CBS News: “Expect Some Surprises” on Biden’s “Physical Performance” at Next Week’s Debate

They are already letting the cat outta the bag, folks.

The Fake News Media Industrial complex, at the behest of their globalist overlords, are now preparing us for a vivacious and lively Joe Biden.

No doubt he'll be hopped up on adrenochrome, stem cells, and children's blood.

I'm sure he'll also have been fed many of the questions ahead of time Donna Brazile/Hillary Clinton style ala 2016.

But the real story here is they actually possess the temerity and arrogance to just come right out and say this.


In the end?


The border will still be a gaping wide hole bereft of any security whatsoever.

Groceries, mortgages and interest rates will still be sky high.

And the World will still be on the precipice of all out war.

And no one is voting for any of that.

They're gonna juice him up with so much Amphetamines and prolly some of Hunters crack he'll be a wired incoherent rambling mess and I'm gonna love to watch
Remember, they (the moderators) bushwhacked Romney by jumping into the debate and debating Romney for Obama. They were prepared for Romney to raise that point and bushwhacked him hard while Obama smirked. Do not underestimate the Dem's cheating and rigging of debates.
There is no doubt that the debate will be Biden and CNN vs Trump.
If Trump just provides brief answers and yields the leftover time to Biden , he will win.
Just let Biden talk, it's all he has to do.
I call it the 'enough rope' theory.
Back in the day, 1980, I used to be a democrat and I watched a debate between Carter and Reagan. Of course back then the country had gone to pot with high inflation and high interest rates and Carter would just go on an attack against Reagan, desperate to say any lies he could that would make Reagan look bad because Carter couldn't talk about how the country was doing. Several times during the debate Reagan would shake his head and say, "There you go again". Even though I was a democrat, I voted for Reagan and I've never looked back.

Back in the day, 1980, I used to be a democrat and I watched a debate between Carter and Reagan. Of course back then the country had gone to pot with high inflation and high interest rates and Carter would just go on an attack against Reagan, desperate to say any lies he could that would make Reagan look bad because Carter couldn't talk about how the country was doing. Several times during the debate Reagan would shake his head and say, "There you go again". Even though I was a democrat, I voted for Reagan and I've never looked back.

God willing, you're about to see a repeat of the 1980 election; in terms of the outcome.
Back in the day, 1980, I used to be a democrat and I watched a debate between Carter and Reagan. Of course back then the country had gone to pot with high inflation and high interest rates and Carter would just go on an attack against Reagan, desperate to say any lies he could that would make Reagan look bad because Carter couldn't talk about how the country was doing. Several times during the debate Reagan would shake his head and say, "There you go again". Even though I was a democrat, I voted for Reagan and I've never looked back.

I remember watching as well. I voted for Anderson in that election.
This may be a positive:

Trump should use the final closing argument to make his case on the issues Americans care about and not whine about stolen elections and witch hunt trials. After he wins he can take Chris Matthew's advice and line them all up in front of a firing squad.

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