Center right needs to be Biden Republicans

IF we policed our own we would have better government,
there are plenty of self serving greedy only interested in keeping (not doing) their job & trashing any idea good or bad if it comes from "them" the other political party.
Its blindness to believe that all the guys in your party are good, smart & interested in promoting what is best for all Americans.
And all the guys in the other party are dumb evil & self serving.
Well said piece about the only real choice for normal Republicans... become Biden Republicans.

The GOP can’t be saved. Center-right voters need to become Biden Republicans.

Most Republicans don’t care that Trump locked up children, cozied up to white supremacists, tear-gassed peaceful protesters, benefited from Russian help in both of his campaigns, egregiously mishandled the pandemic, incited a violent attack on the Capitol and even faced fraud complaints from his own donors. A new Reuters-Ipsos pollfinds that 81 percent of Republicans have a favorable impression of Trump. Wait. It gets worse: 60 percent say the 2020 election was stolen from him, only 28 percent say he is even partly to blame for the Capitol insurrection, and 55 percent say that the Capitol attack “was led by violent left-wing protestors trying to make Trump look bad.”

This is a portrait of a party that can’t be saved — at least in the foreseeable future. The GOP remains a cult of personality for the worst president in U.S. history. It has become a bastion of irrationality, conspiracy mongering, racism, nativism and anti-scientific prejudices. So what should a sane, center-right voter — someone who might have voted for the GOP in the past — do under those circumstances?

Biden has turbocharged vaccinations with better management: The seven-day average of new vaccination doses has gone from 892,399on Inauguration Day to almost 3 million today. He has boosted the economic recoverywith a $1.9 trillion stimulus bill; the unemployment rate is down to 6 percent. Now he is pushing a $2 trillion plan to rebuild our dilapidated infrastructure — something that Trump only talked about doing.

Biden is governing from the “new center,” while Republicans are increasingly catering to the far right with shrill, divisive rhetoric and antidemocratic actions such as bills to restrict voting. Under those circumstances, those of us on the center-right can’t afford a third-party flirtation. We need to become Biden Republicans.

Fuck off
Well said piece about the only real choice for normal Republicans... become Biden Republicans.

The GOP can’t be saved. Center-right voters need to become Biden Republicans.

Most Republicans don’t care that Trump locked up children, cozied up to white supremacists, tear-gassed peaceful protesters, benefited from Russian help in both of his campaigns, egregiously mishandled the pandemic, incited a violent attack on the Capitol and even faced fraud complaints from his own donors. A new Reuters-Ipsos pollfinds that 81 percent of Republicans have a favorable impression of Trump. Wait. It gets worse: 60 percent say the 2020 election was stolen from him, only 28 percent say he is even partly to blame for the Capitol insurrection, and 55 percent say that the Capitol attack “was led by violent left-wing protestors trying to make Trump look bad.”

This is a portrait of a party that can’t be saved — at least in the foreseeable future. The GOP remains a cult of personality for the worst president in U.S. history. It has become a bastion of irrationality, conspiracy mongering, racism, nativism and anti-scientific prejudices. So what should a sane, center-right voter — someone who might have voted for the GOP in the past — do under those circumstances?

Biden has turbocharged vaccinations with better management: The seven-day average of new vaccination doses has gone from 892,399on Inauguration Day to almost 3 million today. He has boosted the economic recoverywith a $1.9 trillion stimulus bill; the unemployment rate is down to 6 percent. Now he is pushing a $2 trillion plan to rebuild our dilapidated infrastructure — something that Trump only talked about doing.

Biden is governing from the “new center,” while Republicans are increasingly catering to the far right with shrill, divisive rhetoric and antidemocratic actions such as bills to restrict voting. Under those circumstances, those of us on the center-right can’t afford a third-party flirtation. We need to become Biden Republicans.
Biden is a demented moron who leads idiots.....we are not idiots.

Ewe let tRump be your leader, ewe ARE indeed idiots!!!!!
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Well said piece about the only real choice for normal Republicans... become Biden Republicans.
Ahh yes.. the old BINARY choice, where the only choices are to drink cyanide laced Kool-Aid as Lemming-R or drink arsenic laced Kool-Aid as a Lemming-D.

Or maybe, there are other choices if you'll make the effort to think outside the box that the Crime Family Duopoly's Propaganda has trapped you in.
There are only two choices. One is way worse than the other. No even close right now. Voting to abstain aka third party is abdicating your vote. But it’s your vote not mine.
So you're okay with actively lending credibility to a corrupt system that perpetuates your own economic, social, and intellectual enslavement?

I honestly can't imagine how you and your conscience manage to reconcile that, to each his/her own I suppose.
If I’m enslaved then I love it. My life is great and the Democrats have a better chance of getting you up here with me than the Republicans.
Well said piece about the only real choice for normal Republicans... become Biden Republicans.

The GOP can’t be saved. Center-right voters need to become Biden Republicans.

Most Republicans don’t care that Trump locked up children, cozied up to white supremacists, tear-gassed peaceful protesters, benefited from Russian help in both of his campaigns, egregiously mishandled the pandemic, incited a violent attack on the Capitol and even faced fraud complaints from his own donors. A new Reuters-Ipsos pollfinds that 81 percent of Republicans have a favorable impression of Trump. Wait. It gets worse: 60 percent say the 2020 election was stolen from him, only 28 percent say he is even partly to blame for the Capitol insurrection, and 55 percent say that the Capitol attack “was led by violent left-wing protestors trying to make Trump look bad.”

This is a portrait of a party that can’t be saved — at least in the foreseeable future. The GOP remains a cult of personality for the worst president in U.S. history. It has become a bastion of irrationality, conspiracy mongering, racism, nativism and anti-scientific prejudices. So what should a sane, center-right voter — someone who might have voted for the GOP in the past — do under those circumstances?

Biden has turbocharged vaccinations with better management: The seven-day average of new vaccination doses has gone from 892,399on Inauguration Day to almost 3 million today. He has boosted the economic recoverywith a $1.9 trillion stimulus bill; the unemployment rate is down to 6 percent. Now he is pushing a $2 trillion plan to rebuild our dilapidated infrastructure — something that Trump only talked about doing.

Biden is governing from the “new center,” while Republicans are increasingly catering to the far right with shrill, divisive rhetoric and antidemocratic actions such as bills to restrict voting. Under those circumstances, those of us on the center-right can’t afford a third-party flirtation. We need to become Biden Republicans.

Fuck off
I would like to apologize to you for the failure of our education system. As a tax payer it is ultimately my fault. Your dumbassness is on all of us. May God have mercy on your soul.
Biden is a weak confused dumbass piece of shit that doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. An embarrassment to this country. A disaster for this country.

The vile despicable Moon Bats would love for everybody to embrace the Democrat's agenda to turn this country into a Socialist shithole but that ain't gonna happen.
You have no idea what socialism is either. This country is already better after 60 days of Democratic leadership. It’s only the beginning. I hope your invested in Biden’s market. Just remember who did it. His name is Joe.
Joe fucking Bi-Dumb can croak from a massive cerebral aneurysm for all we REAL Americans care and there would be celebration in the streets.
Lighten up Francis.
Well said piece about the only real choice for normal Republicans... become Biden Republicans.

The GOP can’t be saved. Center-right voters need to become Biden Republicans.

Most Republicans don’t care that Trump locked up children, cozied up to white supremacists, tear-gassed peaceful protesters, benefited from Russian help in both of his campaigns, egregiously mishandled the pandemic, incited a violent attack on the Capitol and even faced fraud complaints from his own donors. A new Reuters-Ipsos pollfinds that 81 percent of Republicans have a favorable impression of Trump. Wait. It gets worse: 60 percent say the 2020 election was stolen from him, only 28 percent say he is even partly to blame for the Capitol insurrection, and 55 percent say that the Capitol attack “was led by violent left-wing protestors trying to make Trump look bad.”

This is a portrait of a party that can’t be saved — at least in the foreseeable future. The GOP remains a cult of personality for the worst president in U.S. history. It has become a bastion of irrationality, conspiracy mongering, racism, nativism and anti-scientific prejudices. So what should a sane, center-right voter — someone who might have voted for the GOP in the past — do under those circumstances?

Biden has turbocharged vaccinations with better management: The seven-day average of new vaccination doses has gone from 892,399on Inauguration Day to almost 3 million today. He has boosted the economic recoverywith a $1.9 trillion stimulus bill; the unemployment rate is down to 6 percent. Now he is pushing a $2 trillion plan to rebuild our dilapidated infrastructure — something that Trump only talked about doing.

Biden is governing from the “new center,” while Republicans are increasingly catering to the far right with shrill, divisive rhetoric and antidemocratic actions such as bills to restrict voting. Under those circumstances, those of us on the center-right can’t afford a third-party flirtation. We need to become Biden Republicans.
I like Sinema and Gabbard more. But I dislike people like you so it’s a dilemma. All jokes aside.
Well said piece about the only real choice for normal Republicans... become Biden Republicans.
Ahh yes.. the old BINARY choice, where the only choices are to drink cyanide laced Kool-Aid as Lemming-R or drink arsenic laced Kool-Aid as a Lemming-D.

Or maybe, there are other choices if you'll make the effort to think outside the box that the Crime Family Duopoly's Propaganda has trapped you in.
There are only two choices. One is way worse than the other. No even close right now. Voting to abstain aka third party is abdicating your vote. But it’s your vote not mine.
So you're okay with actively lending credibility to a corrupt system that perpetuates your own economic, social, and intellectual enslavement?

I honestly can't imagine how you and your conscience manage to reconcile that, to each his/her own I suppose.
If I’m enslaved then I love it. My life is great and the Democrats have a better chance of getting you up here with me than the Republicans.
Do you identify as a man or a woman?
The source material is hidden behind a Washington Com-Post pay wall.
I'm not going to make believe I'm missing much, with such an asinine premise, but
at least I wasn't robbed of five minutes of reading time out of my life that I can never
get back.
The very idea of "Biden Republicans" is an oxymoronic shit storm that I am fascinated by,
in a disgusted I can't believe someone wrote this garbage sort of way.
I'm an equal opportunity RINO/DINO that every 4 years participates in one or another's presidential primary and votes for the most centrist candidate.
Well said piece about the only real choice for normal Republicans... become Biden Republicans.

The GOP can’t be saved. Center-right voters need to become Biden Republicans.

Most Republicans don’t care that Trump locked up children, cozied up to white supremacists, tear-gassed peaceful protesters, benefited from Russian help in both of his campaigns, egregiously mishandled the pandemic, incited a violent attack on the Capitol and even faced fraud complaints from his own donors. A new Reuters-Ipsos pollfinds that 81 percent of Republicans have a favorable impression of Trump. Wait. It gets worse: 60 percent say the 2020 election was stolen from him, only 28 percent say he is even partly to blame for the Capitol insurrection, and 55 percent say that the Capitol attack “was led by violent left-wing protestors trying to make Trump look bad.”

This is a portrait of a party that can’t be saved — at least in the foreseeable future. The GOP remains a cult of personality for the worst president in U.S. history. It has become a bastion of irrationality, conspiracy mongering, racism, nativism and anti-scientific prejudices. So what should a sane, center-right voter — someone who might have voted for the GOP in the past — do under those circumstances?

Biden has turbocharged vaccinations with better management: The seven-day average of new vaccination doses has gone from 892,399on Inauguration Day to almost 3 million today. He has boosted the economic recoverywith a $1.9 trillion stimulus bill; the unemployment rate is down to 6 percent. Now he is pushing a $2 trillion plan to rebuild our dilapidated infrastructure — something that Trump only talked about doing.

Biden is governing from the “new center,” while Republicans are increasingly catering to the far right with shrill, divisive rhetoric and antidemocratic actions such as bills to restrict voting. Under those circumstances, those of us on the center-right can’t afford a third-party flirtation. We need to become Biden Republicans.
Probably true. We do need (at least) two strong parties, though.

From what I've seen, their relationship with the Dems would be short, though. They do want regular conservatism back, not this freak show. They're not going to embrace the excesses of the Dems, particularly on the cultural side.
Your point makes sense. Unfortunately for Republicans it’s a binary choice: Crazy xenophobic party that stands for nothing except opposing democrats and culture war battles for white America on one hand. On the other a moderately liberal party that matches maybe 40% of their views.

Isn't going to happen
IF we policed our own we would have better government,
there are plenty of self serving greedy only interested in keeping (not doing) their job & trashing any idea good or bad if it comes from "them" the other political party.
Its blindness to believe that all the guys in your party are good, smart & interested in promoting what is best for all Americans.
And all the guys in the other party are dumb evil & self serving.

Tribalism is a nutshell.
Well said piece about the only real choice for normal Republicans... become Biden Republicans.

The GOP can’t be saved. Center-right voters need to become Biden Republicans.

Most Republicans don’t care that Trump locked up children, cozied up to white supremacists, tear-gassed peaceful protesters, benefited from Russian help in both of his campaigns, egregiously mishandled the pandemic, incited a violent attack on the Capitol and even faced fraud complaints from his own donors. A new Reuters-Ipsos pollfinds that 81 percent of Republicans have a favorable impression of Trump. Wait. It gets worse: 60 percent say the 2020 election was stolen from him, only 28 percent say he is even partly to blame for the Capitol insurrection, and 55 percent say that the Capitol attack “was led by violent left-wing protestors trying to make Trump look bad.”

This is a portrait of a party that can’t be saved — at least in the foreseeable future. The GOP remains a cult of personality for the worst president in U.S. history. It has become a bastion of irrationality, conspiracy mongering, racism, nativism and anti-scientific prejudices. So what should a sane, center-right voter — someone who might have voted for the GOP in the past — do under those circumstances?

Biden has turbocharged vaccinations with better management: The seven-day average of new vaccination doses has gone from 892,399on Inauguration Day to almost 3 million today. He has boosted the economic recoverywith a $1.9 trillion stimulus bill; the unemployment rate is down to 6 percent. Now he is pushing a $2 trillion plan to rebuild our dilapidated infrastructure — something that Trump only talked about doing.

Biden is governing from the “new center,” while Republicans are increasingly catering to the far right with shrill, divisive rhetoric and antidemocratic actions such as bills to restrict voting. Under those circumstances, those of us on the center-right can’t afford a third-party flirtation. We need to become Biden Republicans.
/——-/ What a sack of Hillary.

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