Celebrate Darwin's birthday Thursday

The only morons that deny evolution are those who don't want to think ... no do they want to admit that we are actually above the other animals. They prefer to be just like the chimps they deny being related to.
I would celebrate that day, but I don't believe in Darwin.

I assure you, he was quite real.

How do I know that he was real? I've never seen him.

Do you believe that Lincoln was real? I'll bet you've never seen him either.

The whole argument that evolution is not science, that it is not proven, etc. is a lot like the early church disputing the ideas of Copernicus. One day, the Creationist and the Earth as the center of the solar system proponents will be seen as of the same ilk. I see them as that now. One day, we all will.
As the years go by, Darwin's theories grow weaker and less relevant

Failed science, did ya?
Nope, passed just fine with an A

But then again, Darwinism isn't really science. Just a quack theory that feeble minded people accept.

Oh, get off of it. Without evolutionary science, biology is meaningless. The evidence is there in the rock, in the very nucleus of the cells of your own body.
Funny thing, Darwin's best theories were not even on evolution, it's just because of the controversy that evolution made him famous. Good going creationists ... you made him famous for only one thing.

Wrong, Kitten. Darwin and Wallace co-authored the Origin of the Species. The theory of evolution and speciation of the animals is the primary subject of that book.
Celebrate Darwin's birthday Thursday

Darwin was one of the world's greatest minds. Discover Magazine has a great set of articles about evolution:

DISCOVER Does Darwin: Special Section on Evolution | Evolution | DISCOVER Magazine

Unfortunately, there are still scientists who believe that humans stopped evolving 50,000 years ago. We must put an end to this 'politically correct' nonsense. All men are NOT created equal.


BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Human evolution is 'speeding up'

Humans have moved into the evolutionary fast lane and are becoming increasingly different, a genetic study suggests.

In the past 5,000 years, genetic change has occurred at a rate roughly 100 times higher than any other period, say scientists in the US.
We celebrate the 12th. of February as Lincoln's birthday, but he also shares the date with another man of equal influence in another field, Charles Darwin.

Darwin 200 years later: Evolution by selection of quotations

"If I were to give an award for the single best idea anyone ever had, I'd give it to Darwin." So wrote philosopher Daniel Dennett in his 1995 book Darwin's Dangerous Idea. "In a single stroke, the idea of evolution by natural selection unifies the realm of life, meaning and purpose with the realm of space and time, cause and effect, mechanism and physical law."

So it did. Darwin is in a class with Copernicus, with Einstein, in short, with the great scientific thinkers of the ages.

You have got to be kidding me. The man who said we evolved from Apes!!.
Well sir, you white people may have descended from Ape like creatures, but I and
other Blacks were created by the One true God.

give an award to the People who are trying to bring "Intelligent design" into the public and
private schools.
Charles Darwin only left us with an unproven theory.And that theory has many gaps
and unanswered questions.

I accept intelligent design only.Not any Ape, or Monkey gene descendent theory.!

LOL. But we both share 95+% of our genetic inheritance with chimpanzees.
Therefore, the 600 Darwin Dissenters represent about 0.054% of the estimated 1,108,100 biological and geological scientists in the US in 1999. In addition, a large fraction of the Darwin Dissenters have specialties unrelated to research on evolution; of the dissenters, three-quarters are not biologists.[133] Therefore, the roughly 150 biologist Darwin Dissenters represent about 0.0157% of the US biologists that existed in 1999. "[/COLOR]

I had a debate with a creationist and he kept quoting the usual creationist claptrap from a doctor and I did a little digging and found out the "expert" was a friggin foot doctor.

thanks for sharing
We celebrate the 12th. of February as Lincoln's birthday, but he also shares the date with another man of equal influence in another field, Charles Darwin.

Darwin 200 years later: Evolution by selection of quotations

"If I were to give an award for the single best idea anyone ever had, I'd give it to Darwin." So wrote philosopher Daniel Dennett in his 1995 book Darwin's Dangerous Idea. "In a single stroke, the idea of evolution by natural selection unifies the realm of life, meaning and purpose with the realm of space and time, cause and effect, mechanism and physical law."

So it did. Darwin is in a class with Copernicus, with Einstein, in short, with the great scientific thinkers of the ages.

You have got to be kidding me. The man who said we evolved from Apes!!.
Well sir, you white people may have descended from Ape like creatures, but I and
other Blacks were created by the One true God.

give an award to the People who are trying to bring "Intelligent design" into the public and
private schools.
Charles Darwin only left us with an unproven theory.And that theory has many gaps
and unanswered questions.

I accept intelligent design only.Not any Ape, or Monkey gene descendent theory.!

Without the science that supports evolution, man would still be living in caves. Science accepts evolution and only the lunatic fringe thinks creationism is a scientific theory that explains anything other than their extreme gullibility.

One correction: Evolution does NOT say that man evolved from apes. It says man and apes share a common ancestor. It is amazing how folks like you can criticize a theory you obviously know nothing about.
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We celebrate the 12th. of February as Lincoln's birthday, but he also shares the date with another man of equal influence in another field, Charles Darwin.

Darwin 200 years later: Evolution by selection of quotations

So it did. Darwin is in a class with Copernicus, with Einstein, in short, with the great scientific thinkers of the ages.

You have got to be kidding me. The man who said we evolved from Apes!!.
Well sir, you white people may have descended from Ape like creatures, but I and
other Blacks were created by the One true God.

give an award to the People who are trying to bring "Intelligent design" into the public and
private schools.
Charles Darwin only left us with an unproven theory.And that theory has many gaps
and unanswered questions.

I accept intelligent design only.Not any Ape, or Monkey gene descendent theory.!

Without the science that supports evolution, man would still be living in caves.
So before Darwin's so called discoverys in the 1800's man was still living in caves?

Man was out of caves long. long before there was the field of science :lol:
Darwin tried to remove God from mans creation,which is what a lot of scientist are trying to do.
As I said it is nothing but an unproven theory.
Darwin tried to remove God from mans creation,which is what a lot of scientist are trying to do.
As I said it is nothing but an unproven theory.
Many people seen to forget that even scientists call it the "Theory" of Evolution
You have got to be kidding me. The man who said we evolved from Apes!!.
Well sir, you white people may have descended from Ape like creatures, but I and
other Blacks were created by the One true God.

give an award to the People who are trying to bring "Intelligent design" into the public and
private schools.
Charles Darwin only left us with an unproven theory.And that theory has many gaps
and unanswered questions.

I accept intelligent design only.Not any Ape, or Monkey gene descendent theory.!

Hilarious! Intelligent Design is not even an argument, it bascially says: "The world is soooo crazy, there's no way it could've just evolved."

Basically, the odds seem long to us humans so ergo it is untrue.

AN unproven theory? With supporting evidence? Matched against what? An old book?
Think things through more slowly, and really go where logic takes you - even if it feels funny.
Darwin tried to remove God from mans creation,which is what a lot of scientist are trying to do.
As I said it is nothing but an unproven theory.

Darwin offered an hypothesis about our origin, it's not about 'removing God' - though, if God exists, the more scientific discovery that is made will only add more proof to His existence... however it always seems to go in the opposite direction.

Why do youthink God made the dinosaurs first? Why did he choose that form of life to rule creation first? Humans are okay as his second choice I suppose, though we're really mucking the place up.

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