CEO says ‘mentally retarded’ could work for $2: ‘You’re worth what you’re worth’


You are an arrogant prick for sure. WHo are you to say what it is worth anyone's time to do? And you misread what he wrote anyway, no surprise.
A person has an ability to do a job that is worth only so much ot the employer. That's every employee, even the CEO. Someone with limited physical or mental capacity might only be worth $2-3/hr. More than that and it isn't worth paying the person and the job disappears. And the person is out a job.
So you think not working and collecting welfare is better than working?

If welfare ends up paying more than $2-3 an hour, then they will end up collecting welfare.

The real problem is that the division of spoils in the Corporate world is out of whack in such a way that the Robber Barons of the 19th Century would be appalled.

So of course, the CEO sees himself as indispensible, and pays himself an 8 figure salary even when his company is so broke that it requires a government bailout.

And the guys who do the actual work? Well, if I can't replace you with a retarded person making $3.00 an hour, I'll replace you with a Chinese babe making $2.00 an hour.

What, she hung herself. Better go get another one.
The fact that the guy thinks it is worth anyone's time to work for less than minimum wage marks him as out of touch. Also retarded people tend to work very hard and diligently at their jobs, what an insult that he finds such dedication to only be worth pocket change.

You are an arrogant prick for sure. WHo are you to say what it is worth anyone's time to do? And you misread what he wrote anyway, no surprise.
A person has an ability to do a job that is worth only so much ot the employer. That's every employee, even the CEO. Someone with limited physical or mental capacity might only be worth $2-3/hr. More than that and it isn't worth paying the person and the job disappears. And the person is out a job.
So you think not working and collecting welfare is better than working?
At $2.00 an hour? Hell yes it's better. If you want people off welfare you at least have to offer them more than welfare. Seems logical to me. America is already flirting with slave wages, there has to be a hard bottom in labor exploitation.

If you want people off welfare you at least have to offer them more than welfare

why lots of people work for less then what combined entitlements earn

why is it fair for an unemployed person to "hold out" for a better paying job

then other folks who work and earn less
Uh Joe, I hate to break it to you but the Board decides to pay SOMEONE ELSE the salary. If they were really greedy bastards they would pay him as little as possible so they could pay them,selves more. And that's true. But as little as possible is still a very large amount because they expect the CEO will deliver additional value to the company far in excess of what he earns.
I realize that's too complicated for you to understand because all rich people are just one amorphous mass to you. But others may realize it.

Yeah, yeah, whatever...

A bunch of rich people decide other rich people are indispensible....

Hey, how about the CEO of GM before the Bailout? He was getting an 8-figure salary, and man, he was worth every penny....

oh, no, wait. He ran the company so badly the government had to come in and bail them out.
Paint me the picture of a person whose work would be worth $2 an hour?
Then maybe we shouldn't leave employment to people like you.

Perhaps we should have what FDR called for in his "Second Bill of Rights", a renumerative job for every American.

If the retarded person can't find a job working for the private sector, then government should find a job for them.

If i own a business then hiring IS up to me.

If I am going to pay someone I want to make sure I get what I pay for.

So if you want to hire retards and felons for 20 an hour then you open a business and do just that.

Or we can just pass a law saying you can't discriminate if they otherwise qualify for the job.

Just like you can't legally discriminate because they are black or women.

If I owned a business there is no way I'd hire a felon.
And maybe I'd hire a retard to sweep the floor but not much more than that.
We can probably find CEOs who will work for less money

So why dont they? I mean, boards hire CEOs and give them salaries/benefits. They could easily hire someone who was VP of marketing or somethign for less money. Why do they spend huge sums like that? Do you think they are stupid?

No, I think they are greedy with a sense of entitlement.

Of course, is you let the Board decide salaries without input from a union or government, they are going to decide they are indispensible and worthy of 8 figure salaries while the wage slaves who did the actual work will get the minimum we can get away with paying them.

Like when Romney was talking about how he invested in that factory in China were the Chinese babes were living 120 to a dorm with one bathroom,and they had to use barbed wire to keep people out.

And he thought that was just awesome.

Tell me... would you pay someone who is just cutting your grass, nothing else, no landscaping, nothing.. just cutting grass..
$65.00 per hour?
Paint me the picture of a person whose work would be worth $2 an hour?

LOLberals are just a drag on human action. They always know how much people should make, what they should spend their time on, how much is too much or little, and the list goes on adn on and on and on...

Can't you fucks just shut up and mind your own business? It's not your business how much an employer pays an employee. Thats between them. Thats what Schiff is saying with regard to minimum wage. Such arbitrarily decided labor pricing causes distortions whcih lead to putting certain labor groups ot of the market.

You do not care though because its so much easier to believe that because you can not account for how many folks never got employed from your fucked up ideas, that it was a complete victory on your part. 50 years later and the tall tale signs of your failures are everywhere and you persist.
CEO tells Daily Show ?mentally retarded? could work for $2: ?You?re worth what you?re worth? | The Raw Story

Another out of touch high class person spewing shit.

He's right about a few things, but also is out of touch with ALOT of other things.

1. The CEO of Euro Pacific Capital argued that government programs, not low wages, were trapping Americans in poverty, and claimed that paying workers twice as much would double the cost of some goods – such as fast-food hamburgers.

Well, Mr. CEO. That's simply not true. Low wages are whats keeping people in poverty. Walmart? Mc Donalds? Any of those ringing a bell?
I have a solution for that. Bill the employers what their employees are using up through government subsidies and throw people like yourself in the slammer if you don't cough up.

Also, prices wouldn't be risen more than 1 1/2 at the most. You know why? Because their wage had little to do with your "prices". A $2-$3 addition wouldn't bare significant impact on your products, and demand would go up because people would have MONEY.

“Did you ever go into a McDonald’s or Burger King?” he said. “I don’t really eat there, but they don’t seem desperate and hungry to me. They’re young kids, they seem to be enjoying themselves mostly.”

Way to contradict yourself there, Mr. CEO.
You don't eat or visit those places, but you happen to know all about their employees and how things are run.

"Kids enjoying themselves" happens to be 16-40 year olds trying to make some money to support themselves. You know, on EBT and wellfare? Maybe a few live in with family, but thats probably because they have nowhere else to go since they can't support themselves.

Schiff argued that eliminating the minimum wage law would allow more people entry to the workforce, and Bee asked him to identify someone whose work might be worth just $2 an hour.

“You know someone that might be? Maybe someone who is – what’s the politically correct word, you know, for mentally retarded,” Schiff said. “I believe in the principles this country was founded on.”

“I’m not going to say that we’re all created equal,” he said. “You’re worth what you’re worth.”

Can we just force this guy to work in chinese labor for pennies on the Yuan?
Preferably a foxconn job or something with forced labor.

Do YOU, the average class citizen want to be working for $5 or less an hour, with an extremely hostile work environment that will do what they please on a whim because there are no laws or rules protecting you?

The chicken and the egg. Which came first...your lack of potential for a high wage job, or the low wage job at macdonalds? You are what you made yourself...flipping burgers is your level of incompetence...or the first step on the ladder to's up to you.
So a mentally retarded American is worth 5 times what Chinese factory worker is?

lol, sounds racist to me.

See, this is typical of LOLberals with low information. The worth being discussed is for the SKILL being brought to the table. I think Schiff made a mistake using a mentally challenged person as his example. Because morons like this one will immediately jump in their PC police uniform and completely turn the topic upside down. Then pull the race card.

We do not expect a lot of the USMB LOLberals, but this is the type of thing that goes to show that you LOLberals are complete fucking idiots not worthy of discussing these topics. You should simply be mocked, and mocked to the point you go away or are ignored entirely.
CEO says ‘mentally retarded’ could work for $2: ‘You’re worth what you’re worth’
That's why CEO's get payed millions of dollars a year. They can say "fuck'em" in such a nice way.
How come LOLberals do not hire mentally challenged people to work in their homes for $50 an hour? I mean, they deserve a fair" pay do they not? And more over, think someone else, being the government, should find these people work. Why not go out there and practice what you preach?

Why is it that LOLberals always want to armchair QB what other people should do, with other peoplle's money, but they more or less just stand on the sideline pointing, holding a sign, judging other and in general not being productive?

This is rhetorical BTW.
LOLberals are just a drag on human action. They always know how much people should make, what they should spend their time on, how much is too much or little, and the list goes on adn on and on and on...

Can't you fucks just shut up and mind your own business? It's not your business how much an employer pays an employee. Thats between them. Thats what Schiff is saying with regard to minimum wage. Such arbitrarily decided labor pricing causes distortions whcih lead to putting certain labor groups ot of the market.

You do not care though because its so much easier to believe that because you can not account for how many folks never got employed from your fucked up ideas, that it was a complete victory on your part. 50 years later and the tall tale signs of your failures are everywhere and you persist.

Labor unions exist because if people who think like you.
Everyone knows that the factory will shut down if we can't hire children for .$02 a day anymore. Why do you hate poor people?
Labor unions exist because the government passed legislation that favored them. Not because of their merits. Now, they are the same entity that you despise only from a different angle. And they mainly exist in the public sector.

And no one is arguing against labor unions anyway. But again, when you have no rebuttel to the topic, just throw out your best spit ball and see if people swing at it. It's very similar to the deflection so common from LOLberals in debate.
Most minimum wage jobs don't require much intelligence. Frankly, whether a person with a mental handicap or not does it, they'll both be equally capable since jobs of that sort are more about repetition than creativity or solving problems. Faced with needing someone to do such a task, I'd rather hire the mental handicapped person since they'll be more appreciative and positive than somoene slacking off loathing the position.
Im not paying a retard $10 per hour. Ill just hire a normal person if im forced to pay that much. Minimum wage laws means that retard can no longer compete in the jobs market. Felons have a rough go at it too.

Then maybe we shouldn't leave employment to people like you.

Perhaps we should have what FDR called for in his "Second Bill of Rights", a renumerative job for every American.

If the retarded person can't find a job working for the private sector, then government should find a job for them.

Just what the hell is a "renumerative job"?

Paying someone NOT for their skills and/or productivity?

If you always show up late for work, take long lunch breaks, and spend your time texting or talking on the phone, should I pay you the same as someone who always arrives early, follows the rules, and does more than their fair share of the work?

You liberals are unbelievable. The same old mantra of equality for all.

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