byers of Politico reports:

CBS News...has grown increasingly frustrated with Attkisson's Benghazi campaign. CBS News executives see Attkisson wading dangerously close to advocacy on the issue, network sources have told POLITICO. Attkisson can't get some of her stories on the air, and is thus left feeling marginalized and underutilized. That, in part, is why Attkisson is in talks to leave CBS ahead of contract, as POLITICO reported in April.

This leak to Politico by CBS news execs comes in the wake of an admiring profile in the Washington Post of Attkisson, the sort of favorable publicity that is guaranteed to ignite the jealousy of other talent, not merely out of envy but because Attkisson is exposing the rest of the crew as in the bag for the Obama administration.

Recall that CBS's own Bob Schieffer is also openly expressing interest in the evident cover-up underway over Benghazigate, and devoted the first segment of Face the Nation on Sunday to the story. For CBS to crawl even further into the tank in order to rid itself of real journalists using real journalistic skepticism of the powers-that-be would be a self-destructive act. ..........

Perhaps under these circumstances, the CBS honchos are willing to discredit their news operations to protect Obama and progressive machine, since there is a limited future for their own news operations. But there are risks associated with that strategy, particularly since it appears that the Benghazi cover-up is falling apart."

Blog: Will CBS News disgrace itself over Sharyl Attkisson's honest reporting?
CBS is a propaganda machine for the democrat party....they way they treatd Attkisson is disgraceful and show's what a bunch of hacks they are
Personally I wouldn't work with a bunch of partisan hacks, either left or right. She probably knew this would happen.
[The deputy national security agent at State that quite likely drafted the final Benghazi talking points Susan Rice took with her on that infamous Sunday, Ben Rhodes, also wrote Obama's Cairo speech. He's also the brother of the head of CBS News and the qualifications he presented for his current national security job at State was a masters degree in fictional writing. You have to know that CBS is totally in the bag for Comrade Obama as is the rest of the Left Media.
Powerlineblog had an article today that the effects of yestreday's Benghazi hearing would depend almost entirely how the media treated it today. The author said he didn't have too high hopes for that and he's been proven more than correct, the only article Obama bundler Melissa Mayer's yahoo had on its news feed dealing with anything Congress was an article on Congress's pending investigation on the search for alien life.]

"Sharyl Attkisson has distinguished herself with skeptical inquiry into Obama administration stories on Fast and Furious and Benghazigate, and perhaps as a result is reportedly in trouble with her bosses at CBS News. Dylan Byers of Politico reports:

CBS News...has grown increasingly frustrated with Attkisson's Benghazi campaign. CBS News executives see Attkisson wading dangerously close to advocacy on the issue, network sources have told POLITICO. Attkisson can't get some of her stories on the air, and is thus left feeling marginalized and underutilized. That, in part, is why Attkisson is in talks to leave CBS ahead of contract, as POLITICO reported in April.

This leak to Politico by CBS news execs comes in the wake of an admiring profile in the Washington Post of Attkisson, the sort of favorable publicity that is guaranteed to ignite the jealousy of other talent, not merely out of envy but because Attkisson is exposing the rest of the crew as in the bag for the Obama administration.

Recall that CBS's own Bob Schieffer is also openly expressing interest in the evident cover-up underway over Benghazigate, and devoted the first segment of Face the Nation on Sunday to the story. For CBS to crawl even further into the tank in order to rid itself of real journalists using real journalistic skepticism of the powers-that-be would be a self-destructive act. ..........

Perhaps under these circumstances, the CBS honchos are willing to discredit their news operations to protect Obama and progressive machine, since there is a limited future for their own news operations. But there are risks associated with that strategy, particularly since it appears that the Benghazi cover-up is falling apart."

Blog: Will CBS News disgrace itself over Sharyl Attkisson's honest reporting?

Bitterly Clinging Indeed! :D

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