Certain Media Figures Invited To White House


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Only 'certain' media figures. And to a 'closed' meeting with obama himself.

"Off the record". Hush-hush.

Obama Holds Off-The-Record Meeting With MSNBC Hosts, Lib Bloggers…


All of his favorite lapdogs were there, Ed Schultz, Lawrence O’Donnell, Ezra Klein, just to name a few.

Via Politico:

President Obama held an off-the-record meeting with MSNBC hosts and liberal pundits on Thursday, POLITICO has learned.

Present at the meeting: MSNBC’s Ed Schultz and Lawrence O’Donnell, Washington Post economics blogger Ezra Klein, Mother Jones Washington bureau chief David Corn, Talking Points Memo editor and publisher Josh Marshall, ThinkProgress editor-in-chief Judd Legum, Atlantic senior editor Garance Franke-Ruta, Salon political writer Brian Beutler and Fox News contributor Juan Williams.

- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

Anybody wanna guess what went on in there?

A card game, maybe? A Ping Pong tournament? Maybe a barbecue and some beer?

And since when does the media meet with the president in secret?

Anybody that believes we have a free press in this country is delusional.
Article yesterday that actual press members were complaining about lack of access in the White House. Also about lack of opportunity to video and photograph Obama at state functions. Many of them averred that using WH materials amounted to propaganda.
Bob Woodward complained this is the most closed WH he's ever seen. No one knows what's going on there.

Remember that in a dictatorship the first move is against free journalism.
If I were Roger Ailes, I would ask Juan Williams to publicly disclose what went on and what was talked about in the meeting with the Stuttering Clusterfuck.

If he refused, I would terminate him on the spot.

Shit like this is out of control.

If the Stuttering Clusterfuck wanted to have a closed meeting with the Press and invited leftists, moderates and Patriotic Journalists at the same time...?

I'd have nothing to say about it.

But inviting leftists ONLY?

That's bullshit. Juan Williams needs to disclose the subject and the content of the meeting or be fired.

The other networks and propaganda outlets? Shit, they couldn't care less. And neither could I.

Now, what Williams will say is, "If I disclose the content of the meeting to you, then FNC will be cut off by the White House!"

Don't care. Talk or hit the fucking door.
Topics to be discussed during the White House gathering of Liberal media figures.

"How To Provide A more Nuanced Fellatio"

"Tips for providing a Brighter Shine on Dear Leader's Shoes, Using The Oral Technique"
So, the President cannot choose whom to invite to his meetings? Why should he invite any of the assholes that simply lie about everything they print concerning the President?

Perhaps they discussed the names of the 93 new judges:lol:
they should title that

All Obama's Lapdogs

damn they are all so ugly...has to be all that haten they put out
So, the President cannot choose whom to invite to his meetings? Why should he invite any of the assholes that simply lie about everything they print concerning the President?

Perhaps they discussed the names of the 93 new judges:lol:

Article yesterday that actual press members were complaining about lack of access in the White House. Also about lack of opportunity to video and photograph Obama at state functions. Many of them averred that using WH materials amounted to propaganda.
Bob Woodward complained this is the most closed WH he's ever seen. No one knows what's going on there.

Remember that in a dictatorship the first move is against free journalism.

Like when Bush made the White House guest list book unavailable for public eyes?

Deal with President Barak Obama until 20Jan17, then deal with President Hillary Clinton until 20Jan25. Then, perhaps, Carroline Kennedy
If I were Roger Ailes, I would ask Juan Williams to publicly disclose what went on and what was talked about in the meeting with the Stuttering Clusterfuck.

Didn't you like how Reagan always said well?

Or How Dubya could not pronounce words and a sentence?

What was it that Clinton, did I don't remember?
Article yesterday that actual press members were complaining about lack of access in the White House. Also about lack of opportunity to video and photograph Obama at state functions. Many of them averred that using WH materials amounted to propaganda.
Bob Woodward complained this is the most closed WH he's ever seen. No one knows what's going on there.

Remember that in a dictatorship the first move is against free journalism.

Like when Bush made the White House guest list book unavailable for public eyes?

Obama Blocks Visitor List Access, Echoing Bush

White House Visitor List: Court Rules Against Disclosure Of Records
By PETE YOST 08/30/13 04:29 PM ET EDT
Last edited:
If I were Roger Ailes, I would ask Juan Williams to publicly disclose what went on and what was talked about in the meeting with the Stuttering Clusterfuck.

If he refused, I would terminate him on the spot.

Shit like this is out of control.

If the Stuttering Clusterfuck wanted to have a closed meeting with the Press and invited leftists, moderates and Patriotic Journalists at the same time...?

I'd have nothing to say about it.

But inviting leftists ONLY?

That's bullshit. Juan Williams needs to disclose the subject and the content of the meeting or be fired.

The other networks and propaganda outlets? Shit, they couldn't care less. And neither could I.

Now, what Williams will say is, "If I disclose the content of the meeting to you, then FNC will be cut off by the White House!"

Don't care. Talk or hit the fucking door.

Well, NO!

Juan Williams is one of the rarest breed on this Earth, dying breed, snuffed out by political correctness, an HONEST DEMOCRAT.

For that same "sin" he has already been fired from NPR (or was it PBS?). Juan Williams is an honored occasional co-host of The Five and replacement host of the O'Reilley Factor.
He gives opinions that are honest, to the point, he never resorts to dispicable name-calling as other invitees to this circus are known to be, like Ed Shultz, he never advocates hatred like Lawrence O'Donnell and I am sure he attended this charade only because his respect for the office of the Presidency, if not for the utterly unqualified, unprepared and dishonest lying occupier thereof.

Journalists, like others who has to deal with confidentiality, should not be subject to such threats.

Deal with President Barak Obama until 20Jan17, then deal with President Hillary Clinton until 20Jan25. Then, perhaps, Carroline Kennedy

Hopefully some of you will have grown up by then

long shot, but hopefully
Article yesterday that actual press members were complaining about lack of access in the White House. Also about lack of opportunity to video and photograph Obama at state functions. Many of them averred that using WH materials amounted to propaganda.
Bob Woodward complained this is the most closed WH he's ever seen. No one knows what's going on there.

Remember that in a dictatorship the first move is against free journalism.

Like when Bush made the White House guest list book unavailable for public eyes?

Shhhhhhhhh.............................. Jeff Gannon
If I were Roger Ailes, I would ask Juan Williams to publicly disclose what went on and what was talked about in the meeting with the Stuttering Clusterfuck.

If he refused, I would terminate him on the spot.

Shit like this is out of control.

If the Stuttering Clusterfuck wanted to have a closed meeting with the Press and invited leftists, moderates and Patriotic Journalists at the same time...?

I'd have nothing to say about it.

But inviting leftists ONLY?

That's bullshit. Juan Williams needs to disclose the subject and the content of the meeting or be fired.

The other networks and propaganda outlets? Shit, they couldn't care less. And neither could I.

Now, what Williams will say is, "If I disclose the content of the meeting to you, then FNC will be cut off by the White House!"

Don't care. Talk or hit the fucking door.

Well, NO!

Juan Williams is one of the rarest breed on this Earth, dying breed, snuffed out by political correctness, an HONEST DEMOCRAT.

For that same "sin" he has already been fired from NPR (or was it PBS?). Juan Williams is an honored occasional co-host of The Five and replacement host of the O'Reilley Factor.
He gives opinions that are honest, to the point, he never resorts to dispicable name-calling as other invitees to this circus are known to be, like Ed Shultz, he never advocates hatred like Lawrence O'Donnell and I am sure he attended this charade only because his respect for the office of the Presidency, if not for the utterly unqualified, unprepared and dishonest lying occupier thereof.

Journalists, like others who has to deal with confidentiality, should not be subject to such threats.

Juan USED to be an honest democrat. I've watched him and listened to him for a long time.

Not any more. Not since the 2012 election cycle. Not since FNC gave him a HUGE contract.

He's no better than Ed Schultz or Rachel Madcow any more.

Now, he's just another dimocrap

Deal with President Barak Obama until 20Jan17, then deal with President Hillary Clinton until 20Jan25. Then, perhaps, Carroline Kennedy

No such thing as President Caroline Kennedy, because if the "Lying of Senate", the Chappaquidick life guard, Teddy, could not be elected even for nomination, no Kennedy ever will be; one philandering tomcat who got what he got from an assassin, rather than the gun of a jealous husband was enough for generations.

There will never be a president Hilary Clinton, because if that bitch is elected President, she will jettison the name of Clinton (Bill having served his purpose) and would insist to be known as president Rodham.

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