Census: White People Quickly Dying Off in the USA

from a rightwing news site

You white people aren’t having enough kids to replace those older folks who are dying, according to the U.S. Census. The government number crunchers are now saying that more white people are dying than are being born.

Meanwhile non-Hispanic whites are experiencing negative population growth, seeing 61,841 more deaths than births between 2013 and 2014.

Census: White People Quickly Dying Off in the USA
Between your kind is shooting each other and aborting your babies. The black race will pretty much kill yourselves out. So guno keep listening to liberals that support your demise.
Coming from a piece of white uneducated southern trash living in 1-95 drive by county whose kind has been marginalized and mocked ,really means a lot!!
This election has taught me a lot about white people!
-They oppose clean air, water and food
-They oppose science and tech
-They oppose education

Yet, they point the finger at blacks, hispanics and other people living in the third world and say how great they're because of those things. If they choose this course then they're going to destroy this country and are lower then whale shit and are choosinng to be sub-human far more then any other group of human being. In fact, those other people are superior as they're trying.

Fuck white people if they elect that idiot Donald Trump and think loserterinaism will make this country great.
This election has taught me a lot about white people!
-They oppose clean air, water and food
-They oppose science and tech
-They oppose education

Yet, they point the finger at blacks, hispanics and other people living in the third world and say how great they're because of those things. If they choose this course then they're going to destroy this country and are lower then whale shit and are choosinng to be sub-human far more then any other group of human being. In fact, those other people are superior as they're trying.

Fuck white people if they elect that idiot Donald Trump and think loserterinaism will make this country great.
Educated white people reject the deplorables

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