Center right needs to be Biden Republicans

Well said piece about the only real choice for normal Republicans... become Biden Republicans.

The GOP can’t be saved. Center-right voters need to become Biden Republicans.

Most Republicans don’t care that Trump locked up children, cozied up to white supremacists, tear-gassed peaceful protesters, benefited from Russian help in both of his campaigns, egregiously mishandled the pandemic, incited a violent attack on the Capitol and even faced fraud complaints from his own donors. A new Reuters-Ipsos pollfinds that 81 percent of Republicans have a favorable impression of Trump. Wait. It gets worse: 60 percent say the 2020 election was stolen from him, only 28 percent say he is even partly to blame for the Capitol insurrection, and 55 percent say that the Capitol attack “was led by violent left-wing protestors trying to make Trump look bad.”

This is a portrait of a party that can’t be saved — at least in the foreseeable future. The GOP remains a cult of personality for the worst president in U.S. history. It has become a bastion of irrationality, conspiracy mongering, racism, nativism and anti-scientific prejudices. So what should a sane, center-right voter — someone who might have voted for the GOP in the past — do under those circumstances?

Biden has turbocharged vaccinations with better management: The seven-day average of new vaccination doses has gone from 892,399on Inauguration Day to almost 3 million today. He has boosted the economic recoverywith a $1.9 trillion stimulus bill; the unemployment rate is down to 6 percent. Now he is pushing a $2 trillion plan to rebuild our dilapidated infrastructure — something that Trump only talked about doing.

Biden is governing from the “new center,” while Republicans are increasingly catering to the far right with shrill, divisive rhetoric and antidemocratic actions such as bills to restrict voting. Under those circumstances, those of us on the center-right can’t afford a third-party flirtation. We need to become Biden Republicans.
We? Go fuck yourself.
can you say -demonRAT shit stain?...try, it fits you well.
This country is already worse off, 60 days of demonRAT leadership. It’s only the beginning of the end. Just remember who did it. His name is-beijing xiden
this is all you type---Baaaa-Baaaaa-Baaaaa, or its --polly wanna cracker
I know. He’s got unemployment falling, stock market soaring, vaccines flying out at unimaginable rates, and adulting is cool again.
This country is on the path of turning into a Socialist shithole and the jerkoffs in Crazy Joe's administration is driving that express train. This country is fucked.
Name one. Trump had this country sick and headed for broke. Biden healed this place and setting us toward fiscal responsibility with those with the most benefits from this country paying the most. Have a brain and think for yourself.

"Biden healed this place"

Oh my fucking god!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This country is on the path of turning into a Socialist shithole and the jerkoffs in Crazy Joe's administration is driving that express train. This country is fucked.
Name one. Trump had this country sick and headed for broke. Biden healed this place and setting us toward fiscal responsibility with those with the most benefits from this country paying the most. Have a brain and think for yourself.

"Biden healed this place"

Oh my fucking god!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some of the stupid Moon Bats are delusional enough to believe some silly shit like that.
You think a commie shit won't hide his goose-stepping agenda?
I think people who live their lives afraid are easy to scare. You my friend have fallen victim to the scary boogeyman.

global warming BOO!
Racism BOO!
Guns BOO!
Maga hat BOO!
Russians BOO!
The rich BOO!
Kids in cages BOO!

I could go on and on BOO!
Trump had this country booming, GREAT economy, JOBS--JOBS--JOBS. xiden had everybody fired ... you should get a brain and think for yourself.
TRUMP=2.00 gal
xiden+3.25 gal
xiden and the scum demonRATS are the evil of AMERICA and the CONSTITUTION
I usually stand up for our education system but clearly it failed you. Gas prices were low last year cuz Trump broke the economy with his incompetence. You do understand supply and demand correct? Look at this chart and feel free to go back as far as you want. Cheap gas means bad economy. Don’t be dumb. Fight the urge.

View attachment 477806
why is it that you feel Baaa-Baaa-Baaa gives you an education?
so, once again you are WRONG---clearly, you failed in life
can you say -demonRAT shit stain?...try, it fits you well.
This country is already worse off, 60 days of demonRAT leadership. It’s only the beginning of the end. Just remember who did it. His name is-beijing xiden
this is all you type---Baaaa-Baaaaa-Baaaaa, or its --polly wanna cracker
I know. He’s got unemployment falling, stock market soaring, vaccines flying out at unimaginable rates, and adulting is cool again.
He’s got unemployment sky rocketing--still, gas at ridiculous prices due to killing the pipeline. my what a retarded sheep you are
Well said piece about the only real choice for normal Republicans... become Biden Republicans.

The GOP can’t be saved. Center-right voters need to become Biden Republicans.

Most Republicans don’t care that Trump locked up children, cozied up to white supremacists, tear-gassed peaceful protesters, benefited from Russian help in both of his campaigns, egregiously mishandled the pandemic, incited a violent attack on the Capitol and even faced fraud complaints from his own donors. A new Reuters-Ipsos pollfinds that 81 percent of Republicans have a favorable impression of Trump. Wait. It gets worse: 60 percent say the 2020 election was stolen from him, only 28 percent say he is even partly to blame for the Capitol insurrection, and 55 percent say that the Capitol attack “was led by violent left-wing protestors trying to make Trump look bad.”

This is a portrait of a party that can’t be saved — at least in the foreseeable future. The GOP remains a cult of personality for the worst president in U.S. history. It has become a bastion of irrationality, conspiracy mongering, racism, nativism and anti-scientific prejudices. So what should a sane, center-right voter — someone who might have voted for the GOP in the past — do under those circumstances?

Biden has turbocharged vaccinations with better management: The seven-day average of new vaccination doses has gone from 892,399on Inauguration Day to almost 3 million today. He has boosted the economic recoverywith a $1.9 trillion stimulus bill; the unemployment rate is down to 6 percent. Now he is pushing a $2 trillion plan to rebuild our dilapidated infrastructure — something that Trump only talked about doing.

Biden is governing from the “new center,” while Republicans are increasingly catering to the far right with shrill, divisive rhetoric and antidemocratic actions such as bills to restrict voting. Under those circumstances, those of us on the center-right can’t afford a third-party flirtation. We need to become Biden Republicans.
The new center? That's laughable! The Democrats have taken the nation hard left with both their policies and their spending.

The Republican Party simply needs to run someone that will have fixes for what the Democrats are now doing to the country. I'd be happy to see Kristi Noem running against an even more senile Joe Biden! Put her common sense governance up against what Biden and the Democrats are doing and I think people in the "center" will turn away from Biden in droves.
Theses biden repubs are rino lincoln project child molesting shadow govt loving freaks. Yeah, you can have them.
Try and keep up. The child molesters are actually Republican FloridaMan Congressmen.

You have actual proof or are you just wanting it to be true?
Here you go!!!!

Well said piece about the only real choice for normal Republicans... become Biden Republicans.

The GOP can’t be saved. Center-right voters need to become Biden Republicans.

Most Republicans don’t care that Trump locked up children, cozied up to white supremacists, tear-gassed peaceful protesters, benefited from Russian help in both of his campaigns, egregiously mishandled the pandemic, incited a violent attack on the Capitol and even faced fraud complaints from his own donors. A new Reuters-Ipsos pollfinds that 81 percent of Republicans have a favorable impression of Trump. Wait. It gets worse: 60 percent say the 2020 election was stolen from him, only 28 percent say he is even partly to blame for the Capitol insurrection, and 55 percent say that the Capitol attack “was led by violent left-wing protestors trying to make Trump look bad.”

This is a portrait of a party that can’t be saved — at least in the foreseeable future. The GOP remains a cult of personality for the worst president in U.S. history. It has become a bastion of irrationality, conspiracy mongering, racism, nativism and anti-scientific prejudices. So what should a sane, center-right voter — someone who might have voted for the GOP in the past — do under those circumstances?

Biden has turbocharged vaccinations with better management: The seven-day average of new vaccination doses has gone from 892,399on Inauguration Day to almost 3 million today. He has boosted the economic recoverywith a $1.9 trillion stimulus bill; the unemployment rate is down to 6 percent. Now he is pushing a $2 trillion plan to rebuild our dilapidated infrastructure — something that Trump only talked about doing.

Biden is governing from the “new center,” while Republicans are increasingly catering to the far right with shrill, divisive rhetoric and antidemocratic actions such as bills to restrict voting. Under those circumstances, those of us on the center-right can’t afford a third-party flirtation. We need to become Biden Republicans.
The new center? That's laughable! The Democrats have taken the nation hard left with both their policies and their spending.

The Republican Party simply needs to run someone that will have fixes for what the Democrats are now doing to the country. I'd be happy to see Kristi Noem running against an even more senile Joe Biden! Put her common sense governance up against what Biden and the Democrats are doing and I think people in the "center" will turn away from Biden in droves.
Like what? Give me specifics or go back to playing with yourself while watching Tucker.

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