Cenk Uygur of Young Turks Purged From Progressive Org For Remarks Made 18 Years Ago


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I think Cenk is funny, whether intentional or not, but he does have a right to his opinions and free speech, so hey I have enjoyed his Young Turks many times over the last few years despite it being so liberal I have gotten nose bleeds from it, lol..

But some conservative website has collected a bunch of Cenks old posts and blog material and smeared him with it, knowing surely that this libtard doesnt agree with that crap any more.

But these conservative propagandists got the results that they were looking for, the SJWs have purged Cenk from the "justice Democrats" despite the length of time since he made the remarks, or his apology and explanation or his work since to advance the cause of Social Justice

For these Social justice Nazis, there is no such thing as repent and forgive. If you have ever had a verbotten comment on anything it can come back to haunt you till the day you die, literally.

That is liberalism today my friends, as unliberal as you can possibly imagine.

“Young Turks” co-host Cenk Uygur CONFIRMS his racist, sexist remarks — then blames it on being “a Republican”

Progressive Group Ousts Cenk Uygur Over Past Sexist Writing | HuffPost

Keep fighting for what you believe in Cenk. You seem to be an honest heart looking for a real way to build a just society and I hope you find it, but it is not with the Marxist Left.
I think Cenk is funny, whether intentional or not, but he does have a right to his opinions and free speech, so hey I have enjoyed his Young Turks many times over the last few years despite it being so liberal I have gotten nose bleeds from it, lol..

But some conservative website has collected a bunch of Cenks old posts and blog material and smeared him with it, knowing surely that this libtard doesnt agree with that crap any more.

But these conservative propagandists got the results that they were looking for, the SJWs have purged Cenk from the "justice Democrats" despite the length of time since he made the remarks, or his apology and explanation or his work since to advance the cause of Social Justice

For these Social justice Nazis, there is no such thing as repent and forgive. If you have ever had a verbotten comment on anything it can come back to haunt you till the day you die, literally.

That is liberalism today my friends, as unliberal as you can possibly imagine.

“Young Turks” co-host Cenk Uygur CONFIRMS his racist, sexist remarks — then blames it on being “a Republican”

Progressive Group Ousts Cenk Uygur Over Past Sexist Writing | HuffPost

Keep fighting for what you believe in Cenk. You seem to be an honest heart looking for a real way to build a just society and I hope you find it, but it is not with the Marxist Left.

A very solid representative of the Regressive Left.
A very solid representative of the Regressive Left.

Agreed, but I think he has made responsible presentations of his views, and I dont think he should be purged from the public forum over things he said 18 years ago.

Do you?
It's true. Progressives believe that people have the right to say whatever they want. We also believe that when you say stupid shit, you have to accept responsibility for it.

Of course, the OP would have written an entirely different post had the Justice Democrats not taken action.
What he said was disgusting and wrong. Except all the stuff he said about women. That was spot on.
But should he be purged for things said nearly two decades ago is the topic.
That's the kind of thing the Regressives do, not the rest of the country.

They choose to PRETEND that they are somehow FORCED to shut people up, to shut them down, to MAKE them pay consequences for their words. They have NO CHOICE. They JUST CAN'T let people speak freely.

It's the biggest hole in their strategy, and an indication of how intellectually dishonest and cynical they are. They have no REAL interest in freedom of expression. Only theirs.
What he said was disgusting and wrong. Except all the stuff he said about women. That was spot on.
But should he be purged for things said nearly two decades ago is the topic.

I say no, and you say.....??????

I don't think it really matters. Almost nobody knows who the "Justice Democrats" are, but everybody knows The Young Turks. He still has a huge platform in the public eye.
But should he be purged for things said nearly two decades ago is the topic.
That's the kind of thing the Regressives do, not the rest of the country.

They choose to pretend that they are somehow FORCED to shut people up, to shut them down. They have NO CHOICE. They JUST CAN'T let people speak freely.

It's the biggest hole in their strategy, and an indication of how intellectually dishonest and cynical they are. They have no REAL interest in freedom of expression. Only theirs.

I agree with everything one of those statements. Except the dopey ones you made, of course.
What he said was disgusting and wrong. Except all the stuff he said about women. That was spot on.
But should he be purged for things said nearly two decades ago is the topic.

I say no, and you say.....??????

I don't think it really matters. Almost nobody knows who the "Justice Democrats" are, but everybody knows The Young Turks. He still has a huge platform in the public eye.
I think TYT is one of the highest-watched shows on the internet, no? If that's the case, any disruption would be temporary anyway.
Mac1958 doesn't think Obama, Sanders and Warren are regressives?

Who, then, is the most influential regressive?







Oops! Tough question?

Who leads the regressives? Don't tell me they all think and act independently. Surely they are following someone's direction. Who?

Come on Macky, you're the expert.

Damn. This must really be a tough one for you.

You are struggling to give a name and a face to the regressive movement.
Mac1958 doesn't think Obama, Sanders and Warren are regressives?

Who, then, is the most influential regressive?







Oops! Tough question?

Who leads the regressives? Don't tell me they all think and act independently. Surely they are following someone's direction. Who?

Come on Macky, you're the expert.

Damn. This must really be a tough one for you.

You are struggling to give a name and a face to the regressive movement.
Okie dokie.

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