Celebrate Darwin's birthday Thursday

I am a religious man.

So I have alot of Faith.

But to believe in Evolution requires far more Faith than I can come up with.

Snnuidiot ... you have no faith, all you have is hatred and use anything to justify the hatred ... even stupid arguments.

Here's another angle for those who keep insisting evolution is just theory. The flu virus. Ever wonder why they keep changing? It's called evolution. The original doesn't die off, why, because evolution uses a successful branch to make more successful branches, otherwise it would be prepetuating a failed branch. There is so much more to the field that if I knew more I wouldn't be able to post it all here. I know the mechanics of it, it's a small portion of the scientific field. As with all scientific fields nutjobs like to resist advancement (they did with electricity, the same ones even, and called it satanism at one time). Without evolutionary science we wouldn't have flu vaccines or any of our other vaccines for that matter.

When viruses move beyond the effectiveness of innoculations, they are not evolving; they are adapting.
Allah is no more true than the christian one.

In as much as we're referring to Islam, Allah is the Christian one as well as the Jewish one.

But maybe worth pointing out is that "Allah" is the Arabic word for God and has been used for other gods that preceded the Abrahamic faiths altogether.

Have you ever considered removing that Bill Maher quote from your sig or maybe adding "and either do I" to the end? Every time I've read one of your posts on religion the irony nearly knocks me out of my chair.

Um .. sarcasm and humor is a lost art. It must suck to grow up in a generation that doesn't know what those are.

So nothing on algorithms huh? I work with some very smart programmers every day I was hoping to run your answer by them... oh well.

So humor is a lost art... huh?. I don't know, that was a pretty funny response to being pwned. Maybe you should toss in a smiley of some sort to kinda indicate you were joking, otherwise people might not be able to "get" the humor when you make your uninformed statements.

I don't know what to say KK, more and more you just come across as a very sad shell of a human being to me. I'll pray for you.
Listening to the radio on the way home tonight, I heard the host make the comment that only four out of ten Americans accept evolution.

How can that be?

Have our schools totally failed to teach science to 60% of the students, or was that figure pulled out of thin air?
Irregardless of What you people say, The Earth is still a planet that was Intelligently designed by God,
and did not just spring up randomly, with Humans evolving from Apes, or Ape like creatures.
Human DNA, is sequenced with a repeating order that creates a pattern.

It is not based on random selection, the DNA has a repeating pattern!!.This indicates a Higher intelligence.!

If we evolved from Apes, then why are Apes and Chipnazies still walking around the jungle?.
The Sun the Earth the Air we breathe and plants and Animals on the Earth were all intelligently designed by the one true God.
The Earth and every thing on Earth is part of a system that promotes life,existence.
There is no evolving from lower froms, the intelligence was there from the get go!!.
Human innovation and creativity is a result of Gods innovation and God's creativity, that has been instilled in us all!, that did not evovle from any Apes!!

This believer believes, among other things, that one has to be an complete idiot to believe the above.
I am a religious man.

So I have alot of Faith.

But to believe in Evolution requires far more Faith than I can come up with.

Snnuidiot ... you have no faith, all you have is hatred and use anything to justify the hatred ... even stupid arguments.

Here's another angle for those who keep insisting evolution is just theory. The flu virus. Ever wonder why they keep changing? It's called evolution. The original doesn't die off, why, because evolution uses a successful branch to make more successful branches, otherwise it would be prepetuating a failed branch. There is so much more to the field that if I knew more I wouldn't be able to post it all here. I know the mechanics of it, it's a small portion of the scientific field. As with all scientific fields nutjobs like to resist advancement (they did with electricity, the same ones even, and called it satanism at one time). Without evolutionary science we wouldn't have flu vaccines or any of our other vaccines for that matter.

When viruses move beyond the effectiveness of innoculations, they are not evolving; they are adapting.

When you say something stupid, it's not funny, it's humorous.
Listening to the radio on the way home tonight, I heard the host make the comment that only four out of ten Americans accept evolution.

How can that be?

Have our schools totally failed to teach science to 60% of the students, or was that figure pulled out of thin air?

I've heard similar stats before. That is a disturbing thought, isn't it? In a time when we need to be stressing science education in schools, some idiots want to dumb down our kids by teaching creationism as science.
I am a religious man.

So I have alot of Faith.

But to believe in Evolution requires far more Faith than I can come up with.

Snnuidiot ... you have no faith, all you have is hatred and use anything to justify the hatred ... even stupid arguments.

Here's another angle for those who keep insisting evolution is just theory. The flu virus. Ever wonder why they keep changing? It's called evolution. The original doesn't die off, why, because evolution uses a successful branch to make more successful branches, otherwise it would be prepetuating a failed branch. There is so much more to the field that if I knew more I wouldn't be able to post it all here. I know the mechanics of it, it's a small portion of the scientific field. As with all scientific fields nutjobs like to resist advancement (they did with electricity, the same ones even, and called it satanism at one time). Without evolutionary science we wouldn't have flu vaccines or any of our other vaccines for that matter.

When viruses move beyond the effectiveness of innoculations, they are not evolving; they are adapting.

Um .. you do realize that adaptation is actually a part of evolution, though I think it's more accurate to say a technique of the evolutionary process.
Listening to the radio on the way home tonight, I heard the host make the comment that only four out of ten Americans accept evolution.

How can that be?

Have our schools totally failed to teach science to 60% of the students, or was that figure pulled out of thin air?

I've heard similar stats before. That is a disturbing thought, isn't it? In a time when we need to be stressing science education in schools, some idiots want to dumb down our kids by teaching creationism as science.

It does explain the huge lack of understanding the sciences involved though.
In as much as we're referring to Islam, Allah is the Christian one as well as the Jewish one.

But maybe worth pointing out is that "Allah" is the Arabic word for God and has been used for other gods that preceded the Abrahamic faiths altogether.

Have you ever considered removing that Bill Maher quote from your sig or maybe adding "and either do I" to the end? Every time I've read one of your posts on religion the irony nearly knocks me out of my chair.

Um .. sarcasm and humor is a lost art. It must suck to grow up in a generation that doesn't know what those are.

So nothing on algorithms huh? I work with some very smart programmers every day I was hoping to run your answer by them... oh well.

So humor is a lost art... huh?. I don't know, that was a pretty funny response to being pwned. Maybe you should toss in a smiley of some sort to kinda indicate you were joking, otherwise people might not be able to "get" the humor when you make your uninformed statements.

I don't know what to say KK, more and more you just come across as a very sad shell of a human being to me. I'll pray for you.

Um ... go back to school ... really. But make sure you find a different one this time.
Listening to the radio on the way home tonight, I heard the host make the comment that only four out of ten Americans accept evolution.

How can that be?


Evolution is basically a form of science fiction.

It is a weak theory that has more holes in it than a piece of swiss cheese.

People are just to smart to accept such a crack pot idea based on pseudo science.

Evolution is for people who believe that crystals can heal by vibration and other such nonsense.
If we evolved from Apes, then why are Apes and Chipnazies still walking around the jungle?.

because we didn't evolve from apes you insufferable nincompoop.

that's just bible thumping rhetoric jerry falwell ordered you to think.

humans and chimps are evolved from similar primate ancestors, we're like distant cousins at best. But chimps didn't give birth to human-like babies you moron!:lol:
Listening to the radio on the way home tonight, I heard the host make the comment that only four out of ten Americans accept evolution.

How can that be?


Evolution is basically a form of science fiction.

It is a weak theory that has more holes in it than a piece of swiss cheese.

People are just to smart to accept such a crack pot idea based on pseudo science.

Evolution is for people who believe that crystals can heal by vibration and other such nonsense.

Do you have anything to back up your opinion? Anything at all?

Or, are you just repeating what you've heard someone else say?
Here's an interesting new story about one of our now extinct cousins in the family tree Homo

About 38,000 years ago, a Neanderthal man living in what's now Croatia broke his left arm, forcing him to use his other arm for most tasks. That increased the mass and density of the bone in the upper right arm, and preserved his DNA for researchers — using a dentist's drill — to recover many millennia later.

Svante Paabo, a geneticist at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, and his team of researchers announced their achievement Thursday, on the 200th anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin.

"We really need to compare ourselves with our closest relatives," Paabo said. "They're not very different from us."

By contrasting the two genomes, scientists hope to discover "what makes humans human, and what makes modern humans the way they are?"

How were they like us, how were they different? Why did they disappear? Did our ancestors and theirs interbreed? Fascinating questions, and we're beginning to explore the answers, thanks to modern science.
It's amazing we're not still using leeches and casting out demons with all of these "feeble-minded" biologists wandering around this country.:lol:

well, we are using leeches, but that'sok. ;)

in terms of evolution, though, it took 300 years for them to accept copernicus' theory that the earth revolves around the sun.
It's amazing we're not still using leeches and casting out demons with all of these "feeble-minded" biologists wandering around this country.:lol:

well, we are using leeches, but that'sok. ;)

in terms of evolution, though, it took 300 years for them to accept copernicus' theory that the earth revolves around the sun.

We're about half way to 300 years since the Origin of the Species, and about half of the population has accepted it, so I guess we're on track. I though science would be more accepted now than it was during the Middle Ages, though.
It's amazing we're not still using leeches and casting out demons with all of these "feeble-minded" biologists wandering around this country.:lol:

well, we are using leeches, but that'sok. ;)

in terms of evolution, though, it took 300 years for them to accept copernicus' theory that the earth revolves around the sun.

We're about half way to 300 years since the Origin of the Species, and about half of the population has accepted it, so I guess we're on track. I though science would be more accepted now than it was during the Middle Ages, though.

Well ... you thought wrong. Fact of the matter is that there are still a lot of religious nutjobs resisting scientific advancements of all sorts. A lesser known group is actually trying to end our space program .. and not because it's been wasting a lot of money lately (which would be a sound complaint) but because they think it goes against their gods wishes. Some even resisted the use of computers, many even still think medicine is evil. It's sad really, that there are still so many who resist change out of nothing but fear.
Darwin's theory is ,just that a theory.
God is Black.He created man in his own immage.The Black race, Africa is the original Garden of Eden.
White people came afterwards. The White race was created by a black mad scientist named Jacob, in
Africa, about 200,000.00 years ago.They would not Obey, his rules, thus they were driven out of Africa, to Europe, which also had a climate more suitable for White skin.
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well, we are using leeches, but that'sok. ;)

in terms of evolution, though, it took 300 years for them to accept copernicus' theory that the earth revolves around the sun.

We're about half way to 300 years since the Origin of the Species, and about half of the population has accepted it, so I guess we're on track. I though science would be more accepted now than it was during the Middle Ages, though.

Well ... you thought wrong. Fact of the matter is that there are still a lot of religious nutjobs resisting scientific advancements of all sorts. A lesser known group is actually trying to end our space program .. and not because it's been wasting a lot of money lately (which would be a sound complaint) but because they think it goes against their gods wishes. Some even resisted the use of computers, many even still think medicine is evil. It's sad really, that there are still so many who resist change out of nothing but fear.

We do know a lot more now than we did during Copernicus' time, but Mark Twain summed it up best:

"It's not so much what we don't know, as it is what we do know t hat ain't so."

I hadn't heard of anyone resisting space travel because of their "god's wishes". That's a new one on me, but it does make sense. We are traveling in the "heavens", after all.

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