Celebrating Robert E. Lee's Birthday Today Brings Out Southern Pride And Patriotism

What a great day to be a southerner as we celebrate a great man in the name of Robert E. Lee. Today tens of millions of Americans are showing their southern pride and patriotism across America. Robert E. Lee was a true gentleman who loved his heritage as he fought for states rights.

I pissed on a confederate flag and burned a portrait of Lee to commemorate the day.
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What a great day to be a southerner as we celebrate a great man in the name of Robert E. Lee. Today tens of millions of Americans are showing their southern pride and patriotism across America. Robert E. Lee was a true gentleman who loved his heritage as he fought for states rights.

I pissed on a confederate flag and burned a portrait of Lee to commemorate the day.

Isn't that the way it is supposed to be celebrated?
jake got caught in yet another lie and has run away with his tail between his legs.

smart choice. avoid further embarrassment.
..... tens of millions of Americans .....


This crap is just like the excrement trannysteve posts.

There are racists, like the KKK/Westboro scum that posts here, but most Americans despise this kind of mindless hate. Most Americans value our Constitution and believe ALL Americans deserve equality.
How about we call it what it really is ...

The Confederate Battle Flag is one of the more handsome flags, far better looking than the masonic dish rag.
It did. It always amuses me that these yokels don't even know the REAL confederate flag(s). So much for it being about "heritage". If it were, they'd know.

Explain why the
is so offensive to blacks if it doesn't represent the Confederacy and southern pride?

But the fact is, this flag is NOT the "Confederate Flag." It is the "Battle Flag of Northern Virginia." This design, however, is the one most synonymous with the term, and the one used in various forms on many of the other flags that were flown by the Confederate States. It is also the one most hated by those who are completely and totally ignorant of what it stands for.

This is the TRUE Confederate flag"


It is offensive because the klan flew it while they were burning down their houses

I recall they flew this one, as well...

No it was more about money. More specifically issues on taxes, tariffs, internal improvements and states rights vs federal rights of which slavery was a part of.

But go ahead and remain ignorant.

Here we go again folks...

The Civil War was about States Rights....A States Right to allow slavery
The Civil War was about economics......An economy built on slavery

As I said, go ahead and remain ignorant.

You give him too much credit. He is not ignorant...he is STUPID!
What Southern pride?

That you fought a war to prove you were better than the slaves and lost?

Not to mention that Robert E. Lee was a traitor to this nation and that slavery was reprehensible and disgusting.

No, he was not.

Flying the stars and bars SHOULD be a crime.

Yes, yes, yes, we all KNOW you're a wanna-be tyrant. Kindly fuck off now.


I won't fuck off.

What are you going to do about it?

Cry? :cool:
Slaves were about three times as expensive as a good horse. So in that aspect you are correct. However the South seceded over their rights to enslave an entire race of people.

I guess the black slave owners wanted that too.

Believe it or not there were sellouts back then as well as now. Also not all Black slave owners wanted this. Most black slave owners owned family members to keep them from being claimed by white southerners.

They were sell outs because they were free. Got it!

And no blacks slave owners didn't own family dumbass!
Yes, recognized and protected. That has little bearing on whether or not others own slaves. You seem to fall for the typical fallacy that sicne the C.C protected the institution (as it was viewed as private property of the time), that means that every confederacy state MUST own slaves. The slave trade was already dying. Right along with slavery the world over. It would have ended on its own, as many confederates believed. The difference is, the confederacy didnt want congress deciding for everyone that it ends by force. (a fuckin' oxymoron if one ever existed).

The confederates had no intention of allowing slavery to extinguish itself.

90% of every dollar was directly or indirectly tied up with the cotton industry, which rested on slavery.

And any day that slavery existed in North America was an extra day of sordid infamy.

Fake, i realize you're a dumb fuck, but technology was already creating the conditions for outdating slave labor. Whether the confederacy liked it or not, it was well established that slavery was a dying institution.

It would have collapsed by 1880. Of course...ending it could have been done WITHOUT shredding the Constitution, killing 600,000+ people, and destroying half the country. But no, dishonest Abe wouldn't think of it!
If the Civil War was fought, as you claim, over state's rights, why did the constitution of the CSA not support state's rights?

In fact, that constitution allowed no state the right to emancipate slaves. In fact, no state could even be admitted into the CSA unless it agreed to maintain slavery always.

And the idea of a state's right to secede was specifically and emphatically denied by that constitution.

Dude, you really need to read a history book.

Did you know that Gen. Ulysses Grant owned slaves even after the war? And he didn't free them until the 13th Amendment was passed.

Bottom line the war was fought over money.

Slaves were about three times as expensive as a good horse. So in that aspect you are correct. However the South seceded over their rights to enslave an entire race of people.

Your ancestors told you this?
Explain why the
is so offensive to blacks if it doesn't represent the Confederacy and southern pride?

But the fact is, this flag is NOT the "Confederate Flag." It is the "Battle Flag of Northern Virginia." This design, however, is the one most synonymous with the term, and the one used in various forms on many of the other flags that were flown by the Confederate States. It is also the one most hated by those who are completely and totally ignorant of what it stands for.

This is the TRUE Confederate flag"


It is offensive because the klan flew it while they were burning down their houses

I recall they flew this one, as well...


You 'recall' wrong.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JLjrfdstX4]KKK Has A Rally In Nahunta, GA Waving Confederate Flags - HIPHOPNEWS24-7.COM - YouTube[/ame]

They also used the Nazi salute.
more lies and once again jake can't produce the post....because it doesn't exist he knows i attacked his lie, not his position
Since there was no lie, you are lying about not attacking my position.

Every day in every way when you post you validate my sig.

Are you literate? If so...did you actually READ THE FUCKING POST you are babbling about?!?! God and goddess, dickhead, are you truly THIS FUCKING STUPID?!?!
The confederates had no intention of allowing slavery to extinguish itself.

90% of every dollar was directly or indirectly tied up with the cotton industry, which rested on slavery.

And any day that slavery existed in North America was an extra day of sordid infamy.

Fake, i realize you're a dumb fuck, but technology was already creating the conditions for outdating slave labor. Whether the confederacy liked it or not, it was well established that slavery was a dying institution.

It would have collapsed by 1880. Of course...ending it could have been done WITHOUT shredding the Constitution, killing 600,000+ people, and destroying half the country. But no, dishonest Abe wouldn't think of it!

Well most of the dead Johnny Rebs made good fertilizer..

You know..like shit does.

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