Celebrating Robert E. Lee's Birthday Today Brings Out Southern Pride And Patriotism

It is offensive because the klan flew it while they were burning down their houses

I recall they flew this one, as well...


You 'recall' wrong.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JLjrfdstX4]KKK Has A Rally In Nahunta, GA Waving Confederate Flags - HIPHOPNEWS24-7.COM - YouTube[/ame]

They also used the Nazi salute.

It's a known fact that the KKK is a Democratic founded organization and many were from the South.
Jarlaxle, read your own post, son. When you are able to provide worthy evidence, then I can rebut with such. But worthless opinions, such as yours, deserve nothing in rebuttal.
Lee's strategy lost the South their bid for independence. He should have taken a lesson from Gen. Washington who knew that his greatest challenge was not victory on the battlefield but in maintaining a fighting force that would eventually wear down the will of the North to continue to fight. Instead he was responsible for death and dishonor.

He lacked the resources to do so and knew it...his best hope (and he came VERY close to pulling it off) was to win the PR fight and cause Lincoln and/or the Republicans to get booted in the 1862 or 1864 elections.

I disagree in that they needed support(resources) from a foreign country. After his humiliating defeat at Gettysburg those chances faded away.

That would have worked...and his invasions of the North succeeding could have (in addition to disrupting the Union's supply lines by occupying the railroad hubs in southern Pennsylvania) managed that. Recognition by the British or French would have been the best...but wholesale Congressional turnover would also have worked well enough.
It is offensive because the klan flew it while they were burning down their houses

I recall they flew this one, as well...


You 'recall' wrong.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JLjrfdstX4]KKK Has A Rally In Nahunta, GA Waving Confederate Flags - HIPHOPNEWS24-7.COM - YouTube[/ame]

They also used the Nazi salute.

Just to be clear: Is it your contention that the KKK NEVER flew the American flag?
Jarlaxle, read your own post, son. When you are able to provide worthy evidence, then I can rebut with such. But worthless opinions, such as yours, deserve nothing in rebuttal.

Jakethefake to English translation: having been caught lying yet again, I will resort to flinging feces and attempting to distract, as usual.
Jarlaxle, read your own post, son. When you are able to provide worthy evidence, then I can rebut with such. But worthless opinions, such as yours, deserve nothing in rebuttal.

Jakethefake to English translation: having been caught lying yet again, I will resort to flinging feces and attempting to distract, as usual.

Translation: Jarlaxle hates so much being caught out as someone with nothing of worth to say. It is what is.
More projection, boy.

You DO understand that most people here are laughing at you, right?
Dumb Fuck Think: If you believe in state's rights, you hate black people, love the KKK, and want the return of slavery.

Only a big government loving statist would believe such crap.

Is it any wonder liberty and the rule of law are declining in America, while government tyranny gets ever more evident, with so many dunces walking around.
I guess the black slave owners wanted that too.

Believe it or not there were sellouts back then as well as now. Also not all Black slave owners wanted this. Most black slave owners owned family members to keep them from being claimed by white southerners.

They were sell outs because they were free. Got it!

And no blacks slave owners didn't own family dumbass!

They ones that were sellouts was specifically because they enslaved their own people for profit under the white mans system.

Yes dumbass. Many free black slave owners (you hill billies try and count as real slave owners) bought their own family members in order to protect them. Your denial is not sufficient enough to refute that. Why would they not attempt to protect their family and friends? Are you retarded or something?


It is reasonable to assume that the 42 percent of the free black slave owners who owned just one slave probably owned a family member to protect that person, as did many of the other black slave owners who owned only slightly larger numbers of slaves.
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Believe it or not there were sellouts back then as well as now. Also not all Black slave owners wanted this. Most black slave owners owned family members to keep them from being claimed by white southerners.

They were sell outs because they were free. Got it!

And no blacks slave owners didn't own family dumbass!

They ones that were sellouts was specifically because they enslaved their own people for profit under the white mans system.

Yes dumbass. Many free black slave owners (you hill billies try and count as real slave owners) bought their own family members in order to protect them. Your denial is not sufficient enough to refute that.

Did Black People Own Slaves? | American Renaissance

It is reasonable to assume that the 42 percent of the free black slave owners who owned just one slave probably owned a family member to protect that person, as did many of the other black slave owners who owned only slightly larger numbers of slaves.

Assumptions and probabilities are not facts.
They were sell outs because they were free. Got it!

And no blacks slave owners didn't own family dumbass!

They ones that were sellouts was specifically because they enslaved their own people for profit under the white mans system.

Yes dumbass. Many free black slave owners (you hill billies try and count as real slave owners) bought their own family members in order to protect them. Your denial is not sufficient enough to refute that.

Did Black People Own Slaves? | American Renaissance

It is reasonable to assume that the 42 percent of the free black slave owners who owned just one slave probably owned a family member to protect that person, as did many of the other black slave owners who owned only slightly larger numbers of slaves.

Assumptions and probabilities are not facts.

Your assumptions are not fact nor logical. What kind of dumbass thinks that most Blacks are going to buy other slaves to exploit when their families are enslaved?

Here is just one fact. Stop being intellectually lazy and look it up instead of assuming. You cant possible be that stupid can you?

William Ellison - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It took Ellison time to buy his family out of slavery and try to secure their freedom, not only to earn the money but to work his ways around laws designed to prevent such manumissions. He likely would have first tried to purchase and free his wife, to prevent more of their children from being born into slavery.

They even concocted laws to make it hard for free blacks to buy their families and free them so we know it was a common thing that frightened the hill billies into making laws.

For many free blacks, being forced to hold their relatives as property put them at risk. In hard times, property, including slaves, could be confiscated or put up for forced sale to settle debts of an individual
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The confederates had no intention of allowing slavery to extinguish itself.

90% of every dollar was directly or indirectly tied up with the cotton industry, which rested on slavery.

And any day that slavery existed in North America was an extra day of sordid infamy.

Fake, i realize you're a dumb fuck, but technology was already creating the conditions for outdating slave labor. Whether the confederacy liked it or not, it was well established that slavery was a dying institution.

It would have collapsed by 1880. Of course...ending it could have been done WITHOUT shredding the Constitution, killing 600,000+ people, and destroying half the country. But no, dishonest Abe wouldn't think of it!

So the states seceded, wrote a constitution requiring all it's member states (and future states) to allow slavery, and it is Lincoln's fault that 600,000 died?
They ones that were sellouts was specifically because they enslaved their own people for profit under the white mans system.

Yes dumbass. Many free black slave owners (you hill billies try and count as real slave owners) bought their own family members in order to protect them. Your denial is not sufficient enough to refute that.

Did Black People Own Slaves? | American Renaissance

Assumptions and probabilities are not facts.

Your assumptions are not fact nor logical. What kind of dumbass thinks that most Blacks are going to buy other slaves to exploit when their families are enslaved?

Here is just one fact. Stop being intellectually lazy and look it up instead of assuming. You cant possible be that stupid can you?

William Ellison - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It took Ellison time to buy his family out of slavery and try to secure their freedom, not only to earn the money but to work his ways around laws designed to prevent such manumissions. He likely would have first tried to purchase and free his wife, to prevent more of their children from being born into slavery.

They even concocted laws to make it hard for free blacks to buy their families and free them so we know it was a common thing that frightened the hill billies into making laws.

For many free blacks, being forced to hold their relatives as property put them at risk. In hard times, property, including slaves, could be confiscated or put up for forced sale to settle debts of an individual

I'm not the one throwing out assumptions. Everything I have stated is fact.

Wikipedia isn't a good source.

No we don't know it was a common thing. That is another assumption.

If you want to hang your hat on assumptions go right ahead.
Fake, i realize you're a dumb fuck, but technology was already creating the conditions for outdating slave labor. Whether the confederacy liked it or not, it was well established that slavery was a dying institution.

It would have collapsed by 1880. Of course...ending it could have been done WITHOUT shredding the Constitution, killing 600,000+ people, and destroying half the country. But no, dishonest Abe wouldn't think of it!

So the states seceded, wrote a constitution requiring all it's member states (and future states) to allow slavery, and it is Lincoln's fault that 600,000 died?

Assumptions and probabilities are not facts.

Your assumptions are not fact nor logical. What kind of dumbass thinks that most Blacks are going to buy other slaves to exploit when their families are enslaved?

Here is just one fact. Stop being intellectually lazy and look it up instead of assuming. You cant possible be that stupid can you?

William Ellison - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They even concocted laws to make it hard for free blacks to buy their families and free them so we know it was a common thing that frightened the hill billies into making laws.

For many free blacks, being forced to hold their relatives as property put them at risk. In hard times, property, including slaves, could be confiscated or put up for forced sale to settle debts of an individual

I'm not the one throwing out assumptions. Everything I have stated is fact.

Wikipedia isn't a good source.

No we don't know it was a common thing. That is another assumption.

If you want to hang your hat on assumptions go right ahead.

Because you say something doesn't make it a fact. Produce a link that says Black slave owners did not buy their family members to protect them from slavery. I've produced facts that say they did. If you cant do that I accept that as you conceding your point.
I recall they flew this one, as well...


You 'recall' wrong.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JLjrfdstX4]KKK Has A Rally In Nahunta, GA Waving Confederate Flags - HIPHOPNEWS24-7.COM - YouTube[/ame]

They also used the Nazi salute.

It's a known fact that the KKK is a Democratic founded organization and many were from the South.

Okay..you should be disavowing them..and the South during the Civil war.

Your assumptions are not fact nor logical. What kind of dumbass thinks that most Blacks are going to buy other slaves to exploit when their families are enslaved?

Here is just one fact. Stop being intellectually lazy and look it up instead of assuming. You cant possible be that stupid can you?

William Ellison - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They even concocted laws to make it hard for free blacks to buy their families and free them so we know it was a common thing that frightened the hill billies into making laws.

I'm not the one throwing out assumptions. Everything I have stated is fact.

Wikipedia isn't a good source.

No we don't know it was a common thing. That is another assumption.

If you want to hang your hat on assumptions go right ahead.

Because you say something doesn't make it a fact. Produce a link that says Black slave owners did not buy their family members to protect them from slavery. I've produced facts that say they did. If you cant do that I accept that as you conceding your point.

Can't prove a negative.

No you produced assumptions and probabilities not facts. A Wikipedia entry doesn't quite cut it.

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