CEO says ‘mentally retarded’ could work for $2: ‘You’re worth what you’re worth’

Most minimum wage jobs don't require much intelligence. Frankly, whether a person with a mental handicap or not does it, they'll both be equally capable since jobs of that sort are more about repetition than creativity or solving problems. Faced with needing someone to do such a task, I'd rather hire the mental handicapped person since they'll be more appreciative and positive than somoene slacking off loathing the position.

At a former firm, we hired a person that comes from a kind of halfway house. People that have mental issues, but have been working on solving them and getting into society. They worked 4 hours a day, 5 days a week stocking pantries. The pay was minimal, and we had the ocassional member who could not perform the job, or had a breakdown, etc... but mostly the people who came to do that work were very happy for th echance, did a hell of a job and in some cases were rewarded handsomely for their efforts. One of our members, did such a great job, i was honored to give him a letter of recommendation for a full time position for a similar gig.

I agree. Hiring challenged folks to do basic tasks is more rewarding for all than hiring someone who will quickly outgrow the job. As for what they were paid, that is the issue at hand. Whether it be $2, $50 depends on a lot of ecnoomic and a-moral conditions. Hence why LOLberals should STFU for a while and allow human action to run its course instead of standing around complaining about what everyone else is doing 24/7/365.
Uh Joe, I hate to break it to you but the Board decides to pay SOMEONE ELSE the salary. If they were really greedy bastards they would pay him as little as possible so they could pay them,selves more. And that's true. But as little as possible is still a very large amount because they expect the CEO will deliver additional value to the company far in excess of what he earns.
I realize that's too complicated for you to understand because all rich people are just one amorphous mass to you. But others may realize it.

Yeah, yeah, whatever...

A bunch of rich people decide other rich people are indispensible....

Hey, how about the CEO of GM before the Bailout? He was getting an 8-figure salary, and man, he was worth every penny....

oh, no, wait. He ran the company so badly the government had to come in and bail them out.

The piece of shit should be forced to give his money to the workers.
Paint me the picture of a person whose work would be worth $2 an hour?

Go to China or Mexico and you will find out. Many of the stuff you use comes from those places.

Making excuses for this is sick.
Uh Joe, I hate to break it to you but the Board decides to pay SOMEONE ELSE the salary. If they were really greedy bastards they would pay him as little as possible so they could pay them,selves more. And that's true. But as little as possible is still a very large amount because they expect the CEO will deliver additional value to the company far in excess of what he earns.
I realize that's too complicated for you to understand because all rich people are just one amorphous mass to you. But others may realize it.

Yeah, yeah, whatever...

A bunch of rich people decide other rich people are indispensible....

Hey, how about the CEO of GM before the Bailout? He was getting an 8-figure salary, and man, he was worth every penny....

oh, no, wait. He ran the company so badly the government had to come in and bail them out.

The piece of shit should be forced to give his money to the workers.

I know for a fact that CEO's only get paid if they perform. A poster here told me.
Everyone knows that the factory will shut down if we can't hire children for .$02 a day anymore. Why do you hate poor people?
The GOP loves the poor, that's why thy keep trying to make so many more that way.
America needs pro Business policies that favor America...I agreed with 70% of obamas state of the union address outside of the sextist shit.

We need science, investment in r@d and reform within the way we do business with other countries in economics.
Uh Joe, I hate to break it to you but the Board decides to pay SOMEONE ELSE the salary. If they were really greedy bastards they would pay him as little as possible so they could pay them,selves more. And that's true. But as little as possible is still a very large amount because they expect the CEO will deliver additional value to the company far in excess of what he earns.
I realize that's too complicated for you to understand because all rich people are just one amorphous mass to you. But others may realize it.

Yeah, yeah, whatever...

A bunch of rich people decide other rich people are indispensible....

Hey, how about the CEO of GM before the Bailout? He was getting an 8-figure salary, and man, he was worth every penny....

oh, no, wait. He ran the company so badly the government had to come in and bail them out.

The piece of shit should be forced to give his money to the workers.

So you want to steal by force from him because of his opinion? That's very despotic of you. I think anyone who believes in, or advocates for the forceful removal of someone elses property should be shot in the head. See how that works?
Paint me the picture of a person whose work would be worth $2 an hour?

Paint me the picture of a person whose work would be worth $2 an hour?

A young man who used to work for me. He is mentally retarded and lived in a state group home. As a neighborhood fixture, people were always paying him to do small jobs. Most of the time he was cheated. Someone would give him a five dollar bill and tell him it was a twenty. I never cheated him because I tried to get him to recognize the difference between a five and a twenty. He loved to feel useful. It was better than hanging out at the group home. He had to have a job where his mistakes were never serious. He could sweep the floor or muck out a cage but could not actually work with the animals.

Since he lived in a group home, he had no living expenses. All the money he made went for small pleasures, a candy bar, some little treasure that caught his eye at the gas station convenience store. While it would have been possible to hire him for a secure job, as a ward of the state the paperwork was monumental and he had to be paid the $7.00 an hour minimum wage. Because of his disability, he wasn't capable of performing a job worth $7.00 an hour. For one thing, he could leave the broom standing against the wall while he ran out for a soda and not come back for a week.

That's what someone worth $2.00 an hour looks like.
Paint me the picture of a person whose work would be worth $2 an hour?

A young man who used to work for me. He is mentally retarded and lived in a state group home. As a neighborhood fixture, people were always paying him to do small jobs. Most of the time he was cheated. Someone would give him a five dollar bill and tell him it was a twenty. I never cheated him because I tried to get him to recognize the difference between a five and a twenty. He loved to feel useful. It was better than hanging out at the group home. He had to have a job where his mistakes were never serious. He could sweep the floor or muck out a cage but could not actually work with the animals.

Since he lived in a group home, he had no living expenses. All the money he made went for small pleasures, a candy bar, some little treasure that caught his eye at the gas station convenience store. While it would have been possible to hire him for a secure job, as a ward of the state the paperwork was monumental and he had to be paid the $7.00 an hour minimum wage. Because of his disability, he wasn't capable of performing a job worth $7.00 an hour. For one thing, he could leave the broom standing against the wall while he ran out for a soda and not come back for a week.

That's what someone worth $2.00 an hour looks like.

We once knew the sweetest door man assistant. It was a job created for him and his boss once told us he had to be retrained every time he went to the restroom. :)

My question was cut and paste of the question PS was asked. The left media outlets distorted it because they knew full well their minions are easily led.
After three marriages and 4 kids I worked for less than 2 dollars an hour, hell! I worked for free.
So why dont they? I mean, boards hire CEOs and give them salaries/benefits. They could easily hire someone who was VP of marketing or somethign for less money. Why do they spend huge sums like that? Do you think they are stupid?

No, I think they are greedy with a sense of entitlement.

Of course, is you let the Board decide salaries without input from a union or government, they are going to decide they are indispensible and worthy of 8 figure salaries while the wage slaves who did the actual work will get the minimum we can get away with paying them.

Like when Romney was talking about how he invested in that factory in China were the Chinese babes were living 120 to a dorm with one bathroom,and they had to use barbed wire to keep people out.

And he thought that was just awesome.

Tell me... would you pay someone who is just cutting your grass, nothing else, no landscaping, nothing.. just cutting grass..
$65.00 per hour?

Why do you guys who argue against the minimum wage always want to throw out an outrageous figure?

It tells me you can't make the argument on its own merits.
CEO tells Daily Show ?mentally retarded? could work for $2: ?You?re worth what you?re worth? | The Raw Story

Another out of touch high class person spewing shit.

He's right about a few things, but also is out of touch with ALOT of other things.

1. The CEO of Euro Pacific Capital argued that government programs, not low wages, were trapping Americans in poverty, and claimed that paying workers twice as much would double the cost of some goods – such as fast-food hamburgers.

Well, Mr. CEO. That's simply not true. Low wages are whats keeping people in poverty. Walmart? Mc Donalds? Any of those ringing a bell?
I have a solution for that. Bill the employers what their employees are using up through government subsidies and throw people like yourself in the slammer if you don't cough up.

Also, prices wouldn't be risen more than 1 1/2 at the most. You know why? Because their wage had little to do with your "prices". A $2-$3 addition wouldn't bare significant impact on your products, and demand would go up because people would have MONEY.

Way to contradict yourself there, Mr. CEO.
You don't eat or visit those places, but you happen to know all about their employees and how things are run.

"Kids enjoying themselves" happens to be 16-40 year olds trying to make some money to support themselves. You know, on EBT and wellfare? Maybe a few live in with family, but thats probably because they have nowhere else to go since they can't support themselves.

Schiff argued that eliminating the minimum wage law would allow more people entry to the workforce, and Bee asked him to identify someone whose work might be worth just $2 an hour.

“You know someone that might be? Maybe someone who is – what’s the politically correct word, you know, for mentally retarded,” Schiff said. “I believe in the principles this country was founded on.”

“I’m not going to say that we’re all created equal,” he said. “You’re worth what you’re worth.”

Can we just force this guy to work in chinese labor for pennies on the Yuan?
Preferably a foxconn job or something with forced labor.

Do YOU, the average class citizen want to be working for $5 or less an hour, with an extremely hostile work environment that will do what they please on a whim because there are no laws or rules protecting you?

If retards get $2, it's time for a severe pay cut for Obabble.

Same with congress and the house.
I'd take much pleasure to watch them be unemployed with their benefits CUT.
America needs pro Business policies that favor America...I agreed with 70% of obamas state of the union address outside of the sextist shit.

We need science, investment in r@d and reform within the way we do business with other countries in economics.

GOP's SOTU Response Reminds Us There Are Two Americas and One Should Secede - See more at: The Contributor | GOP's SOTU Response Reminds Us There Are Two Americas and One Should Secede

In other words, "America" would again look like a first world secular country, a country where it’s probable for an atheist to be elected into public office. A country that was once again able to deal intelligently with real problems - taxes, spending, environment, education, fairness, poverty, and whatever else. You know, the things Obama spoke intelligently about in his State of the Union.

Instead, we are stuck, at least politically, in a 1860s time warp, where half the country is rooted in religious fanaticism, ancient grudges, and demagoguery, while the other half is trying to “move quickly, along scientific and technological lines, into the modern era.” America is two nations pretending to be one. The State of the Union remains divided.

- See more at: The Contributor | GOP's SOTU Response Reminds Us There Are Two Americas and One Should Secede
If you had some unskilled repetitive job that could be done by someone mentally retarded would you hire one for $5,00 an hour? If you had to pay $15.00 an hour would you not hold out for someone a bit brighter? The minimum wage is now so high that it is making a huge unemployable class. All people are not equal. Not everyone is supporting a family of four. To pay everyone as if they were supporting a family is truly, not shortsighted, it is downright blind.

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