Challenge:Liberals on this Board...Especially Students...Show HARD Evidence that Trump is Racist

And people like Hillary have some supporters that are asshole communists, or at best, "democratic socialists"
Yup. And we would have seen the same guilt by association.

I don't know what this accomplishes, but it's par for the course.

For some on the left there is more than association. Most libertarians/conservatives don't want to BECOME racists/nazi/alt-rightists.

I have a feeling there are more democrats who sympathize with at least the democratic socialist views, big government, social government control, etc.

DeBlasio is a perfect example of this.
Yeah, I can agree with that. And they became far more emboldened when Obama was elected.

I have a cousin who is a hard core Democratic Socialist. He's also a retired professor of History, and a former communist. He's intelligent, lucid, and has no idea why people don't understand his ideas, or willingly follow them.

On the other hand his daughter is a full blown Anti-fa type, and not as smart as her father.
An ideology can infect and distort the perceptions and thought processes of perfectly intelligent people.

That's how powerful it is, and why it needs to be avoided.

It's a lifestyle virus, something we bring on ourselves, not unlike herpes.

There is nothing wrong with ideology, just how it is applied. I don't have a deep sense of dread and hate that my cousin is a Democratic Socialist. He has a different opinion of how the world should work. I am not offended by that, I just think he is wrong. However when I explain my views on things, from my Strict Constructional Federalist (with libertarian (small "l") leanings) it almost seems my views pain him, like he needs to hate me about it.

It's an inability to allow others to have differing views than yourself, and see their views as valid (if wrong) that I see as the problem.
Yup. And we would have seen the same guilt by association.

I don't know what this accomplishes, but it's par for the course.

For some on the left there is more than association. Most libertarians/conservatives don't want to BECOME racists/nazi/alt-rightists.

I have a feeling there are more democrats who sympathize with at least the democratic socialist views, big government, social government control, etc.

DeBlasio is a perfect example of this.
Yeah, I can agree with that. And they became far more emboldened when Obama was elected.

I have a cousin who is a hard core Democratic Socialist. He's also a retired professor of History, and a former communist. He's intelligent, lucid, and has no idea why people don't understand his ideas, or willingly follow them.

On the other hand his daughter is a full blown Anti-fa type, and not as smart as her father.
An ideology can infect and distort the perceptions and thought processes of perfectly intelligent people.

That's how powerful it is, and why it needs to be avoided.

It's a lifestyle virus, something we bring on ourselves, not unlike herpes.

There is nothing wrong with ideology, just how it is applied. I don't have a deep sense of dread and hate that my cousin is a Democratic Socialist. He has a different opinion of how the world should work. I am not offended by that, I just think he is wrong. However when I explain my views on things, from my Strict Constructional Federalist (with libertarian (small "l") leanings) it almost seems my views pain him, like he needs to hate me about it.

It's an inability to allow others to have differing views than yourself, and see their views as valid (if wrong) that I see as the problem.
The key word there is "inability".

You and I may disagree on how deeply ideology affects people, but I do agree that it creates inabilities - and to me that's the fundamental danger.
No evidence exists that President of the United States Donald J.Trump is racist? Not PC assumptions, but actual evidence that The President is a racist? One time? On record, not gossip, or your “interpretation” of his words...but actual racism? I find it insulting that liberal media and professoriate try to set the tone for cultural conversation in this country. Liberals always flame out and are not very articulate on this topic.
Analysis | How civics teachers can talk to students about Trump’s racist comments

The word “racist” has come to be understood by sane people to mean “someone to whom a LIbEral is badly losing an argument.”

By that definition, I'm sure it will be easy to find plenty of proof that Mr. Trump is a racist.
No evidence exists that President of the United States Donald J.Trump is racist? Not PC assumptions, but actual evidence that The President is a racist? One time? On record, not gossip, or your “interpretation” of his words...but actual racism? I find it insulting that liberal media and professoriate try to set the tone for cultural conversation in this country. Liberals always flame out and are not very articulate on this topic.
Analysis | How civics teachers can talk to students about Trump’s racist comments
Is this like hard evidence that Obama is racist?
No evidence exists that President of the United States Donald J.Trump is racist? Not PC assumptions, but actual evidence that The President is a racist? One time? On record, not gossip, or your “interpretation” of his words...but actual racism? I find it insulting that liberal media and professoriate try to set the tone for cultural conversation in this country. Liberals always flame out and are not very articulate on this topic.
Analysis | How civics teachers can talk to students about Trump’s racist comments

What evidence would be needed to prove that someone is a racist, in your view?
Made a direct statement directed at a specific race or ethnic group in a derogatory manner based upon their race or ethnicity.
He said:
When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best,” he said in the same speech. “They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

We minorities we don't just hate him just for the love of it. He targeted every group to please his racist base. And pay back will be in every election, till the GOP changes or abolishes its racist and fascist ways of conducting business.
Trump isn’t racist. Trump is Trumpist. Whether red, yellow, black or white, all those that love and suck up to Trump are precious in his sight.
Mueller / Snowflakes still can't even prove a crime was committed warranting an investigation, let alone their witch hunt.
Put together (layered, seven layers) with Adobe Acrobat.

Adobe Acrobat didn't exist in the 1960s

You're welcome

Do you know what you're talking about? Are you aware of how Adobe Acrobat puts together scanned images?

Adobe Acrobat didn't exist in the 1960s? Didn't exist in 1787 either, this must be a forgerty

No evidence exists that President of the United States Donald J.Trump is racist? Not PC assumptions, but actual evidence that The President is a racist? One time? On record, not gossip, or your “interpretation” of his words...but actual racism? I find it insulting that liberal media and professoriate try to set the tone for cultural conversation in this country. Liberals always flame out and are not very articulate on this topic.
Analysis | How civics teachers can talk to students about Trump’s racist comments

What evidence would be needed to prove that someone is a racist, in your view?
Made a direct statement directed at a specific race or ethnic group in a derogatory manner based upon their race or ethnicity.
He said:
When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best,” he said in the same speech. “They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

We minorities we don't just hate him just for the love of it. He targeted every group to please his racist base. And pay back will be in every election, till the GOP changes or abolishes its racist and fascist ways of conducting business.

Annnnnd how was he wrong? Mexico isn't encouraging their doctors and scientists to come over here illegally......they are encouraging their least educated and least skilled people and those with a propensity for violence to come here so that they don't have to deal with's not a's a fucking FACT. Just because you are too stupid to see it doesn't make it any less true.

ALSO when one of the wetbacks commits a heinous crime like murder where rape is involved? The Mexican "gubermint" wants to run to the U.N to prevent a death with that being said? Go fuck yourself........
He said:
When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best,” he said in the same speech. “They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

We minorities we don't just hate him just for the love of it. He targeted every group to please his racist base. And pay back will be in every election, till the GOP changes or abolishes its racist and fascist ways of conducting business.

So, being opposed to rapists and drug smugglers and criminals of all stripes is racist, is it?

I think you just helped prove my point.
He said:
When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best,” he said in the same speech. “They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

We minorities we don't just hate him just for the love of it. He targeted every group to please his racist base. And pay back will be in every election, till the GOP changes or abolishes its racist and fascist ways of conducting business.

So, being opposed to rapists and drug smugglers and criminals of all stripes is racist, is it?

I think you just helped prove my point.
Read it again. Trump said nothing about people of all stripes. He singled out Mexicans.
No evidence exists that President of the United States Donald J.Trump is racist? Not PC assumptions, but actual evidence that The President is a racist? One time? On record, not gossip, or your “interpretation” of his words...but actual racism? I find it insulting that liberal media and professoriate try to set the tone for cultural conversation in this country. Liberals always flame out and are not very articulate on this topic.
Analysis | How civics teachers can talk to students about Trump’s racist comments

What evidence would be needed to prove that someone is a racist, in your view?
Made a direct statement directed at a specific race or ethnic group in a derogatory manner based upon their race or ethnicity.
He said:
When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best,” he said in the same speech. “They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

We minorities we don't just hate him just for the love of it. He targeted every group to please his racist base. And pay back will be in every election, till the GOP changes or abolishes its racist and fascist ways of conducting business.

Annnnnd how was he wrong? Mexico isn't encouraging their doctors and scientists to come over here illegally......they are encouraging their least educated and least skilled people and those with a propensity for violence to come here so that they don't have to deal with's not a's a fucking FACT. Just because you are too stupid to see it doesn't make it any less true.

ALSO when one of the wetbacks commits a heinous crime like murder where rape is involved? The Mexican "gubermint" wants to run to the U.N to prevent a death with that being said? Go fuck yourself........
Irony : Someone who tries to defend racism charged at his political ally while using the term wetback.
No evidence exists that President of the United States Donald J.Trump is racist? Not PC assumptions, but actual evidence that The President is a racist? One time? On record, not gossip, or your “interpretation” of his words...but actual racism? I find it insulting that liberal media and professoriate try to set the tone for cultural conversation in this country. Liberals always flame out and are not very articulate on this topic.
Analysis | How civics teachers can talk to students about Trump’s racist comments

What evidence would be needed to prove that someone is a racist, in your view?
Made a direct statement directed at a specific race or ethnic group in a derogatory manner based upon their race or ethnicity.
He said:
When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best,” he said in the same speech. “They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

We minorities we don't just hate him just for the love of it. He targeted every group to please his racist base. And pay back will be in every election, till the GOP changes or abolishes its racist and fascist ways of conducting business.

Annnnnd how was he wrong? Mexico isn't encouraging their doctors and scientists to come over here illegally......they are encouraging their least educated and least skilled people and those with a propensity for violence to come here so that they don't have to deal with's not a's a fucking FACT. Just because you are too stupid to see it doesn't make it any less true.

ALSO when one of the wetbacks commits a heinous crime like murder where rape is involved? The Mexican "gubermint" wants to run to the U.N to prevent a death with that being said? Go fuck yourself........
Irony : Someone who tries to defend racism charged at his political ally while using the term wetback.

Read it again. Trump said nothing about people of all stripes. He singled out Mexicans.

He singled out drug smugglers, rapists, gangsters, and criminals.

And he was not wrong in so doing.
Yes he was wrong. First of all the Mexican government is not behind some sort of special deportation of drug smugglers, rapists, gangsters, and criminals. To say so is idiotic. The people that are coming through are coming through on their own accord to be a part of the "American Dream" You know the dream that is romanticized by so many Americans themselves. You sell yourself off to be the place where anyone can make it and you rape countries around the world and then get angry when these people want to make a life for themselves. The overwhelming majority of these people do not fit into these categories of drug smugglers, rapists and gangsters. That is the fact. Every country in the world has drug smugglers, rapists, gangsters, and criminals and Trump only singled out Mexico. The comment is a bigoted/racist comment.
Hey Dale Smith, I noticed you find my last 2 posts comical yet you could not argue them. You're at a political forum so why don't you try and and actually argue my points instead of being a coward.
Hey Dale Smith, I noticed you find my last 2 posts comical yet you could not argue them. You're at a political forum so why don't you try and and actually argue my points instead of being a coward.

Because you are a joke. I usually save my time for those that have a little bit of "game" don't have any.
No evidence exists that President of the United States Donald J.Trump is racist? Not PC assumptions, but actual evidence that The President is a racist? One time? On record, not gossip, or your “interpretation” of his words...but actual racism? I find it insulting that liberal media and professoriate try to set the tone for cultural conversation in this country. Liberals always flame out and are not very articulate on this topic.
Analysis | How civics teachers can talk to students about Trump’s racist comments
Is this like hard evidence that Obama is racist?
Well they did deep six the picture of him and Farrakhan...hmmm...wonder why?

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