CEO pay is 380 times average worker's

I'm embarrassed that this has went on this long but you clearly have no clue what a business is built on. You have a caveman approach to business that doesn't work. You never once addressed the issue in the debate, you simply held a "You are stupid and workers are stupid" approach on a pay scale debate. I'm embarrassed for you.
I can tell you've never run a business. If you had, you would know that most employees are useless slackers with no ambition and think they're entitled to a paycheck without having to work for it. That's why most liberals like yourself are on welfare.

I have owned my own business and have been a been a supervisor over many other businesses/organizations.

If the workers are terrible it's because of YOU and your attitude.

A happy worker is a hard worker.

As a CEO, are you changing things around salary?.
Oh wait, "have" is past tense. Did your business go out of business? Did you sell your business to some other company with a CEO aligned with your OP thoughts? Sell it to a company opposed to your high moral ground? Or are you just another fucking liar?
I can tell you've never run a business. If you had, you would know that most employees are useless slackers with no ambition and think they're entitled to a paycheck without having to work for it. That's why most liberals like yourself are on welfare.

I have owned my own business and have been a been a supervisor over many other businesses/organizations.

If the workers are terrible it's because of YOU and your attitude.

A happy worker is a hard worker.

That's what Costco and Trader Joe's has found and put in practice.

They're not much into Authoritarianism apparently. Instead they're stuck with successful businesses that are cool places to work. Must drive the Authoriholes nuts.

Costco set's a VERY good example, preset by Henry Ford and Jesus.
I can tell you've never run a business. If you had, you would know that most employees are useless slackers with no ambition and think they're entitled to a paycheck without having to work for it. That's why most liberals like yourself are on welfare.

I have owned my own business and have been a been a supervisor over many other businesses/organizations.

If the workers are terrible it's because of YOU and your attitude.

A happy worker is a hard worker.

As a CEO, are you changing things around salary?.
Oh wait, "have" is past tense. Did your business go out of business? Did you sell your business to some other company with a CEO aligned with your OP thoughts? Sell it to a company opposed to your high moral ground? Or are you just another fucking liar?
He's never had a business, I can tell. Neither has Poco.
I can tell you've never run a business. If you had, you would know that most employees are useless slackers with no ambition and think they're entitled to a paycheck without having to work for it. That's why most liberals like yourself are on welfare.

Once again, as soon as I make the observation he confirms it. As if a drone taking orders on cue. :rofl:
Get back to me when you have something other than your usual ad hominem remarks that surface every time you run out of argument.

Umm... rilly?

You fucking moron. And I'd wager to say you don't know any "hard working Americans" in your circle because they're all probably on welfare, including you.
-- post 16, before I got here. Didn't even get past the first page.

Workers are a dime a dozen. You idiots never understood how irrelevant you are. You have a choice, do the job you're told to do or find another job. You suffer from an over-inflated sense of self-importance.

-- post 31.

CEO??? I doubt if he's ever had a job!

-- 34.

Shall I go on?
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I love it when unemployed welfare recipients try to pose as business experts. Keep it up, slackers. Those of us who actually have businesses are laughing our asses off at your ignorance.

I love it when Bikers reflect.
I can tell you've never run a business. If you had, you would know that most employees are useless slackers with no ambition and think they're entitled to a paycheck without having to work for it. That's why most liberals like yourself are on welfare.

I have owned my own business and have been a been a supervisor over many other businesses/organizations.

If the workers are terrible it's because of YOU and your attitude.

A happy worker is a hard worker.

As a CEO, are you changing things around salary?.
Oh wait, "have" is past tense. Did your business go out of business? Did you sell your business to some other company with a CEO aligned with your OP thoughts? Sell it to a company opposed to your high moral ground? Or are you just another fucking liar?

Never said I was a CEO kiddo. Do you know the odd's of being a CEO. Or do you hold the perspective of your buddy and think that you can just decide you want to be one and become one.......
It has nothing to do with beating a country that is bigger, it has EVERYTHING to do with trading a Country with lower regulations. Learn more, type less.
Says the man that doesn't understand that a country with 3 times the population of the USA just might have the where with all to be a larger manufacturing base.
By the way, just in case you missed it, China is outsourcing it's manufacturing, Even China Can't Avoid Outsourcing Jobs |Wall Street Daily | the TRUTH behind the WORLD'S GREATEST MONEYMAKING MACHINE

We already covered this. America became big when we were "The Industrial Nation"

Today in America, the 1% Controls the Government and our media. They even CONTROL the media that you think is the only unbias media.

Ever since Citizens United, America is subject to corruption and it's sad to see the poor back the corruption. You can tell when the poor back the corruption because they post what we have been reading tonight.

Yes, we do. :evil:
I have owned my own business and have been a been a supervisor over many other businesses/organizations.

If the workers are terrible it's because of YOU and your attitude.

A happy worker is a hard worker.

As a CEO, are you changing things around salary?.
Oh wait, "have" is past tense. Did your business go out of business? Did you sell your business to some other company with a CEO aligned with your OP thoughts? Sell it to a company opposed to your high moral ground? Or are you just another fucking liar?
He's never had a business, I can tell. Neither has Poco.

You've never held a fact (in this debate). I can back that up with facts. Can you back your statement up with facts?
I have owned my own business and have been a been a supervisor over many other businesses/organizations.

If the workers are terrible it's because of YOU and your attitude.

A happy worker is a hard worker.

As a CEO, are you changing things around salary?.
Oh wait, "have" is past tense. Did your business go out of business? Did you sell your business to some other company with a CEO aligned with your OP thoughts? Sell it to a company opposed to your high moral ground? Or are you just another fucking liar?

Never said I was a CEO kiddo. Do you know the odd's of being a CEO. Or do you hold the perspective of your buddy and think that you can just decide you want to be one and become one.......
You've never owned a business and you know it.
As a CEO, are you changing things around salary?.
Oh wait, "have" is past tense. Did your business go out of business? Did you sell your business to some other company with a CEO aligned with your OP thoughts? Sell it to a company opposed to your high moral ground? Or are you just another fucking liar?

Never said I was a CEO kiddo. Do you know the odd's of being a CEO. Or do you hold the perspective of your buddy and think that you can just decide you want to be one and become one.......
You've never owned a business and you know it.

I have. sorry kiddo, get over yourself. I'm laughing at your absolute ignorance of politics, business and humanity. What is wrong with your brain?
Never said I was a CEO kiddo. Do you know the odd's of being a CEO. Or do you hold the perspective of your buddy and think that you can just decide you want to be one and become one.......
You've never owned a business and you know it.

I have. sorry kiddo, get over yourself. I'm laughing at your absolute ignorance of politics, business and humanity. What is wrong with your brain?
Yeah? What kind of business?
As a CEO, are you changing things around salary?.
Oh wait, "have" is past tense. Did your business go out of business? Did you sell your business to some other company with a CEO aligned with your OP thoughts? Sell it to a company opposed to your high moral ground? Or are you just another fucking liar?

Never said I was a CEO kiddo. Do you know the odd's of being a CEO. Or do you hold the perspective of your buddy and think that you can just decide you want to be one and become one.......
You've never owned a business and you know it.

He sure owned you, but then you're not a business.... :rolleyes:
When you treat your workers well, they work hard. When you pay them a fair days wage for a fair days work, they don't unionize. This doesn't mean be a pushover, it means be fair and strong.

It most certainly doesn't mean be a chest beating moron that has no people skills.

This would point to the direction that YOU have never owned a business.
I have owned my own business and have been a been a supervisor over many other businesses/organizations.

If the workers are terrible it's because of YOU and your attitude.

A happy worker is a hard worker.

As a CEO, are you changing things around salary?.
Oh wait, "have" is past tense. Did your business go out of business? Did you sell your business to some other company with a CEO aligned with your OP thoughts? Sell it to a company opposed to your high moral ground? Or are you just another fucking liar?

Never said I was a CEO kiddo. Do you know the odd's of being a CEO. Or do you hold the perspective of your buddy and think that you can just decide you want to be one and become one.......

You said you owned your own company, that would make you CEO, or do you not know what CEO means?
You are very good at not answering questions, probably because you can't answer to your lies.
Never said I was a CEO kiddo. Do you know the odd's of being a CEO. Or do you hold the perspective of your buddy and think that you can just decide you want to be one and become one.......
You've never owned a business and you know it.

He sure owned you, but then you're not a business.... :rolleyes:
Maybe you could get a job as a cheerleader. That seems to be all you're able to do here.
Never said I was a CEO kiddo. Do you know the odd's of being a CEO. Or do you hold the perspective of your buddy and think that you can just decide you want to be one and become one.......
You've never owned a business and you know it.

He sure owned you, but then you're not a business.... :rolleyes:

That dude is probably just another Fox News biker that collects disability but thinks that everyone else is the problem.
As a CEO, are you changing things around salary?.
Oh wait, "have" is past tense. Did your business go out of business? Did you sell your business to some other company with a CEO aligned with your OP thoughts? Sell it to a company opposed to your high moral ground? Or are you just another fucking liar?

Never said I was a CEO kiddo. Do you know the odd's of being a CEO. Or do you hold the perspective of your buddy and think that you can just decide you want to be one and become one.......

You said you owned your own company, that would make you CEO, or do you not know what CEO means?
You are very good at not answering questions, probably because you can't answer to your lies.

Holy crap you are new to .........EVERYTHING corporate or business.

The CEO rarely owns the company.
You've never owned a business and you know it.

He sure owned you, but then you're not a business.... :rolleyes:

That dude is probably just another Fox News biker that collects disability but thinks that everyone else is the problem.

No doubt. You may not have heard the silliest though -- I once happened to cite some demographics that determined the Fox Noise audience was predominantly white, and based on that he called me racist. :lmao:

I swear to god I'm not making that up.
You've never owned a business and you know it.

He sure owned you, but then you're not a business.... :rolleyes:
Maybe you could get a job as a cheerleader. That seems to be all you're able to do here.

^ Statements like this are why I feel the need to teach politics to others.

We have an absolute onslaught of idiots on our hands and we need to deal with them.

But tonight, im off to bed. I'm sick of the "nu-uh" and the "no way" and the "you are stupid" debates from these small minds.
CEOs earn 380 times in pay more than average worker - Apr. 19, 2012

So does the CEO work 380 times harder?

Or is the CEO 380 times more useful?

Most nations pay gap is 20/50-1. Not 380-1. It's absolute ignorance.

The job of the CEO today is to prevent pay raises. They get about 25% while the corporations get about 75%. It pays good to be a Cash Driven idiot.

Sadly, "Profits Just Hit Another All-Time High, Wages Just Hit Another All-Time Low "

Read more: Profits At High, Wages At Low - Business Insider

Why are workers trash when Corporations can't thrive without them?

It will eventually come full circle as workers will no longer be able to afford the goods and services provided by these companies. We are actually already at this point, but it just hasn't hit the businesses that hard yet. From a political standpoint, people are beginning to wake up and realize that this is not good for anyone. We will see changes.

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