CDC Director tests positive for COVID-19

Are you claiming those are not accurate quotes?
I am fairly confident they are accurate but I am a little skeptical, yes.

What I doubt is context. Do you know what context is?

Let's try one. Please link where fauci made that comment...with words before and after the quote in your meme for context.

I looked for that quote and couldn't find it but since it's your claim you may have better luck finding it.
It used to be required to stop infection to be called an effective vaccine. Then they changed that.

It used to be called "vaccine failure" when most of the vaccinated got the disease after being vaccinated. Now it's called "breakthrough" or "rebound" infection.

Yet, there are countless people who still push the same pro-vax narrative, but with lots of excuses.

Two weeks to flatten the curve!
typical leftists response. All her statements are based in truth. ROBERT F. KENNEDY wrote a book about fauci. Did you know that? RFKJr is a democrat.
I didn't know that.

What I do know is fauci is a simply a scientist with no federal authority whatsoever and Trump was the president of the United States. All fauci does is make recommendations. Trump makes the decisions.

Why the heck is she blaming fauci?
I didn't know that.

What I do know is fauci is a simply a scientist with no federal authority whatsoever and Trump was the president of the United States. All fauci does is make recommendations. Trump makes the decisions.

Why the heck is she blaming fauci?
maybe you should read the book. He is not just a scientist. Look him up even on wiki to get some truth. Did you know that he did horrendous medical experiments on beagles and Orphan children? and got away with it. Peta usually makes big splashes alerted no one of any importance on what Fauci was doing to animals..>PETS. Do you know his role in the Aids outbreak years ago? Have you paid attention to his vacillations on the lockdowns, schools, masks, medications, treatments. You'd have to have been keeping up with this for it not to be overwhelming at this point.

Why is she blaming fauci? Because he deserves it.
maybe you should read the book. He is not just a scientist. Look him up even on wiki to get some truth. Did you know that he did horrendous medical experiments on beagles and Orphan children? and got away with it. Peta usually makes big splashes alerted no one of any importance on what Fauci was doing to animals..>PETS. Do you know his role in the Aids outbreak years ago? Have you paid attention to his vacillations on the lockdowns, schools, masks, medications, treatments. You'd have to have been keeping up with this for it not to be overwhelming at this point.

Why is she blaming fauci? Because he deserves it.
He deserves to be blamed for Trump's decisions because he was mean to animals a long time ago?

Lol, yeah run with that logic.
No, its not. It is not a good point at all.

You are pretending that his job ended there. If we ignore the late response and Trumps failures entirely, the CDC still failed.
Did the CDC fail? I think not. Millions of people cowered in their homes....wore dirty masks, children are suffering from school lockdowns, dirty mask wearing, lack of societal development and NOW They're dying from the vaccines at alarming rates and their deaths and the CAUSE is being IGNORED!!! NOW. Trump didn't develop the vaccine. He was advised by a lying depopulationist whose pal in this deal, admitted that they lied to the president. And frankly, if you'd watched the body language of birx and fauci at some of those pressers, you'd probably, if you're an adult with some life experience, recognize the cues for lying and misdirection and actual guilt...if the benefits were far greater. No doubt he had vows of protection from the dems.

Hays told me he decided to create the documentary after reading Kennedy’s book The Real Anthony Fauci and learning about Fauci’s controversial history with the AIDS vaccine. The vast majority of us were introduced to Fauci standing next to then-President Donald Trump in 2020, appearing to be a “likable grandfatherly” person. Kennedy’s fellow Democrats saw him as a refreshing contrast to Trump’s allegedly “anti-science” and “narcissistic bombast.” We had no idea of his background.

Hays said Kennedy developed his skepticism of certain vaccines due to his work as an environmental lawyer. He cleaned up pollution in Hudson Valley, where one of the problems was mercury. Mothers told him that it wasn’t mercury in the water that was causing autism in children, it was mercury in vaccines. He successfully got mercury taken out of most vaccines — except the ones being sent to other parts of the world. He’s currently suing Merck over Gardasil, an HPV vaccine, which he believed was the most dangerous vaccine until the new mRNA vaccines.

Kennedy said in the 1980s Fauci pushed a false mantra that HIV is the sole cause of AIDS. He said HIV was never present in all AIDS cases, and in fact, 50% of those with AIDS in Africa do not have HIV. Fauci pushed a radical, extreme treatment called AZT to treat everyone, but when it was given to people with HIV who had no symptoms, many of them ended up dying.

When scientists and doctors confronted Fauci at an international conference about their patients with AIDS who did not have HIV, he dismissed it as a new disease. He also vilified other treatment options for AIDS, some of which proved successful among patients who appeared close to death. African children, some of who didn’t have HIV, were experimented on with AZT. If they wouldn’t voluntarily take it, AZT was allegedly forcibly given to them in tubes, resulting in some of them dying.

The film goes over Fauci’s flip-flop on wearing masks, and how he originally dismissed them as not working against respiratory illnesses. Masks are referred to as “a symbol of obedience” so people “remain in constant fear.” It’s a “mass psychosis where you keep the entire population in fear that their lives are under attack.”

Mark Crispin Miller, a professor of media studies at NYU, said people believed what they saw on CNN and other mainstream media due to their prestigious reputations. CNN said popular podcast host Joe Rogan took “horse dewormer medication” to misrepresent ivermectin.

The documentary goes so far as to hint that perhaps there was something nefarious going on; since ivermectin has been around for a long time and used to treat ailments, it is now a generic, so pharmaceutical companies can’t make much of a profit from selling it. Ivermectin was once considered as possibly being used to treat cancer, but due to the stigma given to it during COVID-19, that’s now unlikely.

The documentary expresses concern that the COVID-19 vaccine trials were kept secret even though the drug was now mandated. No one could sue pharmaceutical companies for negligence or recklessness. Kennedy believes regulatory agencies collaborated with pharmaceutical companies.

Instead, a “toxic,” potentially dangerous drug was pushed by the government during COVID-19, redeliver. The documentary states that in Zambia, hydroxychloroquine used to be found commonly on store shelves to treat malaria, but in one place they noticed it had been removed and destroyed in a bonfire.

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates is singled out for criticism. Through his Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Gates allegedly steered the World Health Organization away from its traditional role of helping developing countries to a “single preoccupation with vaccines.”

The legendary baseball player Hank Aaron was one of the first people to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, as part of an effort to convince blacks skeptical of it due to the Tuskegee experiment. But 17 days later, he was dead.

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