CEO says ‘mentally retarded’ could work for $2: ‘You’re worth what you’re worth’

CEO's and executives like CFO's and the like are paid what someone or a board of directors feel they are worth.They are competing with other corporations for that talent.

You don't like what a company is paying,quit and get a job elsewhere.
If you are not qualified to work at another company you train for that job.

Im not paying a retard $10 per hour. Ill just hire a normal person if im forced to pay that much. Minimum wage laws means that retard can no longer compete in the jobs market. Felons have a rough go at it too.

Then maybe we shouldn't leave employment to people like you.

Perhaps we should have what FDR called for in his "Second Bill of Rights", a renumerative job for every American.

If the retarded person can't find a job working for the private sector, then government should find a job for them.

Why... Do they find jobs for American Indians?

Nope.. Pass the bottle before I beat my woman

Who should be paid more?
Peyton Manning or one of the guys on the special team who is a back up to another player.
Who should be paid more?
Peyton Manning or one of the guys on the special team who is a back up to another player.

Now you have gone and done it. You know the radical, leftist, liberal, gun grabbing loons just can't recognize such categories of a successful team. That's why everybody gets a trophy because it just sends the wrong signal to youth that in some areas of life, we just might not measure up. Then guess what happens.. We work harder..

We are only as strong as our weakest link.

CEO's and executives like CFO's and the like are paid what someone or a board of directors feel they are worth.They are competing with other corporations for that talent.

You don't like what a company is paying,quit and get a job elsewhere.
If you are not qualified to work at another company you train for that job.


Or we just pass fair wage laws where no one pays too little to the people who do the work, and pass tax laws and corporate governance laws where guys like Mitt Romney can't raid the cookie jar.

Oh, wait. The Europeans and Japanese are already doing that!
Who should be paid more?
Peyton Manning or one of the guys on the special team who is a back up to another player.

Again, that guy on special teams, and for that matter, that guy who spends most of the season warming the bench, belongs to a union and gets a fair wage for his efforts.

So that really isn't a good analogy, as much as you want it to be.
CEO's and executives like CFO's and the like are paid what someone or a board of directors feel they are worth.They are competing with other corporations for that talent.

You don't like what a company is paying,quit and get a job elsewhere.
If you are not qualified to work at another company you train for that job.


Or we just pass fair wage laws where no one pays too little to the people who do the work, and pass tax laws and corporate governance laws where guys like Mitt Romney can't raid the cookie jar.

Oh, wait. The Europeans and Japanese are already doing that!

Darn rich people


I'm not sure what your point is.

They should pay their fair share and they should be held to account to the law.

Oh, other than Romney, please point out which one of those evil liberal millionaires made their fortunes fucking over working people.

Soros, maybe, he made his money manipulating currency. But there was never the level of Malice the Mormon engaged in.
CEO tells Daily Show ?mentally retarded? could work for $2: ?You?re worth what you?re worth? | The Raw Story

Another out of touch high class person spewing shit.

He's right about a few things, but also is out of touch with ALOT of other things.

1. The CEO of Euro Pacific Capital argued that government programs, not low wages, were trapping Americans in poverty, and claimed that paying workers twice as much would double the cost of some goods – such as fast-food hamburgers.

Well, Mr. CEO. That's simply not true. Low wages are whats keeping people in poverty. Walmart? Mc Donalds? Any of those ringing a bell?
I have a solution for that. Bill the employers what their employees are using up through government subsidies and throw people like yourself in the slammer if you don't cough up.

Also, prices wouldn't be risen more than 1 1/2 at the most. You know why? Because their wage had little to do with your "prices". A $2-$3 addition wouldn't bare significant impact on your products, and demand would go up because people would have MONEY.

“Did you ever go into a McDonald’s or Burger King?” he said. “I don’t really eat there, but they don’t seem desperate and hungry to me. They’re young kids, they seem to be enjoying themselves mostly.”

Way to contradict yourself there, Mr. CEO.
You don't eat or visit those places, but you happen to know all about their employees and how things are run.

"Kids enjoying themselves" happens to be 16-40 year olds trying to make some money to support themselves. You know, on EBT and wellfare? Maybe a few live in with family, but thats probably because they have nowhere else to go since they can't support themselves.

Schiff argued that eliminating the minimum wage law would allow more people entry to the workforce, and Bee asked him to identify someone whose work might be worth just $2 an hour.

“You know someone that might be? Maybe someone who is – what’s the politically correct word, you know, for mentally retarded,” Schiff said. “I believe in the principles this country was founded on.”

“I’m not going to say that we’re all created equal,” he said. “You’re worth what you’re worth.”

Can we just force this guy to work in chinese labor for pennies on the Yuan?
Preferably a foxconn job or something with forced labor.

Do YOU, the average class citizen want to be working for $5 or less an hour, with an extremely hostile work environment that will do what they please on a whim because there are no laws or rules protecting you?

And the next move is to have half of the work force labeled retarded.:eek:
CEO tells Daily Show ?mentally retarded? could work for $2: ?You?re worth what you?re worth? | The Raw Story

Another out of touch high class person spewing shit.

He's right about a few things, but also is out of touch with ALOT of other things.

1. The CEO of Euro Pacific Capital argued that government programs, not low wages, were trapping Americans in poverty, and claimed that paying workers twice as much would double the cost of some goods – such as fast-food hamburgers.

Well, Mr. CEO. That's simply not true. Low wages are whats keeping people in poverty. Walmart? Mc Donalds? Any of those ringing a bell?
I have a solution for that. Bill the employers what their employees are using up through government subsidies and throw people like yourself in the slammer if you don't cough up.

Also, prices wouldn't be risen more than 1 1/2 at the most. You know why? Because their wage had little to do with your "prices". A $2-$3 addition wouldn't bare significant impact on your products, and demand would go up because people would have MONEY.

Way to contradict yourself there, Mr. CEO.
You don't eat or visit those places, but you happen to know all about their employees and how things are run.

"Kids enjoying themselves" happens to be 16-40 year olds trying to make some money to support themselves. You know, on EBT and wellfare? Maybe a few live in with family, but thats probably because they have nowhere else to go since they can't support themselves.

Schiff argued that eliminating the minimum wage law would allow more people entry to the workforce, and Bee asked him to identify someone whose work might be worth just $2 an hour.

“You know someone that might be? Maybe someone who is – what’s the politically correct word, you know, for mentally retarded,” Schiff said. “I believe in the principles this country was founded on.”

“I’m not going to say that we’re all created equal,” he said. “You’re worth what you’re worth.”

Can we just force this guy to work in chinese labor for pennies on the Yuan?
Preferably a foxconn job or something with forced labor.

Do YOU, the average class citizen want to be working for $5 or less an hour, with an extremely hostile work environment that will do what they please on a whim because there are no laws or rules protecting you?

And the next move is to have half of the work force labeled retarded.:eek:

Well, about half the work force votes republican....
So does this mean the little black kids don't have to clean toilets at their schools? Does it mean they can actually attend class?
Then maybe we shouldn't leave employment to people like you.

Perhaps we should have what FDR called for in his "Second Bill of Rights", a renumerative job for every American.

If the retarded person can't find a job working for the private sector, then government should find a job for them.

If i own a business then hiring IS up to me.

If I am going to pay someone I want to make sure I get what I pay for.

So if you want to hire retards and felons for 20 an hour then you open a business and do just that.

Or we can just pass a law saying you can't discriminate if they otherwise qualify for the job.

Just like you can't legally discriminate because they are black or women.

OR OLDER! Like, seniors.

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