CBS News: “Expect Some Surprises” on Biden’s “Physical Performance” at Next Week’s Debate

Zero doubt about it, considering his campaign just threw in 50 mil. on ads.

What's funny about that, is it's not going to fucking work.
Even funnier, if it had any chance of working they need a live audience. So it's going to fall flat and get boring real fast. They will use it to try to knock Trump off balance but he's going to be ready with something in reply.
I'll have to respectfully disagree.

If Trump sticks to the economy and the border and foreign policy, he'll win.

No matter how many deceptive haymakers Biden and his media lackeys Tapper/Bash throw at him.
Remember, they (the moderators) bushwhacked Romney by jumping into the debate and debating Romney for Obama. They were prepared for Romney to raise that point and bushwhacked him hard while Obama smirked. Do not underestimate the Dem's cheating and rigging of debates.
Breaking: Biden to ride his bike onto the stage and pop a wheely.
They are already letting the cat outta the bag, folks.

The Fake News Media Industrial complex, at the behest of their globalist overlords, are now preparing us for a vivacious and lively Joe Biden.

No doubt he'll be hopped up on adrenochrome, stem cells, and children's blood.

I'm sure he'll also have been fed many of the questions ahead of time Donna Brazile/Hillary Clinton style ala 2016.

But the real story here is they actually possess the temerity and arrogance to just come right out and say this.


In the end?


The border will still be a gaping wide hole bereft of any security whatsoever.

Groceries, mortgages and interest rates will still be sky high.

And the World will still be on the precipice of all out war.

And no one is voting for any of that.

Modafinil, Adderall, Stem Cells, NAD+ injections, Vitamin Drip…..for starters.
Remember, they (the moderators) bushwhacked Romney by jumping into the debate and debating Romney for Obama. They were prepared for Romney to raise that point and bushwhacked him hard while Obama smirked. Do not underestimate the Dem's cheating and rigging of debates.
But Romney was (and is) a weak sauce moron. They can try it all they want but those kind of tactics won't work on Trump.
Trump needs to bring up the diary and the laptop.

And if 'felon' is mentioned, then mention Hunter. Does Joe really want to hear Trump say Hunter's a felon, several times, if necessary? And my alleged crime is a simple bookkeeping matter Hunters is a gun charge while on crack.
The moderators need to do that, but of course that's not going to happen.

No way in hell.

But again, I hate to sound like an MSM stooge (and I really do here on this one so forgive me), but "swing voters" don't care about any of that stuff.

Trump needs to stay focused on economics and border security.

He's dominating Biden on both, and rightfully so.
Modafinil improves memory, and enhances one's mood, alertness and cognitive powers. The drug has a smoother feel than amphetamines and enables the user to stay awake and alert for 40 hours or more. Once the drug wears off, you just have to catch up on some sleep.

100000000000000000000% he will be on Modafinil for the debate.
Breaking: Biden vows to hunt

If a team rushes on stage during the break with an IV bag and a bunch of pills and syringes...what am I saying "if".

I can see it now.

A mysterious thin tube will be trailing from Biden's podium to backstage.

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