Challenge:Liberals on this Board...Especially Students...Show HARD Evidence that Trump is Racist

No evidence exists that President of the United States Donald J.Trump is racist? Not PC assumptions, but actual evidence that The President is a racist? One time? On record, not gossip, or your “interpretation” of his words...but actual racism? I find it insulting that liberal media and professoriate try to set the tone for cultural conversation in this country. Liberals always flame out and are not very articulate on this topic.
Analysis | How civics teachers can talk to students about Trump’s racist comments
Is this like hard evidence that Obama is racist?
He went to this lunatics church...ever read his sermons?
No evidence exists that President of the United States Donald J.Trump is racist? Not PC assumptions, but actual evidence that The President is a racist? One time? On record, not gossip, or your “interpretation” of his words...but actual racism? I find it insulting that liberal media and professoriate try to set the tone for cultural conversation in this country. Liberals always flame out and are not very articulate on this topic.
Analysis | How civics teachers can talk to students about Trump’s racist comments
Is this like hard evidence that Obama is racist?
Race card...
No evidence exists that President of the United States Donald J.Trump is racist? Not PC assumptions, but actual evidence that The President is a racist? One time? On record, not gossip, or your “interpretation” of his words...but actual racism? I find it insulting that liberal media and professoriate try to set the tone for cultural conversation in this country. Liberals always flame out and are not very articulate on this topic.
Analysis | How civics teachers can talk to students about Trump’s racist comments
Is this like hard evidence that Obama is racist?
Obama's Marxist-Environmentalists (“the new red is green”) Van Jones...
This is what 'whitelash' looks like - CNN
No evidence exists that President of the United States Donald J.Trump is racist? Not PC assumptions, but actual evidence that The President is a racist? One time? On record, not gossip, or your “interpretation” of his words...but actual racism? I find it insulting that liberal media and professoriate try to set the tone for cultural conversation in this country. Liberals always flame out and are not very articulate on this topic.
Analysis | How civics teachers can talk to students about Trump’s racist comments

What evidence would be needed to prove that someone is a racist, in your view?
Made a direct statement directed at a specific race or ethnic group in a derogatory manner based upon their race or ethnicity.
He said:
When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best,” he said in the same speech. “They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

We minorities we don't just hate him just for the love of it. He targeted every group to please his racist base. And pay back will be in every election, till the GOP changes or abolishes its racist and fascist ways of conducting business.
Trump is correct in his comments.
No evidence exists that President of the United States Donald J.Trump is racist? Not PC assumptions, but actual evidence that The President is a racist? One time? On record, not gossip, or your “interpretation” of his words...but actual racism? I find it insulting that liberal media and professoriate try to set the tone for cultural conversation in this country. Liberals always flame out and are not very articulate on this topic.
Analysis | How civics teachers can talk to students about Trump’s racist comments

What evidence would be needed to prove that someone is a racist, in your view?
Made a direct statement directed at a specific race or ethnic group in a derogatory manner based upon their race or ethnicity.
He said:
When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best,” he said in the same speech. “They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

We minorities we don't just hate him just for the love of it. He targeted every group to please his racist base. And pay back will be in every election, till the GOP changes or abolishes its racist and fascist ways of conducting business.
Trump is correct in his comments.

Trump could say anything, like "the moon is made of cheese" and you'd support him.
No evidence exists that President of the United States Donald J.Trump is racist? Not PC assumptions, but actual evidence that The President is a racist? One time? On record, not gossip, or your “interpretation” of his words...but actual racism? I find it insulting that liberal media and professoriate try to set the tone for cultural conversation in this country. Liberals always flame out and are not very articulate on this topic.
Analysis | How civics teachers can talk to students about Trump’s racist comments

What evidence would be needed to prove that someone is a racist, in your view?
Made a direct statement directed at a specific race or ethnic group in a derogatory manner based upon their race or ethnicity.
He said:
When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best,” he said in the same speech. “They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

We minorities we don't just hate him just for the love of it. He targeted every group to please his racist base. And pay back will be in every election, till the GOP changes or abolishes its racist and fascist ways of conducting business.
Trump is correct in his comments.

Trump could say anything, like "the moon is made of cheese" and you'd support him.
Trump could create more jobs than Obama, decrease the unemployment rate astronomically, and you'd still hate him.
No evidence exists that President of the United States Donald J.Trump is racist? Not PC assumptions, but actual evidence that The President is a racist? One time? On record, not gossip, or your “interpretation” of his words...but actual racism? I find it insulting that liberal media and professoriate try to set the tone for cultural conversation in this country. Liberals always flame out and are not very articulate on this topic.
Analysis | How civics teachers can talk to students about Trump’s racist comments

What evidence would be needed to prove that someone is a racist, in your view?
Made a direct statement directed at a specific race or ethnic group in a derogatory manner based upon their race or ethnicity.
He said:
When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best,” he said in the same speech. “They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

We minorities we don't just hate him just for the love of it. He targeted every group to please his racist base. And pay back will be in every election, till the GOP changes or abolishes its racist and fascist ways of conducting business.
Trump is correct in his comments.

Trump could say anything, like "the moon is made of cheese" and you'd support him.
Obama could take a crap on the floor and you would bend down and say how great it smells.
What evidence would be needed to prove that someone is a racist, in your view?
Made a direct statement directed at a specific race or ethnic group in a derogatory manner based upon their race or ethnicity.
He said:
When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best,” he said in the same speech. “They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

We minorities we don't just hate him just for the love of it. He targeted every group to please his racist base. And pay back will be in every election, till the GOP changes or abolishes its racist and fascist ways of conducting business.
Trump is correct in his comments.

Trump could say anything, like "the moon is made of cheese" and you'd support him.
Trump could create more jobs than Obama, decrease the unemployment rate astronomically, and you'd still hate him.

But he's not doing anything much. Unemployment has dropped but it's been dropping anyway.

In the last 3 months of 2017 it didn't drop at all. From August to October it dropped 0.3%. August was the same as April.

So from April to December there was a drop of 0.3%.

There was a drop of 0.4% from January to April.

But how quickly do president actions have an impact?

September to December 2016 saw a drop of 0.3% too.

From 2010 onwards there was a drop every year.

2010 0.5%
2011 0.6%
2012 0.4%
2013 1.3%
2014 1%
2015 0.7%
2016 0.2%
2017 0.7%

There's a steady drop. This wasn't because of Obama, it wasn't because of Trump either. It was because after a recession this is what happens.

I bet you weren't going on about how great Obama was in 2013 and 2014 for having 1.3% and 1% drop in unemployment. That's much more than was seen last year.
What evidence would be needed to prove that someone is a racist, in your view?
Made a direct statement directed at a specific race or ethnic group in a derogatory manner based upon their race or ethnicity.
He said:
When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best,” he said in the same speech. “They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

We minorities we don't just hate him just for the love of it. He targeted every group to please his racist base. And pay back will be in every election, till the GOP changes or abolishes its racist and fascist ways of conducting business.
Trump is correct in his comments.

Trump could say anything, like "the moon is made of cheese" and you'd support him.
Obama could take a crap on the floor and you would bend down and say how great it smells.

Not at all. I'm not a pro-Obama supporter.

But then you're the sort of person who can only see two teams, and doesn't understand that there are actually people with brains out there who don't support either party.

Racism is an internal, mental activity. Without the ability to read minds, there is no way to "prove" that someone is racist.

You can usually make a safe assumption, based on words and actions. But that's not "proof".

If you go to a Racist Church for 20 years you are a Racist.

Racism is an internal, mental activity. Without the ability to read minds, there is no way to "prove" that someone is racist.

You can usually make a safe assumption, based on words and actions. But that's not "proof".
Then you cannot call him a racist.


Why not?
You can’t read his mind. Your words, not mine.


How does that prevent me from calling him a racist?

It doesn't, liberals lie all the time..

It's all you got....
No evidence exists that President of the United States Donald J.Trump is racist? Not PC assumptions, but actual evidence that The President is a racist? One time? On record, not gossip, or your “interpretation” of his words...but actual racism? I find it insulting that liberal media and professoriate try to set the tone for cultural conversation in this country. Liberals always flame out and are not very articulate on this topic.
Analysis | How civics teachers can talk to students about Trump’s racist comments

What evidence would be needed to prove that someone is a racist, in your view?

Going to a Racist Church for 20 years would do it.....
Trump isn’t racist. Trump is Trumpist. Whether red, yellow, black or white, all those that love and suck up to Trump are precious in his sight.
The Neo-Nazi's say that Trump is "on the same page as us". Why did they say that?
Because they are wrong...liberal media pushes stories like this. :9:
There is no need for any reporting on the subject at all because the Daily Stormer posted the statement on their own website. That Trump was "more or less on the same page with us".
Made a direct statement directed at a specific race or ethnic group in a derogatory manner based upon their race or ethnicity.
He said:
When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best,” he said in the same speech. “They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

We minorities we don't just hate him just for the love of it. He targeted every group to please his racist base. And pay back will be in every election, till the GOP changes or abolishes its racist and fascist ways of conducting business.
Trump is correct in his comments.

Trump could say anything, like "the moon is made of cheese" and you'd support him.
Trump could create more jobs than Obama, decrease the unemployment rate astronomically, and you'd still hate him.

But he's not doing anything much. Unemployment has dropped but it's been dropping anyway.

In the last 3 months of 2017 it didn't drop at all. From August to October it dropped 0.3%. August was the same as April.

So from April to December there was a drop of 0.3%.

There was a drop of 0.4% from January to April.

But how quickly do president actions have an impact?

September to December 2016 saw a drop of 0.3% too.

From 2010 onwards there was a drop every year.

2010 0.5%
2011 0.6%
2012 0.4%
2013 1.3%
2014 1%
2015 0.7%
2016 0.2%
2017 0.7%

There's a steady drop. This wasn't because of Obama, it wasn't because of Trump either. It was because after a recession this is what happens.

I bet you weren't going on about how great Obama was in 2013 and 2014 for having 1.3% and 1% drop in unemployment. That's much more than was seen last year.
But do you have hard evidence he is a racist?
It's a damn shame, the way such an important word has been watered down and weaponized for political advantage like this.

At this point, it can mean pretty much anything. Which provides handy cover for the REAL racism that DOES still exist.

Racism is an internal, mental activity. Without the ability to read minds, there is no way to "prove" that someone is racist.

You can usually make a safe assumption, based on words and actions. But that's not "proof".

If you go to a Racist Church for 20 years you are a Racist.

That is a pretty powerful action to consider.

Excellent point.
What obama has to say to you White liberals defending him..

obama stupid mother fuckers you tube - Bing video


Racism is an internal, mental activity. Without the ability to read minds, there is no way to "prove" that someone is racist.

You can usually make a safe assumption, based on words and actions. But that's not "proof".

No, it's actually quite easy because actual racists come out and say it.

One can be for every single position Trump holds and not be a racist for having those positions. That some of those positions overlap with actual racists is merely an attempt at guilt by association.

Kind of agree. Until either we can read minds or Rump comes out and says it directly (and being a known liar that's not worth much) we don't have the basis to know if Rump is a racist. Obviously he's an elitist but that's a broader scope than "racist".

But that's the wrong question anyway. Being a racist wouldn't win votes except from a racist fringe. But baiting the racists, with oblique and semi-oblique code words ("the best words") serves to bring them into one's camp without personally committing to racism. Hence "they're rapists" and "shut down Muslims" and "very fine people" and cue Pavlovian salivation, with plausible deniability.

Whether Rump is personally racist is kind of a moot point. Far more important is that he's a master baiter, as is any proficient con artist. I halfway want to guess that the OP doesn't know the crucial difference between racism and race baiting. The other possibility is he does know and is deliberately conflating to obscure the baiting, but I really don't think he has the intelligence to even figure that out.

I don't see him as an "elitist". He's a crass rich guy, but he also enjoys things normal people enjoy. Bad food, golf, crappy TV (at least making it if not watching it). I'd rather have a rich asshole running things who doesn't act like his shit don't stink than some well meaning snooty academic telling me what I SHOULD do with my life, what I SHOULD think, and if I don;t follow the rules sic government on me or browbeat me to death.

I don't mean by "elitist" somebody who has snobby tastes. I mean somebody who literally sees himself as a superior life form. Who carries the view that there's simply a set of societal castes and some are destined to be on the bottom while they, the elitist, are destined to be the --- well, the Elite. This was drummed into Rump from childhood by his father and clearly he bought the whole package. It appeals to his narcissism.

So racism is one way to express such an elitism -- but it's not the only way.

The actual racist vote is really freaking small. What Trump appeals to is the average american's annoyance at progressives penchant to support people who don't follow the rules over people who do.

Eh -- again, that's the con artist selling fantasy-monsters. Monsters of Mexican rapists and Muslim terrorists and a foreign President and protestors "ruining America" and economic rivals "laughing at us" and "because you'd be in jail" and "fire the sumbitches" and "the news media is the enemy" and on and on and on. That's what a political con artist does: divide and conquer. And in order to divide you need the subhuman monsters, and he's all too happy to create them.

As I just said --- baiting. It's what he does.

When you're successful thinking highly of yourself is natural.
I know I think very highly of myself.

"Thinking highly of oneself" is not what we're talking here. What this is is "thinking elitely of oneself". That means the belief that oneself is a superior being, i.e. literally better than everyone else. And there's no secret about that belief --- he goes out of his way to remind the world that that's exactly what he thinks, every day even at three in the morning.

Racism as in the thread title would be one form of that but it's specific to race. The racist thinks himself superior to another specific person on account of their skin colors. I don't think Rump thinks himself superior on account of race alone, if we mean literal race as in skin color. Rather he thinks he's of a "master race" in the generalized meaning of the term. A more accurate term would be that he thinks he's of a "master class" -- it's more like the castes of India than the skin colors of what we traditionally call "racism". He believes in a striated society where some are "destined" to sweep floors and others are "destined" to rule, and he believes hisself, without any evidence whatsoever, to be in the latter class.
No, it's actually quite easy because actual racists come out and say it.

One can be for every single position Trump holds and not be a racist for having those positions. That some of those positions overlap with actual racists is merely an attempt at guilt by association.

Kind of agree. Until either we can read minds or Rump comes out and says it directly (and being a known liar that's not worth much) we don't have the basis to know if Rump is a racist. Obviously he's an elitist but that's a broader scope than "racist".

But that's the wrong question anyway. Being a racist wouldn't win votes except from a racist fringe. But baiting the racists, with oblique and semi-oblique code words ("the best words") serves to bring them into one's camp without personally committing to racism. Hence "they're rapists" and "shut down Muslims" and "very fine people" and cue Pavlovian salivation, with plausible deniability.

Whether Rump is personally racist is kind of a moot point. Far more important is that he's a master baiter, as is any proficient con artist. I halfway want to guess that the OP doesn't know the crucial difference between racism and race baiting. The other possibility is he does know and is deliberately conflating to obscure the baiting, but I really don't think he has the intelligence to even figure that out.

I don't see him as an "elitist". He's a crass rich guy, but he also enjoys things normal people enjoy. Bad food, golf, crappy TV (at least making it if not watching it). I'd rather have a rich asshole running things who doesn't act like his shit don't stink than some well meaning snooty academic telling me what I SHOULD do with my life, what I SHOULD think, and if I don;t follow the rules sic government on me or browbeat me to death.

I don't mean by "elitist" somebody who has snobby tastes. I mean somebody who literally sees himself as a superior life form. Who carries the view that there's simply a set of societal castes and some are destined to be on the bottom while they, the elitist, are destined to be the --- well, the Elite. This was drummed into Rump from childhood by his father and clearly he bought the whole package. It appeals to his narcissism.

So racism is one way to express such an elitism -- but it's not the only way.

The actual racist vote is really freaking small. What Trump appeals to is the average american's annoyance at progressives penchant to support people who don't follow the rules over people who do.

Eh -- again, that's the con artist selling fantasy-monsters. Monsters of Mexican rapists and Muslim terrorists and a foreign President and protestors "ruining America" and economic rivals "laughing at us" and "because you'd be in jail" and "fire the sumbitches" and "the news media is the enemy" and on and on and on. That's what a political con artist does: divide and conquer. And in order to divide you need the subhuman monsters, and he's all too happy to create them.

As I just said --- baiting. It's what he does.

When you're successful thinking highly of yourself is natural.
I know I think very highly of myself.

"Thinking highly of oneself" is not what we're talking here. What this is is "thinking elitely of oneself". That means the belief that oneself is a superior being, i.e. literally better than everyone else. And there's no secret about that belief --- he goes out of his way to remind the world that that's exactly what he thinks, every day even at three in the morning.

Racism as in the thread title would be one form of that but it's specific to race. The racist thinks himself superior to another specific person on account of their skin colors. I don't think Rump thinks himself superior on account of race alone, if we mean literal race as in skin color. Rather he thinks he's of a "master race" in the generalized meaning of the term. A more accurate term would be that he thinks he's of a "master class" -- it's more like the castes of India than the skin colors of what we traditionally call "racism".

I've seen nothing that supports the idea that Trump's high opinion of himself is extended in his mind to his fellow "class", the vast majority of which was against him in the election and who's various champions he viciously ridiculed and crushed.

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